/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2015 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* jshint boss: true */ /* global vAPI, uDom */ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ // Adjust top padding of content table, to match that of toolbar height. (function() { var parent = uDom.nodeFromSelector('body > .permatoolbar'); var child = parent.firstElementChild; var size = child.clientHeight + 'px'; parent.style.setProperty('min-height', size); parent = uDom.nodeFromId('events'); parent.querySelector('table').style.setProperty( 'margin-top', parent.querySelector('.permatoolbar').clientHeight + 'px' ); })(); /******************************************************************************/ var messager = vAPI.messaging.channel('logger-ui.js'); var tbody = document.querySelector('#events tbody'); var trJunkyard = []; var tdJunkyard = []; var firstVarDataCol = 2; // currently, column 2 (0-based index) var lastVarDataIndex = 4; // currently, d0-d3 var maxEntries = 5000; var noTabId = ''; var allTabIds = {}; var allTabIdsToken; var hiddenTemplate = document.querySelector('#hiddenTemplate > span'); var reRFC3986 = /^([^:\/?#]+:)?(\/\/[^\/?#]*)?([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?/; var netFilteringDialog = uDom.nodeFromId('netFilteringDialog'); var filterFinderDialog = uDom.nodeFromId('filterFinderDialog'); var prettyRequestTypes = { 'main_frame': 'doc', 'stylesheet': 'css', 'sub_frame': 'frame', 'xmlhttprequest': 'xhr' }; var uglyRequestTypes = { 'doc': 'main_frame', 'css': 'stylesheet', 'frame': 'sub_frame', 'xhr': 'xmlhttprequest' }; var staticFilterTypes = { 'doc': 'other', 'css': 'stylesheet', 'frame': 'subdocument', 'xhr': 'xmlhttprequest' }; var timeOptions = { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit', hour12: false }; var dateOptions = { month: 'short', day: '2-digit' }; /******************************************************************************/ var removeAllChildren = function(node) { while ( node.firstChild ) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var classNameFromTabId = function(tabId) { if ( tabId === noTabId ) { return 'tab_bts'; } if ( tabId !== '' ) { return 'tab_' + tabId; } return ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ var tabIdFromClassName = function(className) { var matches = className.match(/(?:^| )tab_([^ ]+)(?: |$)/); if ( matches === null ) { return ''; } return matches[1]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // DOM inspector (function domInspector() { // Don't bother if the browser is not modern enough. if ( typeof Map === undefined ) { return; } var enabled = false; var state = ''; var fingerprint = ''; var fingerprintTimer = null; var currentTabId = ''; var currentSelector = ''; var inspector = uDom.nodeFromId('domInspector'); var tabSelector = uDom.nodeFromId('pageSelector'); var inlineElementTags = [ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'b', 'bdo', 'big', 'br', 'button', 'cite', 'code', 'del', 'dfn', 'em', 'font', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'map', 'object', 'q', 'samp', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'textarea', 'tt', 'u', 'var' ].reduce(function(p, c) { p[c] = true; return p; }, Object.create(null)); var startTimer = function() { if ( fingerprintTimer === null ) { fingerprintTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(fetchFingerprint, 2000); } }; var stopTimer = function() { if ( fingerprintTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(fingerprintTimer); fingerprintTimer = null; } }; var injectHighlighter = function(tabId) { if ( tabId === '' ) { return; } messager.send({ what: 'scriptlet', tabId: tabId, scriptlet: 'dom-highlight' }); }; var removeHighlighter = function(tabId) { if ( tabId === '' ) { return; } messager.send({ what: 'sendMessageTo', tabId: tabId, channelName: 'scriptlets', msg: { what: 'dom-highlight', action: 'shutdown' } }); }; var nodeFromDomEntry = function(entry) { var node; var li = document.createElement('li'); // expander/collapser node = document.createElement('span'); li.appendChild(node); // selector node = document.createElement('code'); node.textContent = entry.sel; li.appendChild(node); // descendant count if ( entry.cnt !== 0 ) { node = document.createElement('span'); node.textContent = entry.cnt.toLocaleString(); li.appendChild(node); } // cosmetic filter if ( entry.filter !== undefined ) { node = document.createElement('code'); node.classList.add('filter'); node.textContent = entry.filter; li.appendChild(node); li.classList.add('isCosmeticHide'); } return li; }; var appendListItem = function(ul, li) { ul.appendChild(li); // Ancestor nodes of a node which is affected by a cosmetic filter will // be marked as "containing cosmetic filters", for user convenience. if ( li.classList.contains('isCosmeticHide') === false ) { return; } for (;;) { li = li.parentElement.parentElement; if ( li === null ) { break; } li.classList.add('hasCosmeticHide'); } }; var expandIfBlockElement = function(node) { var ul = node.parentElement; if ( ul === null ) { return; } var li = ul.parentElement; if ( li === null ) { return; } if ( li.classList.contains('show') ) { return; } var tag = node.firstElementChild.textContent; var pos = tag.search(/[^a-z0-9]/); if ( pos !== -1 ) { tag = tag.slice(0, pos); } if ( inlineElementTags[tag] !== undefined ) { return; } li.classList.add('show'); }; var renderDOM = function(response) { var ul = document.createElement('ul'); var lvl = 0; var entries = response; var n = entries.length; var li, entry; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { entry = entries[i]; if ( entry.lvl === lvl ) { li = nodeFromDomEntry(entry); appendListItem(ul, li); //expandIfBlockElement(li); continue; } if ( entry.lvl > lvl ) { ul = document.createElement('ul'); li.appendChild(ul); li.classList.add('branch'); li = nodeFromDomEntry(entry); appendListItem(ul, li); //expandIfBlockElement(li); lvl = entry.lvl; continue; } // entry.lvl < lvl while ( entry.lvl < lvl ) { ul = li.parentNode; li = ul.parentNode; ul = li.parentNode; lvl -= 1; } li = nodeFromDomEntry(entry); ul.appendChild(li); } while ( ul.parentNode !