/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; // For content pages // Abort execution if our global vAPI object does not exist. // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/456 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2029 if ( typeof vAPI === 'object' ) { // >>>>>>>> start of HUGE-IF-BLOCK /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.userStylesheet = { style: null, styleFixCount: 0, css: new Map(), disabled: false, apply: function() { }, inject: function() { this.style = document.createElement('style'); this.style.disabled = this.disabled; var parent = document.head || document.documentElement; if ( parent === null ) { return; } parent.appendChild(this.style); var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { if ( this.style === null ) { return; } if ( this.style.sheet !== null ) { return; } this.styleFixCount += 1; if ( this.styleFixCount < 32 ) { parent.appendChild(this.style); } else { observer.disconnect(); } }.bind(this)); observer.observe(parent, { childList: true }); }, add: function(cssText) { if ( cssText === '' || this.css.has(cssText) ) { return; } if ( this.style === null ) { this.inject(); } var sheet = this.style.sheet; if ( !sheet ) { return; } var i = sheet.cssRules.length; sheet.insertRule(cssText, i); this.css.set(cssText, sheet.cssRules[i]); }, remove: function(cssText) { if ( cssText === '' ) { return; } var cssRule = this.css.get(cssText); if ( cssRule === undefined ) { return; } this.css.delete(cssText); if ( this.style === null ) { return; } var sheet = this.style.sheet; if ( !sheet ) { return; } var rules = sheet.cssRules, i = rules.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( rules[i] !== cssRule ) { continue; } sheet.deleteRule(i); break; } if ( rules.length !== 0 ) { return; } var style = this.style; this.style = null; var parent = style.parentNode; if ( parent !== null ) { parent.removeChild(style); } }, toggle: function(state) { if ( state === undefined ) { state = this.disabled; } if ( state !== this.disabled ) { return; } this.disabled = !state; if ( this.style !== null ) { this.style.disabled = this.disabled; } } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.DOMFilterer = function() { this.commitTimer = new vAPI.SafeAnimationFrame(this.commitNow.bind(this)); this.domIsReady = document.readyState !== 'loading'; this.listeners = []; this.excludedNodeSet = new WeakSet(); this.addedNodes = new Set(); this.removedNodes = false; this.specificSimpleHide = new Set(); this.specificSimpleHideAggregated = undefined; this.addedSpecificSimpleHide = []; this.specificComplexHide = new Set(); this.specificComplexHideAggregated = undefined; this.addedSpecificComplexHide = []; this.specificOthers = []; this.genericSimpleHide = new Set(); this.genericComplexHide = new Set(); this.hideNodeExpando = undefined; this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer = undefined; this.hiddenNodeObserver = undefined; this.hiddenNodesetToProcess = new Set(); this.hiddenNodeset = new WeakSet(); if ( vAPI.domWatcher instanceof Object ) { vAPI.domWatcher.addListener(this); } }; vAPI.DOMFilterer.prototype = { // https://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/CSS/Selectors#Combinators reCSSCombinators: /[ >+~]/, commitNow: function() { this.commitTimer.clear(); if ( this.domIsReady !== true || vAPI.userStylesheet.disabled ) { return; } var nodes, node; // Filterset changed. if ( this.addedSpecificSimpleHide.length !== 0 ) { //console.time('specific simple filterset changed'); //console.log('added %d specific simple selectors', this.addedSpecificSimpleHide.length); nodes = document.querySelectorAll(this.addedSpecificSimpleHide.join(',')); for ( node of nodes ) { this.hideNode(node); } this.addedSpecificSimpleHide = []; this.specificSimpleHideAggregated = undefined; //console.timeEnd('specific simple filterset changed'); } if ( this.addedSpecificComplexHide.length !== 0 ) { //console.time('specific complex filterset changed'); //console.log('added %d specific complex selectors', this.addedSpecificComplexHide.length); nodes = document.querySelectorAll(this.addedSpecificComplexHide.join(',')); for ( node of nodes ) { this.hideNode(node); } this.addedSpecificComplexHide = []; this.specificComplexHideAggregated = undefined; //console.timeEnd('specific complex filterset changed'); } // DOM layout changed. var domNodesAdded = this.addedNodes.size !== 0, domLayoutChanged = domNodesAdded || this.removedNodes; if ( domNodesAdded === false || domLayoutChanged === false ) { return; } //console.log('%d nodes added', this.addedNodes.size); if ( this.specificSimpleHide.size !