// The following code is heavily based on the standard CodeMirror // search addon found at: https://codemirror.net/addon/search/search.js // I added/removed and modified code in order to get a closer match to a // browser's built-in find-in-page feature which are just enough for // uBlock Origin. // // This file was originally wholly imported from: // https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/blob/3e1bb5fff682f8f6cbfaef0e56c61d62403d4798/addon/search/search.js // // And has been modified over time to better suit uBO's usage and coding style: // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commits/master/src/js/codemirror/search.js // // The original copyright notice is reproduced below: // ===== // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE // Define search commands. Depends on dialog.js or another // implementation of the openDialog method. // Replace works a little oddly -- it will do the replace on the next // Ctrl-G (or whatever is bound to findNext) press. You prevent a // replace by making sure the match is no longer selected when hitting // Ctrl-G. // ===== import { dom, qs$ } from '../dom.js'; import { i18n$ } from '../i18n.js'; { const CodeMirror = self.CodeMirror; CodeMirror.defineOption('maximizable', true, (cm, maximizable) => { if ( typeof maximizable !== 'boolean' ) { return; } const wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement(); if ( wrapper === null ) { return; } const container = wrapper.closest('.codeMirrorContainer'); if ( container === null ) { return; } container.dataset.maximizable = `${maximizable}`; }); const searchOverlay = function(query, caseInsensitive) { if ( typeof query === 'string' ) query = new RegExp( query.replace(/[-[\]/{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&'), caseInsensitive ? 'gi' : 'g' ); else if ( !query.global ) query = new RegExp(query.source, query.ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g'); return { token: function(stream) { query.lastIndex = stream.pos; const match = query.exec(stream.string); if ( match && match.index === stream.pos ) { stream.pos += match[0].length || 1; return 'searching'; } else if ( match ) { stream.pos = match.index; } else { stream.skipToEnd(); } } }; }; const searchWidgetKeydownHandler = function(cm, ev) { const keyName = CodeMirror.keyName(ev); if ( !keyName ) { return; } CodeMirror.lookupKey( keyName, cm.getOption('keyMap'), function(command) { if ( widgetCommandHandler(cm, command) ) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } ); }; const searchWidgetInputHandler = function(cm, ev) { const state = getSearchState(cm); if ( ev.isTrusted !== true ) { if ( state.queryText === '' ) { clearSearch(cm); } else { cm.operation(function() { startSearch(cm, state); }); } return; } if ( queryTextFromSearchWidget(cm) === state.queryText ) { return; } state.queryTimer.offon(350); }; const searchWidgetClickHandler = (ev, cm) => { if ( ev.button !== 0 ) { return; } const target = ev.target; const tcl = target.classList; if ( tcl.contains('cm-search-widget-up') ) { findNext(cm, -1); } else if ( tcl.contains('cm-search-widget-down') ) { findNext(cm, 1); } else if ( tcl.contains('cm-linter-widget-up') ) { findNextError(cm, -1); } else if ( tcl.contains('cm-linter-widget-down') ) { findNextError(cm, 1); } else if ( tcl.contains('cm-maximize') ) { const container = target.closest('.codeMirrorContainer'); if ( container !== null ) { container.classList.toggle('cm-maximized'); } } if ( target.localName !== 'input' ) { cm.focus(); } }; const queryTextFromSearchWidget = function(cm) { return getSearchState(cm).widget.querySelector('input[type="search"]').value; }; const queryTextToSearchWidget = function(cm, q) { const input = getSearchState(cm).widget.querySelector('input[type="search"]'); if ( typeof q === 'string' && q !== input.value ) { input.value = q; } input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length); input.focus(); }; const SearchState = function(cm) { this.query = null; this.panel = null; const widgetParent = document.querySelector('.cm-search-widget-template').cloneNode(true); this.widget = widgetParent.children[0]; this.widget.addEventListener('keydown', searchWidgetKeydownHandler.bind(null, cm)); this.widget.addEventListener('input', searchWidgetInputHandler.bind(null, cm)); this.widget.addEventListener('click', ev => { searchWidgetClickHandler(ev, cm); }); if ( typeof cm.addPanel === 'function' ) { this.panel = cm.addPanel(this.widget); } this.queryText = ''; this.dirty = true; this.lines = []; cm.on('changes', (cm, changes) => { for ( const change of changes ) { if ( change.text.length !