/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* jshint esnext: true, bitwise: false */ /* global µBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.abpFilters = (function(){ /******************************************************************************/ const BlockAction = 0 << 15; const AllowAction = 1 << 15; const AnyType = 1 << 11; const AnyParty = 0 << 8; const FirstParty = 1 << 8; const ThirdParty = 2 << 8; const SpecificParty = 3 << 8; const SpecificNotParty = 4 << 8; const BlockAnyTypeAnyParty = BlockAction | AnyType | AnyParty; const BlockAnyType1stParty = BlockAction | AnyType | FirstParty; const BlockAnyType3rdParty = BlockAction | AnyType | ThirdParty; const BlockAnyTypeOneParty = BlockAction | AnyType | SpecificParty; const BlockAnyTypeOtherParties = BlockAction | AnyType | SpecificNotParty; const BlockAnyType = BlockAction | AnyType; const BlockAnyParty = BlockAction | AnyParty; const BlockOneParty = BlockAction | SpecificParty; const BlockOtherParties = BlockAction | SpecificNotParty; const AllowAnyTypeAnyParty = AllowAction | AnyType | AnyParty; const AllowAnyType1stParty = AllowAction | AnyType | FirstParty; const AllowAnyType3rdParty = AllowAction | AnyType | ThirdParty; const AllowAnyTypeOneParty = AllowAction | AnyType | SpecificParty; const AllowAnyTypeOtherParties = AllowAction | AnyType | SpecificNotParty; const AllowAnyType = AllowAction | AnyType; const AllowAnyParty = AllowAction | AnyParty; const AllowOneParty = AllowAction | SpecificParty; const AllowOtherParties = AllowAction | SpecificNotParty; var pageHostname = ''; var reIgnoreEmpty = /^\s+$/; var reIgnoreComment = /^\[|^!/; var reHostnameRule = /^[0-9a-z][0-9a-z.-]+[0-9a-z]$/; var reHostnameToken = /^[0-9a-z]+/g; var reGoodToken = /[%0-9a-z]{2,}/g; var typeNameToTypeValue = { 'stylesheet': 2 << 11, 'image': 3 << 11, 'object': 4 << 11, 'script': 5 << 11, 'xmlhttprequest': 6 << 11, 'sub_frame': 7 << 11, 'other': 8 << 11 }; // ABP filters: https://adblockplus.org/en/filters // regex tester: http://regex101.com/ /******************************************************************************/ /* var histogram = function(label, categories) { var h = [], categoryBucket; for ( var k in categories ) { if ( categories.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) { continue; } categoryBucket = categories[k]; for ( var kk in categoryBucket ) { if ( categoryBucket.hasOwnProperty(kk) === false ) { continue; } filterBucket = categoryBucket[kk]; h.push({ k: k + ' ' + kk, n: filterBucket instanceof FilterBucket ? filterBucket.filters.length : 1 }); } } console.log('Histogram %s', label); var total = h.length; h.sort(function(a, b) { return b.n - a.n; }); // Find indices of entries of interest var target = 2; for ( var i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { if ( h[i].n === target ) { console.log('\tEntries with only %d filter(s) start at index %s (key = "%s")', target, i, h[i].k); target -= 1; } } h = h.slice(0, 50); h.forEach(function(v) { console.log('\tkey=%s count=%d', v.k, v.n); }); console.log('\tTotal buckets count: %d', total); }; */ /* var adbProfiler = { testCount: 0, urlCount: 0, dumpEach: 200, countUrl: function() { this.urlCount += 1; if ( (this.urlCount % this.dumpEach) === 0 ) { this.dump(); } }, countTest: function() { this.testCount += 1; }, dump: function() { console.log('µBlock.adbProfiler> number or filters tested per URL: %d (sample: %d URLs)', this.testCount / this.urlCount, this.urlCount); }, reset: function() { this.testCount = 0; this.urlCount = 0; }, dummy: 0 }; */ /******************************************************************************* Filters family tree: - plain (no wildcard) - anywhere - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at start - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at end - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - one wildcard - anywhere - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at start - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at end - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - more than one wildcard - anywhere - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at start - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname - anchored at end - no hostname - specific hostname - specific not hostname */ /******************************************************************************/ var FilterPlain = function(s, tokenBeg) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; }; FilterPlain.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.substr(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainNotHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterPlainPrefix0 = function(s) { this.s = s; }; FilterPlainPrefix0.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.substr(tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainPrefix0Hostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainPrefix0Hostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainPrefix0NotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainPrefix0NotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.s.length) === this.s; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterPlainPrefix1 = function(s) { this.s = s; }; FilterPlainPrefix1.