== 0 && domNodesAdded ) { //console.time('dom layout changed/specific simple selectors'); if ( this.specificSimpleHideAggregated === undefined ) { this.specificSimpleHideAggregated = Array.from(this.specificSimpleHide).join(',\n'); } for ( node of this.addedNodes ) { if ( node[vAPI.matchesProp](this.specificSimpleHideAggregated) ) { this.hideNode(node); } nodes = node.querySelectorAll(this.specificSimpleHideAggregated); for ( node of nodes ) { this.hideNode(node); } } //console.timeEnd('dom layout changed/specific simple selectors'); } if ( this.specificComplexHide.size !== 0 && domLayoutChanged ) { //console.time('dom layout changed/specific complex selectors'); if ( this.specificComplexHideAggregated === undefined ) { this.specificComplexHideAggregated = Array.from(this.specificComplexHide).join(',\n'); } nodes = document.querySelectorAll(this.specificComplexHideAggregated); for ( node of nodes ) { this.hideNode(node); } //console.timeEnd('dom layout changed/specific complex selectors'); } this.addedNodes.clear(); this.removedNodes = false; }, commit: function(now) { if ( now ) { this.commitTimer.clear(); this.commitNow(); } else { this.commitTimer.start(); } }, addCSSRule: function(selectors, declarations, details) { if ( selectors === undefined ) { return; } if ( details === undefined ) { details = {}; } var selectorsStr = Array.isArray(selectors) ? selectors.join(',\n') : selectors; if ( selectorsStr.length === 0 ) { return; } vAPI.userStylesheet.add(selectorsStr + '\n{' + declarations + '}'); this.commit(); if ( this.hasListeners() ) { this.triggerListeners({ declarative: [ [ selectorsStr, declarations ] ] }); } if ( declarations !== 'display:none!important;' ) { this.specificOthers.push({ selectors: selectorsStr, declarations: declarations }); return; } // Do not strongly enforce internal CSS rules. if ( details.internal ) { return; } var isGeneric= details.lazy === true, isSimple = details.type === 'simple', isComplex = details.type === 'complex', selector; if ( isGeneric ) { if ( isSimple ) { this.genericSimpleHide.add(selectorsStr); return; } if ( isComplex ) { this.genericComplexHide.add(selectorsStr); return; } } var selectorsArr = Array.isArray(selectors) ? selectors : selectors.split(',\n'); if ( isGeneric ) { for ( selector of selectorsArr ) { if ( this.reCSSCombinators.test(selector) ) { this.genericComplexHide.add(selector); } else { this.genericSimpleHide.add(selector); } } return; } // Specific cosmetic filters. for ( selector of selectorsArr ) { if ( isComplex || isSimple === false && this.reCSSCombinators.test(selector) ) { if ( this.specificComplexHide.has(selector) === false ) { this.specificComplexHide.add(selector); this.addedSpecificComplexHide.push(selector); } } else if ( this.specificSimpleHide.has(selector) === false ) { this.specificSimpleHide.add(selector); this.addedSpecificSimpleHide.push(selector); } } }, onDOMCreated: function() { this.domIsReady = true; this.addedNodes.clear(); this.removedNodes = false; this.commit(); }, onDOMChanged: function(addedNodes, removedNodes) { for ( var node of addedNodes ) { this.addedNodes.add(node); } this.removedNodes = this.removedNodes || removedNodes; this.commit(); }, addListener: function(listener) { if ( this.listeners.indexOf(listener) !== -1 ) { return; } this.listeners.push(listener); }, removeListener: function(listener) { var pos = this.listeners.indexOf(listener); if ( pos === -1 ) { return; } this.listeners.splice(pos, 1); }, hasListeners: function() { return this.listeners.length !== 0; }, triggerListeners: function(changes) { var i = this.listeners.length; while ( i-- ) { this.listeners[i].onFiltersetChanged(changes); } }, // https://jsperf.com/clientheight-and-clientwidth-vs-getcomputedstyle // Avoid getComputedStyle(), detecting whether a node is visible can be // achieved with clientWidth/clientHeight. // https://gist.github.com/paulirish/5d52fb081b3570c81e3a // Do not interleave read-from/write-to the DOM. Write-to DOM // operations would cause the first read-from to be expensive, and // interleaving means that potentially all single read-from operation // would be expensive rather than just the 1st one. // Benchmarking toggling off/on cosmetic filtering confirms quite an // improvement when: // - batching as much as possible handling of all nodes; // - avoiding to interleave read-from/write-to operations. // However, toggling off/on cosmetic filtering repeatedly is not // a real use case, but this shows this will help performance // on sites which try to use inline styles to bypass blockers. hideNodeBatchProcess: function() { this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer.clear(); var expando = this.hideNodeExpando; for ( var node of this.hiddenNodesetToProcess ) { if ( this.hiddenNodeset.has(node) === false || node[expando] === undefined || node.clientHeight === 0 || node.clientWidth === 0 ) { continue; } var attr = node.getAttribute('style'); if ( attr === null ) { attr = ''; } else if ( attr.length !