== null ) { ul = ul.parentNode; } ul.firstElementChild.classList.add('show'); removeAllChildren(inspector); inspector.appendChild(ul); // Check for change at regular interval. fingerprint = entries.length !== 0 ? entries[0].fp : ''; }; var selectorFromNode = function(node, nth) { var selector = ''; var code; if ( nth === undefined ) { nth = 1; } while ( node !== null ) { if ( node.localName === 'li' ) { code = node.querySelector('code:nth-of-type(' + nth + ')'); if ( code !== null ) { selector = code.textContent + ' > ' + selector; if ( selector.indexOf('#') !== -1 ) { break; } nth = 1; } } node = node.parentElement; } return selector.slice(0, -3); }; var onClick = function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); if ( currentTabId === '' ) { return; } var target = ev.target; var parent = target.parentElement; // Expand/collapse branch if ( target.localName === 'span' && parent instanceof HTMLLIElement && parent.classList.contains('branch') && target === parent.firstElementChild ) { target.parentElement.classList.toggle('show'); return; } // Toggle selector if ( target.localName === 'code' ) { var original = target.classList.contains('filter') === false; messager.send({ what: 'sendMessageTo', tabId: currentTabId, channelName: 'scriptlets', msg: { what: 'dom-highlight', action: 'toggleNodes', original: original, target: original !== target.classList.toggle('off'), selector: selectorFromNode(target, original ? 1 : 2) } }); return; } // Highlight and scrollto if ( target.localName === 'code' ) { messager.send({ what: 'sendMessageTo', tabId: currentTabId, channelName: 'scriptlets', msg: { what: 'dom-highlight', action: 'highlight', selector: selectorFromNode(target), scrollTo: true } }); return; } }; var onMouseOver = (function() { var mouseoverTarget = null; var mouseoverTimer = null; var timerHandler = function() { mouseoverTimer = null; messager.send({ what: 'sendMessageTo', tabId: currentTabId, channelName: 'scriptlets', msg: { what: 'dom-highlight', action: 'highlight', selector: selectorFromNode(mouseoverTarget), scrollTo: true } }); }; return function(ev) { // Find closest `li` var target = ev.target; while ( target !== null ) { if ( target.localName === 'li' ) { break; } target = target.parentElement; } if ( target === mouseoverTarget ) { return; } mouseoverTarget = target; if ( mouseoverTimer === null ) { mouseoverTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(timerHandler, 50); } }; })(); var onFingerprintFetched = function(response) { if ( state !== 'fetchingFingerprint' ) { return; } state = ''; fingerprintTimer = null; if ( !enabled ) { return; } if ( response === fingerprint ) { startTimer(); return; } fingerprint = response || ''; fetchDOM(); }; var fetchFingerprint = function() { messager.send({ what: 'scriptlet', tabId: currentTabId, scriptlet: 'dom-fingerprint' }, onFingerprintFetched); state = 'fetchingFingerprint'; }; var onDOMFetched = function(response) { if ( state !== 'fetchingDOM' ) { return; } state = ''; if ( !enabled ) { return; } if ( Array.isArray(response) && response.length !== 0 ) { renderDOM(response); injectHighlighter(currentTabId); } else { fingerprint = ''; } startTimer(); }; var fetchDOM = function() { if ( currentTabId === '' ) { removeAllChildren(inspector); startTimer(); return; } messager.send({ what: 'scriptlet', tabId: currentTabId, scriptlet: 'dom-layout' }, onDOMFetched); state = 'fetchingDOM'; }; var onTabIdChanged = function() { if ( !enabled ) { return; } var previousTabId = currentTabId; var tabId = tabIdFromClassName(tabSelector.value) || ''; currentTabId = tabId !== 'bts' && tabId !== '' ? tabId : ''; if ( currentTabId !== previousTabId ) { removeHighlighter(previousTabId); } if ( state === 'fetchingDOM' ) { return; } fetchDOM(); }; var toggleOn = function() { if ( enabled ) { return; } enabled = true; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', toggleOff); inspector.addEventListener('click', onClick, true); inspector.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, true); tabSelector.addEventListener('change', onTabIdChanged); onTabIdChanged(); inspector.classList.add('enabled'); }; var toggleOff = function() { removeHighlighter(currentTabId); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', toggleOff); inspector.removeEventListener('click', onClick, true); inspector.removeEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, true); tabSelector.removeEventListener('change', onTabIdChanged); removeAllChildren(inspector); stopTimer(); currentTabId = currentSelector = fingerprint = ''; enabled = false; inspector.classList.remove('enabled'); }; var toggle = function() { if ( uDom.nodeFromId('showdom').classList.toggle('active') ) { toggleOn(); } else { toggleOff(); } }; uDom('#showdom').on('click', toggle); })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var regexFromURLFilteringResult = function(result) { var beg = result.indexOf(' '); var end = result.indexOf(' ', beg + 1); var url = result.slice(beg + 1, end); if ( url === '*' ) { return new RegExp('^.*$', 'gi'); } return new RegExp('^' + url.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'), 'gi'); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Emphasize hostname in URL, as this is what matters in uMatrix's rules. var nodeFromURL = function(url, re) { if ( re instanceof RegExp === false ) { return document.createTextNode(url); } var matches = re.exec(url); if ( matches === null || matches[0].length === 0 ) { return document.createTextNode(url); } var node = renderedURLTemplate.cloneNode(true); node.childNodes[0].textContent = url.slice(0, matches.index); node.childNodes[1].textContent = url.slice(matches.index, re.lastIndex); node.childNodes[2].textContent = url.slice(re.lastIndex); return node; }; var renderedURLTemplate = document.querySelector('#renderedURLTemplate > span'); /******************************************************************************/ // Pretty much same logic as found in: // µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine.filterStringFromCompiled // µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine.filterRegexFromCompiled var filterDecompiler = (function() { var typeValToTypeName = { 1: 'stylesheet', 2: 'image', 3: 'object', 4: 'script', 5: 'xmlhttprequest', 6: 'sub_frame', 7: 'font', 8: 'other', 13: 'elemhide', 14: 'inline-script', 15: 'popup' }; var toString = function(compiled) { var opts = []; var vfields = compiled.split('\v'); var filter = ''; var bits = parseInt(vfields[0], 16) | 0; if ( bits & 0x01 ) { filter += '@@'; } var fid = vfields[1] === '.' ? '.' : vfields[2]; var tfields = fid !