/******************************************************************************* Key portions of code below was borrowed from: https://github.com/Swatinem/diff License is LGPL3 (thanks!) as per: https://github.com/Swatinem/diff/blob/b58391504759/README.md I chose to pick this implementation over https://github.com/google/diff-match-patch as suggested by CodeMirror because: - Code is clean and simple to read -- useful when unfamiliar with the diff algorithm, this makes changing the code easier if/when needed. - Smaller -- diff_match_patch comes with an extended API most of which is of no use to the current project. - diff_match_patch uncompressed: 74.7 KB - Swatinem's diff uncompressed: 3.66 KB - I can easily adapt Swatinem's diff to deal with arrays of strings, which is best suited for the current project -- it natively work with arrays. I removed portions of code which are of no use for the current project. I modified the diff script generator (Diff.prototype.editscript) since I need to generate a script which is compatible with the output of the diff_match_patch, as expected by CodeMirror. 2018-12-20 gorhill: =================== There was an issue causing the wrong diff data to be issued, for instance when diff-ing these two URLs on a character granularity basis (failure point is marked): | /articles/5c1a7aae1854f30006cb26f7/lede/1545239527833-shutterstock_726 01757 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.8889xw%3A0.9988xh%3B0.1089xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 /articles/5c1a* 1854f30006cb2* /lede/15452* -shutterstock_* 017* 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.* xw%3A* h%3B0.0* xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 /articles/5c1aaea91854f30006cb2f1e/lede/1545253629235-shutterstock_106399017 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.7749xw%3A1 xh%3B0.0391xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 | Investigating, I found what appears to be the original source on which the code below is based: - "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm for C#" by Matthias Hertel - http://www.mathertel.de/Diff/ViewSrc.aspx - https://github.com/mathertel There was a difference; code had been commented out in the original source: http://www.mathertel.de/Diff/DiffTest.aspx?oldfile=Diff.cs.v1&newfile=Diff.cs.v2 The developer noted: > There have been overlapping boxes; that where analyzed partial differently. > One return-point is enough. After applying the changes to the code below, the problematic diff-ing went away: | /articles/5c1a7aae1854f30006cb26f7/lede/1545239527833-shutterstock_726 01757 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.8889xw%3A0.9988xh%3B0.1089xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 /articles/5c1a* 1854f30006cb2* /lede/15452* -shutterstock_* 017* 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.* 9xw%3A* xh%3B0.* xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 /articles/5c1aaea91854f30006cb2f1e/lede/1545253629235-shutterstock_106399017 2-copy.jpeg?crop=0.7749xw%3A1 xh%3B0.0391xw%2C0xh&resize=650%3A*&output-quality=55 | So I will assume this was the issue. 2021-07-17 gorhill: =================== Added pure diff() method which natively deals with arrays and other minor changes related to ES6. **/ 'use strict'; (function(context) { // CodeMirror expect these globals: context.DIFF_INSERT = 1; context.DIFF_DELETE = -1; context.DIFF_EQUAL = 0; context.diff_match_patch = function(){}; context.diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_main = function(a, b) { if ( a === b ) { return [ [ 0, a ] ]; } const aa = a.match(/\n|[^\n]+\n?/g) || []; const bb = b.match(/\n|[^\n]+\n?/g) || []; const d = new Diff(aa, bb); return d.editscript(); }; context.diff_match_patch.prototype.diff = function(a, b) { const d = new Diff(a, b); return d.editscript(); }; const eqlDefault = (a, b) => a === b; function Diff(a, b, eql = eqlDefault) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.eql = eql; this.moda = Array.apply(null, new Array(a.length)).map(true.valueOf, false); this.modb = Array.apply(null, new Array(b.length)).map(true.valueOf, false); // just to save some allocations: this.down = {}; this.up = {}; this.lcs(0, a.length, 0, b.length); } Diff.prototype.editscript = function Diff_editscript() { const moda = this.moda, modb = this.modb; var astart = 0, aend = moda.length; var bstart = 0, bend = modb.length; const result = []; while (astart < aend || bstart < bend) { if (astart < aend && bstart < bend) { if (!moda[astart] && !modb[bstart]) { result.push([ 0, this.a[astart] ]); astart++; bstart++; continue; } else if (moda[astart] && modb[bstart]) { result.push([ -1, this.a[astart] ]); result.push([ 1, this.b[bstart] ]); astart++; bstart++; continue; } } if (astart < aend && (bstart >= bend || moda[astart])) { result.push([ -1, this.a[astart] ]); astart++; } if (bstart < bend && (astart >= aend || modb[bstart])) { result.push([ 1, this.b[bstart] ]); bstart++; } } return result; }; Diff.prototype.lcs = function Diff_lcs(astart, aend, bstart, bend) { const a = this.a, b = this.b, eql = this.eql; // separate common head while (astart < aend && bstart < bend && eql(a[astart], b[bstart])) { astart++; bstart++; } // separate common tail while (astart < aend && bstart < bend && eql(a[aend - 1], b[bend - 1])) { aend--; bend--; } if (astart === aend) { // only insertions while (bstart < bend) { this.modb[bstart] = true; bstart++; } } else if (bend === bstart) { // only deletions while (astart < aend) { this.moda[astart] = true; astart++; } } else { const snake = this.snake(astart, aend, bstart, bend); this.lcs(astart, snake.x, bstart, snake.y); this.lcs(snake.x, aend, snake.y, bend); } }; Diff.prototype.snake = function Diff_snake(astart, aend, bstart, bend) { const a = this.a, b = this.b, eql = this.eql; const N = aend - astart; const M = bend - bstart; const kdown = astart - bstart; const kup = aend - bend; const delta = N - M; const deltaOdd = delta & 1; const down = this.down; down[kdown + 1] = astart; const up = this.up; up[kup - 1] = aend; const Dmax = (N + M + 1) / 2; for (let D = 0; D <= Dmax; D++) { // forward path for (let k = kdown - D; k <= kdown + D; k += 2) { let x; if (k === kdown - D) { x = down[k + 1]; // down } else { x = down[k - 1] + 1; // right if ((k < kdown + D) && (down[k + 1] >= x)) { x = down[k + 1]; // down } } let y = x - k; while (x < aend && y < bend && eql(a[x], b[y])) { x++; y++; // diagonal } down[k] = x; if (deltaOdd && (kup - D < k) && (k < kup + D) && up[k] <= down[k]) { return { x: down[k], y: down[k] - k, // u: up[k], // v: up[k] - k, }; } } // reverse path for (let k = kup - D; k <= kup + D; k += 2) { let x; if (k === kup + D) { x = up[k - 1]; // up } else { x = up[k + 1] - 1; // left if ((k > kup - D) && (up[k - 1] < x)) { x = up[k - 1]; // up } } let y = x - k; while (x > astart && y > bstart && eql(a[x - 1], b[y - 1])) { x--; y--; // diagonal } up[k] = x; if (!deltaOdd && (kdown - D <= k) && (k <= kdown + D) && up[k] <= down[k]) { return { x: down[k], y: down[k] - k, // u: up[k], // v: up[k] - k, }; } } } }; return Diff; })(self); /******************************************************************************* DO NOT: - Remove the following code - Add code beyond the following code Reason: - https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/pull/3721 - uBO never uses the return value from injected content scripts **/ void 0;