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.substr(tokenBeg - 1, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainPrefix1Hostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainPrefix1Hostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg - 1, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainPrefix1NotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainPrefix1NotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg - 1, this.s.length) === this.s; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterPlainLeftAnchored = function(s) { this.s = s; }; FilterPlainLeftAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.slice(0, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainLeftAnchoredHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainLeftAnchoredHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.slice(0, this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainLeftAnchoredNotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainLeftAnchoredNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.slice(0, this.s.length) === this.s; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterPlainRightAnchored = function(s) { this.s = s; }; FilterPlainRightAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.slice(-this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainRightAnchoredHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainRightAnchoredHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.slice(-this.s.length) === this.s; }; var FilterPlainRightAnchoredNotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterPlainRightAnchoredNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.slice(-this.s.length) === this.s; }; /******************************************************************************/ // With a single wildcard, regex is not optimal. // See: // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-miss/3 // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-hit/3 var FilterSingleWildcard = function(s, tokenBeg) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); }; FilterSingleWildcard.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); tokenBeg -= this.tokenBeg; return url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); tokenBeg -= this.tokenBeg; return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardNotHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); tokenBeg -= this.tokenBeg; return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0 = function(s) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); }; FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0Hostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0Hostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0NotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0NotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.substr(tokenBeg, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, tokenBeg + this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ // With a single wildcard, regex is not optimal. // See: // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-miss/3 // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-hit/3 var FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchored = function(s) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); }; FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.slice(0, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.slice(0, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredNotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.slice(0, this.lSegment.length) === this.lSegment && url.indexOf(this.rSegment, this.lSegment.length) > 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ // With a single wildcard, regex is not optimal. // See: // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-miss/3 // http://jsperf.com/regexp-vs-indexof-abp-hit/3 var FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchored = function(s) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); }; FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return url.slice(-this.rSegment.length) === this.rSegment && url.lastIndexOf(this.lSegment, url.length - this.rSegment.length - this.lSegment.length) >= 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && url.slice(-this.rSegment.length) === this.rSegment && url.lastIndexOf(this.lSegment, url.length - this.rSegment.length - this.lSegment.length) >= 0; }; var FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredNotHostname = function(s, hostname) { this.s = s; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); this.lSegment = s.slice(0, wcOffset); this.rSegment = s.slice(wcOffset + 1); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && url.slice(-this.rSegment.length) === this.rSegment && url.lastIndexOf(this.lSegment, url.length - this.rSegment.length - this.lSegment.length) >= 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ // With many wildcards, a regex is best. // Ref: regex escaper taken from: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions // modified for the purpose here. var FilterManyWildcards = function(s, tokenBeg) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; this.re = new RegExp('^' + s.replace(/([.+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1').replace(/\*/g, '.*')); }; FilterManyWildcards.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return this.re.test(url.slice(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg)); }; var FilterManyWildcardsHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; this.re = new RegExp('^' + s.replace(/([.+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1').replace(/\*/g, '.*')); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterManyWildcardsHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname && this.re.test(url.slice(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg)); }; var FilterManyWildcardsNotHostname = function(s, tokenBeg, hostname) { this.s = s; this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg; this.re = new RegExp('^' + s.replace(/([.+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1').replace(/\*/g, '.