/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 The µBlock authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global self, µBlock */ // For background page /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ var vAPI = self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {}; var chrome = self.chrome; var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); vAPI.chrome = true; var noopFunc = function(){}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app = { name: manifest.name, version: manifest.version }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.app.restart = function() { chrome.runtime.reload(); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.storage = chrome.storage.local; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.isNoTabId = function(tabId) { return tabId.toString() === '-1'; }; vAPI.noTabId = '-1'; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.registerListeners = function() { var onNavigationClient = this.onNavigation || noopFunc; var onPopupClient = this.onPopup || noopFunc; // https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/webNavigation // [onCreatedNavigationTarget ->] // onBeforeNavigate -> // onCommitted -> // onDOMContentLoaded -> // onCompleted var popupCandidates = Object.create(null); var PopupCandidate = function(details) { this.targetTabId = details.tabId; this.openerTabId = details.sourceTabId; this.targetURL = details.url; this.selfDestructionTimer = null; }; PopupCandidate.prototype.selfDestruct = function() { if ( this.selfDestructionTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.selfDestructionTimer); } delete popupCandidates[this.targetTabId]; }; PopupCandidate.prototype.launchSelfDestruction = function() { if ( this.selfDestructionTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.selfDestructionTimer); } this.selfDestructionTimer = setTimeout(this.selfDestruct.bind(this), 1000); }; var popupCandidateCreate = function(details) { var popup = popupCandidates[details.tabId]; // This really should not happen... if ( popup !== undefined ) { return; } return popupCandidates[details.tabId] = new PopupCandidate(details); }; var popupCandidateTest = function(details) { var popup = popupCandidates[details.tabId]; if ( popup === undefined ) { return; } popup.targetURL = details.url; if ( onPopupClient(popup) !== true ) { return; } popup.selfDestruct(); return true; }; var popupCandidateDestroy = function(details) { var popup = popupCandidates[details.tabId]; if ( popup instanceof PopupCandidate ) { popup.launchSelfDestruction(); } }; var onCreatedNavigationTarget = function(details) { //console.debug('onCreatedNavigationTarget: popup candidate', details.tabId); popupCandidateCreate(details); popupCandidateTest(details); }; var onBeforeNavigate = function(details) { if ( details.frameId === 0 ) { //console.debug('onBeforeNavigate: popup candidate', details.tabId); popupCandidateTest(details); } }; var onCommitted = function(details) { if ( details.frameId === 0 ) { //console.debug('onCommitted: popup candidate', details.tabId); if ( popupCandidateTest(details) === true ) { return; } popupCandidateDestroy(details); } onNavigationClient(details); }; chrome.webNavigation.onCreatedNavigationTarget.addListener(onCreatedNavigationTarget); chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(onBeforeNavigate); chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(onCommitted); if ( typeof this.onUpdated === 'function' ) { chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this.onUpdated); } if ( typeof this.onClosed === 'function' ) { chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(this.onClosed); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.get = function(tabId, callback) { var onTabReady = function(tab) { // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410868#c8 if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { /* noop */ } // Caller must be prepared to deal with nil tab value callback(tab); }; if ( tabId !== null ) { if ( typeof tabId === 'string' ) { tabId = parseInt(tabId, 10); } chrome.tabs.get(tabId, onTabReady); return; } var onTabReceived = function(tabs) { // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410868#c8 if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { /* noop */ } callback(tabs[0]); }; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, onTabReceived); }; /******************************************************************************/ // properties of the details object: // url: 'URL', // the address that will be opened // tabId: 1, // the tab is used if set, instead of creating a new one // index: -1, // undefined: end of the list, -1: following tab, or after index // active: false, // opens the tab in background - true and undefined: foreground // select: true // if a tab is already opened with that url, then select it instead of opening a new one vAPI.tabs.open = function(details) { var targetURL = details.url; if ( typeof targetURL !== 'string' || targetURL === '' ) { return null; } // extension pages if ( /^[\w-]{2,}:/.test(targetURL) !== true ) { targetURL = vAPI.getURL(targetURL); } // dealing with Chrome's asynchronous API var wrapper = function() { if ( details.active === undefined ) { details.active = true; } var subWrapper = function() { var _details = { url: targetURL, active: !!details.active }; // Opening a tab from incognito window won't focus the window // in which the tab was opened var focusWindow = function(tab) { if ( tab.active ) { chrome.windows.update(tab.windowId, { focused: true }); } }; if ( !details.tabId ) { if ( details.index !