/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ // Load all: executed once. (async ( ) => { // >>>>> start of private scope const µb = µBlock; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.onShutdown = function() { const µb = µBlock; µb.staticFilteringReverseLookup.shutdown(); µb.assets.updateStop(); µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.staticExtFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.sessionFirewall.reset(); µb.permanentFirewall.reset(); µb.sessionURLFiltering.reset(); µb.permanentURLFiltering.reset(); µb.sessionSwitches.reset(); µb.permanentSwitches.reset(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is called only once, when everything has been loaded in memory after // the extension was launched. It can be used to inject content scripts // in already opened web pages, to remove whatever nuisance could make it to // the web pages before uBlock was ready. const initializeTabs = async function() { const manifest = browser.runtime.getManifest(); if ( manifest instanceof Object === false ) { return; } const tabs = await vAPI.tabs.query({ url: '' }); const toCheck = []; const checker = { file: 'js/scriptlets/should-inject-contentscript.js' }; for ( const tab of tabs ) { µb.tabContextManager.commit(tab.id, tab.url); µb.bindTabToPageStats(tab.id); // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/129 // Find out whether content scripts need to be injected // programmatically. This may be necessary for web pages which // were loaded before uBO launched. toCheck.push( /^https?:\/\//.test(tab.url) ? vAPI.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, checker) : false ); } const results = await Promise.all(toCheck); for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { const result = results[i]; if ( result.length === 0 || result[0] !== true ) { continue; } // Inject dclarative content scripts programmatically. const tabId = tabs[i].id; for ( const contentScript of manifest.content_scripts ) { for ( const file of contentScript.js ) { vAPI.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: file, allFrames: contentScript.all_frames, runAt: contentScript.run_at }); } } } }; /******************************************************************************/ const onCommandShortcutsReady = function(commandShortcuts) { if ( Array.isArray(commandShortcuts) === false ) { return; } µb.commandShortcuts = new Map(commandShortcuts); if ( µb.canUpdateShortcuts === false ) { return; } for ( const entry of commandShortcuts ) { vAPI.commands.update({ name: entry[0], shortcut: entry[1] }); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // To bring older versions up to date const onVersionReady = function(lastVersion) { if ( lastVersion === vAPI.app.version ) { return; } // Since built-in resources may have changed since last version, we // force a reload of all resources. µb.redirectEngine.invalidateResourcesSelfie(); const lastVersionInt = vAPI.app.intFromVersion(lastVersion); // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/494 // Remove useless per-site switches. if ( lastVersionInt <= 1019003007 ) { µb.sessionSwitches.toggle('no-scripting', 'behind-the-scene', 0); µb.permanentSwitches.toggle('no-scripting', 'behind-the-scene', 0); µb.saveHostnameSwitches(); } vAPI.storage.set({ version: vAPI.app.version }); }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/226 // Whitelist in memory. // Whitelist parser needs PSL to be ready. // gorhill 2014-12-15: not anymore const onNetWhitelistReady = function(netWhitelistRaw) { if ( typeof netWhitelistRaw === 'string' ) { netWhitelistRaw = netWhitelistRaw.split('\n'); } µb.netWhitelist = µb.whitelistFromArray(netWhitelistRaw); µb.netWhitelistModifyTime = Date.now(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // User settings are in memory const onUserSettingsReady = function(fetched) { const userSettings = µb.userSettings; fromFetch(userSettings, fetched); if ( µb.privacySettingsSupported ) { vAPI.browserSettings.set({ 'hyperlinkAuditing': !userSettings.hyperlinkAuditingDisabled, 'prefetching': !userSettings.prefetchingDisabled, 'webrtcIPAddress': !userSettings.webrtcIPAddressHidden }); } µb.permanentFirewall.fromString(fetched.dynamicFilteringString); µb.sessionFirewall.assign(µb.permanentFirewall); µb.permanentURLFiltering.fromString(fetched.urlFilteringString); µb.sessionURLFiltering.assign(µb.permanentURLFiltering); µb.permanentSwitches.fromString(fetched.hostnameSwitchesString); µb.sessionSwitches.assign(µb.permanentSwitches); }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1588916 // Save magic format numbers into the cache storage itself. const onCacheSettingsReady = function(fetched) { if ( fetched.compiledMagic !== µb.systemSettings.compiledMagic ) { µb.assets.remove(/^compiled\//); µb.compiledFormatChanged = true; µb.selfieIsInvalid = true; } if ( fetched.selfieMagic !== µb.systemSettings.selfieMagic ) { µb.selfieIsInvalid = true; } if ( µb.selfieIsInvalid ) { µb.selfieManager.destroy(); µb.cacheStorage.set(µb.systemSettings); } }; /******************************************************************************/ const onFirstFetchReady = function(fetched) { // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/507 // Firefox-specific: somehow `fetched` is undefined under certain // circumstances even though we asked to load with default values. if ( fetched instanceof Object === false ) { fetched = createDefaultProps(); } // Order is important -- do not change: fromFetch(µb.localSettings, fetched); onUserSettingsReady(fetched); fromFetch(µb.restoreBackupSettings, fetched); onNetWhitelistReady(fetched.netWhitelist); onVersionReady(fetched.version); onCommandShortcutsReady(fetched.commandShortcuts); }; /******************************************************************************/ const toFetch = function(from, fetched) { for ( const k in from ) { if ( from.