/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2016-present The uBlock Origin authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ import * as s14e from './s14e-serializer.js'; import { ubolog } from './console.js'; import webext from './webext.js'; import µb from './background.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const STORAGE_NAME = 'uBlock0CacheStorage'; const extensionStorage = webext.storage.local; const pendingWrite = new Map(); const keysFromGetArg = arg => { if ( arg === null || arg === undefined ) { return []; } const type = typeof arg; if ( type === 'string' ) { return [ arg ]; } if ( Array.isArray(arg) ) { return arg; } if ( type !== 'object' ) { return; } return Object.keys(arg); }; let fastCache = 'indexedDB'; // https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-prototype-builtins const hasOwnProperty = (o, p) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p); /******************************************************************************* * * Extension storage * * Always available. * * */ const cacheStorage = (( ) => { const exGet = async (api, wanted, outbin) => { ubolog('cacheStorage.get:', api.name || 'storage.local', wanted.join()); const missing = []; for ( const key of wanted ) { if ( pendingWrite.has(key) ) { outbin[key] = pendingWrite.get(key); } else { missing.push(key); } } if ( missing.length === 0 ) { return; } return api.get(missing).then(inbin => { inbin = inbin || {}; const found = Object.keys(inbin); Object.assign(outbin, inbin); if ( found.length === wanted.length ) { return; } const missing = []; for ( const key of wanted ) { if ( hasOwnProperty(outbin, key) ) { continue; } missing.push(key); } return missing; }); }; const compress = async (bin, key, data) => { const µbhs = µb.hiddenSettings; const after = await s14e.serializeAsync(data, { compress: µbhs.cacheStorageCompression, compressThreshold: µbhs.cacheStorageCompressionThreshold, multithreaded: µbhs.cacheStorageMultithread, }); bin[key] = after; }; const decompress = async (bin, key) => { const data = bin[key]; if ( s14e.isSerialized(data) === false ) { return; } const µbhs = µb.hiddenSettings; const isLarge = data.length >= µbhs.cacheStorageCompressionThreshold; bin[key] = await s14e.deserializeAsync(data, { multithreaded: isLarge && µbhs.cacheStorageMultithread || 1, }); }; const api = { get(argbin) { const outbin = {}; return exGet( cacheAPIs[fastCache], keysFromGetArg(argbin), outbin ).then(wanted => { if ( wanted === undefined ) { return; } return exGet(extensionStorage, wanted, outbin); }).then(wanted => { if ( wanted === undefined ) { return; } if ( argbin instanceof Object === false ) { return; } if ( Array.isArray(argbin) ) { return; } for ( const key of wanted ) { if ( hasOwnProperty(argbin, key) === false ) { continue; } outbin[key] = argbin[key]; } }).then(( ) => { const promises = []; for ( const key of Object.keys(outbin) ) { promises.push(decompress(outbin, key)); } return Promise.all(promises).then(( ) => outbin); }).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, async keys(regex) { const results = await Promise.all([ cacheAPIs[fastCache].keys(regex), extensionStorage.get(null).catch(( ) => {}), ]); const keys = new Set(results[0]); const bin = results[1] || {}; for ( const key of Object.keys(bin) ) { if ( regex && regex.test(key) === false ) { continue; } keys.add(key); } return keys; }, async set(rawbin) { const keys = Object.keys(rawbin); if ( keys.length === 0 ) { return; } ubolog('cacheStorage.set:', keys.join()); for ( const key of keys ) { pendingWrite.set(key, rawbin[key]); } try { const serializedbin = {}; const promises = []; for ( const key of keys ) { promises.push(compress(serializedbin, key, rawbin[key])); } await Promise.all(promises); await Promise.all([ cacheAPIs[fastCache].set(rawbin, serializedbin), extensionStorage.set(serializedbin), ]); } catch(reason) { ubolog(reason); } for ( const key of keys ) { pendingWrite.delete(key); } }, remove(...args) { cacheAPIs[fastCache].remove(...args); return extensionStorage.remove(...args).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, clear(...args) { cacheAPIs[fastCache].clear(...args); return extensionStorage.clear(...args).