*')); this.hostname = hostname; }; FilterManyWildcardsNotHostname.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { // adbProfiler.countTest(); return pageHostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) !== this.hostname && this.re.test(url.slice(tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg)); }; /******************************************************************************/ var makeFilter = function(details, tokenBeg) { var s = details.f; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); if ( wcOffset > 0 ) { if ( (/\*[^*]\*/).test(s) ) { return details.anchor === 0 ? new FilterManyWildcards(s, tokenBeg) : null; } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchored(s); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchored(s); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0(s); } return new FilterSingleWildcard(s, tokenBeg); } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterPlainLeftAnchored(s); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterPlainRightAnchored(s); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix0(s); } if ( tokenBeg === 1 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix1(s); } return new FilterPlain(s, tokenBeg); }; /******************************************************************************/ var makeHostnameFilter = function(details, tokenBeg, hostname) { var s = details.f; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); if ( wcOffset > 0 ) { if ( (/\*[^*]\*/).test(s) ) { return details.anchor === 0 ? new FilterManyWildcardsHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname) : null; } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredHostname(s, hostname); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredHostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0Hostname(s, hostname); } return new FilterSingleWildcardHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname); } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterPlainLeftAnchoredHostname(s, hostname); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterPlainRightAnchoredHostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix0Hostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 1 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix1Hostname(s, hostname); } return new FilterPlainHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname); }; /******************************************************************************/ var makeNotHostnameFilter = function(details, tokenBeg, hostname) { var s = details.f; var wcOffset = s.indexOf('*'); if ( wcOffset > 0 ) { if ( (/\*[^*]\*/).test(s) ) { return details.anchor === 0 ? new FilterManyWildcardsNotHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname) : null; } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardLeftAnchoredNotHostname(s, hostname); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardRightAnchoredNotHostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterSingleWildcardPrefix0NotHostname(s, hostname); } return new FilterSingleWildcardNotHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname); } if ( details.anchor < 0 ) { return new FilterPlainLeftAnchoredNotHostname(s, hostname); } if ( details.anchor > 0 ) { return new FilterPlainRightAnchoredNotHostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 0 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix0NotHostname(s, hostname); } if ( tokenBeg === 1 ) { return new FilterPlainPrefix1NotHostname(s, hostname); } return new FilterPlainNotHostname(s, tokenBeg, hostname); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Given a string, find a good token. Tokens which are too generic, i.e. very // common with a high probability of ending up as a miss, are not // good. Avoid if possible. This has a *significant* positive impact on // performance. // These "bad tokens" are collated manually. var badTokens = { 'com': true, 'http': true, 'https': true, 'images': true, 'img': true, 'js': true, 'news': true, 'www': true }; var findFirstGoodToken = function(s) { reGoodToken.lastIndex = 0; var matches; while ( matches = reGoodToken.exec(s) ) { if ( badTokens[matches[0]] === undefined ) { return matches; } } // No good token found, just return the first token from left reGoodToken.lastIndex = 0; return reGoodToken.exec(s); }; /******************************************************************************/ var findHostnameToken = function(s) { reHostnameToken.lastIndex = 0; return reHostnameToken.exec(s); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Trim leading/trailing char "c" var trimChar = function(s, c) { // Remove leading and trailing wildcards var pos = 0; while ( s.charAt(pos) === c ) { pos += 1; } s = s.slice(pos); if ( pos = s.length ) { while ( s.charAt(pos-1) === c ) { pos -= 1; } s = s.slice(0, pos); } return s; }; /******************************************************************************/ var FilterParser = function() { this.action = BlockAction; this.anchor = 0; this.domains = []; this.elemHiding = false; this.f = ''; this.firstParty = false; this.fopts = ''; this.hostname = false; this.hostnames = []; this.notDomains = []; this.notHostnames = []; this.thirdParty = false; this.types = []; this.unsupported = false; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.toNormalizedType = { 'stylesheet': 'stylesheet', 'image': 'image', 'object': 'object', 'object-subrequest': 'object', 'script': 'script', 'xmlhttprequest': 'xmlhttprequest', 'subdocument': 'sub_frame', 'other': 'other' }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.reset = function() { this.action = BlockAction; this.anchor = 0; this.domains = []; this.elemHiding = false; this.f = ''; this.firstParty = false; this.fopts = ''; this.hostname = false; this.hostnames = []; this.notDomains = []; this.notHostnames = []; this.thirdParty = false; this.types = []; this.unsupported = false; return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.parseOptType = function(raw, not) { var type = this.toNormalizedType[raw]; if ( not ) { for ( var k in typeNameToTypeValue ) { if ( k === type ) { continue; } this.types.push(typeNameToTypeValue[k]); } } else { this.types.push(typeNameToTypeValue[type]); } }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.parseOptParty = function(not) { if ( not ) { this.firstParty = true; } else { this.thirdParty = true; } }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.parseOptHostnames = function(raw) { var µburi = µBlock.URI; var hostnames = raw.split('|'); var hostname, not, domain; for ( var i = 0; i < hostnames.length; i++ ) { hostname = hostnames[i]; not = hostname.charAt(0) === '~'; if ( not ) { hostname = hostname.slice(1); } domain = µburi.domainFromHostname(hostname); if ( not ) { this.notHostnames.push(hostname); this.notDomains.push(domain); } else { this.hostnames.push(hostname); this.domains.push(domain); } } }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterParser.prototype.parse = function(s) { // important! this.reset(); // element hiding filter? if ( s.indexOf('##') >= 0 || s.indexOf('#@') >= 0 ) { this.elemHiding = true; return this; } // block or allow filter? if ( s.slice(0, 2) === '@@' ) { this.action = AllowAction; s = s.slice(2); } // hostname anchoring if ( s.slice(0, 2) === '||' ) { this.hostname = true; s = s.slice(2); } // left-anchored if ( s.charAt(0) === '|' ) { this.anchor = -1; s = s.slice(1); } // options var pos = s.indexOf('$'); if ( pos > 0 ) { this.fopts = s.slice(pos + 1); s = s.slice(0, pos); } // right-anchored if ( s.slice(-1) === '|' ) { this.anchor = 1; s = s.slice(0, -1); } // normalize placeholders // TODO: transforming `^` into `*` is not a strict interpretation of // ABP syntax. s = s.replace(/\^/g, '*'); s = s.replace(/\*\*+/g, '*'); // remove leading and trailing wildcards this.f = trimChar(s, '*'); if ( !this.fopts ) { return this; } // parse options var opts = this.fopts.split(','); var opt, not; for ( var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) { opt = opts[i]; not = opt.charAt(0) === '~'; if ( not ) { opt = opt.slice(1); } if ( opt === 'third-party' ) { this.parseOptParty(not); continue; } if ( this.toNormalizedType.hasOwnProperty(opt) ) { this.parseOptType(opt, not); continue; } if ( opt.slice(0,7) === 'domain=' ) { this.parseOptHostnames(opt.slice(7)); continue; } if ( opt === 'popup' ) { this.elemHiding = true; break; } this.unsupported = true; } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var FilterBucket = function(a, b) { this.filters = [a, b]; this.s = ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterBucket.prototype.add = function(a) { this.filters.push(a); }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterBucket.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) { var filters = this.filters; var i = filters.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( filters[i].match(url, tokenBeg) !== false ) { this.s = filters[i].s; return true; } } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var FilterContainer = function() { this.categories = {}; this.duplicates = {}; this.url = ''; this.tokenBeg = 0; this.tokenEnd = 0; this.filterParser = new FilterParser(); this.processedFilterCount = 0; this.supportedFilterCount = 0; this.allowFilterCount = 0; this.blockFilterCount = 0; // This is for hostname-based-any-request filters this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames = new µBlock.LiquidDict(); this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames = new µBlock.LiquidDict(); // Used during URL matching this.reAnyToken = /[%0-9a-z]+/g; this.matches = null; this.bucket0 = undefined; this.bucket1 = undefined; this.bucket2 = undefined; this.bucket3 = undefined; this.bucket4 = undefined; this.bucket5 = undefined; this.bucket6 = undefined; this.bucket7 = undefined; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.toDomainBits = function(domain) { if ( domain === undefined ) { return 0; } var i = domain.length >> 2; return (domain.charCodeAt( 0) & 0x01) << 3 | (domain.charCodeAt( i) & 0x01) << 2 | (domain.charCodeAt( i+i) & 0x01) << 1 | (domain.charCodeAt(i+i+i) & 0x01) << 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.makeCategoryKey = function(category) { return String.fromCharCode(category); }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.addAnyPartyHostname = function(hostname) { if ( this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.add(hostname) ) { this.blockFilterCount += 1; return true; } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.add3rdPartyHostname = function(hostname) { if ( this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.add(hostname) ) { this.blockFilterCount += 1; return true; } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.add = function(s) { // ORDER OF TESTS IS IMPORTANT! // Ignore empty lines if ( reIgnoreEmpty.test(s) ) { return false; } // Ignore comments if ( reIgnoreComment.test(s) ) { return false; } var parsed = this.filterParser.parse(s); // Ignore element-hiding filters if ( parsed.elemHiding ) { return false; } if ( this.duplicates[s] ) { return false; } this.duplicates[s] = true; this.processedFilterCount += 1; // Ignore rules with other conditions for now if ( parsed.unsupported ) { // console.log('µBlock> abp-filter.js/FilterContainer.add(): unsupported filter "%s"', s); return