/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2016 The uBlock Origin authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global HTMLDocument, XMLDocument */ // For non background pages /******************************************************************************/ (function(self) { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/464 if ( document instanceof HTMLDocument === false ) { // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1528 // A XMLDocument can be a valid HTML document. if ( document instanceof XMLDocument === false || document.createElement('div') instanceof HTMLDivElement === false ) { return; } } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1124 // Looks like `contentType` is on track to be standardized: // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-document-content-type if ( (document.contentType || '').lastIndexOf('image/', 0) === 0 ) { return; } /******************************************************************************/ var vAPI = self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {}; var chrome = self.chrome; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/456 // Already injected? if ( vAPI.sessionId ) { return; } vAPI.sessionId = String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); vAPI.chrome = true; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.setTimeout = vAPI.setTimeout || self.setTimeout.bind(self); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.shutdown = (function() { var jobs = []; var add = function(job) { jobs.push(job); }; var exec = function() { var job; while ( (job = jobs.pop()) ) { job(); } }; return { add: add, exec: exec }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging = { port: null, portTimer: null, portTimerDelay: 10000, channels: Object.create(null), channelCount: 0, pending: Object.create(null), pendingCount: 0, auxProcessId: 1, shuttingDown: false, shutdown: function() { this.shuttingDown = true; this.destroyPort(); }, disconnectListener: function() { this.port = null; vAPI.shutdown.exec(); }, disconnectListenerCallback: null, messageListener: function(details) { if ( !details ) { return; } // Sent to all channels if ( details.broadcast === true && !details.channelName ) { for ( var channelName in this.channels ) { this.sendToChannelListeners(channelName, details.msg); } return; } // Response to specific message previously sent if ( details.auxProcessId ) { var listener = this.pending[details.auxProcessId]; delete this.pending[details.auxProcessId]; delete details.auxProcessId; // TODO: why? if ( listener ) { this.pendingCount -= 1; listener(details.msg); return; } } // Sent to a specific channel var response = this.sendToChannelListeners(details.channelName, details.msg); // Respond back if required if ( details.mainProcessId === undefined ) { return; } var port = this.connect(); if ( port !== null ) { port.postMessage({ mainProcessId: details.mainProcessId, msg: response }); } }, messageListenerCallback: null, portPoller: function() { this.portTimer = null; if ( this.port !== null ) { if ( this.channelCount !== 0 || this.pendingCount !== 0 ) { this.portTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(this.portPollerCallback, this.portTimerDelay); this.portTimerDelay = Math.min(this.portTimerDelay * 2, 60 * 60 * 1000); return; } } this.destroyPort(); }, portPollerCallback: null, destroyPort: function() { if ( this.portTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.portTimer); this.portTimer = null; } var port = this.port; if ( port !== null ) { port.disconnect(); port.onMessage.removeListener(this.messageListenerCallback); port.onDisconnect.removeListener(this.disconnectListenerCallback); this.port = null; } if ( this.channelCount !== 0 ) { this.channels = Object.create(null); this.channelCount = 0; } // service pending callbacks if ( this.pendingCount !== 0 ) { var pending = this.pending, callback; this.pending = Object.create(null); this.pendingCount = 0; for ( var auxId in pending ) { callback = pending[auxId]; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(null); } } } }, createPort: function() { if ( this.shuttingDown ) { return null; } if ( this.messageListenerCallback === null ) { this.messageListenerCallback = this.messageListener.bind(this); this.disconnectListenerCallback = this.disconnectListener.bind(this); this.portPollerCallback = this.portPoller.bind(this); } try { this.port = chrome.runtime.connect({name: vAPI.sessionId}) || null; } catch (ex) { this.port = null; } if ( this.port !