/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global DOMTokenList */ /* exported uDom */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ // It's just a silly, minimalist DOM framework: this allows me to not rely // on jQuery. jQuery contains way too much stuff than I need, and as per // Opera rules, I am not allowed to use a cut-down version of jQuery. So // the code here does *only* what I need, and nothing more, and with a lot // of assumption on passed parameters, etc. I grow it on a per-need-basis only. const uDom = (( ) => { /******************************************************************************/ const DOMList = function() { this.nodes = []; }; /******************************************************************************/ Object.defineProperty( DOMList.prototype, 'length', { get: function() { return this.nodes.length; } } ); /******************************************************************************/ const DOMListFactory = function(selector, context) { var r = new DOMList(); if ( typeof selector === 'string' ) { selector = selector.trim(); if ( selector !== '' ) { return addSelectorToList(r, selector, context); } } if ( selector instanceof Node ) { return addNodeToList(r, selector); } if ( selector instanceof NodeList ) { return addNodeListToList(r, selector); } if ( selector instanceof DOMList ) { return addListToList(r, selector); } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMListFactory.onLoad = function(callback) { window.addEventListener('load', callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMListFactory.nodeFromId = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; DOMListFactory.nodeFromSelector = function(selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); }; /******************************************************************************/ { // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1044 // Offer the possibility to bypass uBO's default styling vAPI.messaging.send('uDom', { what: 'uiStyles' }).then(response => { if ( typeof response !== 'object' || response === null ) { return; } if ( response.uiTheme !== 'unset' ) { if ( response.uiTheme === 'light' ) { root.classList.remove('dark'); } else if ( response.uiTheme === 'dark' ) { root.classList.add('dark'); } } if ( response.uiStyles !== 'unset' ) { document.body.style.cssText = response.uiStyles; } }); const root = DOMListFactory.root = document.querySelector(':root'); if ( vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('mobile') ) { root.classList.add('mobile'); } else { root.classList.add('desktop'); } if ( window.matchMedia('(min-resolution: 150dpi)').matches ) { root.classList.add('hidpi'); } // TODO: re-enable once there is a fully functional dark theme //if ( window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ) { // root.classList.add('dark'); //} } /******************************************************************************/ const addNodeToList = function(list, node) { if ( node ) { list.nodes.push(node); } return list; }; /******************************************************************************/ const addNodeListToList = function(list, nodelist) { if ( nodelist ) { var n = nodelist.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { list.nodes.push(nodelist[i]); } } return list; }; /******************************************************************************/ const addListToList = function(list, other) { list.nodes = list.nodes.concat(other.nodes); return list; }; /******************************************************************************/ const addSelectorToList = function(list, selector, context) { var p = context || document; var r = p.querySelectorAll(selector); var n = r.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { list.nodes.push(r[i]); } return list; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.nodeAt = function(i) { return this.nodes[i] || null; }; DOMList.prototype.at = function(i) { return addNodeToList(new DOMList(), this.nodes[i]); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.toArray = function() { return this.nodes.slice(); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.pop = function() { return addNodeToList(new DOMList(), this.nodes.pop()); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.forEach = function(fn) { var n = this.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { fn(this.at(i), i); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.subset = function(i, l) { var r = new DOMList(); var n = l !== undefined ? l : this.nodes.length; var j = Math.min(i + n, this.nodes.length); if ( i < j ) { r.nodes = this.nodes.slice(i, j); } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.first = function() { return this.subset(0, 1); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.next = function(selector) { var r = new DOMList(); var n = this.nodes.length; var node; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { node = this.nodes[i]; while ( node.nextSibling !== null ) { node = node.nextSibling; if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) { continue; } if ( node.matches(selector) === false ) { continue; } addNodeToList(r, node); break; } } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.parent = function() { var r = new DOMList(); if ( this.nodes.length ) { addNodeToList(r, this.nodes[0].parentNode); } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.filter = function(filter) { var r = new DOMList(); var filterFunc; if ( typeof filter === 'string' ) { filterFunc = function() { return this.matches(filter); }; } else if ( typeof filter === 'function' ) { filterFunc = filter; } else { filterFunc = function(){ return true; }; } var n = this.nodes.length; var node; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { node = this.nodes[i]; if ( filterFunc.apply(node) ) { addNodeToList(r, node); } } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: Avoid possible duplicates DOMList.prototype.ancestors = function(selector) { var r = new DOMList(); for ( var i = 0, n = this.nodes.length; i < n; i++ ) { var node = this.nodes[i].parentNode; while ( node ) { if ( node instanceof Element && node.matches(selector) ) { addNodeToList(r, node); } node = node.parentNode; } } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.descendants = function(selector) { var r = new DOMList(); var n = this.nodes.length; var nl; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { nl = this.nodes[i].querySelectorAll(selector); addNodeListToList(r, nl); } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.contents = function() { var r = new DOMList(); var cnodes, cn, ci; var n = this.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cnodes = this.nodes[i].childNodes; cn = cnodes.length; for ( ci = 0; ci < cn; ci++ ) { addNodeToList(r, cnodes.item(ci)); } } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.remove = function() { var cn, p; var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { cn = this.nodes[i]; if ( (p = cn.parentNode) ) { p.removeChild(cn); } } return this; }; DOMList.prototype.detach = DOMList.prototype.remove; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.empty = function() { var node; var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { node = this.nodes[i]; while ( node.firstChild ) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.append = function(selector, context) { var p = this.nodes[0]; if ( p ) { var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context); var n = c.