== 0 && attr.charCodeAt(attr.length - 1) !== 0x3B /* ';' */ ) { attr += ';'; } node.setAttribute('style', attr + 'display:none!important;'); } this.hiddenNodesetToProcess.clear(); }, hideNodeObserverHandler: function(mutations) { if ( vAPI.userStylesheet.disabled ) { return; } var i = mutations.length, stagedNodes = this.hiddenNodesetToProcess; while ( i-- ) { stagedNodes.add(mutations[i].target); } this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer.start(); }, hiddenNodeObserverOptions: { attributes: true, attributeFilter: [ 'style' ] }, hideNodeInit: function() { this.hideNodeExpando = vAPI.randomToken(); this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer = new vAPI.SafeAnimationFrame(this.hideNodeBatchProcess.bind(this)); this.hiddenNodeObserver = new MutationObserver(this.hideNodeObserverHandler.bind(this)); if ( this.hideNodeStyleSheetInjected === false ) { this.hideNodeStyleSheetInjected = true; vAPI.userStylesheet.add( '[' + this.hideNodeAttr + ']\n{display:none!important;}' ); } }, excludeNode: function(node) { this.excludedNodeSet.add(node); this.unhideNode(node); }, unexcludeNode: function(node) { this.excludedNodeSet.delete(node); }, hideNode: function(node) { if ( this.excludedNodeSet.has(node) ) { return; } if ( this.hideNodeAttr === undefined ) { return; } if ( this.hiddenNodeset.has(node) ) { return; } node.hidden = true; this.hiddenNodeset.add(node); if ( this.hideNodeExpando === undefined ) { this.hideNodeInit(); } node.setAttribute(this.hideNodeAttr, ''); if ( node[this.hideNodeExpando] === undefined ) { node[this.hideNodeExpando] = node.hasAttribute('style') && (node.getAttribute('style') || ''); } this.hiddenNodesetToProcess.add(node); this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer.start(); this.hiddenNodeObserver.observe(node, this.hiddenNodeObserverOptions); }, unhideNode: function(node) { if ( this.hiddenNodeset.has(node) === false ) { return; } node.hidden = false; node.removeAttribute(this.hideNodeAttr); this.hiddenNodesetToProcess.delete(node); if ( this.hideNodeExpando === undefined ) { return; } var attr = node[this.hideNodeExpando]; if ( attr === false ) { node.removeAttribute('style'); } else if ( typeof attr === 'string' ) { node.setAttribute('style', attr); } node[this.hideNodeExpando] = undefined; this.hiddenNodeset.delete(node); }, showNode: function(node) { node.hidden = false; var attr = node[this.hideNodeExpando]; if ( attr === false ) { node.removeAttribute('style'); } else if ( typeof attr === 'string' ) { node.setAttribute('style', attr); } }, unshowNode: function(node) { node.hidden = true; this.hiddenNodesetToProcess.add(node); }, toggle: function(state, callback) { vAPI.userStylesheet.toggle(state); var disabled = vAPI.userStylesheet.disabled, nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[' + this.hideNodeAttr + ']'); for ( var node of nodes ) { if ( disabled ) { this.showNode(node); } else { this.unshowNode(node); } } if ( disabled === false && this.hideNodeExpando !== undefined ) { this.hideNodeBatchProcessTimer.start(); } if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }, getAllSelectors_: function(all) { var out = { declarative: [] }; if ( this.specificSimpleHide.size !== 0 ) { out.declarative.push([ Array.from(this.specificSimpleHide).join(',\n'), 'display:none!important;' ]); } if ( this.specificComplexHide.size !== 0 ) { out.declarative.push([ Array.from(this.specificComplexHide).join(',\n'), 'display:none!important;' ]); } if ( this.genericSimpleHide.size !== 0 ) { out.declarative.push([ Array.from(this.genericSimpleHide).join(',\n'), 'display:none!important;' ]); } if ( this.genericComplexHide.size !== 0 ) { out.declarative.push([ Array.from(this.genericComplexHide).join(',\n'), 'display:none!important;' ]); } if ( all ) { out.declarative.push([ '[' + this.hideNodeAttr + ']', 'display:none!important;' ]); } for ( var entry of this.specificOthers ) { out.declarative.push([ entry.selectors, entry.declarations ]); } return out; }, getFilteredElementCount: function() { var details = this.getAllSelectors_(true); if ( Array.isArray(details.declarative) === false ) { return 0; } var selectors = details.declarative.reduce(function(acc, entry) { acc.push(entry[0]); return acc; }, []); if ( selectors.length === 0 ) { return 0; } return document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(',\n')).length; }, getAllSelectors: function() { return this.getAllSelectors_(false); } }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ } // <<<<<<<< end of HUGE-IF-BLOCK