/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2022-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import fs from 'fs/promises'; import https from 'https'; import path from 'path'; import process from 'process'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import { dnrRulesetFromRawLists } from './js/static-dnr-filtering.js'; import { StaticFilteringParser } from './js/static-filtering-parser.js'; import { fnameFromFileId } from './js/utils.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const commandLineArgs = (( ) => { const args = new Map(); let name, value; for ( const arg of process.argv.slice(2) ) { const pos = arg.indexOf('='); if ( pos === -1 ) { name = arg; value = ''; } else { name = arg.slice(0, pos); value = arg.slice(pos+1); } args.set(name, value); } return args; })(); const outputDir = commandLineArgs.get('output') || '.'; const cacheDir = `${outputDir}/../mv3-data`; const rulesetDir = `${outputDir}/rulesets`; const scriptletDir = `${rulesetDir}/js`; const env = [ 'chromium', 'ubol', 'native_css_has' ]; /******************************************************************************/ const jsonSetMapReplacer = (k, v) => { if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) { if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; } return Array.from(v); } return v; }; const uidint32 = (s) => { const h = createHash('sha256').update(s).digest('hex').slice(0,8); return parseInt(h,16) & 0x7FFFFFFF; }; const hnSort = (a, b) => a.split('.').reverse().join('.').localeCompare( b.split('.').reverse().join('.') ); /******************************************************************************/ const stdOutput = []; const log = (text, silent = false) => { stdOutput.push(text); if ( silent === false ) { console.log(text); } }; /******************************************************************************/ const urlToFileName = url => { return url .replace(/^https?:\/\//, '') .replace(/\//g, '_') ; }; const fetchList = (url, cacheDir) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fname = urlToFileName(url); fs.readFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(content => { log(`\tFetched local ${url}`); resolve({ url, content }); }).catch(( ) => { log(`\tFetching remote ${url}`); https.get(url, response => { const data = []; response.on('data', chunk => { data.push(chunk.toString()); }); response.on('end', ( ) => { const content = data.join(''); try { writeFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, content); } catch (ex) { } resolve({ url, content }); }); }).on('error', error => { reject(error); }); }); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ const writeFile = async (fname, data) => { const dir = path.dirname(fname); await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }); const promise = fs.writeFile(fname, data); writeOps.push(promise); return promise; }; const writeOps = []; /******************************************************************************/ const ruleResources = []; const rulesetDetails = []; const scriptingDetails = new Map(); /******************************************************************************/ async function fetchAsset(assetDetails) { // Remember fetched URLs const fetchedURLs = new Set(); // Fetch list and expand `!#include` directives let parts = assetDetails.urls.map(url => ({ url })); while ( parts.every(v => typeof v === 'string') === false ) { const newParts = []; for ( const part of parts ) { if ( typeof part === 'string' ) { newParts.push(part); continue; } if ( fetchedURLs.has(part.url) ) { newParts.push(''); continue; } fetchedURLs.add(part.url); newParts.push( fetchList(part.url, cacheDir).then(details => { const { url } = details; const content = details.content.trim(); if ( typeof content === 'string' && content !== '' ) { if ( content.startsWith('<') === false || content.endsWith('>') === false ) { return { url, content }; } } log(`No valid content for ${details.name}`); return { url, content: '' }; }) ); } parts = await Promise.all(newParts); parts = StaticFilteringParser.utils.preparser.expandIncludes(parts, env); } const text = parts.join('\n'); if ( text === '' ) { log('No filterset found'); } return text; } /******************************************************************************/ const isUnsupported = rule => rule._error !== undefined; const isRegex = rule => rule.condition !== undefined && rule.condition.regexFilter !== undefined; const isRedirect = rule => rule.action !== undefined && rule.action.type === 'redirect' && rule.action.redirect.extensionPath !== undefined; const isCsp = rule => rule.action !== undefined && rule.action.type === 'modifyHeaders'; const isRemoveparam = rule => rule.action !== undefined && rule.action.type === 'redirect' && rule.action.redirect.transform !