== '.' ? vfields[3].split('\t') : []; var tfield0 = tfields[0]; switch ( fid ) { case '.': filter += '||' + vfields[2] + '^'; break; case 'a': case 'ah': case '0a': case '0ah': case '1a': case '1ah': case '_': case '_h': filter += tfield0; // If the filter resemble a regex, add a trailing `*` as is // customary to prevent ambiguity in logger. if ( tfield0.charAt(0) === '/' && tfield0.slice(-1) === '/' ) { filter += '*'; } break; case '|a': case '|ah': filter += '|' + tfield0; break; case 'a|': case 'a|h': filter += tfield0 + '|'; break; case '||a': case '||ah': case '||_': case '||_h': filter += '||' + tfield0; break; case '//': case '//h': filter += '/' + tfield0 + '/'; break; default: break; } // Domain option? switch ( fid ) { case '0ah': case '1ah': case '|ah': case 'a|h': case '||ah': case '||_h': case '//h': opts.push('domain=' + tfields[1]); break; case 'ah': case '_h': opts.push('domain=' + tfields[2]); break; default: break; } // Filter options // Importance if ( bits & 0x02 ) { opts.push('important'); } // Party if ( bits & 0x08 ) { opts.push('third-party'); } else if ( bits & 0x04 ) { opts.push('first-party'); } // Type var typeVal = bits >>> 4 & 0x0F; if ( typeVal ) { opts.push(typeValToTypeName[typeVal]); // Because of the way `elemhide` is implemented if ( typeVal === 13 ) { filter = '@@' + filter; } } if ( opts.length !== 0 ) { filter += '$' + opts.join(','); } return filter; }; var reEscape = /[.+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g; var reWildcards = /\*+/g; var toRegex = function(compiled) { var vfields = compiled.split('\v'); var fid = vfields[1] === '.' ? '.' : vfields[2]; var tfields = fid !== '.' ? vfields[3].split('\t') : []; var reStr; switch ( fid ) { case '.': reStr = vfields[2].replace(reEscape, '\\$&'); break; case 'a': case 'ah': case '0a': case '0ah': case '1a': case '1ah': case '_': case '_h': case '||a': case '||ah': case '||_': case '||_h': reStr = tfields[0] .replace(reEscape, '\\$&') .replace(reWildcards, '.*'); break; case '|a': case '|ah': reStr = '^' + tfields[0]. replace(reEscape, '\\$&') .replace(reWildcards, '.*'); break; case 'a|': case 'a|h': reStr = tfields[0] .replace(reEscape, '\\$&') .replace(reWildcards, '.*') + '$'; break; case '//': case '//h': reStr = tfields[0]; break; default: break; } if ( reStr === undefined) { return null; } return new RegExp(reStr, 'gi'); }; return { toString: toString, toRegex: toRegex }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ var createCellAt = function(tr, index) { var td = tr.cells[index]; var mustAppend = !td; if ( mustAppend ) { td = tdJunkyard.pop(); } if ( td ) { td.removeAttribute('colspan'); td.textContent = ''; } else { td = document.createElement('td'); } if ( mustAppend ) { tr.appendChild(td); } return td; }; /******************************************************************************/ var createRow = function(layout) { var tr = trJunkyard.pop(); if ( tr ) { tr.className = ''; tr.removeAttribute('data-hn-page'); tr.removeAttribute('data-hn-frame'); tr.removeAttribute('data-filter'); } else { tr = document.createElement('tr'); } for ( var index = 0; index < firstVarDataCol; index++ ) { createCellAt(tr, index); } var i = 1, span = 1, td; for (;;) { td = createCellAt(tr, index); if ( i === lastVarDataIndex ) { break; } if ( layout.charAt(i) !== '1' ) { span += 1; } else { if ( span !== 1 ) { td.setAttribute('colspan', span); } index += 1; span = 1; } i += 1; } if ( span !== 1 ) { td.setAttribute('colspan', span); } index += 1; while ( td = tr.cells[index] ) { tdJunkyard.push(tr.removeChild(td)); } return tr; }; /******************************************************************************/ var createHiddenTextNode = function(text) { var node = hiddenTemplate.cloneNode(true); node.textContent = text; return node; }; /******************************************************************************/ var createGap = function(tabId, url) { var tr = createRow('1'); tr.classList.add('tab'); tr.classList.add('canMtx'); tr.classList.add('tab_' + tabId); tr.classList.add('maindoc'); tr.cells[firstVarDataCol].textContent = url; tbody.insertBefore(tr, tbody.firstChild); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderNetLogEntry = function(tr, entry) { var trcl = tr.classList; var filter = entry.d0; var type = entry.d1; var url = entry.d2; var td; trcl.add('canMtx'); // If the request is that of a root frame, insert a gap in the table // in order to visually separate entries for different documents. if ( type === 'main_frame' ) { createGap(entry.tab, url); } // Contexts if ( entry.d3 ) { tr.setAttribute('data-hn-page', entry.d3); } if ( entry.d4 ) { tr.setAttribute('data-hn-frame', entry.d4); } var filterCat = filter.slice(0, 3); if ( filterCat.charAt(2) === ':' ) { trcl.add(filterCat.slice(0, 2)); } var filteringType = filterCat.charAt(0); td = tr.cells[2]; if ( filter !