false; } this.supportedFilterCount += 1; // Ignore optionless hostname rules, these will be taken care of by µBlock. if ( parsed.hostname && parsed.fopts === '' && parsed.action === BlockAction && reHostnameRule.test(parsed.f) ) { return false; } // Pure third-party hostnames, use more efficient liquid dict if ( reHostnameRule.test(parsed.f) && parsed.hostname && parsed.action === BlockAction ) { if ( parsed.fopts === 'third-party' ) { return this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.add(parsed.f); } if ( parsed.fopts === '' ) { return this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.add(parsed.f); } } var r = this.addFilter(parsed); if ( r === false ) { return false; } if ( parsed.action ) { this.allowFilterCount += 1; } else { this.blockFilterCount += 1; } return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.addFilter = function(parsed) { // TODO: avoid duplicates var matches = parsed.hostname ? findHostnameToken(parsed.f) : findFirstGoodToken(parsed.f); if ( !matches || !matches[0].length ) { return false; } var tokenBeg = matches.index; var tokenEnd = parsed.hostname ? reHostnameToken.lastIndex : reGoodToken.lastIndex; var i, n, filter; if ( parsed.hostnames.length || parsed.notHostnames.length ) { n = parsed.hostnames.length; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { filter = makeHostnameFilter(parsed, tokenBeg, parsed.hostnames[i]); if ( !filter ) { return false; } this.addFilterEntry( filter, parsed, SpecificParty | this.toDomainBits(parsed.domains[i]), tokenBeg, tokenEnd ); } n = parsed.notHostnames.length; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { filter = makeNotHostnameFilter(parsed, tokenBeg, parsed.notHostnames[i]); if ( !filter ) { return false; } this.addFilterEntry( filter, parsed, SpecificNotParty | this.toDomainBits(parsed.notDomains[i]), tokenBeg, tokenEnd ); } } else { filter = makeFilter(parsed, tokenBeg); if ( !filter ) { return false; } if ( parsed.firstParty ) { this.addFilterEntry(filter, parsed, FirstParty, tokenBeg, tokenEnd); } else if ( parsed.thirdParty ) { this.addFilterEntry(filter, parsed, ThirdParty, tokenBeg, tokenEnd); } else { this.addFilterEntry(filter, parsed, AnyParty, tokenBeg, tokenEnd); } } return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.addFilterEntry = function(filter, parsed, party, tokenBeg, tokenEnd) { var s = parsed.f; var prefixKey = trimChar(s.substring(tokenBeg - 1, tokenBeg), '*'); var suffixKey = trimChar(s.substring(tokenEnd, tokenEnd + 1), '*'); var tokenKey = prefixKey + s.slice(tokenBeg, tokenEnd) + suffixKey; if ( parsed.types.length === 0 ) { this.addToCategory(parsed.action | AnyType | party, tokenKey, filter); return; } var n = parsed.types.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { this.addToCategory(parsed.action | parsed.types[i] | party, tokenKey, filter); } }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.addToCategory = function(category, tokenKey, filter) { var categoryKey = this.makeCategoryKey(category); var categoryBucket = this.categories[categoryKey]; if ( !categoryBucket ) { categoryBucket = this.categories[categoryKey] = {}; } var filterEntry = categoryBucket[tokenKey]; if ( filterEntry === undefined ) { categoryBucket[tokenKey] = filter; return; } if ( filterEntry instanceof FilterBucket ) { filterEntry.add(filter); return; } categoryBucket[tokenKey] = new FilterBucket(filterEntry, filter); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Reset all, thus reducing to a minimum memory footprint of the context. FilterContainer.prototype.reset = function() { this.processedFilterCount = 0; this.supportedFilterCount = 0; this.allowFilterCount = 0; this.blockFilterCount = 0; this.categories = {}; this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.reset(); this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.reset(); this.duplicates = {}; this.filterParser.reset(); }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.freeze = function() { // histogram('allFilters', this.categories); this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.freeze(); this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.freeze(); this.duplicates = {}; this.filterParser.reset(); }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.matchToken = function(bucket) { var url = this.url; var beg = this.matches.index; var end = this.reAnyToken.lastIndex; var f; if ( end !== url.length ) { if ( beg !== 0 ) { f = bucket[url.slice(beg-1, end+1)]; if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url, beg) !== false ) { return f.s; } } f = bucket[url.slice(beg, end+1)]; if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url, beg) !== false ) { return f.s; } } if ( beg !== 0 ) { f = bucket[url.slice(beg-1, end)]; if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url, beg) !== false ) { return f.s; } } f = bucket[url.slice(beg, end)]; if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url, beg) !== false ) { return f.s; } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.matchTokens = function() { var url = this.url; var re = this.reAnyToken; var r; re.lastIndex = 0; while ( this.matches = re.exec(url) ) { if ( this.bucket0 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket0); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket1 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket1); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket2 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket2); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket3 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket3); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket4 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket4); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket5 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket5); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket6 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket6); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } if ( this.bucket7 ) { r = this.matchToken(this.bucket7); if ( r !