== undefined; const isGood = rule => isUnsupported(rule) === false && isRedirect(rule) === false && isCsp(rule) === false && isRemoveparam(rule) === false; /******************************************************************************/ async function processNetworkFilters(assetDetails, network) { const replacer = (k, v) => { if ( k.startsWith('_') ) { return; } if ( Array.isArray(v) ) { return v.sort(); } if ( v instanceof Object ) { const sorted = {}; for ( const kk of Object.keys(v).sort() ) { sorted[kk] = v[kk]; } return sorted; } return v; }; const { ruleset: rules } = network; log(`Input filter count: ${network.filterCount}`); log(`\tAccepted filter count: ${network.acceptedFilterCount}`); log(`\tRejected filter count: ${network.rejectedFilterCount}`); log(`Output rule count: ${rules.length}`); const plainGood = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule) === false); log(`\tPlain good: ${plainGood.length}`); const regexes = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule)); log(`\tMaybe good (regexes): ${regexes.length}`); const redirects = rules.filter(rule => isUnsupported(rule) === false && isRedirect(rule) ); log(`\tredirect-rule= (discarded): ${redirects.length}`); const headers = rules.filter(rule => isUnsupported(rule) === false && isCsp(rule) ); log(`\tcsp= (discarded): ${headers.length}`); const removeparamsGood = rules.filter(rule => isUnsupported(rule) === false && isRemoveparam(rule) ); const removeparamsBad = rules.filter(rule => isUnsupported(rule) && isRemoveparam(rule) ); log(`\tremoveparams= (accepted/discarded): ${removeparamsGood.length}/${removeparamsBad.length}`); const bad = rules.filter(rule => isUnsupported(rule) ); log(`\tUnsupported: ${bad.length}`); log(bad.map(rule => rule._error.map(v => `\t\t${v}`)).join('\n'), true); writeFile( `${rulesetDir}/${assetDetails.id}.json`, `${JSON.stringify(plainGood, replacer)}\n` ); if ( regexes.length !== 0 ) { writeFile( `${rulesetDir}/${assetDetails.id}.regexes.json`, `${JSON.stringify(regexes, replacer)}\n` ); } if ( removeparamsGood.length !== 0 ) { writeFile( `${rulesetDir}/${assetDetails.id}.removeparams.json`, `${JSON.stringify(removeparamsGood, replacer)}\n` ); } return { total: rules.length, plain: plainGood.length, discarded: redirects.length + headers.length + removeparamsBad.length, rejected: bad.length, regexes: regexes.length, removeparams: removeparamsGood.length, }; } /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: unify css/scriptlet processing code since now css styles are // injected using scriptlet injection. // Load all available scriptlets into a key-val map, where the key is the // scriptlet token, and val is the whole content of the file. const scriptletDealiasingMap = new Map(); let scriptletsMapPromise; function loadAllSourceScriptlets() { if ( scriptletsMapPromise !== undefined ) { return scriptletsMapPromise; } scriptletsMapPromise = fs.readdir('./scriptlets').then(files => { const reScriptletNameOrAlias = /^\/\/\/\s+(?:name|alias)\s+(\S+)/gm; const readPromises = []; for ( const file of files ) { readPromises.push( fs.readFile(`./scriptlets/${file}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }) ); } return Promise.all(readPromises).then(results => { const originalScriptletMap = new Map(); for ( const text of results ) { const aliasSet = new Set(); for (;;) { const match = reScriptletNameOrAlias.exec(text); if ( match === null ) { break; } aliasSet.add(match[1]); } if ( aliasSet.size === 0 ) { continue; } const aliases = Array.from(aliasSet); originalScriptletMap.set(aliases[0], text); for ( let i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++ ) { scriptletDealiasingMap.set(aliases[i], aliases[0]); } } return originalScriptletMap; }); }); return scriptletsMapPromise; } /******************************************************************************/ const globalPatchedScriptletsSet = new Set(); function addScriptingAPIResources(id, hostnames, fid) { if ( hostnames === undefined ) { return; } for ( const hn of hostnames ) { let hostnamesToFidMap = scriptingDetails.get(id); if ( hostnamesToFidMap === undefined ) { hostnamesToFidMap = new Map(); scriptingDetails.set(id, hostnamesToFidMap); } let fids = hostnamesToFidMap.get(hn); if ( fids === undefined ) { hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fid); } else if ( fids instanceof Set ) { fids.add(fid); } else if ( fid !== fids ) { fids = new Set([ fids, fid ]); hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fids); } } } const toCSSFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b00; const toJSFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b01; const toProceduralFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b10; const pathFromFileName = fname => `${scriptletDir}/${fname.slice(0,2)}/${fname.slice(2)}.js`; /******************************************************************************/ const COSMETIC_FILES_PER_RULESET = 12; const PROCEDURAL_FILES_PER_RULESET = 4; // This merges selectors which are used by the same hostnames function groupCosmeticByHostnames(mapin) { if ( mapin === undefined ) { return []; } const merged = new Map(); for ( const [ selector, details ] of mapin ) { const json = JSON.stringify(details); let entries = merged.get(json); if ( entries === undefined ) { entries = new Set(); merged.set(json, entries); } entries.add(selector); } const out = []; for ( const [ json, entries ] of merged ) { const details = JSON.parse(json); details.selectors = Array.from(entries).sort(); out.push(details); } return out; } // This merges hostnames which have the same set of selectors. // // Also, we sort the hostnames to increase likelihood that selector with // same hostnames will end up in same generated scriptlet. function groupCosmeticBySelectors(arrayin) { const contentMap = new Map(); for ( const entry of arrayin ) { const id = uidint32(JSON.stringify(entry.selectors)); let details = contentMap.get(id); if ( details === undefined ) { details = { a: entry.selectors }; contentMap.set(id, details); } if ( entry.matches !== undefined ) { if ( details.y === undefined ) { details.y = new Set(); } for ( const hn of entry.matches ) { details.y.add(hn); } } if ( entry.excludeMatches !