/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************* A PageRequestStore object is used to store net requests in two ways: To record distinct net requests To create a log of net requests **/ { // start of private namespace // >>>>> /******************************************************************************/ const µb = µBlock; /******************************************************************************/ const NetFilteringResultCache = class { constructor() { this.init(); } init() { this.blocked = new Map(); this.results = new Map(); this.hash = 0; this.timer = undefined; return this; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3619 // Don't collapse redirected resources rememberResult(fctxt, result) { if ( fctxt.tabId <= 0 ) { return; } if ( this.results.size === 0 ) { this.pruneAsync(); } const key = `${fctxt.getDocHostname()} ${fctxt.type} ${fctxt.url}`; this.results.set(key, { result, redirectURL: fctxt.redirectURL, logData: fctxt.filter, tstamp: Date.now() }); if ( result !== 1 || fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return; } const now = Date.now(); this.blocked.set(key, now); this.hash = now; } rememberBlock(fctxt) { if ( fctxt.tabId <= 0 ) { return; } if ( this.blocked.size === 0 ) { this.pruneAsync(); } if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return; } const now = Date.now(); this.blocked.set( `${fctxt.getDocHostname()} ${fctxt.type} ${fctxt.url}`, now ); this.hash = now; } forgetResult(docHostname, type, url) { const key = `${docHostname} ${type} ${url}`; this.results.delete(key); this.blocked.delete(key); } empty() { this.blocked.clear(); this.results.clear(); this.hash = 0; if ( this.timer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; } } prune() { const obsolete = Date.now() - this.shelfLife; for ( const entry of this.blocked ) { if ( entry[1] <= obsolete ) { this.results.delete(entry[0]); this.blocked.delete(entry[0]); } } for ( const entry of this.results ) { if ( entry[1].tstamp <= obsolete ) { this.results.delete(entry[0]); } } if ( this.blocked.size !== 0 || this.results.size !== 0 ) { this.pruneAsync(); } } pruneAsync() { if ( this.timer !== undefined ) { return; } this.timer = vAPI.setTimeout( ( ) => { this.timer = undefined; this.prune(); }, this.shelfLife ); } lookupResult(fctxt) { const entry = this.results.get( fctxt.getDocHostname() + ' ' + fctxt.type + ' ' + fctxt.url ); if ( entry === undefined ) { return; } // We need to use a new WAR secret if one is present since WAR secrets // can only be used once. if ( entry.redirectURL !== undefined && entry.redirectURL.startsWith(this.extensionOriginURL) ) { const redirectURL = new URL(entry.redirectURL); redirectURL.searchParams.set('secret', vAPI.warSecret()); entry.redirectURL = redirectURL.href; } return entry; } lookupAllBlocked(hostname) { const result = []; for ( const entry of this.blocked ) { const pos = entry[0].indexOf(' '); if ( entry[0].slice(0, pos) === hostname ) { result[result.length] = entry[0].slice(pos + 1); } } return result; } static factory() { return new NetFilteringResultCache(); } }; NetFilteringResultCache.prototype.shelfLife = 15000; NetFilteringResultCache.prototype.extensionOriginURL = vAPI.getURL('/'); /******************************************************************************/ // Frame stores are used solely to associate a URL with a frame id. const FrameStore = class { constructor(frameURL, parentId) { this.init(frameURL, parentId); } init(frameURL, parentId) { this.t0 = Date.now(); this.parentId = parentId; this.exceptCname = undefined; this.clickToLoad = false; this.rawURL = frameURL; if ( frameURL !== undefined ) { this.hostname = vAPI.hostnameFromURI(frameURL); this.domain = vAPI.domainFromHostname(this.hostname) || this.hostname; } return this; } dispose() { this.rawURL = this.hostname = this.domain = ''; if ( FrameStore.junkyard.length < FrameStore.junkyardMax ) { FrameStore.junkyard.push(this); } return null; } static factory(frameURL, parentId = -1) { const entry = FrameStore.junkyard.pop(); if ( entry === undefined ) { return new FrameStore(frameURL, parentId); } return entry.init(frameURL, parentId); } }; // To mitigate memory churning FrameStore.junkyard = []; FrameStore.junkyardMax = 50; /******************************************************************************/ const CountDetails = class { constructor() { this.allowed = { any: 0, frame: 0, script: 0 }; this.blocked = { any: 0, frame: 0, script: 0 }; } reset() { const { allowed, blocked } = this; blocked.any = blocked.frame = blocked.script = allowed.any = allowed.frame = allowed.script = 0; } inc(blocked, type = undefined) { const stat = blocked ? this.blocked : this.allowed; if ( type !