/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global µBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ // Async job queue module µBlock.asyncJobs = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var processJobs = function() { asyncJobManager.process(); }; var AsyncJobEntry = function(name) { this.name = name; this.data = null; this.callback = null; this.when = 0; this.period = 0; }; AsyncJobEntry.prototype.destroy = function() { this.name = ''; this.data = null; this.callback = null; }; /******************************************************************************/ var AsyncJobManager = function() { this.timeResolution = 200; this.jobs = {}; this.jobCount = 0; this.jobJunkyard = []; this.timerId = null; this.timerWhen = Number.MAX_VALUE; }; /******************************************************************************/ AsyncJobManager.prototype.restartTimer = function() { // TODO: Another way to do this is to extract the keys, sort the keys // in chronological order, than pick the first entry to get the next // time at which we want a time event to fire. Completely unsure the // overhead of extracting keys/sorting is less than what is below. // I could also keep the keys ordered, and use binary search when adding // a new job. var when = Number.MAX_VALUE; var jobs = this.jobs, job; for ( var jobName in jobs ) { job = jobs[jobName]; if ( job instanceof AsyncJobEntry ) { if ( job.when < when ) { when = job.when; } } } // Quantize time value when = Math.floor((when + this.timeResolution - 1) / this.timeResolution) * this.timeResolution; // TODO: Maybe use chrome.alarms() API when the next job is at more than // one minute in the future... From reading about it, chrome.alarms() is // smarter in that it will fire the event only when the browser is not // too busy. (through XAL to abstract API specificities) if ( when < this.timerWhen ) { clearTimeout(this.timerId); this.timerWhen = when; this.timerId = setTimeout(processJobs, Math.max(when - Date.now(), 10)); } }; /******************************************************************************/ AsyncJobManager.prototype.add = function(name, data, callback, delay, recurrent) { var job = this.jobs[name]; if ( !job ) { job = this.jobJunkyard.pop(); if ( !job ) { job = new AsyncJobEntry(name); } else { job.name = name; } this.jobs[name] = job; this.jobCount++; } job.data = data; job.callback = callback; job.when = Date.now() + delay; job.period = recurrent ? delay : 0; this.restartTimer(); }; /******************************************************************************/ AsyncJobManager.prototype.remove = function(jobName) { if ( this.jobs.hasOwnProperty(jobName) === false ) { return; } var job = this.jobs[jobName]; delete this.jobs[jobName]; job.destroy(); this.jobCount--; this.jobJunkyard.push(job); this.restartTimer(); }; /******************************************************************************/ AsyncJobManager.prototype.process = function() { this.timerId = null; this.timerWhen = Number.MAX_VALUE; var now = Date.now(); var job; for ( var jobName in this.jobs ) { if ( this.jobs.hasOwnProperty(jobName) === false ) { continue; } job = this.jobs[jobName]; if ( job.when > now ) { continue; } job.callback(job.data); if ( job.period ) { job.when = now + job.period; } else { delete this.jobs[jobName]; job.destroy(); this.jobCount--; this.jobJunkyard.push(job); } } this.restartTimer(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Only one instance var asyncJobManager = new AsyncJobManager(); /******************************************************************************/ // Publish return asyncJobManager; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // Update visual of extension icon. // A time out is used to coalesce adjacent requests to update badge. µBlock.updateBadgeAsync = (function(){ var µb = µBlock; // Cache callback definition, it was a bad idea to define this one inside // updateBadgeAsync var updateBadge = function(tabId) { var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore ) { pageStore.updateBadge(); return; } µb.XAL.setIcon( tabId, { '19': 'img/browsericons/icon19-off.png', '38': 'img/browsericons/icon38-off.png' }, '' ); }; var updateBadgeAsync = function(tabId) { if ( tabId < 0 ) { return; } µb.asyncJobs.add('updateBadge-' + tabId, tabId, updateBadge, 250); }; return updateBadgeAsync; })();