== undefined ) { if ( details.n === undefined ) { details.n = new Set(); } for ( const hn of entry.excludeMatches ) { details.n.add(hn); } } } const out = Array.from(contentMap).map(a => [ a[0], { a: a[1].a, y: a[1].y ? Array.from(a[1].y).sort(hnSort) : undefined, n: a[1].n ? Array.from(a[1].n) : undefined, } ]).sort((a, b) => { const ha = Array.isArray(a[1].y) ? a[1].y[0] : '*'; const hb = Array.isArray(b[1].y) ? b[1].y[0] : '*'; return hnSort(ha, hb); }); return out; } const scriptletHostnameToIdMap = (hostnames, id, map) => { for ( const hn of hostnames ) { const existing = map.get(hn); if ( existing === undefined ) { map.set(hn, id); } else if ( Array.isArray(existing) ) { existing.push(id); } else { map.set(hn, [ existing, id ]); } } }; const scriptletJsonReplacer = (k, v) => { if ( k === 'n' ) { if ( v === undefined || v.size === 0 ) { return; } return Array.from(v); } if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) { if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; } return Array.from(v); } return v; }; /******************************************************************************/ async function processCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) { if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; } const contentArray = groupCosmeticBySelectors( groupCosmeticByHostnames(mapin) ); const contentPerFile = Math.ceil(contentArray.length / COSMETIC_FILES_PER_RULESET); // We do not want more than n CSS files per subscription, so we will // group multiple unrelated selectors in the same file, and distinct // css declarations will be injected programmatically according to the // hostname of the current document. // // The cosmetic filters will be injected programmatically as content // script and the decisions to activate the cosmetic filters will be // done at injection time according to the document's hostname. const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets(); const generatedFiles = []; for ( let i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i += contentPerFile ) { const slice = contentArray.slice(i, i + contentPerFile); const argsMap = slice.map(entry => [ entry[0], { a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.join(',\n') : undefined, n: entry[1].n } ]); const hostnamesMap = new Map(); for ( const [ id, details ] of slice ) { if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; } scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap); } const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific') .replace( '$rulesetId$', assetDetails.id ).replace( /\bself\.\$argsMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ).replace( /\bself\.\$hostnamesMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ); const fid = toCSSFileId(patchedScriptlet); if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) { globalPatchedScriptletsSet.add(fid); const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid); writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {}); generatedFiles.push(fname); } for ( const entry of slice ) { addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, entry[1].y, fid); } } if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) { log(`CSS-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`); log(`CSS-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`); log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`); } return contentArray.length; } /******************************************************************************/ async function processProceduralCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) { if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; } const contentArray = groupCosmeticBySelectors( groupCosmeticByHostnames(mapin) ); const contentPerFile = Math.ceil(contentArray.length / PROCEDURAL_FILES_PER_RULESET); // We do not want more than n CSS files per subscription, so we will // group multiple unrelated selectors in the same file, and distinct // css declarations will be injected programmatically according to the // hostname of the current document. // // The cosmetic filters will be injected programmatically as content // script and the decisions to activate the cosmetic filters will be // done at injection time according to the document's hostname. const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets(); const generatedFiles = []; for ( let i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i += contentPerFile ) { const slice = contentArray.slice(i, i + contentPerFile); const argsMap = slice.map(entry => [ entry[0], { a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.map(v => JSON.parse(v)) : undefined, n: entry[1].n } ]); const hostnamesMap = new Map(); for ( const [ id, details ] of slice ) { if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; } scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap); } const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific-procedural') .replace( '$rulesetId$', assetDetails.id ).replace( /\bself\.\$argsMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ).replace( /\bself\.