/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import { createRequire } from 'module'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { dirname, resolve } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); import './lib/punycode.js'; import './lib/publicsuffixlist/publicsuffixlist.js'; import globals from './js/globals.js'; import snfe from './js/static-net-filtering.js'; import { FilteringContext } from './js/filtering-context.js'; import { LineIterator } from './js/text-utils.js'; import { StaticFilteringParser } from './js/static-filtering-parser.js'; import { CompiledListReader, CompiledListWriter, } from './js/static-filtering-io.js'; /******************************************************************************/ function loadJSON(path) { return JSON.parse(readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, path), 'utf8')); } /******************************************************************************/ async function enableWASM() { const wasmModuleFetcher = function(path) { const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); // jshint ignore:line const wasm = new Uint8Array(require(`${path}.wasm.json`)); return globals.WebAssembly.compile(wasm); }; try { const results = await Promise.all([ globals.publicSuffixList.enableWASM(wasmModuleFetcher, './lib/publicsuffixlist/wasm/'), snfe.enableWASM(wasmModuleFetcher, './js/wasm/'), ]); return results.every(a => a === true); } catch(reason) { console.log(reason); } return false; } /******************************************************************************/ function pslInit(raw) { if ( typeof raw === 'string' && raw.trim() !== '' ) { globals.publicSuffixList.parse(raw, globals.punycode.toASCII); return globals.publicSuffixList; } // Use serialized version if available let serialized = null; try { // Use loadJSON() because require() would keep the string in memory. serialized = loadJSON('build/publicsuffixlist.json'); } catch (error) { if ( process.env.npm_lifecycle_event !== 'build' ) { // This should never happen except during package building. console.error(error); } } if ( serialized !== null ) { globals.publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(serialized); return globals.publicSuffixList; } raw = readFileSync( resolve(__dirname, './assets/thirdparties/publicsuffix.org/list/effective_tld_names.dat'), 'utf8' ); if ( typeof raw !== 'string' || raw.trim() === '' ) { console.error('Unable to populate public suffix list'); return; } globals.publicSuffixList.parse(raw, globals.punycode.toASCII); return globals.publicSuffixList; } /******************************************************************************/ function compileList({ name, raw }, compiler, writer, options = {}) { const lineIter = new LineIterator(raw); const events = Array.isArray(options.events) ? options.events : undefined; if ( name ) { writer.properties.set('name', name); } const { parser } = compiler; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { let line = lineIter.next(); while ( line.endsWith(' \\') ) { if ( lineIter.peek(4) !== ' ' ) { break; } line = line.slice(0, -2).trim() + lineIter.next().trim(); } parser.analyze(line); if ( parser.shouldIgnore() ) { continue; } if ( parser.category !== parser.CATStaticNetFilter ) { continue; } if ( parser.patternHasUnicode() && parser.toASCII() === false ) { continue; } if ( compiler.compile(writer) ) { continue; } if ( compiler.error !== undefined && events !== undefined ) { options.events.push({ type: 'error', text: compiler.error }); } } return writer.toString(); } /******************************************************************************/ async function useLists(lists, options = {}) { if ( useLists.promise !== null ) { throw new Error('Pending useLists() operation'); } // Remove all filters snfe.reset(); if ( Array.isArray(lists) === false || lists.length === 0 ) { return; } let compiler = null; const consumeList = list => { let { compiled } = list; if ( typeof compiled !== 'string' || compiled === '' ) { const writer = new CompiledListWriter(); if ( compiler === null ) { compiler = snfe.createCompiler(new StaticFilteringParser()); } compiled = compileList(list, compiler, writer, options); } snfe.fromCompiled(new CompiledListReader(compiled)); }; // Populate filtering engine with resolved filter lists const promises = []; for ( const list of lists ) { const promise = list instanceof Promise ? list : Promise.resolve(list); promises.push(promise.then(list => consumeList(list))); } useLists.promise = Promise.all(promises); await useLists.promise; useLists.promise = null; // Commit changes snfe.freeze(); snfe.optimize(); } useLists.promise = null; /******************************************************************************/ class MockStorage { constructor(serialized) { this.map = new Map(serialized); } async put(assetKey, content) { this.map.set(assetKey, content); return ({ assetKey, content }); } async get(assetKey) { return ({ assetKey, content: this.map.get(assetKey) }); } *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield* this.map; } } const fctx = new FilteringContext(); let snfeProxyInstance = null; class StaticNetFilteringEngine { constructor() { if ( snfeProxyInstance !== null ) { throw new Error('Only a single instance is supported.'); } snfeProxyInstance = this; } async useLists(lists) { await useLists(lists); } matchRequest(details) { return snfe.matchRequest(fctx.fromDetails(details)); } matchAndFetchModifiers(details, modifier) { return snfe.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctx.fromDetails(details), modifier); } hasQuery(details) { return snfe.hasQuery(details); } toLogData() { return snfe.toLogData(); } createCompiler(parser) { return snfe.createCompiler(parser); } compileList(...args) { return compileList(...args); } async serialize() { const storage = new MockStorage(); await snfe.toSelfie(storage, 'path'); return JSON.stringify([...storage]); } async deserialize(serialized) { const storage = new MockStorage(JSON.parse(serialized)); await snfe.fromSelfie(storage, 'path'); } static async create({ noPSL = false } = {}) { const instance = new StaticNetFilteringEngine(); if ( noPSL !== true && !pslInit() ) { throw new Error('Failed to initialize public suffix list.'); } return instance; } static async release() { if ( snfeProxyInstance === null ) { return; } snfeProxyInstance = null; await useLists([]); } } /******************************************************************************/ // rollup.js needs module.exports to be set back to the local exports object. // This is because some of the code (e.g. publicsuffixlist.js) sets // module.exports. Once all included files are written like ES modules, using // export statements, this should no longer be necessary. if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined' ) { module.exports = exports; } export { enableWASM, pslInit, StaticNetFilteringEngine, };