/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global chrome, µBlock, YaMD5 */ /******************************************************************************* File system structure: assets ublock ... thirdparties ... user filters.txt ... */ /******************************************************************************/ // Low-level asset files manager µBlock.assets = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var repositoryRoot = µBlock.projectServerRoot; var nullFunc = function() {}; var reIsExternalPath = /^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9]/; var reIsUserPath = /^assets\/user\//; var lastRepoMetaTimestamp = 0; var refreshRepoMetaPeriod = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var exports = { autoUpdate: true, autoUpdateDelay: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }; /******************************************************************************/ var AssetEntry = function() { this.localChecksum = ''; this.repoChecksum = ''; this.expireTimestamp = 0; this.homeURL = ''; }; var RepoMetadata = function() { this.entries = {}; this.waiting = []; }; var repoMetadata = null; /******************************************************************************/ var cachedAssetsManager = (function() { var exports = {}; var entries = null; var cachedAssetPathPrefix = 'cached_asset_content://'; var getEntries = function(callback) { if ( entries !== null ) { callback(entries); return; } // Flush cached non-user assets if these are from a prior version. // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/212 var onLastVersionRead = function(store) { var currentVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; var lastVersion = store.extensionLastVersion || ''; if ( currentVersion !== lastVersion ) { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'extensionLastVersion': currentVersion }); exports.remove(/^assets\/(ublock|thirdparties)\//); exports.remove('assets/checksums.txt'); } callback(entries); }; var onLoaded = function(bin) { // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/381 // Maybe the index was requested multiple times and already // fetched by one of the occurrences. if ( entries === null ) { if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { console.error( 'µBlock> cachedAssetsManager> getEntries():', chrome.runtime.lastError.message ); } entries = bin.cached_asset_entries || {}; } chrome.storage.local.get('extensionLastVersion', onLastVersionRead); }; chrome.storage.local.get('cached_asset_entries', onLoaded); }; exports.entries = getEntries; exports.load = function(path, cbSuccess, cbError) { cbSuccess = cbSuccess || nullFunc; cbError = cbError || cbSuccess; var details = { 'path': path, 'content': '' }; var cachedContentPath = cachedAssetPathPrefix + path; var onLoaded = function(bin) { if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { details.error = 'Error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message; console.error('µBlock> cachedAssetsManager.load():', details.error); cbError(details); } else { details.content = bin[cachedContentPath]; cbSuccess(details); } }; var onEntries = function(entries) { if ( entries[path] === undefined ) { details.error = 'Error: not found'; cbError(details); return; } chrome.storage.local.get(cachedContentPath, onLoaded); }; getEntries(onEntries); }; exports.save = function(path, content, cbSuccess, cbError) { cbSuccess = cbSuccess || nullFunc; cbError = cbError || cbSuccess; var details = { path: path, content: content }; var cachedContentPath = cachedAssetPathPrefix + path; var bin = {}; bin[cachedContentPath] = content; var onSaved = function() { if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { details.error = 'Error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message; console.error('µBlock> cachedAssetsManager.save():', details.error); cbError(details); } else { cbSuccess(details); } }; var onEntries = function(entries) { entries[path] = Date.now(); bin.cached_asset_entries = entries; chrome.storage.local.set(bin, onSaved); }; getEntries(onEntries); }; exports.remove = function(pattern, before) { var onEntries = function(entries) { var keystoRemove = []; var paths = Object.keys(entries); var i = paths.length; var path; while ( i-- ) { path = paths[i]; if ( typeof pattern === 'string' && path !== pattern ) { continue; } if ( pattern instanceof RegExp && !pattern.test(path) ) { continue; } if ( typeof before === 'number' && entries[path] >= before ) { continue; } keystoRemove.push(cachedAssetPathPrefix + path); delete entries[path]; } if ( keystoRemove.length ) { chrome.storage.local.remove(keystoRemove); chrome.storage.local.set({ 'cached_asset_entries': entries }); } }; getEntries(onEntries); }; return exports; })(); /******************************************************************************/ var getTextFileFromURL = function(url, onLoad, onError) { // console.log('µBlock> getTextFileFromURL("%s"):', url); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.timeout = 15000; xhr.onload = onLoad; xhr.onerror = onError; xhr.ontimeout = onError; xhr.open('get', url, true); xhr.send(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var updateLocalChecksums = function() { var localChecksums = []; var entries = repoMetadata.entries; var entry; for ( var path in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(path) === false ) { continue; } entry = entries[path]; if ( entry.localChecksum !