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, select(api) { if ( hasOwnProperty(cacheAPIs, api) === false ) { return fastCache; } fastCache = api; for ( const k of Object.keys(cacheAPIs) ) { if ( k === api ) { continue; } cacheAPIs[k]['clear'](); } return fastCache; }, }; // Not all platforms support getBytesInUse if ( extensionStorage.getBytesInUse instanceof Function ) { api.getBytesInUse = function(...args) { return extensionStorage.getBytesInUse(...args).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }; } return api; })(); /******************************************************************************* * * Cache API * * Purpose is to mirror cache-related items from extension storage, as its * read/write operations are faster. May not be available/populated in * private/incognito mode. * * */ const cacheAPI = (( ) => { const caches = globalThis.caches; let cacheStoragePromise; const getAPI = ( ) => { if ( cacheStoragePromise !== undefined ) { return cacheStoragePromise; } cacheStoragePromise = new Promise(resolve => { if ( typeof caches !== 'object' || caches === null ) { ubolog('CacheStorage API not available'); resolve(null); return; } resolve(caches.open(STORAGE_NAME)); }).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); return null; }); return cacheStoragePromise; }; const urlPrefix = 'https://ublock0.invalid/'; const keyToURL = key => `${urlPrefix}${encodeURIComponent(key)}`; const urlToKey = url => decodeURIComponent(url.slice(urlPrefix.length)); // Cache API is subject to quota so we will use it only for what is key // performance-wise const shouldCache = bin => { const out = {}; for ( const key of Object.keys(bin) ) { if ( key.startsWith('cache/' ) ) { if ( /^cache\/(compiled|selfie)\//.test(key) === false ) { continue; } } out[key] = bin[key]; } if ( Object.keys(out).length !== 0 ) { return out; } }; const getOne = async key => { const cache = await getAPI(); if ( cache === null ) { return; } return cache.match(keyToURL(key)).then(response => { if ( response === undefined ) { return; } return response.text(); }).then(text => { if ( text === undefined ) { return; } return { key, text }; }).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }; const getAll = async ( ) => { const cache = await getAPI(); if ( cache === null ) { return; } return cache.keys().then(requests => { const promises = []; for ( const request of requests ) { promises.push(getOne(urlToKey(request.url))); } return Promise.all(promises); }).then(responses => { const bin = {}; for ( const response of responses ) { if ( response === undefined ) { continue; } bin[response.key] = response.text; } return bin; }).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }; const setOne = async (key, text) => { if ( text === undefined ) { return removeOne(key); } const blob = new Blob([ text ], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}); const cache = await getAPI(); if ( cache === null ) { return; } return cache .put(keyToURL(key), new Response(blob)) .catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }; const removeOne = async key => { const cache = await getAPI(); if ( cache === null ) { return; } return cache.delete(keyToURL(key)).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }; return { name: 'cacheAPI', async get(arg) { const keys = keysFromGetArg(arg); if ( keys === undefined ) { return; } if ( keys.length === 0 ) { return getAll(); } const bin = {}; const toFetch = keys.slice(); const hasDefault = typeof arg === 'object' && Array.isArray(arg) === false; for ( let i = 0; i < toFetch.length; i++ ) { const key = toFetch[i]; if ( hasDefault && arg[key] !== undefined ) { bin[key] = arg[key]; } toFetch[i] = getOne(key); } const responses = await Promise.all(toFetch); for ( const response of responses ) { if ( response === undefined ) { continue; } const { key, text } = response; if ( typeof key !== 'string' ) { continue; } if ( typeof text !== 'string' ) { continue; } bin[key] = text; } if ( Object.keys(bin).length === 0 ) { return; } return bin; }, async keys(regex) { const cache = await getAPI(); if ( cache === null ) { return []; } return cache.keys().then(requests => requests.map(r => urlToKey(r.url)) .filter(k => regex === undefined || regex.test(k)) ).catch(( ) => []); }, async set(rawbin, serializedbin) { const bin = shouldCache(serializedbin); if ( bin === undefined ) { return; } const keys = Object.keys(bin); const promises = []; for ( const key of keys ) { promises.push(setOne(key, bin[key])); } return Promise.all(promises); }, remove(keys) { const toRemove = []; if ( typeof keys === 'string' ) { toRemove.push(removeOne(keys)); } else if ( Array.isArray(keys) ) { for ( const key of keys ) { toRemove.push(removeOne(key)); } } return Promise.all(toRemove); }, async clear() { if ( typeof caches !