/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global publicSuffixList */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ // Load all: executed once. µBlock.restart = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var µb = µBlock; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.onShutdown = function() { µb.staticFilteringReverseLookup.shutdown(); µb.assets.updateStop(); µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.staticExtFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.sessionFirewall.reset(); µb.permanentFirewall.reset(); µb.permanentFirewall.reset(); µb.sessionURLFiltering.reset(); µb.permanentURLFiltering.reset(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var processCallbackQueue = function(queue, callback) { var processOne = function() { var fn = queue.pop(); if ( fn ) { fn(processOne); } else if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }; processOne(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Final initialization steps after all needed assets are in memory. // - Initialize internal state with maybe already existing tabs. // - Schedule next update operation. var onAllReady = function() { // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/184 // Check for updates not too far in the future. µb.assets.addObserver(µb.assetObserver.bind(µb)); µb.scheduleAssetUpdater(µb.userSettings.autoUpdate ? 7 * 60 * 1000 : 0); // vAPI.cloud is optional. if ( µb.cloudStorageSupported ) { vAPI.cloud.start([ 'tpFiltersPane', 'myFiltersPane', 'myRulesPane', 'whitelistPane' ]); } µb.contextMenu.update(null); µb.firstInstall = false; processCallbackQueue(µb.onStartCompletedQueue); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Filtering engines dependencies: // - PSL var onPSLReady = function() { µb.loadFilterLists(onAllReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // To bring older versions up to date var onVersionReady = function(lastVersion) { // Starting with 1.9.17, non-advanced users can have access to the dynamic // filtering pane in read-only mode. Still, it should not be visible by // default. if ( lastVersion.localeCompare('1.9.17') < 0 ) { if ( µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled === false && µb.userSettings.dynamicFilteringEnabled === true ) { µb.userSettings.dynamicFilteringEnabled = false; µb.keyvalSetOne('dynamicFilteringEnabled', false); } } if ( lastVersion !== vAPI.app.version ) { vAPI.storage.set({ version: vAPI.app.version }); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var onSelfieReady = function(selfie) { if ( selfie instanceof Object === false || selfie.magic !== µb.systemSettings.selfieMagic ) { return false; } if ( publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(selfie.publicSuffixList) !== true ) { return false; } if ( selfie.redirectEngine === undefined ) { return false; } µb.availableFilterLists = selfie.availableFilterLists; µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.fromSelfie(selfie.staticNetFilteringEngine); µb.redirectEngine.fromSelfie(selfie.redirectEngine); µb.staticExtFilteringEngine.fromSelfie(selfie.staticExtFilteringEngine); return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/226 // Whitelist in memory. // Whitelist parser needs PSL to be ready. // gorhill 2014-12-15: not anymore var onNetWhitelistReady = function(netWhitelistRaw) { µb.netWhitelist = µb.whitelistFromString(netWhitelistRaw); µb.netWhitelistModifyTime = Date.now(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // User settings are in memory var onUserSettingsReady = function(fetched) { var userSettings = µb.userSettings; fromFetch(userSettings, fetched); if ( µb.privacySettingsSupported ) { vAPI.browserSettings.set({ 'hyperlinkAuditing': !userSettings.hyperlinkAuditingDisabled, 'prefetching': !userSettings.prefetchingDisabled, 'webrtcIPAddress': !userSettings.webrtcIPAddressHidden }); } µb.permanentFirewall.fromString(fetched.dynamicFilteringString); µb.sessionFirewall.assign(µb.permanentFirewall); µb.permanentURLFiltering.fromString(fetched.urlFilteringString); µb.sessionURLFiltering.assign(µb.permanentURLFiltering); µb.hnSwitches.fromString(fetched.hostnameSwitchesString); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1892 // For first installation on a battery-powered device, disable generic // cosmetic filtering. if ( µb.firstInstall && vAPI.battery ) { userSettings.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters = true; } }; /******************************************************************************/ // Housekeeping, as per system setting changes var onSystemSettingsReady = function(fetched) { var mustSaveSystemSettings = false; if ( fetched.compiledMagic !== µb.systemSettings.compiledMagic ) { µb.assets.remove(/^compiled\//); mustSaveSystemSettings = true; } if ( fetched.selfieMagic !== µb.systemSettings.selfieMagic ) { mustSaveSystemSettings = true; } if ( mustSaveSystemSettings ) { fetched.selfie = null; µb.selfieManager.destroy(); vAPI.storage.set(µb.systemSettings, µb.noopFunc); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var onFirstFetchReady = function(fetched) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/747 µb.firstInstall = fetched.version === ''; // Order is important -- do not change: onSystemSettingsReady(fetched); fromFetch(µb.localSettings, fetched); onUserSettingsReady(fetched); fromFetch(µb.restoreBackupSettings, fetched); onNetWhitelistReady(fetched.netWhitelist); onVersionReady(fetched.version); // If we have a selfie, skip loading PSL, filter lists vAPI.cacheStorage.get('selfie', function(bin) { if ( bin instanceof Object && onSelfieReady(bin.selfie) ) { return onAllReady(); } µb.loadPublicSuffixList(onPSLReady); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ var toFetch = function(from, fetched) { for ( var k in from ) { if ( from.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } fetched[k] = from[k]; } }; var fromFetch = function(to, fetched) { for ( var k in to ) { if ( to.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } if ( fetched.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } to[k] = fetched[k]; } }; /******************************************************************************/ var onSelectedFilterListsLoaded = function() { var fetchableProps = { 'compiledMagic': '', 'dynamicFilteringString': 'behind-the-scene * 3p noop\nbehind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop', 'urlFilteringString': '', 'hostnameSwitchesString': '', 'lastRestoreFile': '', 'lastRestoreTime': 0, 'lastBackupFile': '', 'lastBackupTime': 0, 'netWhitelist': µb.netWhitelistDefault, 'selfieMagic': '', 'version': '' }; toFetch(µb.localSettings, fetchableProps); toFetch(µb.userSettings, fetchableProps); toFetch(µb.restoreBackupSettings, fetchableProps); vAPI.storage.get(fetchableProps, onFirstFetchReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO(seamless migration): // Eventually selected filter list keys will be loaded as a fetchable // property. Until then we need to handle backward and forward // compatibility, this means a special asynchronous call to load selected // filter lists. var onAdminSettingsRestored = function() { µb.loadSelectedFilterLists(onSelectedFilterListsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ return function() { processCallbackQueue(µb.onBeforeStartQueue, function() { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/531 µb.restoreAdminSettings(onAdminSettingsRestored); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.restart();