== '' ) { localChecksums.push(entry.localChecksum + ' ' + path); } } cachedAssetsManager.save('assets/checksums.txt', localChecksums.join('\n')); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Gather meta data of all assets. var getRepoMetadata = function(callback) { callback = callback || nullFunc; if ( (Date.now() - lastRepoMetaTimestamp) >= refreshRepoMetaPeriod ) { repoMetadata = null; } if ( repoMetadata !== null ) { if ( repoMetadata.waiting.length !== 0 ) { repoMetadata.waiting.push(callback); } else { callback(repoMetadata); } return; } lastRepoMetaTimestamp = Date.now(); var localChecksums; var repoChecksums; var checksumsReceived = function() { if ( localChecksums === undefined || repoChecksums === undefined ) { return; } // Remove from cache assets which no longer exist in the repo var entries = repoMetadata.entries; var checksumsChanged = false; var entry; for ( var path in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(path) === false ) { continue; } entry = entries[path]; // If repo checksums could not be fetched, assume no change if ( repoChecksums === '' ) { entry.repoChecksum = entry.localChecksum; } if ( entry.repoChecksum !== '' || entry.localChecksum === '' ) { continue; } checksumsChanged = true; cachedAssetsManager.remove(path); entry.localChecksum = ''; } if ( checksumsChanged ) { updateLocalChecksums(); } // Notify all waiting callers while ( callback = repoMetadata.waiting.pop() ) { callback(repoMetadata); } }; var validateChecksums = function(details) { if ( details.error || details.content === '' ) { return ''; } if ( /^(?:[0-9a-f]{32}\s+\S+(?:\s+|$))+/.test(details.content) === false ) { return ''; } return details.content; }; var parseChecksums = function(text, which) { var entries = repoMetadata.entries; var lines = text.split(/\n+/); var i = lines.length; var fields, assetPath; while ( i-- ) { fields = lines[i].trim().split(/\s+/); if ( fields.length !== 2 ) { continue; } assetPath = fields[1]; if ( entries[assetPath] === undefined ) { entries[assetPath] = new AssetEntry(); } entries[assetPath][which + 'Checksum'] = fields[0]; } }; var onLocalChecksumsLoaded = function(details) { if ( localChecksums = validateChecksums(details) ) { parseChecksums(localChecksums, 'local'); } checksumsReceived(); }; var onRepoChecksumsLoaded = function(details) { if ( repoChecksums = validateChecksums(details) ) { parseChecksums(repoChecksums, 'repo'); } checksumsReceived(); }; repoMetadata = new RepoMetadata(); repoMetadata.waiting.push(callback); readRepoFile('assets/checksums.txt', onRepoChecksumsLoaded); readLocalFile('assets/checksums.txt', onLocalChecksumsLoaded); }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t3WYfgM4x8 /******************************************************************************/ exports.setHomeURL = function(path, homeURL) { var onRepoMetadataReady = function(metadata) { var entry = metadata.entries[path]; if ( entry === undefined ) { entry = metadata.entries[path] = new AssetEntry(); } entry.homeURL = homeURL; } getRepoMetadata(onRepoMetadataReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Get a local asset, do not look-up repo or remote location if local asset // is not found. var readLocalFile = function(path, callback) { var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content }; if ( err ) { details.error = err; } callback(details); }; var onInstallFileLoaded = function() { //console.log('µBlock> readLocalFile("%s") / onInstallFileLoaded()', path); reportBack(this.responseText); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onInstallFileError = function() { console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile("%s") / onInstallFileError()', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readLocalFile("%s") / onCachedContentLoaded()', path); reportBack(details.content); }; var onCachedContentError = function(details) { //console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile("%s") / onCachedContentError()', path); if ( reIsExternalPath.test(path) ) { reportBack('', 'Error: asset not found'); return; } getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(details.path), onInstallFileLoaded, onInstallFileError); }; cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9KVpuFPtHc /******************************************************************************/ // Get the repository copy of a built-in asset. var readRepoFile = function(path, callback) { var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content, 'error': err }; callback(details); }; var onRepoFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; //console.log('µBlock> readRepoFile("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded()', path); // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/263 