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { p.appendChild(c.nodes[i]); } } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.prepend = function(selector, context) { var p = this.nodes[0]; if ( p ) { var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context); var i = c.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { p.insertBefore(c.nodes[i], p.firstChild); } } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.appendTo = function(selector, context) { var p = selector instanceof DOMListFactory ? selector : DOMListFactory(selector, context); var n = p.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { p.nodes[0].appendChild(this.nodes[i]); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.insertAfter = function(selector, context) { if ( this.nodes.length === 0 ) { return this; } var p = this.nodes[0].parentNode; if ( !p ) { return this; } var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context); var n = c.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { p.appendChild(c.nodes[i]); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.insertBefore = function(selector, context) { if ( this.nodes.length === 0 ) { return this; } var referenceNodes = DOMListFactory(selector, context); if ( referenceNodes.nodes.length === 0 ) { return this; } var referenceNode = referenceNodes.nodes[0]; var parentNode = referenceNode.parentNode; if ( !parentNode ) { return this; } var n = this.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { parentNode.insertBefore(this.nodes[i], referenceNode); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.clone = function(notDeep) { var r = new DOMList(); var n = this.nodes.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { addNodeToList(r, this.nodes[i].cloneNode(!notDeep)); } return r; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.nthOfType = function() { if ( this.nodes.length === 0 ) { return 0; } var node = this.nodes[0]; var tagName = node.tagName; var i = 1; while ( node.previousElementSibling !== null ) { node = node.previousElementSibling; if ( typeof node.tagName !== 'string' ) { continue; } if ( node.tagName !== tagName ) { continue; } i++; } return i; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.attr = function(attr, value) { var i = this.nodes.length; if ( value === undefined && typeof attr !== 'object' ) { return i ? this.nodes[0].getAttribute(attr) : undefined; } if ( typeof attr === 'object' ) { var attrNames = Object.keys(attr); var node, j, attrName; while ( i-- ) { node = this.nodes[i]; j = attrNames.length; while ( j-- ) { attrName = attrNames[j]; node.setAttribute(attrName, attr[attrName]); } } } else { while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].setAttribute(attr, value); } } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.removeAttr = function(attr) { var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].removeAttribute(attr); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.prop = function(prop, value) { var i = this.nodes.length; if ( value === undefined ) { return i !== 0 ? this.nodes[0][prop] : undefined; } while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i][prop] = value; } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.css = function(prop, value) { var i = this.nodes.length; if ( value === undefined ) { return i ? this.nodes[0].style[prop] : undefined; } if ( value !== '' ) { while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].style.setProperty(prop, value); } return this; } while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].style.removeProperty(prop); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.val = function(value) { return this.prop('value', value); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.text = function(text) { var i = this.nodes.length; if ( text === undefined ) { return i ? this.nodes[0].textContent : ''; } while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].textContent = text; } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ const toggleClass = function(node, className, targetState) { var tokenList = node.classList; if ( tokenList instanceof DOMTokenList === false ) { return; } var currentState = tokenList.contains(className); var newState = targetState; if ( newState === undefined ) { newState = !currentState; } if ( newState === currentState ) { return; } tokenList.toggle(className, newState); }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.hasClass = function(className) { if ( !this.nodes.length ) { return false; } var tokenList = this.nodes[0].classList; return tokenList instanceof DOMTokenList && tokenList.contains(className); }; DOMList.prototype.hasClassName = DOMList.prototype.hasClass; DOMList.prototype.addClass = function(className) { return this.toggleClass(className, true); }; DOMList.prototype.removeClass = function(className) { if ( className !== undefined ) { return this.toggleClass(className, false); } var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].className = ''; } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.toggleClass = function(className, targetState) { if ( className.indexOf(' ') !== -1 ) { return this.toggleClasses(className, targetState); } var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { toggleClass(this.nodes[i], className, targetState); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.toggleClasses = function(classNames, targetState) { var tokens = classNames.split(/\s+/); var i = this.nodes.length; var node, j; while ( i-- ) { node = this.nodes[i]; j = tokens.length; while ( j-- ) { toggleClass(node, tokens[j], targetState); } } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ const listenerEntries = []; const ListenerEntry = function(target, type, capture, callback) { this.target = target; this.type = type; this.capture = capture; this.callback = callback; target.addEventListener(type, callback, capture); }; ListenerEntry.prototype.dispose = function() { this.target.removeEventListener(this.type, this.callback, this.capture); this.target = null; this.callback = null; }; /******************************************************************************/ const makeEventHandler = function(selector, callback) { return function(event) { const dispatcher = event.currentTarget; if ( dispatcher instanceof HTMLElement === false || typeof dispatcher.querySelectorAll !== 'function' ) { return; } const receiver = event.target; const ancestor = receiver.closest(selector); if ( ancestor === receiver && ancestor !== dispatcher && dispatcher.contains(ancestor) ) { callback.call(receiver, event); } }; }; DOMList.prototype.on = function(etype, selector, callback) { if ( typeof selector === 'function' ) { callback = selector; selector = undefined; } else { callback = makeEventHandler(selector, callback); } for ( const node of this.nodes ) { listenerEntries.push( new ListenerEntry(node, etype, selector !== undefined, callback) ); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: Won't work for delegated handlers. Need to figure // what needs to be done. DOMList.prototype.off = function(evtype, callback) { var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].removeEventListener(evtype, callback); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ DOMList.prototype.trigger = function(etype) { var ev = new CustomEvent(etype); var i = this.nodes.length; while ( i-- ) { this.nodes[i].dispatchEvent(ev); } return this; }; /******************************************************************************/ return DOMListFactory; })();