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } fetched[k] = from[k]; } }; const fromFetch = function(to, fetched) { for ( const k in to ) { if ( to.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } if ( fetched.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } to[k] = fetched[k]; } }; const createDefaultProps = function() { const fetchableProps = { 'commandShortcuts': [], 'dynamicFilteringString': [ 'behind-the-scene * * noop', 'behind-the-scene * image noop', 'behind-the-scene * 3p noop', 'behind-the-scene * inline-script noop', 'behind-the-scene * 1p-script noop', 'behind-the-scene * 3p-script noop', 'behind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop' ].join('\n'), 'urlFilteringString': '', 'hostnameSwitchesString': [ 'no-large-media: behind-the-scene false', ].join('\n'), 'lastRestoreFile': '', 'lastRestoreTime': 0, 'lastBackupFile': '', 'lastBackupTime': 0, 'netWhitelist': µb.netWhitelistDefault, 'version': '' }; toFetch(µb.localSettings, fetchableProps); toFetch(µb.userSettings, fetchableProps); toFetch(µb.restoreBackupSettings, fetchableProps); return fetchableProps; }; /******************************************************************************/ try { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/531 await µb.restoreAdminSettings(); log.info(`Admin settings ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); await µb.loadHiddenSettings(); log.info(`Hidden settings ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); // By default network requests are always suspended, so we must // unsuspend immediately if commanded by platform + advanced settings. if ( vAPI.net.canSuspend() && µb.hiddenSettings.suspendTabsUntilReady === 'no' || vAPI.net.canSuspend() !== true && µb.hiddenSettings.suspendTabsUntilReady !== 'yes' ) { vAPI.net.unsuspend(true); } if ( µb.hiddenSettings.disableWebAssembly !== true ) { µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.enableWASM().then(( ) => { log.info(`WASM modules ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); }); } const cacheBackend = await µb.cacheStorage.select( µb.hiddenSettings.cacheStorageAPI ); log.info(`Backend storage for cache will be ${cacheBackend}`); await Promise.all([ µb.loadSelectedFilterLists().then(( ) => { log.info(`List selection ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); }), µb.cacheStorage.get( { compiledMagic: 0, selfieMagic: 0 } ).then(fetched => { log.info(`Cache magic numbers ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); onCacheSettingsReady(fetched); }), vAPI.storage.get(createDefaultProps()).then(fetched => { log.info(`First fetch ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); onFirstFetchReady(fetched); }), µb.loadPublicSuffixList().then(( ) => { log.info(`PSL ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); }), ]); } catch (ex) { console.trace(ex); } // Prime the filtering engines before first use. µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.prime(); // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/817#issuecomment-565730122 // Still try to load filter lists regardless of whether a serious error // occurred in the previous initialization steps. let selfieIsValid = false; try { selfieIsValid = await µb.selfieManager.load(); if ( selfieIsValid === true ) { log.info(`Selfie ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); } } catch (ex) { console.trace(ex); } if ( selfieIsValid !== true ) { try { await µb.loadFilterLists(); log.info(`Filter lists ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); } catch (ex) { console.trace(ex); } } // Final initialization steps after all needed assets are in memory. // Start network observers. µb.webRequest.start(); // Ensure that the resources allocated for decompression purpose (likely // large buffers) are garbage-collectable immediately after launch. // Otherwise I have observed that it may take quite a while before the // garbage collection of these resources kicks in. Relinquishing as soon // as possible ensure minimal memory usage baseline. µb.lz4Codec.relinquish(); // Initialize internal state with maybe already existing tabs. initializeTabs(); // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/184 // Check for updates not too far in the future. µb.assets.addObserver(µb.assetObserver.bind(µb)); µb.scheduleAssetUpdater( µb.userSettings.autoUpdate ? µb.hiddenSettings.autoUpdateDelayAfterLaunch * 1000 : 0 ); // Force an update of the context menu according to the currently // active tab. µb.contextMenu.update(); // Maybe install non-default popup document, or automatically select // default UI according to platform. if ( browser.browserAction instanceof Object && browser.browserAction.setPopup instanceof Function ) { let uiFlavor = µb.hiddenSettings.uiFlavor; if ( uiFlavor === 'unset' && vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('mobile') ) { uiFlavor = 'fenix'; } if ( uiFlavor !== 'unset' && /\w+/.test(uiFlavor) ) { browser.browserAction.setPopup({ popup: vAPI.getURL(`popup-${uiFlavor}.html`) }); } } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/717 // Prevent the extension from being restarted mid-session. browser.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(details => { const toInt = vAPI.app.intFromVersion; if ( µBlock.hiddenSettings.extensionUpdateForceReload === true || toInt(details.version) <= toInt(vAPI.app.version) ) { vAPI.app.restart(); } }); log.info(`All ready ${Date.now()-vAPI.T0} ms after launch`); // <<<<< end of private scope })();