/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ const i18n = self.browser instanceof Object && self.browser instanceof Element === false ? self.browser.i18n : self.chrome.i18n; const i18n$ = (...args) => i18n.getMessage(...args); /******************************************************************************/ const isBackgroundProcess = document.title === 'uBlock Origin Background Page'; if ( isBackgroundProcess !== true ) { // http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-scripts#directions document.body.setAttribute( 'dir', ['ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ps', 'ur'].indexOf(i18n$('@@ui_locale')) !== -1 ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' ); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2084 // Anything else than , , , , , and will // be rendered as plain text. // For , only href attribute must be present, and it MUST starts with // `https://`, and includes no single- or double-quotes. // No HTML entities are allowed, there is code to handle existing HTML // entities already present in translation files until they are all gone. const allowedTags = new Set([ 'a', 'b', 'code', 'em', 'i', 'span', 'u', ]); const expandHtmlEntities = (( ) => { const entities = new Map([ // TODO: Remove quote entities once no longer present in translation // files. Other entities must stay. [ '­', '\u00AD' ], [ '“', '“' ], [ '”', '”' ], [ '‘', '‘' ], [ '’', '’' ], [ '<', '<' ], [ '>', '>' ], ]); const decodeEntities = match => { return entities.get(match) || match; }; return function(text) { if ( text.indexOf('&') !== -1 ) { text = text.replace(/&[a-z]+;/g, decodeEntities); } return text; }; })(); const safeTextToTextNode = function(text) { return document.createTextNode(expandHtmlEntities(text)); }; const sanitizeElement = function(node) { if ( allowedTags.has(node.localName) === false ) { return null; } node.removeAttribute('style'); let child = node.firstElementChild; while ( child !== null ) { const next = child.nextElementSibling; if ( sanitizeElement(child) === null ) { child.remove(); } child = next; } return node; }; const safeTextToDOM = function(text, parent) { if ( text === '' ) { return; } // Fast path (most common). if ( text.indexOf('<') === -1 ) { const toInsert = safeTextToTextNode(text); let toReplace = parent.childCount !== 0 ? parent.firstChild : null; while ( toReplace !== null ) { if ( toReplace.nodeType === 3 && toReplace.nodeValue === '_' ) { break; } toReplace = toReplace.nextSibling; } if ( toReplace !== null ) { parent.replaceChild(toInsert, toReplace); } else { parent.appendChild(toInsert); } return; } // Slow path. // `