== '' ) { filter = filter.slice(3); if ( filteringType === 's' ) { td.textContent = filterDecompiler.toString(filter); trcl.add('canLookup'); tr.setAttribute('data-filter', filter); } else if ( filteringType === 'c' ) { td.textContent = filter; trcl.add('canLookup'); } else { td.textContent = filter; } } td = tr.cells[3]; var filteringOp = filterCat.charAt(1); if ( filteringOp === 'b' ) { trcl.add('blocked'); td.textContent = '--'; } else if ( filteringOp === 'a' ) { trcl.add('allowed'); td.textContent = '++'; } else if ( filteringOp === 'n' ) { trcl.add('nooped'); td.textContent = '**'; } else { td.textContent = ''; } tr.cells[4].textContent = (prettyRequestTypes[type] || type); var re = null; if ( filteringType === 's' ) { re = filterDecompiler.toRegex(filter); } else if ( filteringType === 'l' ) { re = regexFromURLFilteringResult(filter); } tr.cells[5].appendChild(nodeFromURL(url, re)); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderLogEntry = function(entry) { var tr; var fvdc = firstVarDataCol; switch ( entry.cat ) { case 'error': case 'info': tr = createRow('1'); tr.cells[fvdc].textContent = entry.d0; break; case 'cosmetic': case 'net': tr = createRow('1111'); renderNetLogEntry(tr, entry); break; default: tr = createRow('1'); tr.cells[fvdc].textContent = entry.d0; break; } // Fields common to all rows. var time = new Date(entry.tstamp); tr.cells[0].textContent = time.toLocaleTimeString('fullwide', timeOptions); tr.cells[0].title = time.toLocaleDateString('fullwide', dateOptions); if ( entry.tab ) { tr.classList.add('tab'); tr.classList.add(classNameFromTabId(entry.tab)); if ( entry.tab === noTabId ) { tr.cells[1].appendChild(createHiddenTextNode('bts')); } } if ( entry.cat !== '' ) { tr.classList.add('cat_' + entry.cat); } rowFilterer.filterOne(tr, true); tbody.insertBefore(tr, tbody.firstChild); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderLogEntries = function(response) { document.body.classList.toggle('colorBlind', response.colorBlind); var entries = response.entries; if ( entries.length === 0 ) { return; } // Preserve scroll position var height = tbody.offsetHeight; var tabIds = response.tabIds; var n = entries.length; var entry; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { entry = entries[i]; // Unlikely, but it may happen if ( entry.tab && tabIds.hasOwnProperty(entry.tab) === false ) { continue; } renderLogEntry(entries[i]); } // Prevent logger from growing infinitely and eating all memory. For // instance someone could forget that it is left opened for some // dynamically refreshed pages. truncateLog(maxEntries); // Follow waterfall if not observing top of waterfall. var yDelta = tbody.offsetHeight - height; if ( yDelta === 0 ) { return; } var container = uDom.nodeFromId('events'); if ( container.scrollTop !== 0 ) { container.scrollTop += yDelta; } }; /******************************************************************************/ var synchronizeTabIds = function(newTabIds) { var oldTabIds = allTabIds; var autoDeleteVoidRows = !!vAPI.localStorage.getItem('loggerAutoDeleteVoidRows'); var rowVoided = false; var trs; for ( var tabId in oldTabIds ) { if ( oldTabIds.hasOwnProperty(tabId) === false ) { continue; } if ( newTabIds.hasOwnProperty(tabId) ) { continue; } // Mark or remove voided rows trs = uDom('.tab_' + tabId); if ( autoDeleteVoidRows ) { toJunkyard(trs); } else { trs.removeClass('canMtx'); rowVoided = true; } // Remove popup if it is currently bound to a removed tab. if ( tabId === popupManager.tabId ) { popupManager.toggleOff(); } } var select = uDom.nodeFromId('pageSelector'); var selectValue = select.value; var tabIds = Object.keys(newTabIds).sort(function(a, b) { return newTabIds[a].localeCompare(newTabIds[b]); }); var option; for ( var i = 0, j = 2; i < tabIds.length; i++ ) { tabId = tabIds[i]; if ( tabId === noTabId ) { continue; } option = select.options[j]; j += 1; if ( !option ) { option = document.createElement('option'); select.appendChild(option); } option.textContent = newTabIds[tabId]; option.value = classNameFromTabId(tabId); if ( option.value === selectValue ) { option.setAttribute('selected', ''); } else { option.removeAttribute('selected'); } } while ( j < select.options.length ) { select.removeChild(select.options[j]); } if ( select.value !== selectValue ) { select.selectedIndex = 0; select.value = ''; select.options[0].setAttribute('selected', ''); pageSelectorChanged(); } allTabIds = newTabIds; return rowVoided; }; /******************************************************************************/ var truncateLog = function(size) { if ( size === 0 ) { size = 5000; } var tbody = document.querySelector('#events tbody'); size = Math.min(size, 10000); var tr; while ( tbody.childElementCount > size ) { tr = tbody.lastElementChild; trJunkyard.push(tbody.removeChild(tr)); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var onLogBufferRead = function(response) { // This tells us the behind-the-scene tab id noTabId = response.noTabId; // This may have changed meanwhile if ( response.maxEntries !== maxEntries ) { maxEntries = response.maxEntries; uDom('#maxEntries').val(maxEntries || ''); } // Neuter rows for which a tab does not exist anymore var rowVoided = false; if ( response.tabIdsToken !== allTabIdsToken ) { rowVoided = synchronizeTabIds(response.tabIds); allTabIdsToken = response.tabIdsToken; } renderLogEntries(response); if ( rowVoided ) { uDom('#clean').toggleClass( 'disabled', tbody.querySelector('tr.tab:not(.canMtx)') === null ); } // Synchronize toolbar with content of log uDom('#clear').toggleClass( 'disabled', tbody.querySelector('tr') === null ); vAPI.setTimeout(readLogBuffer, 1200); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This can be called only once, at init time. After that, this will be called // automatically. If called after init time, this will be messy, and this would // require a bit more code to ensure no multi time out events. var readLogBuffer = function() { messager.send({ what: 'readAll' }, onLogBufferRead); }; /******************************************************************************/ var pageSelectorChanged = function() { var style = uDom.nodeFromId('tabFilterer'); var tabClass = uDom.nodeFromId('pageSelector').value; var sheet = style.sheet; while ( sheet.cssRules.length !== 0 ) { sheet.deleteRule(0); } if ( tabClass !