== undefined ) { stat[type] += 1; } stat.any += 1; } }; const HostnameDetails = class { constructor(hostname) { this.counts = new CountDetails(); this.init(hostname); } init(hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; this.counts.reset(); } dispose() { this.hostname = ''; if ( HostnameDetails.junkyard.length < HostnameDetails.junkyardMax ) { HostnameDetails.junkyard.push(this); } } }; HostnameDetails.junkyard = []; HostnameDetails.junkyardMax = 100; const HostnameDetailsMap = class extends Map { reset() { this.clear(); } dispose() { for ( const item of this.values() ) { item.dispose(); } this.reset(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ const PageStore = class { constructor(tabId, context) { this.extraData = new Map(); this.journal = []; this.journalTimer = undefined; this.journalLastCommitted = this.journalLastUncommitted = -1; this.journalLastUncommittedOrigin = undefined; this.netFilteringCache = NetFilteringResultCache.factory(); this.hostnameDetailsMap = new HostnameDetailsMap(); this.counts = new CountDetails(); this.init(tabId, context); } static factory(tabId, context) { let entry = PageStore.junkyard.pop(); if ( entry === undefined ) { entry = new PageStore(tabId, context); } else { entry.init(tabId, context); } return entry; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3201 // The context is used to determine whether we report behavior change // to the logger. init(tabId, context) { const tabContext = µb.tabContextManager.mustLookup(tabId); this.tabId = tabId; // If we are navigating from-to same site, remember whether large // media elements were temporarily allowed. if ( typeof this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil !== 'number' || tabContext.rootHostname !== this.tabHostname ) { this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now(); } this.tabHostname = tabContext.rootHostname; this.title = tabContext.rawURL; this.rawURL = tabContext.rawURL; this.hostnameDetailsMap.reset(); this.contentLastModified = 0; this.logData = undefined; this.counts.reset(); this.remoteFontCount = 0; this.popupBlockedCount = 0; this.largeMediaCount = 0; this.largeMediaTimer = null; this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined; this.extraData.clear(); this.frameAddCount = 0; this.frames = new Map(); this.setFrameURL({ url: tabContext.rawURL }); // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/314 const masterSwitch = tabContext.getNetFilteringSwitch(); this.noCosmeticFiltering = µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ( 'no-cosmetic-filtering', tabContext.rootHostname ) === true; if ( masterSwitch && this.noCosmeticFiltering && µb.logger.enabled && context === 'tabCommitted' ) { µb.filteringContext .duplicate() .fromTabId(tabId) .setURL(tabContext.rawURL) .setRealm('cosmetic') .setType('dom') .setFilter(µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData()) .toLogger(); } return this; } reuse(context) { // When force refreshing a page, the page store data needs to be reset. // If the hostname changes, we can't merely just update the context. const tabContext = µb.tabContextManager.mustLookup(this.tabId); if ( tabContext.rootHostname !== this.tabHostname ) { context = ''; } // If URL changes without a page reload (more and more common), then // we need to keep all that we collected for reuse. In particular, // not doing so was causing a problem in `videos.foxnews.com`: // clicking a video thumbnail would not work, because the frame // hierarchy structure was flushed from memory, while not really being // flushed on the page. if ( context === 'tabUpdated' ) { // As part of https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/405 // URL changed, force a re-evaluation of filtering switch this.rawURL = tabContext.rawURL; this.setFrameURL({ url: this.rawURL }); return this; } // A new page is completely reloaded from scratch, reset all. if ( this.largeMediaTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.largeMediaTimer); this.largeMediaTimer = null; } this.disposeFrameStores(); this.init(this.tabId, context); return this; } dispose() { this.tabHostname = ''; this.title = ''; this.rawURL = ''; this.hostnameDetailsMap.dispose(); this.netFilteringCache.empty(); this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now(); this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined; if ( this.largeMediaTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.largeMediaTimer); this.largeMediaTimer = null; } this.disposeFrameStores(); if ( this.journalTimer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(this.journalTimer); this.journalTimer = undefined; } this.journal = []; this.journalLastUncommittedOrigin = undefined; this.journalLastCommitted = this.journalLastUncommitted = -1; if ( PageStore.junkyard.length < PageStore.junkyardMax ) { PageStore.junkyard.push(this); } return null; } disposeFrameStores() { for ( const frameStore of this.frames.values() ) { frameStore.dispose(); } this.frames.clear(); } getFrameStore(frameId) { return this.frames.get(frameId) || null; } setFrameURL(details) { let { frameId, url, parentFrameId } = details; if ( frameId === undefined ) { frameId = 0; } if ( parentFrameId === undefined ) { parentFrameId = -1; } let frameStore = this.frames.get(frameId); if ( frameStore !== undefined ) { if ( url === frameStore.rawURL ) { frameStore.parentId = parentFrameId; } else { frameStore.init(url, parentFrameId); } return frameStore; } frameStore = FrameStore.factory(url, parentFrameId); this.frames.set(frameId, frameStore); this.frameAddCount += 1; if ( (this.frameAddCount & 0b111111) === 0 ) { this.pruneFrames(); } return frameStore; } getEffectiveFrameURL(sender) { let { frameId } = sender; for (;;) { const frameStore = this.getFrameStore(frameId); if ( frameStore === null ) { break; } if ( frameStore.rawURL.startsWith('about:') === false ) { return frameStore.rawURL; } frameId = frameStore.parentId; if ( frameId === -1 ) { break; } } return sender.frameURL; } // There is no event to tell us a specific subframe has been removed from // the main document. The code below will remove subframes which are no // longer present in the root document. Removing obsolete subframes is // not a critical task, so this is executed just once on a while, to avoid // bloated dictionary of subframes. // A TTL is used to avoid race conditions when new iframes are added // through the webRequest API but still not yet visible through the // webNavigation API. async pruneFrames() { let entries; try { entries = await webext.webNavigation.getAllFrames({ tabId: this.tabId }); } catch(ex) { } if ( Array.isArray(entries) === false ) { return; } const toKeep = new Set(); for ( const { frameId } of entries ) { toKeep.add(frameId); } const obsolete = Date.now() - 60000; for ( const [ frameId, { t0 } ] of this.frames ) { if ( toKeep.has(frameId) || t0 >= obsolete ) { continue; } this.frames.delete(frameId); } } getNetFilteringSwitch() { return µb.tabContextManager .mustLookup(this.tabId) .getNetFilteringSwitch(); } getSpecificCosmeticFilteringSwitch() { return this.noCosmeticFiltering !== true; } toggleNetFilteringSwitch(url, scope, state) { µb.toggleNetFilteringSwitch(url, scope, state); this.netFilteringCache.empty(); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2105 // Be sure to always include the current page's hostname -- it might not // be present when the page itself is pulled from the browser's // short-term memory cache. getAllHostnameDetails() { if ( this.hostnameDetailsMap.has(this.tabHostname) === false && µb.URI.isNetworkURI(this.rawURL) ) { this.hostnameDetailsMap.set( this.tabHostname, new HostnameDetails(this.tabHostname) ); } return this.hostnameDetailsMap; } injectLargeMediaElementScriptlet() { vAPI.tabs.executeScript(this.tabId, { file: '/js/scriptlets/load-large-media-interactive.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_idle', }); µb.contextMenu.update(this.tabId); } temporarilyAllowLargeMediaElements(state) { this.largeMediaCount = 0; µb.contextMenu.update(this.tabId); if ( state ) { this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = 0; this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined; } else { this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now(); } µb.scriptlets.injectDeep(this.tabId, 'load-large-media-all'); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2053 // There is no way around using journaling to ensure we deal properly with // potentially out of order navigation events vs. network request events. journalAddRequest(fctxt, result) { const hostname = fctxt.getHostname(); if ( hostname === '' ) { return; } this.journal.push(hostname, result, fctxt.itype); if ( this.journalTimer !