\$hostnamesMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ); const fid = toProceduralFileId(patchedScriptlet); if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) { globalPatchedScriptletsSet.add(fid); const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid); writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {}); generatedFiles.push(fname); } for ( const entry of slice ) { addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, entry[1].y, fid); } } if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) { log(`Procedural-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`); log(`Procedural-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`); log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`); } return contentArray.length; } /******************************************************************************/ async function processScriptletFilters(assetDetails, mapin) { if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; } // Load all available scriptlets into a key-val map, where the key is the // scriptlet token, and val is the whole content of the file. const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets(); const parseArguments = (raw) => { const out = []; let s = raw; let len = s.length; let beg = 0, pos = 0; let i = 1; while ( beg < len ) { pos = s.indexOf(',', pos); // Escaped comma? If so, skip. if ( pos > 0 && s.charCodeAt(pos - 1) === 0x5C /* '\\' */ ) { s = s.slice(0, pos - 1) + s.slice(pos); len -= 1; continue; } if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = len; } out.push(s.slice(beg, pos).trim()); beg = pos = pos + 1; i++; } return out; }; const parseFilter = (raw) => { const filter = raw.slice(4, -1); const end = filter.length; let pos = filter.indexOf(','); if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = end; } const parts = filter.trim().split(',').map(s => s.trim()); const token = scriptletDealiasingMap.get(parts[0]) || ''; if ( token !== '' && originalScriptletMap.has(token) ) { return { token, args: parseArguments(parts.slice(1).join(',').trim()), }; } }; // For each instance of distinct scriptlet, we will collect distinct // instances of arguments, and for each distinct set of argument, we // will collect the set of hostnames for which the scriptlet/args is meant // to execute. This will allow us a single content script file and the // scriptlets execution will depend on hostname testing against the // URL of the document at scriptlet execution time. In the end, we // should have no more generated content script per subscription than the // number of distinct source scriptlets. const scriptletDetails = new Map(); for ( const [ rawFilter, entry ] of mapin ) { const normalized = parseFilter(rawFilter); if ( normalized === undefined ) { continue; } let argsDetails = scriptletDetails.get(normalized.token); if ( argsDetails === undefined ) { argsDetails = new Map(); scriptletDetails.set(normalized.token, argsDetails); } const argsHash = JSON.stringify(normalized.args); let hostnamesDetails = argsDetails.get(argsHash); if ( hostnamesDetails === undefined ) { hostnamesDetails = { a: normalized.args, y: new Set(), n: new Set(), }; argsDetails.set(argsHash, hostnamesDetails); } if ( entry.matches ) { for ( const hn of entry.matches ) { hostnamesDetails.y.add(hn); } } if ( entry.excludeMatches ) { for ( const hn of entry.excludeMatches ) { hostnamesDetails.n.add(hn); } } } const generatedFiles = []; for ( const [ token, argsDetails ] of scriptletDetails ) { const argsMap = Array.from(argsDetails).map(entry => [ uidint32(entry[0]), { a: entry[1].a, n: entry[1].n } ]); const hostnamesMap = new Map(); for ( const [ argsHash, details ] of argsDetails ) { scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, uidint32(argsHash), hostnamesMap); } const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get(token) .replace( '$rulesetId$', assetDetails.id ).replace( /\bself\.\$argsMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ).replace( /\bself\.\$hostnamesMap\$/m, `${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}` ); // ends-with 1 = scriptlet resource const fid = toJSFileId(patchedScriptlet); if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) { globalPatchedScriptletsSet.add(fid); const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid); writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {}); generatedFiles.push(fname); } for ( const details of argsDetails.values() ) { addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, details.y, fid); } } if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) { const scriptletFilterCount = Array.from(scriptletDetails.values()) .reduce((a, b) => a + b.size, 0); log(`Scriptlet-related distinct filters: ${scriptletFilterCount}`); log(`Scriptlet-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`); log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`); } return generatedFiles.length; } /******************************************************************************/ const rulesetFromURLS = async function(assetDetails) { log('============================'); log(`Listset for '${assetDetails.id}':`); const text = await fetchAsset(assetDetails); if ( text === '' ) { return; } const results = await dnrRulesetFromRawLists( [ { name: assetDetails.id, text } ], { env } ); const netStats = await processNetworkFilters( assetDetails, results.network ); // Split cosmetic filters into two groups: declarative and procedural const declarativeCosmetic = new Map(); const proceduralCosmetic = new Map(); const rejectedCosmetic = []; if ( results.cosmetic ) { for ( const [ selector, details ] of results.cosmetic ) { if ( details.rejected ) { rejectedCosmetic.push(selector); continue; } if ( selector.startsWith('{') === false ) { declarativeCosmetic.set(selector, details); continue; } const parsed = JSON.parse(selector); parsed.raw = undefined; proceduralCosmetic.set(JSON.stringify(parsed), details); } } const cosmeticStats = await processCosmeticFilters( assetDetails, declarativeCosmetic ); const proceduralStats = await processProceduralCosmeticFilters( assetDetails, proceduralCosmetic ); if ( rejectedCosmetic.length !