== '' ) { sheet.insertRule( '#events table tr:not(.' + tabClass + ') { display: none; }', 0 ); } uDom('.needtab').toggleClass( 'disabled', tabClass === '' || tabClass === 'tab_bts' ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var reloadTab = function() { var tabClass = uDom.nodeFromId('pageSelector').value; var tabId = tabIdFromClassName(tabClass); if ( tabId === 'bts' || tabId === '' ) { return; } messager.send({ what: 'reloadTab', tabId: tabId }); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onMaxEntriesChanged = function() { var input = this; try { maxEntries = parseInt(input.value, 10); if ( maxEntries === 0 || isNaN(maxEntries) ) { maxEntries = 1000; } } catch (e) { maxEntries = 1000; } maxEntries = Math.min(maxEntries, 5000); maxEntries = Math.max(maxEntries, 10); input.value = maxEntries.toString(10); messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: 'requestLogMaxEntries', value: maxEntries }); truncateLog(maxEntries); }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var netFilteringManager = (function() { var targetRow = null; var dialog = null; var createdStaticFilters = {}; var targetType; var targetURLs = []; var targetFrameHostname; var targetPageHostname; var targetTabId; var targetDomain; var targetPageDomain; var targetFrameDomain; var uglyTypeFromSelector = function(pane) { var prettyType = selectValue('select.type.' + pane); if ( pane === 'static' ) { return staticFilterTypes[prettyType] || prettyType; } return uglyRequestTypes[prettyType] || prettyType; }; var selectNode = function(selector) { return dialog.querySelector(selector); }; var selectValue = function(selector) { return selectNode(selector).value || ''; }; var staticFilterNode = function() { return dialog.querySelector('div.containers > div.static textarea'); }; var onColorsReady = function(response) { document.body.classList.toggle('dirty', response.dirty); var colorEntries = response.colors; var colorEntry, node; for ( var url in colorEntries ) { if ( colorEntries.hasOwnProperty(url) === false ) { continue; } colorEntry = colorEntries[url]; node = dialog.querySelector('.dynamic .entry .action[data-url="' + url + '"]'); if ( node === null ) { continue; } node.classList.toggle('allow', colorEntry.r === 2); node.classList.toggle('noop', colorEntry.r === 3); node.classList.toggle('block', colorEntry.r === 1); node.classList.toggle('own', colorEntry.own); } }; var colorize = function() { messager.send({ what: 'getURLFilteringData', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), urls: targetURLs, type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic') }, onColorsReady); }; var parseStaticInputs = function() { var filter = ''; var options = []; var block = selectValue('select.static.action') === ''; if ( !block ) { filter = '@@'; } var value = selectValue('select.static.url'); if ( value !== '' ) { filter += '||' + value; } value = selectValue('select.static.type'); if ( value !== '' ) { options.push(uglyTypeFromSelector('static')); } value = selectValue('select.static.origin'); if ( value !== '' ) { if ( value === targetDomain ) { options.push('first-party'); } else { options.push('domain=' + value); } } if ( block && selectValue('select.static.importance') !== '' ) { options.push('important'); } if ( options.length ) { filter += '$' + options.join(','); } staticFilterNode().value = filter; updateWidgets(); }; var updateWidgets = function() { var value = staticFilterNode().value; dialog.querySelector('#createStaticFilter').classList.toggle( 'disabled', createdStaticFilters.hasOwnProperty(value) || value === '' ); }; var onClick = function(ev) { var target = ev.target; // click outside the dialog proper if ( target.classList.contains('modalDialog') ) { toggleOff(); return; } ev.stopPropagation(); var tcl = target.classList; var value; // Select a mode if ( tcl.contains('header') ) { if ( tcl.contains('selected') ) { return; } uDom('.header').removeClass('selected'); uDom('.container').removeClass('selected'); value = target.getAttribute('data-container'); uDom('.header.' + value).addClass('selected'); uDom('.container.' + value).addClass('selected'); return; } // Create static filter if ( target.id === 'createStaticFilter' ) { value = staticFilterNode().value; // Avoid duplicates if ( createdStaticFilters.hasOwnProperty(value) ) { return; } createdStaticFilters[value] = true; if ( value !== '' ) { var d = new Date(); messager.send({ what: 'createUserFilter', filters: '! ' + d.toLocaleString() + ' ' + targetPageDomain + '\n' + value }); } updateWidgets(); return; } // Save url filtering rule(s) if ( target.id === 'saveRules' ) { messager.send({ what: 'saveURLFilteringRules', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), urls: targetURLs, type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic') }, colorize); return; } var persist = !!ev.ctrlKey || !!ev.metaKey; // Remove url filtering rule if ( tcl.contains('action') ) { messager.send({ what: 'setURLFilteringRule', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), url: target.getAttribute('data-url'), type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic'), action: 0, persist: persist }, colorize); return; } // add "allow" url filtering rule if ( tcl.contains('allow') ) { messager.send({ what: 'setURLFilteringRule', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), url: target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-url'), type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic'), action: 2, persist: persist }, colorize); return; } // add "block" url filtering rule if ( tcl.contains('noop') ) { messager.send({ what: 'setURLFilteringRule', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), url: target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-url'), type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic'), action: 3, persist: persist }, colorize); return; } // add "block" url filtering rule if ( tcl.contains('block') ) { messager.send({ what: 'setURLFilteringRule', context: selectValue('select.dynamic.origin'), url: target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-url'), type: uglyTypeFromSelector('dynamic'), action: 1, persist: persist }, colorize); return; } // Force a reload of the tab if ( tcl.contains('reload') ) { messager.send({ what: 'reloadTab', tabId: targetTabId }); return; } // Hightlight corresponding element in target web page if ( tcl.contains('picker') ) { messager.send({ what: 'launchElementPicker', tabId: targetTabId, targetURL: 'img\t' + targetURLs[0], select: true }); return; } }; var onSelectChange = function(ev) { var target = ev.target; var tcl = target.classList; if ( tcl.contains('dynamic') ) { colorize(); return; } if ( tcl.contains('static') ) { parseStaticInputs(); return; } }; var onInputChange = function() { updateWidgets(); }; var createPreview = function(type, url) { // First, whether picker can be used dialog.querySelector('.picker').classList.toggle( 'hide', targetTabId === noTabId || targetType !