== 'object' || caches === null ) { return; } return globalThis.caches.delete(STORAGE_NAME).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, shutdown() { cacheStoragePromise = undefined; return this.clear(); }, }; })(); /******************************************************************************* * * In-memory storage * * */ const memoryStorage = (( ) => { const sessionStorage = vAPI.sessionStorage; // This should help speed up loading from suspended state in Firefox for // Android. // 20240228 Observation: Slows down loading from suspended state in // Firefox desktop. Could be different in Firefox for Android. const shouldCache = bin => { const out = {}; for ( const key of Object.keys(bin) ) { if ( key.startsWith('cache/compiled/') ) { continue; } out[key] = bin[key]; } if ( Object.keys(out).length !== 0 ) { return out; } }; return { name: 'memoryStorage', get(...args) { return sessionStorage.get(...args).then(bin => { return bin; }).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, async keys(regex) { const bin = await this.get(null); const keys = []; for ( const key of Object.keys(bin || {}) ) { if ( regex && regex.test(key) === false ) { continue; } keys.push(key); } return keys; }, async set(rawbin, serializedbin) { const bin = shouldCache(serializedbin); if ( bin === undefined ) { return; } return sessionStorage.set(bin).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, remove(...args) { return sessionStorage.remove(...args).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, clear(...args) { return sessionStorage.clear(...args).catch(reason => { ubolog(reason); }); }, shutdown() { return this.clear(); }, }; })(); /******************************************************************************* * * IndexedDB * * Deprecated, exists only for the purpose of migrating from older versions. * * */ const idbStorage = (( ) => { let dbPromise; const getDb = function() { if ( dbPromise !== undefined ) { return dbPromise; } dbPromise = new Promise(resolve => { const req = indexedDB.open(STORAGE_NAME, 1); req.onupgradeneeded = ev => { if ( ev.oldVersion === 1 ) { return; } try { const db = ev.target.result; db.createObjectStore(STORAGE_NAME, { keyPath: 'key' }); } catch(ex) { req.onerror(); } }; req.onsuccess = ev => { if ( resolve === undefined ) { return; } resolve(ev.target.result || null); resolve = undefined; }; req.onerror = req.onblocked = ( ) => { if ( resolve === undefined ) { return; } ubolog(req.error); resolve(null); resolve = undefined; }; vAPI.defer.once(10000).then(( ) => { if ( resolve === undefined ) { return; } resolve(null); resolve = undefined; }); }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / getDb() failed: ${reason}`); return null; }); return dbPromise; }; // Cache API is subject to quota so we will use it only for what is key // performance-wise const shouldCache = key => { if ( key.startsWith('cache/') === false ) { return true; } return /^cache\/(compiled|selfie)\//.test(key); }; const getAllEntries = async function() { const db = await getDb(); if ( db === null ) { return []; } return new Promise(resolve => { const entries = []; const transaction = db.transaction(STORAGE_NAME, 'readonly'); transaction.oncomplete = transaction.onerror = transaction.onabort = ( ) => { resolve(Promise.all(entries)); }; const table = transaction.objectStore(STORAGE_NAME); const req = table.openCursor(); req.onsuccess = ev => { const cursor = ev.target && ev.target.result; if ( !cursor ) { return; } const { key, value } = cursor.value; if ( value instanceof Blob === false ) { entries.push({ key, value }); } cursor.continue(); }; }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / getAllEntries() failed: ${reason}`); return []; }); }; const getAllKeys = async function(regex) { const db = await getDb(); if ( db === null ) { return []; } return new Promise(resolve => { const keys = []; const transaction = db.transaction(STORAGE_NAME, 