if ( this.status === 200 ) { reportBack(this.responseText); } else { reportBack('', 'Error: ' + this.statusText); } }; var onRepoFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; //console.error('µBlock> readRepoFile("%s") / onRepoFileError()', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); }; // 'ublock=...' is to skip browser cache getTextFileFromURL( repositoryRoot + path + '?ublock=' + Date.now(), onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError ); }; /******************************************************************************/ // An asset from an external source with a copy shipped with the extension: // Path --> starts with 'assets/(thirdparties|ublock)/', with a home URL // External --> // Repository --> has checksum (to detect need for update only) // Cache --> has expiration timestamp (in cache) // Local --> install time version var readRepoCopyAsset = function(path, callback) { var assetEntry; var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content }; if ( err ) { details.error = err; } callback(details); }; var updateChecksum = function() { if ( assetEntry !== undefined && assetEntry.repoChecksum !== assetEntry.localChecksum ) { assetEntry.localChecksum = assetEntry.repoChecksum; updateLocalChecksums(); } }; var onInstallFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onInstallFileLoaded()', path); reportBack(this.responseText); }; var onInstallFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onInstallFileError():', path, this.statusText); reportBack('', 'Error'); }; var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onCacheFileLoaded()', path); reportBack(details.content); }; var onCachedContentError = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onCacheFileError()', path); getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(details.path), onInstallFileLoaded, onInstallFileError); }; var repositoryURL = repositoryRoot + path + '?ublock=' + Date.now(); var onRepoFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; if ( typeof this.responseText !== 'string' || this.responseText === '' ) { console.error('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded("%s"): error', path, repositoryURL); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); return; } //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded("%s")', path, repositoryURL); updateChecksum(); cachedAssetsManager.save(path, this.responseText, callback); }; var onRepoFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileError("%s"):', path, repositoryURL, this.statusText); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; var onHomeFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; if ( typeof this.responseText !== 'string' || this.responseText === '' ) { console.error('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onHomeFileLoaded("%s"): no response', path, assetEntry.homeURL); // Fetch from repo only if obsolescence was due to repo checksum if ( assetEntry.localChecksum !== assetEntry.repoChecksum ) { getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); } else { cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); } return; } //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onHomeFileLoaded("%s")', path, assetEntry.homeURL); updateChecksum(); cachedAssetsManager.save(path, this.responseText, callback); }; var onHomeFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onHomeFileError("%s"):', path, assetEntry.homeURL, this.statusText); // Fetch from repo only if obsolescence was due to repo checksum if ( assetEntry.localChecksum !== assetEntry.repoChecksum ) { getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); } else { cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); } }; var onCacheMetaReady = function(entries) { // Fetch from remote if: // - Auto-update enabled AND (not in cache OR in cache but obsolete) var timestamp = entries[path]; var obsolete = Date.now() - exports.autoUpdateDelay; if ( exports.autoUpdate && (typeof timestamp !== 'number' || timestamp <= obsolete) ) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onCacheMetaReady(): not cached or obsolete', path); getTextFileFromURL(assetEntry.homeURL, onHomeFileLoaded, onHomeFileError); return; } // In cache if ( typeof timestamp === 'number' ) { cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); return; } // Not in cache getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(path), onInstallFileLoaded, onInstallFileError); }; var onRepoMetaReady = function(meta) { assetEntry = meta.entries[path]; // Asset doesn't exist if ( assetEntry === undefined ) { reportBack('', 'Error: asset not found'); return; } // Repo copy changed: fetch from home URL if ( exports.autoUpdate && assetEntry.localChecksum !