/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ // For background page 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.net = { onBeforeRequest: {}, onBeforeMaybeSpuriousCSPReport: {}, onHeadersReceived: {}, nativeCSPReportFiltering: false }; vAPI.net.registerListeners = function() { var µb = µBlock, µburi = µb.URI, wrApi = chrome.webRequest; // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 // Between Chromium 38-48, plug-ins' network requests were reported as // type "other" instead of "object". var is_v38_48 = /\bChrom[a-z]+\/(?:3[89]|4[0-8])\.[\d.]+\b/.test(navigator.userAgent); // legacy Chromium understands only these network request types. var validTypes = { main_frame: true, sub_frame: true, stylesheet: true, script: true, image: true, object: true, xmlhttprequest: true, other: true }; // modern Chromium/WebExtensions: more types available. if ( wrApi.ResourceType ) { (function() { for ( var typeKey in wrApi.ResourceType ) { if ( wrApi.ResourceType.hasOwnProperty(typeKey) ) { validTypes[wrApi.ResourceType[typeKey]] = true; } } })(); } var extToTypeMap = new Map([ ['eot','font'],['otf','font'],['svg','font'],['ttf','font'],['woff','font'],['woff2','font'], ['mp3','media'],['mp4','media'],['webm','media'], ['gif','image'],['ico','image'],['jpeg','image'],['jpg','image'],['png','image'],['webp','image'] ]); var denormalizeTypes = function(aa) { if ( aa.length === 0 ) { return Object.keys(validTypes); } var out = []; var i = aa.length, type, needOther = true; while ( i-- ) { type = aa[i]; if ( validTypes[type] ) { out.push(type); } if ( type === 'other' ) { needOther = false; } } if ( needOther ) { out.push('other'); } return out; }; var headerValue = function(headers, name) { var i = headers.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === name ) { return headers[i].value.trim(); } } return ''; }; var normalizeRequestDetails = function(details) { details.tabId = details.tabId.toString(); var type = details.type; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1493 // Chromium 49+/WebExtensions support a new request type: `ping`, // which is fired as a result of using `navigator.sendBeacon`. if ( type === 'ping' ) { details.type = 'beacon'; return; } if ( type === 'imageset' ) { details.type = 'image'; return; } // The rest of the function code is to normalize type if ( type !== 'other' ) { return; } // Try to map known "extension" part of URL to request type. var path = µburi.pathFromURI(details.url), pos = path.indexOf('.', path.length - 6); if ( pos !== -1 && (type = extToTypeMap.get(path.slice(pos + 1))) ) { details.type = type; return; } // Try to extract type from response headers if present. if ( details.responseHeaders ) { type = headerValue(details.responseHeaders, 'content-type'); if ( type.startsWith('font/') ) { details.type = 'font'; return; } if ( type.startsWith('image/') ) { details.type = 'image'; return; } if ( type.startsWith('audio/') || type.startsWith('video/') ) { details.type = 'media'; return; } } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/862 // If no transposition possible, transpose to `object` as per // Chromium bug 410382 // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382 if ( is_v38_48 ) { details.type = 'object'; } }; // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=129353 // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1497 // Expose websocket-based network requests to uBO's filtering engine, // logger, etc. // Counterpart of following block of code is found in "vapi-client.js" -- // search for "https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1497". // // Once uBO 1.11.1 and uBO-Extra 2.12 are widespread, the image-based // handling code can be removed. var onBeforeWebsocketRequest = function(details) { if ( (details.type !== 'image') && (details.method !== 'HEAD' || details.type !== 'xmlhttprequest') ) { return; } var requestURL = details.url, matches = /[?&]u(?:rl)?=([^&]+)/.exec(requestURL); if ( matches === null ) { return; } details.type = 'websocket'; details.url = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]); var r = onBeforeRequestClient(details); if ( r && r.cancel ) { return r; } // Redirect to the provided URL, or a 1x1 data: URI if none provided. matches = /[?