== null ) { this.port.onMessage.addListener(this.messageListenerCallback); this.port.onDisconnect.addListener(this.disconnectListenerCallback); } this.portTimerDelay = 10000; if ( this.portTimer === null ) { this.portTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(this.portPollerCallback, this.portTimerDelay); } return this.port; }, connect: function() { return this.port !== null ? this.port : this.createPort(); }, send: function(channelName, message, callback) { this.sendTo(channelName, message, undefined, undefined, callback); }, sendTo: function(channelName, message, toTabId, toChannel, callback) { // Too large a gap between the last request and the last response means // the main process is no longer reachable: memory leaks and bad // performance become a risk -- especially for long-lived, dynamic // pages. Guard against this. if ( this.pendingCount > 25 ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); } var port = this.connect(); if ( port === null ) { if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } return; } var auxProcessId; if ( callback ) { auxProcessId = this.auxProcessId++; this.pending[auxProcessId] = callback; this.pendingCount += 1; } port.postMessage({ channelName: channelName, auxProcessId: auxProcessId, toTabId: toTabId, toChannel: toChannel, msg: message }); }, addChannelListener: function(channelName, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners !== undefined && listeners.indexOf(callback) !== -1 ) { console.error('Duplicate listener on channel "%s"', channelName); return; } if ( listeners === undefined ) { this.channels[channelName] = [callback]; this.channelCount += 1; } else { listeners.push(callback); } this.connect(); }, removeChannelListener: function(channelName, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } var pos = this.listeners.indexOf(callback); if ( pos === -1 ) { console.error('Listener not found on channel "%s"', channelName); return; } listeners.splice(pos, 1); if ( listeners.length === 0 ) { delete this.channels[channelName]; this.channelCount -= 1; } }, removeAllChannelListeners: function(channelName) { var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } delete this.channels[channelName]; this.channelCount -= 1; }, sendToChannelListeners: function(channelName, msg) { var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } var response; for ( var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; i++ ) { response = listeners[i](msg); if ( response !== undefined ) { break; } } return response; } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.shutdown.add(function() { vAPI.messaging.shutdown(); delete window.vAPI; }); // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT5zCHn0tsg // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-jS4e3zacI /******************************************************************************/ // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=129353 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/956 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1497 // Trap calls to WebSocket constructor, and expose websocket-based network // requests to uBO's filtering engine, logger, etc. // Counterpart of following block of code is found in "vapi-background.js" -- // search for "https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1497". /* jshint multistr: true */ (function() { // Fix won't be applied on older versions of Chromium. if ( window.WebSocket instanceof Function === false || window.WeakMap instanceof Function === false ) { return; } // Only for http/https documents. if ( /^https?:/.test(window.location.protocol) !== true ) { return; } var doc = document; var parent = doc.head || doc.documentElement; if ( parent === null ) { return; } // WebSocket reference: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html // The script tag will remove itself from the DOM once it completes // execution. // Ideally, the `js/websocket.js` script would be declared as a // `web_accessible_resources` in the manifest, but this unfortunately would // open the door for web pages to identify *directly* that one is using // uBlock Origin. Consequently, I have to inject the code as a literal // string below :( // For code review, the stringified code below is found in // `js/websocket.js` (comments and empty lines were stripped). var script = doc.createElement('script'); script.textContent = "\ (function() { \n\ 'use strict'; \n\ var Wrapped = window.WebSocket; \n\ var toWrapped = new WeakMap(); \n\ var onResponseReceived = function(wrapper, ok) { \n\ this.onload = this.onerror = null; \n\ var bag = toWrapped.get(wrapper); \n\ if ( !ok ) { \n\ if ( bag.properties.onerror ) { \n\ bag.properties.onerror(new window.ErrorEvent('error')); \n\ } \n\ return; \n\ } \n\ var wrapped = new Wrapped(bag.args.url, bag.args.protocols); \n\ for ( var prop in bag.properties ) { \n\ wrapped[prop] = bag.properties[prop]; \n\ } \n\ toWrapped.set(wrapper, wrapped); \n\ }; \n\ var noopfn = function() {}; \n\ var fallthruGet = function(wrapper, prop, value) { \n\ var wrapped = toWrapped.get(wrapper); \n\ if ( !wrapped ) { \n\ return value; \n\ } \n\ if ( wrapped instanceof Wrapped ) { \n\ return wrapped[prop]; \n\ } \n\ return wrapped.properties.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? \n\ wrapped.properties[prop] : \n\ value; \n\ }; \n\ var fallthruSet = function(wrapper, prop, value) { \n\ if ( value instanceof Function ) { \n\ value = value.bind(wrapper); \n\ } \n\ var wrapped = toWrapped.get(wrapper); \n\ if ( !wrapped ) { \n\ return; \n\ } \n\ if ( wrapped instanceof Wrapped ) { \n\ wrapped[prop] = value; \n\ } else { \n\ wrapped.properties[prop] = value; \n\ } \n\ }; \n\ var WebSocket = function(url, protocols) { \n\ if ( \n\ window.location.protocol === 'https:' && \n\ url.lastIndexOf('ws:', 0) === 0 \n\ ) { \n\ var ws = new Wrapped(url, protocols); \n\ if ( ws ) { \n\ ws.close(); \n\ } \n\ } \n\ Object.defineProperties(this, { \n\ 'binaryType': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'binaryType', ''); \n\ }, \n\ set: function(value) { \n\ fallthruSet(this, 'binaryType', value); \n\ } \n\ }, \n\ 'bufferedAmount': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'bufferedAmount', 0); \n\ }, \n\ set: noopfn \n\ }, \n\ 'extensions': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'extensions', ''); \n\ }, \n\ set: noopfn \n\ }, \n\ 'onclose': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'onclose', null); \n\ }, \n\ set: function(value) { \n\ fallthruSet(this, 'onclose', value); \n\ } \n\ }, \n\ 'onerror': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'onerror', null); \n\ }, \n\ set: function(value) { \n\ fallthruSet(this, 'onerror', value); \n\ } \n\ }, \n\ 'onmessage': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'onmessage', null); \n\ }, \n\ set: function(value) { \n\ fallthruSet(this, 'onmessage', value); \n\ } \n\ }, \n\ 'onopen': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'onopen', null); \n\ }, \n\ set: function(value) { \n\ fallthruSet(this, 'onopen', value); \n\ } \n\ }, \n\ 'protocol': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'protocol', ''); \n\ }, \n\ set: noopfn \n\ }, \n\ 'readyState': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'readyState', 0); \n\ }, \n\ set: noopfn \n\ }, \n\ 'url': { \n\ get: function() { \n\ return fallthruGet(this, 'url', ''); \n\ }, \n\ set: noopfn \n\ } \n\ }); \n\ toWrapped.set(this, { \n\ args: { url: url, protocols: protocols }, \n\ properties: {} \n\ }); \n\ var img = new Image(); \n\ img.src = \n\ window.location.origin \n\ + '?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) \n\ + '&ubofix=f41665f3028c7fd10eecf573336216d3'; \n\ img.onload = onResponseReceived.bind(img, this, true); \n\ img.onerror = onResponseReceived.bind(img, this, false); \n\ }; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.CONNECTING = 0; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.OPEN = 1; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.CLOSING = 2; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.CLOSED = 3; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.close = function(code, reason) { \n\ var wrapped = toWrapped.get(this); \n\ if ( wrapped instanceof Wrapped ) { \n\ wrapped.close(code, reason); \n\ } \n\ }; \n\ WebSocket.prototype.send = function(data) { \n\ var wrapped = toWrapped.get(this); \n\ if ( wrapped instanceof Wrapped ) { \n\ wrapped.send(data); \n\ } \n\ }; \n\ window.WebSocket = WebSocket; \n\ var me = document.currentScript; \n\ if ( me && me.parentNode !== null ) { \n\ me.parentNode.removeChild(me); \n\ } \n\ })();"; try { parent.appendChild(script); } catch (ex) { } })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ })(this); /******************************************************************************/