== 0 || change.removed !== 0 ) { this.dirty = true; break; } } }); cm.on('cursorActivity', cm => { updateCount(cm); }); this.queryTimer = vAPI.defer.create(( ) => { findCommit(cm, 0); }); }; // We want the search widget to behave as if the focus was on the // CodeMirror editor. const reSearchCommands = /^(?:find|findNext|findPrev|newlineAndIndent)$/; const widgetCommandHandler = function(cm, command) { if ( reSearchCommands.test(command) === false ) { return false; } const queryText = queryTextFromSearchWidget(cm); if ( command === 'find' ) { queryTextToSearchWidget(cm); return true; } if ( queryText.length !== 0 ) { findNext(cm, command === 'findPrev' ? -1 : 1); } return true; }; const getSearchState = function(cm) { return cm.state.search || (cm.state.search = new SearchState(cm)); }; const queryCaseInsensitive = function(query) { return typeof query === 'string' && query === query.toLowerCase(); }; // Heuristic: if the query string is all lowercase, do a case insensitive search. const getSearchCursor = function(cm, query, pos) { return cm.getSearchCursor( query, pos, { caseFold: queryCaseInsensitive(query), multiline: false } ); }; // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/658 // Modified to backslash-escape ONLY widely-used control characters. const parseString = function(string) { return string.replace(/\\[nrt\\]/g, match => { if ( match === '\\n' ) { return '\n'; } if ( match === '\\r' ) { return '\r'; } if ( match === '\\t' ) { return '\t'; } if ( match === '\\\\' ) { return '\\'; } return match; }); }; const reEscape = /[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g; // Must always return a RegExp object. // // Assume case-sensitivity if there is at least one uppercase in plain // query text. const parseQuery = function(query) { let flags = 'i'; let reParsed = query.match(/^\/(.+)\/([iu]*)$/); if ( reParsed !== null ) { try { const re = new RegExp(reParsed[1], reParsed[2]); query = re.source; flags = re.flags; } catch (e) { reParsed = null; } } if ( reParsed === null ) { if ( /[A-Z]/.test(query) ) { flags = ''; } query = parseString(query).replace(reEscape, '\\$&'); } if ( typeof query === 'string' ? query === '' : query.test('') ) { query = 'x^'; } return new RegExp(query, 'gm' + flags); }; let intlNumberFormat; const formatNumber = function(n) { if ( intlNumberFormat === undefined ) { intlNumberFormat = null; if ( Intl.NumberFormat instanceof Function ) { const intl = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, { notation: 'compact', maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }); if ( intl.resolvedOptions().notation ) { intlNumberFormat = intl; } } } return n > 10000 && intlNumberFormat instanceof Object ? intlNumberFormat.format(n) : n.toLocaleString(); }; const updateCount = function(cm) { const state = getSearchState(cm); const lines = state.lines; const current = cm.getCursor().line; let l = 0; let r = lines.length; let i = -1; while ( l < r ) { i = l + r >>> 1; const candidate = lines[i]; if ( current === candidate ) { break; } if ( current < candidate ) { r = i; } else /* if ( current > candidate ) */ { l = i + 1; } } let text = ''; if ( i !== -1 ) { text = formatNumber(i + 1); if ( lines[i] !== current ) { text = '~' + text; } text = text + '\xA0/\xA0'; } const count = lines.length; text += formatNumber(count); const span = state.widget.querySelector('.cm-search-widget-count'); span.textContent = text; span.title = count.toLocaleString(); }; const startSearch = function(cm, state) { state.query = parseQuery(state.queryText); if ( state.overlay !== undefined ) { cm.removeOverlay(state.overlay, queryCaseInsensitive(state.query)); } state.overlay = searchOverlay(state.query, queryCaseInsensitive(state.query)); cm.addOverlay(state.overlay); if ( state.dirty || self.searchThread.needHaystack() ) { self.searchThread.setHaystack(cm.getValue()); state.dirty = false; } self.searchThread.search(state.query).then(lines => { if ( Array.isArray(lines) === false ) { return; } state.lines = lines; const count = lines.length; updateCount(cm); if ( state.annotate !