== 'image' || /(?:^| )[dlsu]b(?: |$)/.test(targetRow.className) ); var preview = null; if ( type === 'image' ) { preview = document.createElement('img'); preview.setAttribute('src', url); } var container = dialog.querySelector('div.preview'); container.classList.toggle('hide', preview === null); if ( preview === null ) { return; } container.appendChild(preview); }; // Build list of candidate URLs var createTargetURLs = function(url) { var urls = []; var matches = reRFC3986.exec(url); if ( matches === null || !matches[1] || !matches[2] ) { return urls; } // Shortest URL for a valid URL filtering rule var rootURL = matches[1] + matches[2]; urls.unshift(rootURL); var path = matches[3] || ''; var pos = path.charAt(0) === '/' ? 1 : 0; while ( pos < path.length ) { pos = path.indexOf('/', pos + 1); if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = path.length; } urls.unshift(rootURL + path.slice(0, pos)); } var query = matches[4] || ''; if ( query !== '') { urls.unshift(rootURL + path + query); } return urls; }; // Fill dynamic URL filtering pane var fillDynamicPane = function() { var select; // Fill context selector select = selectNode('select.dynamic.origin'); removeAllChildren(select); fillOriginSelect(select, targetPageHostname, targetPageDomain); var option = document.createElement('option'); option.textContent = '*'; option.setAttribute('value', '*'); select.appendChild(option); // Fill type selector select = selectNode('select.dynamic.type'); select.options[0].textContent = targetType; select.options[0].setAttribute('value', targetType); select.selectedIndex = 0; // Fill entries var menuEntryTemplate = dialog.querySelector('table.toolbar tr.entry'); var tbody = dialog.querySelector('div.dynamic table.entries tbody'); var url, menuEntry; for ( var i = 0; i < targetURLs.length; i++ ) { url = targetURLs[i]; menuEntry = menuEntryTemplate.cloneNode(true); menuEntry.cells[0].children[0].setAttribute('data-url', url); menuEntry.cells[1].textContent = url; tbody.appendChild(menuEntry); } colorize(); }; var fillOriginSelect = function(select, hostname, domain) { var option, pos; var template = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartOrigin'); var value = hostname; for (;;) { option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', value); option.textContent = template.replace('{{origin}}', value); select.appendChild(option); if ( value === domain ) { break; } pos = value.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { break; } value = value.slice(pos + 1); } }; // Fill static filtering pane var fillStaticPane = function() { var template = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentence'); var rePlaceholder = /\{\{[^}]+?\}\}/g; var nodes = []; var match, pos = 0; var select, option, i, value; for (;;) { match = rePlaceholder.exec(template); if ( match === null ) { break; } if ( pos !== match.index ) { nodes.push(document.createTextNode(template.slice(pos, match.index))); } pos = rePlaceholder.lastIndex; switch ( match[0] ) { case '{{br}}': nodes.push(document.createElement('br')); break; case '{{action}}': select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'static action'; option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', ''); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartBlock'); select.appendChild(option); option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', '@@'); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAllow'); select.appendChild(option); nodes.push(select); break; case '{{type}}': select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'static type'; option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', targetType); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartType').replace('{{type}}', targetType); select.appendChild(option); option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', ''); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAnyType'); select.appendChild(option); nodes.push(select); break; case '{{url}}': select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'static url'; for ( i = 0; i < targetURLs.length; i++ ) { value = targetURLs[i].replace(/^[a-z]+:\/\//, ''); option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', value); option.textContent = value; select.appendChild(option); } nodes.push(select); break; case '{{origin}}': select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'static origin'; fillOriginSelect(select, targetFrameHostname, targetFrameDomain); option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', ''); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAnyOrigin'); select.appendChild(option); nodes.push(select); break; case '{{importance}}': select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'static importance'; option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', ''); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartNotImportant'); select.appendChild(option); option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', 'important'); option.textContent = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartImportant'); select.appendChild(option); nodes.push(select); break; default: break; } } if ( pos < template.length ) { nodes.push(document.createTextNode(template.slice(pos))); } var parent = dialog.querySelector('div.containers > div.static > p:first-of-type'); removeAllChildren(parent); for ( i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { parent.appendChild(nodes[i]); } parseStaticInputs(); }; var fillDialog = function(domains) { targetDomain = domains[0]; targetPageDomain = domains[1]; targetFrameDomain = domains[2]; createPreview(targetType, targetURLs[0]); fillDynamicPane(); fillStaticPane(); document.body.appendChild(netFilteringDialog); netFilteringDialog.addEventListener('click', onClick, true); netFilteringDialog.addEventListener('change', onSelectChange, true); netFilteringDialog.addEventListener('input', onInputChange, true); }; var toggleOn = function(ev) { dialog = netFilteringDialog.querySelector('.dialog'); targetRow = ev.target.parentElement; targetTabId = tabIdFromClassName(targetRow.className); targetType = targetRow.cells[4].textContent.trim() || ''; targetURLs = createTargetURLs(targetRow.cells[5].textContent); targetPageHostname = targetRow.getAttribute('data-hn-page') || ''; targetFrameHostname = targetRow.getAttribute('data-hn-frame') || ''; // We need the root domain names for best user experience. messager.send({ what: 'getDomainNames', targets: [targetURLs[0], targetPageHostname, targetFrameHostname] }, fillDialog); }; var toggleOff = function() { removeAllChildren(dialog.querySelector('div.preview')); removeAllChildren(dialog.querySelector('div.dynamic table.entries tbody')); dialog = null; targetRow = null; targetURLs = []; netFilteringDialog.removeEventListener('click', onClick, true); netFilteringDialog.removeEventListener('change', onSelectChange, true); netFilteringDialog.removeEventListener('input', onInputChange, true); document.body.removeChild(netFilteringDialog); }; return { toggleOn: toggleOn }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var reverseLookupManager = (function() { var reSentence1 = /\{\{filter\}\}/g; var sentence1Template = vAPI.i18n('loggerStaticFilteringFinderSentence1'); var removeAllChildren = function(node) { while ( node.firstChild ) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } }; var onClick = function(ev) { var target = ev.target; // click outside the dialog proper if ( target.classList.contains('modalDialog') ) { toggleOff(); return; } ev.stopPropagation(); }; var nodeFromFilter = function(filter, lists) { if ( Array.isArray(lists) === false || lists.length === 0 ) { return null; } var node; var p = document.createElement('p'); reSentence1.lastIndex = 0; var matches = reSentence1.exec(sentence1Template); if ( matches === null ) { node = document.createTextNode(sentence1Template); } else { node = uDom.nodeFromSelector('#filterFinderDialogSentence1 > span').cloneNode(true); node.childNodes[0].textContent = sentence1Template.slice(0, matches.index); node.childNodes[1].textContent = filter; node.childNodes[2].textContent = sentence1Template.slice(reSentence1.lastIndex); } p.appendChild(node); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); var list, li; for ( var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++ ) { list = lists[i]; li = document.createElement('li'); if ( list.supportURL ) { node = document.createElement('a'); node.textContent = list.title; node.setAttribute('href', list.supportURL); node.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); } else { node = document.createTextNode(list.title); } li.appendChild(node); ul.appendChild(li); } p.appendChild(ul); return p; }; var reverseLookupDone = function(response) { if ( typeof response !== 'object' ) { return; } var dialog = filterFinderDialog.querySelector('.dialog'); removeAllChildren(dialog); for ( var filter in response ) { var p = nodeFromFilter(filter, response[filter]); if ( p === null ) { continue; } dialog.appendChild(p); } document.body.appendChild(filterFinderDialog); filterFinderDialog.addEventListener('click', onClick, true); }; var toggleOn = function(ev) { var row = ev.target.parentElement; var rawFilter = row.cells[2].textContent; if ( rawFilter === '' ) { return; } if ( row.classList.contains('cat_net') ) { messager.send({ what: 'listsFromNetFilter', compiledFilter: row.getAttribute('data-filter') || '', rawFilter: rawFilter }, reverseLookupDone); } else if ( row.classList.contains('cat_cosmetic') ) { messager.send({ what: 'listsFromCosmeticFilter', hostname: row.getAttribute('data-hn-frame') || '', rawFilter: rawFilter, }, reverseLookupDone); } }; var toggleOff = function() { filterFinderDialog.removeEventListener('click', onClick, true); document.body.removeChild(filterFinderDialog); }; return { toggleOn: toggleOn }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var rowFilterer = (function() { var filters = []; var parseInput = function() { filters = []; var rawPart, hardBeg, hardEnd; var raw = uDom('#filterInput').val().trim(); var rawParts = raw.split(/\s+/); var reStr, reStrs = [], not = false; var n = rawParts.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { rawPart = rawParts[i]; if ( rawPart.charAt(0) === '!' ) { if ( reStrs.length === 0 ) { not = true; } rawPart = rawPart.slice(1); } hardBeg = rawPart.charAt(0) === '|'; if ( hardBeg ) { rawPart = rawPart.slice(1); } hardEnd = rawPart.slice(-1) === '|'; if ( hardEnd ) { rawPart = rawPart.slice(0, -1); } if ( rawPart === '' ) { continue; } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions reStr = rawPart.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); if ( hardBeg ) { reStr = '(?:^|\\s)' + reStr; } if ( hardEnd ) { reStr += '(?:\\s|$)'; } reStrs.push(reStr); if ( i < (n - 1) && rawParts[i + 1] === '||' ) { i += 1; continue; } reStr = reStrs.length === 1 ? reStrs[0] : reStrs.join('|'); filters.push({ re: new RegExp(reStr, 'i'), r: !not }); reStrs = []; not = false; } }; var filterOne = function(tr, clean) { var ff = filters; var fcount = ff.length; if ( fcount === 0 && clean === true ) { return; } // do not filter out doc boundaries, they help separate important // section of log. var cl = tr.classList; if ( cl.contains('maindoc') ) { return; } if ( fcount === 0 ) { cl.remove('f'); return; } var cc = tr.cells; var ccount = cc.length; var hit, j, f; // each filter expression must hit (implicit and-op) // if... // positive filter expression = there must one hit on any field // negative filter expression = there must be no hit on all fields for ( var i = 0; i < fcount; i++ ) { f = ff[i]; hit = !f.r; for ( j = 0; j < ccount; j++ ) { if ( f.re.test(cc[j].textContent) ) { hit = f.r; break; } } if ( !hit ) { cl.add('f'); return; } } cl.remove('f'); }; var filterAll = function() { // Special case: no filter if ( filters.length === 0 ) { uDom('#events tr').removeClass('f'); return; } var tbody = document.querySelector('#events tbody'); var rows = tbody.rows; var i = rows.length; while ( i-- ) { filterOne(rows[i]); } }; var onFilterChangedAsync = (function() { var timer = null; var commit = function() { timer = null; parseInput(); filterAll(); }; return function() { if ( timer !