== undefined ) { _details.index = details.index; } chrome.tabs.create(_details, focusWindow); return; } // update doesn't accept index, must use move chrome.tabs.update(parseInt(details.tabId, 10), _details, function(tab) { // if the tab doesn't exist if ( vAPI.lastError() ) { chrome.tabs.create(_details, focusWindow); } else if ( details.index !== undefined ) { chrome.tabs.move(tab.id, {index: details.index}); } }); }; if ( details.index !== -1 ) { subWrapper(); return; } vAPI.tabs.get(null, function(tab) { if ( tab ) { details.index = tab.index + 1; } else { delete details.index; } subWrapper(); }); }; if ( !details.select ) { wrapper(); return; } chrome.tabs.query({ url: targetURL }, function(tabs) { var tab = tabs[0]; if ( tab ) { chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, { active: true }, function(tab) { chrome.windows.update(tab.windowId, { focused: true }); }); } else { wrapper(); } }); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.remove = function(tabId) { var onTabRemoved = function() { if ( vAPI.lastError() ) { } }; chrome.tabs.remove(parseInt(tabId, 10), onTabRemoved); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.reload = function(tabId /*, flags*/) { if ( typeof tabId === 'string' ) { tabId = parseInt(tabId, 10); } chrome.tabs.reload(tabId); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.tabs.injectScript = function(tabId, details, callback) { var onScriptExecuted = function() { // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410868#c8 if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) { } if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }; if ( tabId ) { tabId = parseInt(tabId, 10); chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, details, onScriptExecuted); } else { chrome.tabs.executeScript(details, onScriptExecuted); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // Must read: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410868#c8 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/19 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/207 // Since we may be called asynchronously, the tab id may not exist // anymore, so this ensures it does still exist. vAPI.setIcon = function(tabId, iconStatus, badge) { tabId = parseInt(tabId, 10); var onIconReady = function() { if ( vAPI.lastError() ) { return; } chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ tabId: tabId, text: badge }); if ( badge !== '' ) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ tabId: tabId, color: '#666' }); } }; var iconPaths = iconStatus === 'on' ? { '19': 'img/browsericons/icon19.png', '38': 'img/browsericons/icon38.png' } : { '19': 'img/browsericons/icon19-off.png', '38': 'img/browsericons/icon38-off.png' }; chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ tabId: tabId, path: iconPaths }, onIconReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging = { ports: {}, listeners: {}, defaultHandler: null, NOOPFUNC: noopFunc, UNHANDLED: 'vAPI.messaging.notHandled' }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.listen = function(listenerName, callback) { this.listeners[listenerName] = callback; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.onPortMessage = function(request, port) { var callback = vAPI.messaging.NOOPFUNC; if ( request.requestId !== undefined ) { callback = CallbackWrapper.factory(port, request).callback; } // Specific handler var r = vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; var listener = vAPI.messaging.listeners[request.channelName]; if ( typeof listener === 'function' ) { r = listener(request.msg, port.sender, callback); } if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } // Default handler r = vAPI.messaging.defaultHandler(request.msg, port.sender, callback); if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } console.error('µBlock> messaging > unknown request: %o', request); // Unhandled: // Need to callback anyways in case caller expected an answer, or // else there is a memory leak on caller's side callback(); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.onPortDisconnect = function(port) { port.onDisconnect.removeListener(vAPI.messaging.onPortDisconnect); port.onMessage.removeListener(vAPI.messaging.onPortMessage); delete vAPI.messaging.ports[port.name]; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.onPortConnect = function(port) { port.onDisconnect.addListener(vAPI.messaging.onPortDisconnect); port.onMessage.addListener(vAPI.messaging.onPortMessage); vAPI.messaging.ports[port.name] = port; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.setup = function(defaultHandler) { // Already setup? if ( this.defaultHandler !== null ) { return; } if ( typeof defaultHandler !== 'function' ) { defaultHandler = function(){ return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; }; } this.defaultHandler = defaultHandler; chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(this.onPortConnect); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.broadcast = function(message) { var messageWrapper = { broadcast: true, msg: message }; for ( var portName in this.ports ) { if ( this.ports.hasOwnProperty(portName) === false ) { continue; } this.ports[portName].postMessage(messageWrapper); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // This allows to avoid creating a closure for every single message which // expects an answer. Having a closure created each time a message is processed // has been always bothering me. Another benefit of the implementation here // is to reuse the callback proxy object, so less memory churning. // // https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-javascript // "Creating a closure is significantly slower then creating an inner // function without a closure, and much slower than reusing a static // function" // // http://hacksoflife.blogspot.ca/2015/01/the-four-horsemen-of-performance.html // "the dreaded 'uniformly slow code' case where every function takes 1% // of CPU and you have to make one hundred separate performance optimizations // to improve performance at all" // // http://jsperf.com/closure-no-closure/2 var CallbackWrapper = function(port, request) { // No need to bind every single time this.callback = this.proxy.bind(this); this.messaging = vAPI.messaging; this.init(port, request); }; CallbackWrapper.junkyard = []; CallbackWrapper.factory = function(port, request) { var wrapper = CallbackWrapper.junkyard.pop(); if ( wrapper ) { wrapper.init(port, request); return wrapper; } return new CallbackWrapper(port, request); }; CallbackWrapper.prototype.init = function(port, request) { this.port = port; this.request = request; }; CallbackWrapper.prototype.proxy = function(response) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/383 if ( this.messaging.ports.hasOwnProperty(this.port.name) ) { this.port.postMessage({ requestId: this.request.requestId, channelName: this.request.channelName, msg: response !== undefined ? response : null }); } // Mark for reuse this.port = this.request = null; CallbackWrapper.junkyard.push(this); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.net = {}; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.net.registerListeners = function() { var µb = µBlock; var µburi = µb.URI; var normalizeRequestDetails = function(details) { µburi.set(details.url); details.tabId = details.tabId.toString(); details.hostname = µburi.hostnameFromURI(details.url); // The rest of the function code is to normalize type if ( details.type !== 'other' ) { return; } var tail = µburi.path.slice(-6); var pos = tail.lastIndexOf('.'); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/862 // If no transposition possible, transpose to `object` as per // Chromium bug 410382 (see below) if ( pos === -1 ) { details.type = 'object'; return; } var ext = tail.slice(pos) + '.'; if ( '.eot.ttf.otf.svg.woff.woff2.'.indexOf(ext) !== -1 ) { details.type = 'font'; return; } // Still need this because often behind-the-scene requests are wrongly // categorized as 'other' if ( '.ico.png.gif.jpg.jpeg.webp.'.indexOf(ext) !== -1 ) { details.type = 'image'; return; } // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 details.type = 'object'; }; var onBeforeRequestClient = this.onBeforeRequest.callback; var onBeforeRequest = function(details) { normalizeRequestDetails(details); return onBeforeRequestClient(details); }; chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( onBeforeRequest, //function(details) { // quickProfiler.start('onBeforeRequest'); // var r = onBeforeRequest(details); // quickProfiler.stop(); // return r; //}, { 'urls': this.onBeforeRequest.urls || [''], 'types': this.onBeforeRequest.types || [] }, this.onBeforeRequest.extra ); var onHeadersReceivedClient = this.onHeadersReceived.callback; var onHeadersReceived = function(details) { normalizeRequestDetails(details); return onHeadersReceivedClient(details); }; chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener( onHeadersReceived, { 'urls': this.onHeadersReceived.urls || [''], 'types': this.onHeadersReceived.types || [] }, this.onHeadersReceived.extra ); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.contextMenu = { create: function(details, callback) { this.menuId = details.id; this.callback = callback; chrome.contextMenus.create(details); chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(this.callback); }, remove: function() { chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.removeListener(this.callback); chrome.contextMenus.remove(this.menuId); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.lastError = function() { return chrome.runtime.lastError; }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is called only once, when everything has been loaded in memory after // the extension was launched. It can be used to inject content scripts // in already opened web pages, to remove whatever nuisance could make it to // the web pages before uBlock was ready. vAPI.onLoadAllCompleted = function() { // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410868#c11 // Need to be sure to access `vAPI.lastError()` to prevent // spurious warnings in the console. var scriptDone = function() { vAPI.lastError(); }; var scriptEnd = function(tabId) { if ( vAPI.lastError() ) { return; } vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: 'js/contentscript-end.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_idle' }, scriptDone); }; var scriptStart = function(tabId) { vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: 'js/vapi-client.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_start' }, function(){ }); vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: 'js/contentscript-start.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_start' }, function(){ scriptEnd(tabId); }); }; var bindToTabs = function(tabs) { var µb = µBlock; var i = tabs.length, tab; while ( i-- ) { tab = tabs[i]; µb.bindTabToPageStats(tab.id, tab.url); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/129 scriptStart(tab.id); } }; chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'http://*/*' }, bindToTabs); chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'https://*/*' }, bindToTabs); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.punycodeHostname = function(hostname) { return hostname; }; vAPI.punycodeURL = function(url) { return url; }; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/