== undefined ) { state.annotate.clear(); state.annotate = undefined; } if ( count === 0 ) { return; } state.annotate = cm.annotateScrollbar('CodeMirror-search-match'); const annotations = []; let lineBeg = -1; let lineEnd = -1; for ( const line of lines ) { if ( lineBeg === -1 ) { lineBeg = line; lineEnd = line + 1; continue; } else if ( line === lineEnd ) { lineEnd = line + 1; continue; } annotations.push({ from: { line: lineBeg, ch: 0 }, to: { line: lineEnd, ch: 0 } }); lineBeg = -1; } if ( lineBeg !== -1 ) { annotations.push({ from: { line: lineBeg, ch: 0 }, to: { line: lineEnd, ch: 0 } }); } state.annotate.update(annotations); }); state.widget.setAttribute('data-query', state.queryText); }; const findNext = function(cm, dir, callback) { cm.operation(function() { const state = getSearchState(cm); if ( !state.query ) { return; } let cursor = getSearchCursor( cm, state.query, dir <= 0 ? cm.getCursor('from') : cm.getCursor('to') ); const previous = dir < 0; if (!cursor.find(previous)) { cursor = getSearchCursor( cm, state.query, previous ? CodeMirror.Pos(cm.lastLine()) : CodeMirror.Pos(cm.firstLine(), 0) ); if (!cursor.find(previous)) return; } cm.setSelection(cursor.from(), cursor.to()); const { clientHeight } = cm.getScrollInfo(); cm.scrollIntoView( { from: cursor.from(), to: cursor.to() }, clientHeight >>> 1 ); if (callback) callback(cursor.from(), cursor.to()); }); }; const findNextError = function(cm, dir) { const doc = cm.getDoc(); const cursor = cm.getCursor('from'); const cursorLine = cursor.line; const start = dir < 0 ? 0 : cursorLine + 1; const end = dir < 0 ? cursorLine : doc.lineCount(); let found = -1; doc.eachLine(start, end, lineHandle => { const markers = lineHandle.gutterMarkers || null; if ( markers === null ) { return; } const marker = markers['CodeMirror-lintgutter']; if ( marker === undefined ) { return; } if ( marker.dataset.error !== 'y' ) { return; } const line = lineHandle.lineNo(); if ( dir < 0 ) { found = line; return; } found = line; return true; }); if ( found === -1 || found === cursorLine ) { return; } cm.getDoc().setCursor(found); const { clientHeight } = cm.getScrollInfo(); cm.scrollIntoView({ line: found, ch: 0 }, clientHeight >>> 1); }; const clearSearch = function(cm, hard) { cm.operation(function() { const state = getSearchState(cm); if ( state.query ) { state.query = state.queryText = null; } state.lines = []; if ( state.overlay !== undefined ) { cm.removeOverlay(state.overlay); state.overlay = undefined; } if ( state.annotate ) { state.annotate.clear(); state.annotate = undefined; } state.widget.removeAttribute('data-query'); if ( hard ) { state.panel.clear(); state.panel = null; state.widget = null; cm.state.search = null; } }); }; const findCommit = function(cm, dir) { const state = getSearchState(cm); state.queryTimer.off(); const queryText = queryTextFromSearchWidget(cm); if ( queryText === state.queryText ) { return; } state.queryText = queryText; if ( state.queryText === '' ) { clearSearch(cm); } else { cm.operation(function() { startSearch(cm, state); findNext(cm, dir); }); } }; const findCommand = function(cm) { let queryText = cm.getSelection() || undefined; if ( !queryText ) { const word = cm.findWordAt(cm.getCursor()); queryText = cm.getRange(word.anchor, word.head); if ( /^\W|\W$/.test(queryText) ) { queryText = undefined; } cm.setCursor(word.anchor); } queryTextToSearchWidget(cm, queryText); findCommit(cm, 1); }; const findNextCommand = function(cm) { const state = getSearchState(cm); if ( state.query ) { return findNext(cm, 1); } }; const findPrevCommand = function(cm) { const state = getSearchState(cm); if ( state.query ) { return findNext(cm, -1); } }; { const searchWidgetTemplate = [ '', ].join('\n'); const domParser = new DOMParser(); const doc = domParser.parseFromString(searchWidgetTemplate, 'text/html'); const widgetTemplate = document.adoptNode(doc.body.firstElementChild); document.body.appendChild(widgetTemplate); } CodeMirror.commands.find = findCommand; CodeMirror.commands.findNext = findNextCommand; CodeMirror.commands.findPrev = findPrevCommand; CodeMirror.defineInitHook(function(cm) { getSearchState(cm); cm.on('linterDone', details => { const linterWidget = qs$('.cm-linter-widget'); const count = details.errorCount; if ( linterWidget.dataset.lint === `${count}` ) { return; } linterWidget.dataset.lint = `${count}`; dom.text( qs$(linterWidget, '.cm-linter-widget-count'), i18n$('linterMainReport').replace('{{count}}', count.toLocaleString()) ); }); }); }