` no longer allowed. Code below can be removed once all

's are // gone from translation files. text = text.replace(/^

|<\/p>/g, '') .replace(/

/g, '\n\n'); // Parse allowed HTML tags. const domParser = new DOMParser(); const parsedDoc = domParser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html'); let node = parsedDoc.body.firstChild; while ( node !== null ) { const next = node.nextSibling; switch ( node.nodeType ) { case 1: // element if ( sanitizeElement(node) === null ) { break; } parent.appendChild(node); break; case 3: // text parent.appendChild(node); break; default: break; } node = next; } }; i18n.safeTemplateToDOM = function(id, dict, parent) { if ( parent === undefined ) { parent = document.createDocumentFragment(); } let textin = i18n$(id); if ( textin === '' ) { return parent; } if ( textin.indexOf('{{') === -1 ) { safeTextToDOM(textin, parent); return parent; } const re = /\{\{\w+\}\}/g; let textout = ''; for (;;) { let match = re.exec(textin); if ( match === null ) { textout += textin; break; } textout += textin.slice(0, match.index); let prop = match[0].slice(2, -2); if ( dict.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) { textout += dict[prop].replace(//g, '>'); } else { textout += prop; } textin = textin.slice(re.lastIndex); } safeTextToDOM(textout, parent); return parent; }; // Helper to deal with the i18n'ing of HTML files. i18n.render = function(context) { const docu = document; const root = context || docu; for ( const elem of root.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n]') ) { let text = i18n$(elem.getAttribute('data-i18n')); if ( !text ) { continue; } if ( text.indexOf('{{') === -1 ) { safeTextToDOM(text, elem); continue; } // Handle selector-based placeholders: these placeholders tell where // existing child DOM element are to be positioned relative to the // localized text nodes. const parts = text.split(/(\{\{[^}]+\}\})/); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let textBefore = ''; for ( let part of parts ) { if ( part === '' ) { continue; } if ( part.startsWith('{{') && part.endsWith('}}') ) { // TODO: remove detection of ':' once it no longer appears // in translation files. const pos = part.indexOf(':'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { part = part.slice(0, pos) + part.slice(-2); } const selector = part.slice(2, -2); let node; // Ideally, the i18n strings explicitly refer to the // class of the element to insert. However for now we // will create a class from what is currently found in // the placeholder and first try to lookup the resulting // selector. This way we don't have to revisit all // translations just for the sake of declaring the proper // selector in the placeholder field. if ( selector.charCodeAt(0) !== 0x2E /* '.' */ ) { node = elem.querySelector(`.${selector}`); } if ( node instanceof Element === false ) { node = elem.querySelector(selector); } if ( node instanceof Element ) { safeTextToDOM(textBefore, fragment); fragment.appendChild(node); textBefore = ''; continue; } } textBefore += part; } if ( textBefore !== '' ) { safeTextToDOM(textBefore, fragment); } elem.appendChild(fragment); } for ( const elem of root.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n-title]') ) { const text = i18n$(elem.getAttribute('data-i18n-title')); if ( !text ) { continue; } elem.setAttribute('title', expandHtmlEntities(text)); } for ( const elem of root.querySelectorAll('[placeholder]') ) { const text = i18n$(elem.getAttribute('placeholder')); if ( text === '' ) { continue; } elem.setAttribute('placeholder', text); } for ( const elem of root.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n-tip]') ) { const text = i18n$(elem.getAttribute('data-i18n-tip')) .replace(/
/g, '\n') .replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n'); elem.setAttribute('data-tip', text); if ( elem.getAttribute('aria-label') === 'data-tip' ) { elem.setAttribute('aria-label', text); } } }; i18n.renderElapsedTimeToString = function(tstamp) { let value = (Date.now() - tstamp) / 60000; if ( value < 2 ) { return i18n$('elapsedOneMinuteAgo'); } if ( value < 60 ) { return i18n$('elapsedManyMinutesAgo').replace('{{value}}', Math.floor(value).toLocaleString()); } value /= 60; if ( value < 2 ) { return i18n$('elapsedOneHourAgo'); } if ( value < 24 ) { return i18n$('elapsedManyHoursAgo').replace('{{value}}', Math.floor(value).toLocaleString()); } value /= 24; if ( value < 2 ) { return i18n$('elapsedOneDayAgo'); } return i18n$('elapsedManyDaysAgo').replace('{{value}}', Math.floor(value).toLocaleString()); }; const unicodeFlagToImageSrc = new Map([ [ '🇦🇱', 'al' ], [ '🇦🇷', 'ar' ], [ '🇦🇹', 'at' ], [ '🇧🇦', 'ba' ], [ '🇧🇬', 'bg' ], [ '🇧🇷', 'br' ], [ '🇨🇦', 'ca' ], [ '🇨🇭', 'ch' ], [ '🇨🇳', 'cn' ], [ '🇨🇴', 'co' ], [ '🇨🇾', 'cy' ], [ '🇨🇿', 'cz' ], [ '🇩🇪', 'de' ], [ '🇩🇰', 'dk' ], [ '🇩🇿', 'dz' ], [ '🇪🇪', 'ee' ], [ '🇪🇬', 'eg' ], [ '🇪🇸', 'es' ], [ '🇫🇮', 'fi' ], [ '🇫🇴', 'fo' ], [ '🇫🇷', 'fr' ], [ '🇬🇷', 'gr' ], [ '🇭🇷', 'hr' ], [ '🇭🇺', 'hu' ], [ '🇮🇩', 'id' ], [ '🇮🇱', 'il' ], [ '🇮🇳', 'in' ], [ '🇮🇷', 'ir' ], [ '🇮🇸', 'is' ], [ '🇮🇹', 'it' ], [ '🇯🇵', 'jp' ], [ '🇰🇷', 'kr' ], [ '🇰🇿', 'kz' ], [ '🇱🇰', 'lk' ], [ '🇱🇹', 'lt' ], [ '🇱🇻', 'lv' ], [ '🇲🇦', 'ma' ], [ '🇲🇩', 'md' ], [ '🇲🇰', 'mk' ], [ '🇲🇽', 'mx' ], [ '🇲🇾', 'my' ], [ '🇳🇱', 'nl' ], [ '🇳🇴', 'no' ], [ '🇳🇵', 'np' ], [ '🇵🇱', 'pl' ], [ '🇵🇹', 'pt' ], [ '🇷🇴', 'ro' ], [ '🇷🇸', 'rs' ], [ '🇷🇺', 'ru' ], [ '🇸🇦', 'sa' ], [ '🇸🇮', 'si' ], [ '🇸🇰', 'sk' ], [ '🇸🇪', 'se' ], [ '🇸🇷', 'sr' ], [ '🇹🇭', 'th' ], [ '🇹🇯', 'tj' ], [ '🇹🇼', 'tw' ], [ '🇹🇷', 'tr' ], [ '🇺🇦', 'ua' ], [ '🇺🇿', 'uz' ], [ '🇻🇳', 'vn' ], [ '🇽🇰', 'xk' ], ]); const reUnicodeFlags = new RegExp( Array.from(unicodeFlagToImageSrc).map(a => a[0]).join('|'), 'gu' ); i18n.patchUnicodeFlags = function(text) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let i = 0; for (;;) { const match = reUnicodeFlags.exec(text); if ( match === null ) { break; } if ( match.index > i ) { fragment.append(text.slice(i, match.index)); } const img = document.createElement('img'); const countryCode = unicodeFlagToImageSrc.get(match[0]); img.src = `/img/flags-of-the-world/${countryCode}.png`; img.title = countryCode; img.classList.add('countryFlag'); fragment.append(img, '\u200A'); i = reUnicodeFlags.lastIndex; } if ( i < text.length ) { fragment.append(text.slice(i)); } return fragment; }; i18n.render(); } /******************************************************************************/ export { i18n, i18n$ };