'readonly'); transaction.oncomplete = transaction.onerror = transaction.onabort = ( ) => { resolve(keys); }; const table = transaction.objectStore(STORAGE_NAME); const req = table.openCursor(); req.onsuccess = ev => { const cursor = ev.target && ev.target.result; if ( !cursor ) { return; } if ( regex && regex.test(cursor.key) === false ) { return; } keys.push(cursor.key); cursor.continue(); }; }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / getAllKeys() failed: ${reason}`); return []; }); }; const getEntries = async function(keys) { const db = await getDb(); if ( db === null ) { return []; } return new Promise(resolve => { const entries = []; const gotOne = ev => { const { result } = ev.target; if ( typeof result !== 'object' ) { return; } if ( result === null ) { return; } const { key, value } = result; if ( value instanceof Blob ) { return; } entries.push({ key, value }); }; const transaction = db.transaction(STORAGE_NAME, 'readonly'); transaction.oncomplete = transaction.onerror = transaction.onabort = ( ) => { resolve(Promise.all(entries)); }; const table = transaction.objectStore(STORAGE_NAME); for ( const key of keys ) { const req = table.get(key); req.onsuccess = gotOne; req.onerror = ( ) => { }; } }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / getEntries() failed: ${reason}`); return []; }); }; const getAll = async ( ) => { const entries = await getAllEntries(); const outbin = {}; for ( const { key, value } of entries ) { outbin[key] = value; } return outbin; }; const setEntries = async inbin => { const keys = Object.keys(inbin); if ( keys.length === 0 ) { return; } const db = await getDb(); if ( db === null ) { return; } return new Promise(resolve => { const entries = []; for ( const key of keys ) { entries.push({ key, value: inbin[key] }); } const transaction = db.transaction(STORAGE_NAME, 'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = transaction.onerror = transaction.onabort = ( ) => { resolve(); }; const table = transaction.objectStore(STORAGE_NAME); for ( const entry of entries ) { table.put(entry); } }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / setEntries() failed: ${reason}`); }); }; const deleteEntries = async arg => { const keys = Array.isArray(arg) ? arg.slice() : [ arg ]; if ( keys.length === 0 ) { return; } const db = await getDb(); if ( db === null ) { return; } return new Promise(resolve => { const transaction = db.transaction(STORAGE_NAME, 'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = transaction.onerror = transaction.onabort = ( ) => { resolve(); }; const table = transaction.objectStore(STORAGE_NAME); for ( const key of keys ) { table.delete(key); } }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage() / deleteEntries() failed: ${reason}`); }); }; return { name: 'idbStorage', async get(argbin) { const keys = keysFromGetArg(argbin); if ( keys === undefined ) { return; } if ( keys.length === 0 ) { return getAll(); } const entries = await getEntries(keys); const outbin = {}; const toRemove = []; for ( const { key, value } of entries ) { if ( shouldCache(key) === false ) { toRemove.push(key); continue; } outbin[key] = value; } if ( argbin instanceof Object && Array.isArray(argbin) === false ) { for ( const key of keys ) { if ( hasOwnProperty(outbin, key) ) { continue; } outbin[key] = argbin[key]; } } if ( toRemove.length !== 0 ) { deleteEntries(toRemove); } return outbin; }, async set(rawbin) { const bin = {}; for ( const key of Object.keys(rawbin) ) { if ( shouldCache(key) === false ) { continue; } bin[key] = rawbin[key]; } return setEntries(bin); }, keys(...args) { return getAllKeys(...args); }, remove(...args) { return deleteEntries(...args); }, clear() { return getDb().then(db => { if ( db === null ) { return; } db.close(); indexedDB.deleteDatabase(STORAGE_NAME); }).catch(reason => { ubolog(`idbStorage.clear() failed: ${reason}`); }); }, async shutdown() { await this.clear(); dbPromise = undefined; }, }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ const cacheAPIs = { 'indexedDB': idbStorage, 'cacheAPI': cacheAPI, 'browser.storage.session': memoryStorage, }; /******************************************************************************/ export default cacheStorage; /******************************************************************************/