/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 The µBlock authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global Services */ // For background page /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu['import']('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm'); /******************************************************************************/ self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {}; vAPI.firefox = true; /******************************************************************************/ var SQLite = { open: function() { var path = Services.dirsvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile); path.append('extension-data'); if (!path.exists()) { path.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0774', 8)); } if (!path.isDirectory()) { throw Error('Should be a directory...'); } path.append('uBlock.sqlite'); this.db = Services.storage.openDatabase(path); this.db.executeSimpleSQL( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS settings' + '(name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT);' ); }, close: function() { this.run('VACUUM'); this.db.asyncClose(); }, run: function(query, values, callback) { if (!this.db) { this.open(); } var result = {}; query = this.db.createAsyncStatement(query); if (Array.isArray(values) && values.length) { var i = values.length; while (i--) { query.bindByIndex(i, values[i]); } } query.executeAsync({ handleResult: function(rows) { if (!rows || typeof callback !== 'function') { return; } var row; while (row = rows.getNextRow()) { // we assume that there will be two columns, since we're // using it only for preferences result[row.getResultByIndex(0)] = row.getResultByIndex(1); } }, handleCompletion: function(reason) { if (typeof callback === 'function' && reason === 0) { callback(result); } }, handleError: function(error) { console.error('SQLite error ', error.result, error.message); } }); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.storage = { QUOTA_BYTES: 100 * 1024 * 1024, sqlWhere: function(col, valNum) { if (valNum > 0) { valNum = Array(valNum + 1).join('?, ').slice(0, -2); return ' WHERE ' + col + ' IN (' + valNum + ')'; } return ''; }, get: function(details, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return; } var values = [], defaults = false; if (details !== null) { if (Array.isArray(details)) { values = details; } else if (typeof details === 'object') { defaults = true; values = Object.keys(details); } else { values = [details.toString()]; } } SQLite.run( 'SELECT * FROM settings' + this.sqlWhere('name', values.length), values, function(result) { var key; for (key in result) { result[key] = JSON.parse(result[key]); } if (defaults) { for (key in details) { if (!result[key]) { result[key] = details[key]; } } } callback(result); } ); }, set: function(details, callback) { var key, values = [], questionmarks = []; for (key in details) { values.push(key); values.push(JSON.stringify(details[key])); questionmarks.push('?, ?'); } if (!values.length) { return; } SQLite.run( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO settings (name, value) SELECT ' + questionmarks.join(' UNION SELECT '), values, callback ); }, remove: function(keys, callback) { if (typeof keys === 'string') { keys = [keys]; } SQLite.run( 'DELETE FROM settings' + this.sqlWhere('name', keys.length), keys, callback ); }, clear: function(callback) { SQLite.run('DELETE FROM settings', null, callback); SQLite.run('VACUUM'); }, getBytesInUse: function(keys, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { return; } SQLite.run( "SELECT 'size' AS size, SUM(LENGTH(value)) FROM settings" + this.sqlWhere('name', Array.isArray(keys) ? keys.length : 0), keys, function(result) { callback(result.size); } ); } }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging = { gmm: Cc['@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1'].getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager), frameScript: 'chrome://ublock/content/frameScript.js', listeners: {}, defaultHandler: null, NOOPFUNC: function(){}, UNHANDLED: 'vAPI.messaging.notHandled' }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.gmm.loadFrameScript(vAPI.messaging.frameScript, true); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.listen = function(listenerName, callback) { this.listeners[listenerName] = callback; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.onMessage = function(request) { var messageManager = request.target.messageManager; var listenerId = request.data.portName.split('|'); var portName = listenerId[1]; listenerId = listenerId[0]; var callback = vAPI.messaging.NOOPFUNC; if ( request.data.requestId !== undefined ) { callback = function(response) { messageManager.sendAsyncMessage( listenerId, JSON.stringify({ requestId: request.data.requestId, portName: portName, msg: response !== undefined ? response : null }) ); }; } // TODO: var sender = { tab: { id: 0 } }; // Specific handler var r = vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; var listener = vAPI.messaging.listeners[portName]; if ( typeof listener === 'function' ) { r = listener(request.data.msg, sender, callback); } if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } // Default handler r = vAPI.messaging.defaultHandler(request.data.msg, sender, callback); if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) { return; } console.error('µBlock> messaging > unknown request: %o', request.data); // Unhandled: // Need to callback anyways in case caller expected an answer, or // else there is a memory leak on caller's side callback(); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.setup = function(defaultHandler) { // Already setup? if ( this.defaultHandler !== null ) { return; } if ( typeof defaultHandler !== 'function' ) { defaultHandler = function(){ return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; }; } this.defaultHandler = defaultHandler; this.gmm.addMessageListener(vAPI.app.name + ':background', this.onMessage); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.broadcast = function(message) { this.gmm.broadcastAsyncMessage( vAPI.app.name + ':broadcast', JSON.stringify({broadcast: true, msg: message}) ); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.lastError = function() { return null; }; /******************************************************************************/ // clean up when the extension is disabled window.addEventListener('unload', function() { SQLite.close(); vAPI.messaging.gmm.removeMessageListener( vAPI.app.name + ':background', vAPI.messaging.postMessage ); vAPI.messaging.gmm.removeDelayedFrameScript(vAPI.messaging.frameScript); // close extension tabs var enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser'); var host = 'ublock'; var gBrowser, tabs, i, extURI; while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { gBrowser = enumerator.getNext().gBrowser; tabs = gBrowser.tabs; i = tabs.length; while (i--) { extURI = tabs[i].linkedBrowser.currentURI; if (extURI.scheme === 'chrome' && extURI.host === host) { gBrowser.removeTab(tabs[i]); } } } }); /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/