== null ) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = vAPI.setTimeout(commit, 750); }; })(); var onFilterButton = function() { uDom.nodeFromId('events').classList.toggle('f'); }; uDom('#filterButton').on('click', onFilterButton); uDom('#filterInput').on('input', onFilterChangedAsync); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/404 // Ensure page state is in sync with the state of its various widgets. parseInput(); filterAll(); return { filterOne: filterOne, filterAll: filterAll }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ var toJunkyard = function(trs) { trs.remove(); var i = trs.length; while ( i-- ) { trJunkyard.push(trs.nodeAt(i)); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var clearBuffer = function() { var tabId = uDom.nodeFromId('pageSelector').value || null; var tbody = document.querySelector('#events tbody'); var tr = tbody.lastElementChild; var trPrevious; while ( tr !== null ) { trPrevious = tr.previousElementSibling; if ( tabId === null || tr.classList.contains(tabId) ) { trJunkyard.push(tbody.removeChild(tr)); } tr = trPrevious; } uDom.nodeFromId('clear').classList.toggle( 'disabled', tbody.childElementCount === 0 ); uDom.nodeFromId('clean').classList.toggle( 'disabled', tbody.querySelector('tr.tab:not(.canMtx)') === null ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var cleanBuffer = function() { var rows = uDom('#events tr.tab:not(.canMtx)').remove(); var i = rows.length; while ( i-- ) { trJunkyard.push(rows.nodeAt(i)); } uDom('#clean').addClass('disabled'); }; /******************************************************************************/ var toggleCompactView = function() { uDom.nodeFromId('events').classList.toggle('compactView'); }; /******************************************************************************/ var popupManager = (function() { var realTabId = null; var localTabId = null; var container = null; var popup = null; var popupObserver = null; var style = null; var styleTemplate = [ '#events tr:not(.tab_{{tabId}}) {', 'cursor: not-allowed;', 'opacity: 0.2;', '}' ].join('\n'); var resizePopup = function() { if ( popup === null ) { return; } var popupBody = popup.contentWindow.document.body; if ( popupBody.clientWidth !== 0 && container.clientWidth !== popupBody.clientWidth ) { container.style.setProperty('width', popupBody.clientWidth + 'px'); } if ( popupBody.clientHeight !== 0 && popup.clientHeight !== popupBody.clientHeight ) { popup.style.setProperty('height', popupBody.clientHeight + 'px'); } }; var toggleSize = function() { container.classList.toggle('hide'); }; var onLoad = function() { resizePopup(); popupObserver.observe(popup.contentDocument.body, { subtree: true, attributes: true }); }; var toggleOn = function(td) { var tr = td.parentNode; realTabId = localTabId = tabIdFromClassName(tr.className); if ( realTabId === '' ) { return; } if ( localTabId === 'bts' ) { realTabId = noTabId; } container = uDom.nodeFromId('popupContainer'); container.querySelector('div > span:nth-of-type(1)').addEventListener('click', toggleSize); container.querySelector('div > span:nth-of-type(2)').addEventListener('click', toggleOff); popup = document.createElement('iframe'); popup.addEventListener('load', onLoad); popup.setAttribute('src', 'popup.html?tabId=' + realTabId); popupObserver = new MutationObserver(resizePopup); container.appendChild(popup); style = uDom.nodeFromId('popupFilterer'); style.textContent = styleTemplate.replace('{{tabId}}', localTabId); var parent = uDom.nodeFromId('events'); var rect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); container.style.setProperty('top', rect.top + 'px'); container.style.setProperty('right', (rect.right - parent.clientWidth) + 'px'); parent.classList.add('popupOn'); }; var toggleOff = function() { uDom.nodeFromId('events').classList.remove('popupOn'); container.querySelector('div > span:nth-of-type(1)').removeEventListener('click', toggleSize); container.querySelector('div > span:nth-of-type(2)').removeEventListener('click', toggleOff); container.classList.remove('hide'); popup.removeEventListener('load', onLoad); popupObserver.disconnect(); popupObserver = null; popup.setAttribute('src', ''); container.removeChild(popup); popup = null; style.textContent = ''; style = null; container = null; realTabId = null; }; var exports = { toggleOn: function(ev) { if ( realTabId === null ) { toggleOn(ev.target); } }, toggleOff: function() { if ( realTabId !== null ) { toggleOff(); } } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'tabId', { get: function() { return realTabId || 0; } }); return exports; })(); /******************************************************************************/ uDom.onLoad(function() { readLogBuffer(); uDom('#pageSelector').on('change', pageSelectorChanged); uDom('#refresh').on('click', reloadTab); uDom('#compactViewToggler').on('click', toggleCompactView); uDom('#clean').on('click', cleanBuffer); uDom('#clear').on('click', clearBuffer); uDom('#maxEntries').on('change', onMaxEntriesChanged); uDom('#events table').on('click', 'tr.canMtx > td:nth-of-type(2)', popupManager.toggleOn); uDom('#events').on('click', 'tr.canLookup > td:nth-of-type(3)', reverseLookupManager.toggleOn); uDom('#events').on('click', 'tr.cat_net > td:nth-of-type(4)', netFilteringManager.toggleOn); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/404 // Ensure page state is in sync with the state of its various widgets. pageSelectorChanged(); }); /******************************************************************************/ })();