== assetEntry.repoChecksum ) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoCopyAsset("%s") / onRepoMetaReady(): repo has newer version', path); getTextFileFromURL(assetEntry.homeURL, onHomeFileLoaded, onHomeFileError); return; } // Load from cache cachedAssetsManager.entries(onCacheMetaReady); }; getRepoMetadata(onRepoMetaReady); }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvUW4ozs7pY /******************************************************************************/ // An important asset shipped with the extension -- typically small, or // doesn't change often: // Path --> starts with 'assets/(thirdparties|ublock)/', without a home URL // Repository --> has checksum (to detect need for update and corruption) // Cache --> whatever from above // Local --> install time version var readRepoOnlyAsset = function(path, callback) { var assetEntry; var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content }; if ( err ) { details.error = err; } callback(details); }; var onInstallFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; //console.log('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onInstallFileLoaded()', path); reportBack(this.responseText); }; var onInstallFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onInstallFileError()', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); }; var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onCachedContentLoaded()', path); reportBack(details.content); }; var onCachedContentError = function() { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onCachedContentError()', path); getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(path), onInstallFileLoaded, onInstallFileError); }; var repositoryURL = repositoryRoot + path + '?ublock=' + Date.now(); var onRepoFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; if ( typeof this.responseText !== 'string' ) { console.error('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded("%s"): no response', path, repositoryURL); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); return; } if ( YaMD5.hashStr(this.responseText) !== assetEntry.repoChecksum ) { console.error('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded("%s"): bad md5 checksum', path, repositoryURL); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); return; } //console.log('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded("%s")', path, repositoryURL); assetEntry.localChecksum = assetEntry.repoChecksum; updateLocalChecksums(); cachedAssetsManager.save(path, this.responseText, callback); }; var onRepoFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onRepoFileError("%s"):', path, repositoryURL, this.statusText); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; var onRepoMetaReady = function(meta) { assetEntry = meta.entries[path]; // Asset doesn't exist if ( assetEntry === undefined ) { reportBack('', 'Error: asset not found'); return; } // Asset added or changed: load from repo URL and then cache result if ( exports.autoUpdate && assetEntry.localChecksum !== assetEntry.repoChecksum ) { //console.log('µBlock> readRepoOnlyAsset("%s") / onRepoMetaReady(): repo has newer version', path); getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); return; } // Load from cache cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; getRepoMetadata(onRepoMetaReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Asset doesn't exist. Just for symmetry purpose. var readNilAsset = function(path, callback) { callback({ 'path': path, 'content': '', 'error': 'Error: asset not found' }); }; /******************************************************************************/ // An external asset: // Path --> starts with 'http' // External --> https://..., http://... // Cache --> has expiration timestamp (in cache) var readExternalAsset = function(path, callback) { var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content }; if ( err ) { details.error = err; } callback(details); }; var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readExternalAsset("%s") / onCachedContentLoaded()', path); reportBack(details.content); }; var onCachedContentError = function() { console.error('µBlock> readExternalAsset("%s") / onCachedContentError()', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); }; var onExternalFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; //console.log('µBlock> readExternalAsset("%s") / onExternalFileLoaded1()', path); cachedAssetsManager.save(path, this.responseText); reportBack(this.responseText); }; var onExternalFileError = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> readExternalAsset("%s") / onExternalFileError()', path); cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; var onCacheMetaReady = function(entries) { // Fetch from remote if: // - Not in cache OR // // - Auto-update enabled AND in cache but obsolete var timestamp = entries[path]; var obsolete = Date.now() - exports.autoUpdateDelay; if ( typeof timestamp !