== false ) { return r; } } } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is where we test filters which have the form: // // `||www.example.com^` // // Because LiquidDict is well optimized to deal with plain hostname, we gain // reusing it here for these sort of filters rather than using filters // specialized to deal with other complex filters. FilterContainer.prototype.matchAnyPartyHostname = function(requestHostname) { // Quick test first if ( this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.test(requestHostname) ) { return '||' + requestHostname + '^'; } // Check parent hostnames if quick test failed var hostnames = µBlock.URI.parentHostnamesFromHostname(requestHostname); for ( var i = 0, n = hostnames.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( this.blockedAnyPartyHostnames.test(hostnames[i]) ) { return '||' + hostnames[i] + '^'; } } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is where we test filters which have the form: // // `||www.example.com^$third-party` // // Because LiquidDict is well optimized to deal with plain hostname, we gain // reusing it here for these sort of filters rather than using filters // specialized to deal with other complex filters. FilterContainer.prototype.match3rdPartyHostname = function(requestHostname) { // Quick test first if ( this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.test(requestHostname) ) { return '||' + requestHostname + '^$third-party'; } // Check parent hostnames if quick test failed var hostnames = µBlock.URI.parentHostnamesFromHostname(requestHostname); for ( var i = 0, n = hostnames.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( this.blocked3rdPartyHostnames.test(hostnames[i]) ) { return '||' + hostnames[i] + '^$third-party'; } } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.matchString = function(pageStore, url, requestType, requestHostname) { // adbProfiler.countUrl(); // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/239 // Convert url to lower case: // `match-case` option not supported, but then, I saw only one // occurrence of it in all the supported lists (bulgaria list). this.url = url.toLowerCase(); // The logic here is simple: // // block = !whitelisted && blacklisted // or equivalent // allow = whitelisted || !blacklisted // Since statistically a hit on a block filter is more likely than a hit // on an allow filter, we test block filters first, and then if and only // if there is a hit on a block filter do we test against allow filters. // This helps performance compared to testing against both classes of // filters in the same loop. var pageDomain = pageStore.pageDomain || ''; var party = requestHostname.slice(-pageDomain.length) === pageDomain ? FirstParty : ThirdParty; var domainParty = this.toDomainBits(pageDomain); var type = typeNameToTypeValue[requestType]; var categories = this.categories; // This will be used by hostname-based filters pageHostname = pageStore.pageHostname || ''; // Test hostname-based block filters var bf = false; bf = this.matchAnyPartyHostname(requestHostname); if ( bf === false && party === ThirdParty ) { bf = this.match3rdPartyHostname(requestHostname); } // Test against block filters if ( bf === false ) { this.bucket0 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAnyTypeAnyParty)]; this.bucket1 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAnyType | party)]; this.bucket2 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAnyTypeOneParty | domainParty)]; this.bucket3 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAnyTypeOtherParties | domainParty)]; this.bucket4 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAnyParty | type)]; this.bucket5 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockAction | type | party)]; this.bucket6 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockOneParty | type | domainParty)]; this.bucket7 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(BlockOtherParties | type | domainParty)]; bf = this.matchTokens(); } // If there is no block filter, no need to test against allow filters if ( bf === false ) { return false; } // Test against allow filters this.bucket0 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAnyTypeAnyParty)]; this.bucket1 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAnyType | party)]; this.bucket2 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAnyTypeOneParty | domainParty)]; this.bucket3 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAnyTypeOtherParties | domainParty)]; this.bucket4 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAnyParty | type)]; this.bucket5 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowAction | type | party)]; this.bucket6 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowOneParty | type | domainParty)]; this.bucket7 = categories[this.makeCategoryKey(AllowOtherParties | type | domainParty)]; if ( this.matchTokens() !== false ) { return false; } return bf; }; /******************************************************************************/ FilterContainer.prototype.getFilterCount = function() { return this.blockFilterCount + this.allowFilterCount; }; /******************************************************************************/ return new FilterContainer(); /******************************************************************************/ })();