== 0 ) { log(`Rejected cosmetic filters: ${rejectedCosmetic.length}`); log(rejectedCosmetic.map(line => `\t${line}`).join('\n')); } const scriptletStats = await processScriptletFilters( assetDetails, results.scriptlet ); rulesetDetails.push({ id: assetDetails.id, name: assetDetails.name, enabled: assetDetails.enabled, lang: assetDetails.lang, homeURL: assetDetails.homeURL, filters: { total: results.network.filterCount, accepted: results.network.acceptedFilterCount, rejected: results.network.rejectedFilterCount, }, rules: { total: netStats.total, plain: netStats.plain, regexes: netStats.regexes, removeparams: netStats.removeparams, discarded: netStats.discarded, rejected: netStats.rejected, }, css: { specific: cosmeticStats, procedural: proceduralStats, }, scriptlets: { total: scriptletStats, }, }); ruleResources.push({ id: assetDetails.id, enabled: assetDetails.enabled, path: `/rulesets/${assetDetails.id}.json` }); }; /******************************************************************************/ async function main() { // Get manifest content const manifest = await fs.readFile( `${outputDir}/manifest.json`, { encoding: 'utf8' } ).then(text => JSON.parse(text) ); // Create unique version number according to build time let version = manifest.version; { const now = new Date(); const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000; const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000; const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10; const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1; version += `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`; } log(`Version: ${version}`); // Get assets.json content const assets = await fs.readFile( `./assets.json`, { encoding: 'utf8' } ).then(text => JSON.parse(text) ); // Assemble all default lists as the default ruleset const contentURLs = [ 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/filters.txt', 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/badware.txt', 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/privacy.txt', 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/resource-abuse.txt', 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/unbreak.txt', 'https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/quick-fixes.txt', 'https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/easylist.txt', 'https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/easyprivacy.txt', 'https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=hosts&showintro=1&mimetype=plaintext', ]; await rulesetFromURLS({ id: 'default', name: 'Ads, trackers, miners, and more' , enabled: true, urls: contentURLs, homeURL: 'https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets', }); // Regional rulesets const excludedLists = [ 'ara-0', 'EST-0', ]; for ( const [ id, asset ] of Object.entries(assets) ) { if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; } if ( asset.off !== true ) { continue; } if ( typeof asset.lang !== 'string' ) { continue; } if ( excludedLists.includes(id) ) { continue; } const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL) ? asset.contentURL[0] : asset.contentURL; await rulesetFromURLS({ id: id.toLowerCase(), lang: asset.lang, name: asset.title, enabled: false, urls: [ contentURL ], homeURL: asset.supportURL, }); } // Handpicked rulesets from assets.json const handpicked = [ 'block-lan', 'dpollock-0', 'adguard-spyware-url' ]; for ( const id of handpicked ) { const asset = assets[id]; if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; } const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL) ? asset.contentURL[0] : asset.contentURL; await rulesetFromURLS({ id: id.toLowerCase(), name: asset.title, enabled: false, urls: [ contentURL ], homeURL: asset.supportURL, }); } // Handpicked rulesets from abroad await rulesetFromURLS({ id: 'stevenblack-hosts', name: 'Steven Black\'s hosts file', enabled: false, urls: [ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts' ], homeURL: 'https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts#readme', }); writeFile( `${rulesetDir}/ruleset-details.json`, `${JSON.stringify(rulesetDetails, null, 1)}\n` ); // We sort the hostnames for convenience/performance in the extension's // script manager -- the scripting API does a sort() internally. for ( const [ rulesetId, hostnamesToFidsMap ] of scriptingDetails ) { scriptingDetails.set( rulesetId, Array.from(hostnamesToFidsMap).sort() ); } writeFile( `${rulesetDir}/scripting-details.json`, `${JSON.stringify(scriptingDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer)}\n` ); await Promise.all(writeOps); // Patch manifest manifest.declarative_net_request = { rule_resources: ruleResources }; const now = new Date(); const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000; const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000; const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10; const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1; manifest.version = manifest.version + `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`; await fs.writeFile( `${outputDir}/manifest.json`, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) + '\n' ); // Log results const logContent = stdOutput.join('\n') + '\n'; await fs.writeFile(`${outputDir}/log.txt`, logContent); await fs.writeFile(`${cacheDir}/log.txt`, logContent); } main(); /******************************************************************************/