&]r=([^&]+)/.exec(requestURL); return { redirectUrl: matches !== null ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : '' }; }; var onBeforeRequestClient = this.onBeforeRequest.callback; var onBeforeRequest = validTypes.websocket // modern Chromium/WebExtensions: type 'websocket' is supported ? function(details) { normalizeRequestDetails(details); return onBeforeRequestClient(details); } // legacy Chromium : function(details) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1497 if ( details.url.endsWith('ubofix=f41665f3028c7fd10eecf573336216d3') ) { var r = onBeforeWebsocketRequest(details); if ( r !== undefined ) { return r; } } normalizeRequestDetails(details); return onBeforeRequestClient(details); }; // This is needed for Chromium 49-55. var onBeforeSendHeaders = validTypes.csp_report // modern Chromium/WebExtensions: type 'csp_report' is supported ? null // legacy Chromium : function(details) { if ( details.type !== 'ping' || details.method !== 'POST' ) { return; } var type = headerValue(details.requestHeaders, 'content-type'); if ( type === '' ) { return; } if ( type.endsWith('/csp-report') ) { details.type = 'csp_report'; return onBeforeRequestClient(details); } }; var onHeadersReceivedClient = this.onHeadersReceived.callback, onHeadersReceivedClientTypes = this.onHeadersReceived.types.slice(0), onHeadersReceivedTypes = denormalizeTypes(onHeadersReceivedClientTypes); var onHeadersReceived = validTypes.font // modern Chromium/WebExtensions: type 'font' is supported ? function(details) { normalizeRequestDetails(details); if ( onHeadersReceivedClientTypes.length !== 0 && onHeadersReceivedClientTypes.indexOf(details.type) === -1 ) { return; } return onHeadersReceivedClient(details); } // legacy Chromium : function(details) { normalizeRequestDetails(details); // Hack to work around Chromium API limitations, where requests of // type `font` are returned as `other`. For example, our normalization // fail at transposing `other` into `font` for URLs which are outside // what is expected. At least when headers are received we can check // for content type `font/*`. Blocking at onHeadersReceived time is // less worse than not blocking at all. Also, due to Chromium bug, // `other` always becomes `object` when it can't be normalized into // something else. Test case for "unfriendly" font URLs: // https://www.google.com/fonts if ( details.type === 'font' ) { var r = onBeforeRequestClient(details); if ( typeof r === 'object' && r.cancel === true ) { return { cancel: true }; } } if ( onHeadersReceivedClientTypes.length !== 0 && onHeadersReceivedClientTypes.indexOf(details.type) === -1 ) { return; } return onHeadersReceivedClient(details); }; var urls, types; if ( onBeforeRequest ) { urls = this.onBeforeRequest.urls || ['']; types = this.onBeforeRequest.types || undefined; if ( (validTypes.websocket) && (types === undefined || types.indexOf('websocket') !== -1) && (urls.indexOf('') === -1) ) { if ( urls.indexOf('ws://*/*') === -1 ) { urls.push('ws://*/*'); } if ( urls.indexOf('wss://*/*') === -1 ) { urls.push('wss://*/*'); } } wrApi.onBeforeRequest.addListener( onBeforeRequest, { urls: urls, types: types }, this.onBeforeRequest.extra ); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3140 this.nativeCSPReportFiltering = validTypes.csp_report; if ( this.nativeCSPReportFiltering && typeof this.onBeforeMaybeSpuriousCSPReport.callback === 'function' ) { wrApi.onBeforeRequest.addListener( this.onBeforeMaybeSpuriousCSPReport.callback, { urls: [ 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*' ], types: [ 'csp_report' ] }, [ 'blocking', 'requestBody' ] ); } // Chromium 48 and lower does not support `ping` type. // Chromium 56 and higher does support `csp_report` stype. if ( onBeforeSendHeaders ) { wrApi.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( onBeforeSendHeaders, { 'urls': [ '' ], 'types': [ 'ping' ] }, [ 'blocking', 'requestHeaders' ] ); } if ( onHeadersReceived ) { urls = this.onHeadersReceived.urls || ['']; types = onHeadersReceivedTypes; wrApi.onHeadersReceived.addListener( onHeadersReceived, { urls: urls, types: types }, this.onHeadersReceived.extra ); } }; /******************************************************************************/