== 'number' || (exports.autoUpdate && timestamp <= obsolete) ) { getTextFileFromURL(path, onExternalFileLoaded, onExternalFileError); return; } // In cache cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; cachedAssetsManager.entries(onCacheMetaReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ // User data: // Path --> starts with 'assets/user/' // Cache --> whatever user saved var readUserAsset = function(path, callback) { var onCachedContentLoaded = function(details) { //console.log('µBlock> readUserAsset("%s") / onCachedContentLoaded()', path); callback({ 'path': path, 'content': details.content }); }; var onCachedContentError = function() { //console.log('µBlock> readUserAsset("%s") / onCachedContentError()', path); callback({ 'path': path, 'content': '' }); }; cachedAssetsManager.load(path, onCachedContentLoaded, onCachedContentError); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Assets // // A copy of an asset from an external source shipped with the extension: // Path --> starts with 'assets/(thirdparties|ublock)/', with a home URL // External --> // Repository --> has checksum (to detect obsolescence) // Cache --> has expiration timestamp (to detect obsolescence) // Local --> install time version // // An important asset shipped with the extension (usually small, or doesn't // change often): // Path --> starts with 'assets/(thirdparties|ublock)/', without a home URL // Repository --> has checksum (to detect obsolescence or data corruption) // Cache --> whatever from above // Local --> install time version // // An external filter list: // Path --> starts with 'http' // External --> // Cache --> has expiration timestamp (to detect obsolescence) // // User data: // Path --> starts with 'assets/user/' // Cache --> whatever user saved // // When a checksum is present, it is used to determine whether the asset // needs to be updated. // When an expiration timestamp is present, it is used to determine whether // the asset needs to be updated. // // If no update required, an asset if first fetched from the cache. If the // asset is not cached it is fetched from the closest location: local for // an asset shipped with the extension, external for an asset not shipped // with the extension. exports.get = function(path, callback) { if ( reIsUserPath.test(path) ) { readUserAsset(path, callback); return; } if ( reIsExternalPath.test(path) ) { readExternalAsset(path, callback); return; } var onRepoMetaReady = function(meta) { var assetEntry = meta.entries[path]; // Asset doesn't exist if ( assetEntry === undefined ) { readNilAsset(path, callback); return; } // Asset is repo copy of external content if ( assetEntry.homeURL !== '' ) { readRepoCopyAsset(path, callback); return; } // Asset is repo only readRepoOnlyAsset(path, callback); }; getRepoMetadata(onRepoMetaReady); }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98y0Q7nLGWk /******************************************************************************/ exports.getLocal = readLocalFile; /******************************************************************************/ exports.put = function(path, content, callback) { cachedAssetsManager.save(path, content, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ exports.metadata = function(callback) { var out = {}; var onRepoMetaReady = function(meta) { var entries = meta.entries; var entryRepo, entryOut; for ( var path in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(path) === false ) { continue; } entryRepo = entries[path]; entryOut = out[path]; if ( entryOut === undefined ) { entryOut = out[path] = {}; } entryOut.localChecksum = entryRepo.localChecksum; entryOut.repoChecksum = entryRepo.repoChecksum; entryOut.homeURL = entryRepo.homeURL; entryOut.repoObsolete = entryOut.localChecksum !== entryOut.repoChecksum; // If the asset has a remote home and there is no corresponding // cache entry, it could be obsolete (because the asset could // have been modified after uBlock repo was updated). if ( entryOut.homeURL && typeof entryOut.lastModified !== 'number' ) { entryOut.cacheObsolete = true; } } callback(out); }; var onCacheMetaReady = function(entries) { var obsolete = Date.now() - exports.autoUpdateDelay; var entryOut; for ( var path in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(path) === false ) { continue; } entryOut = out[path]; if ( entryOut === undefined ) { entryOut = out[path] = {}; } entryOut.lastModified = entries[path]; // User data is not literally cache data if ( reIsUserPath.test(path) ) { continue; } entryOut.cached = true; entryOut.cacheObsolete = entryOut.lastModified <= obsolete; if ( reIsExternalPath.test(path) ) { entryOut.homeURL = path; } } getRepoMetadata(onRepoMetaReady); }; cachedAssetsManager.entries(onCacheMetaReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ exports.purge = function(pattern, before) { cachedAssetsManager.remove(pattern, before); }; /******************************************************************************/ exports.purgeAll = function(callback) { var onMetaDataReady = function(entries) { var out = {}; var entry; for ( var path in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(path) === false ) { continue; } entry = entries[path]; if ( !entry.cacheObsolete && !entry.repoObsolete ) { continue; } cachedAssetsManager.remove(path); out[path] = true; } callback(out); }; exports.metadata(onMetaDataReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ return exports; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/