== undefined ) { return; } this.journalTimer = vAPI.setTimeout( ( ) => { this.journalProcess(true); }, µb.hiddenSettings.requestJournalProcessPeriod ); } journalAddRootFrame(type, url) { if ( type === 'committed' ) { this.journalLastCommitted = this.journal.length; if ( this.journalLastUncommitted !== -1 && this.journalLastUncommitted < this.journalLastCommitted && this.journalLastUncommittedOrigin === vAPI.hostnameFromURI(url) ) { this.journalLastCommitted = this.journalLastUncommitted; } } else if ( type === 'uncommitted' ) { const newOrigin = vAPI.hostnameFromURI(url); if ( this.journalLastUncommitted === -1 || this.journalLastUncommittedOrigin !== newOrigin ) { this.journalLastUncommitted = this.journal.length; this.journalLastUncommittedOrigin = newOrigin; } } if ( this.journalTimer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(this.journalTimer); } this.journalTimer = vAPI.setTimeout( ( ) => { this.journalProcess(true); }, µb.hiddenSettings.requestJournalProcessPeriod ); } journalProcess(fromTimer = false) { if ( fromTimer === false ) { clearTimeout(this.journalTimer); } this.journalTimer = undefined; const journal = this.journal; const pivot = Math.max(0, this.journalLastCommitted); const now = Date.now(); const { SCRIPT, SUB_FRAME } = µb.FilteringContext; let aggregateAllowed = 0; let aggregateBlocked = 0; // Everything after pivot originates from current page. for ( let i = pivot; i < journal.length; i += 3 ) { const hostname = journal[i+0]; let hnDetails = this.hostnameDetailsMap.get(hostname); if ( hnDetails === undefined ) { hnDetails = new HostnameDetails(hostname); this.hostnameDetailsMap.set(hostname, hnDetails); this.contentLastModified = now; } const blocked = journal[i+1] === 1; const itype = journal[i+2]; if ( itype === SCRIPT ) { hnDetails.counts.inc(blocked, 'script'); this.counts.inc(blocked, 'script'); } else if ( itype === SUB_FRAME ) { hnDetails.counts.inc(blocked, 'frame'); this.counts.inc(blocked, 'frame'); } else { hnDetails.counts.inc(blocked); this.counts.inc(blocked); } if ( blocked ) { aggregateBlocked += 1; } else { aggregateAllowed += 1; } } this.journalLastUncommitted = this.journalLastCommitted = -1; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/905#issuecomment-76543649 // No point updating the badge if it's not being displayed. if ( aggregateBlocked !== 0 && µb.userSettings.showIconBadge ) { µb.updateToolbarIcon(this.tabId, 0x02); } // Everything before pivot does not originate from current page -- we // still need to bump global blocked/allowed counts. for ( let i = 0; i < pivot; i += 3 ) { if ( journal[i+1] === 1 ) { aggregateBlocked += 1; } else { aggregateAllowed += 1; } } if ( aggregateAllowed !== 0 || aggregateBlocked !== 0 ) { µb.localSettings.blockedRequestCount += aggregateBlocked; µb.localSettings.allowedRequestCount += aggregateAllowed; µb.localSettingsLastModified = now; } journal.length = 0; } filterRequest(fctxt) { fctxt.filter = undefined; fctxt.redirectURL = undefined; if ( this.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt) === false ) { return 0; } if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.CSP_REPORT && this.filterCSPReport(fctxt) === 1 ) { return 1; } if ( (fctxt.itype & fctxt.FONT_ANY) !== 0 && this.filterFont(fctxt) === 1 ) { return 1; } if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.SCRIPT && this.filterScripting(fctxt, true) === 1 ) { return 1; } const cacheableResult = this.cacheableResults.has(fctxt.itype) && fctxt.aliasURL === undefined; if ( cacheableResult ) { const entry = this.netFilteringCache.lookupResult(fctxt); if ( entry !== undefined ) { fctxt.redirectURL = entry.redirectURL; fctxt.filter = entry.logData; return entry.result; } } const requestType = fctxt.type; const loggerEnabled = µb.logger.enabled; // Dynamic URL filtering. let result = µb.sessionURLFiltering.evaluateZ( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.url, requestType ); if ( result !== 0 && loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionURLFiltering.toLogData(); } // Dynamic hostname/type filtering. if ( result === 0 && µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled ) { result = µb.sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.getHostname(), requestType ); if ( result !== 0 && result !== 3 && loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionFirewall.toLogData(); } } // Static filtering has lowest precedence. const snfe = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine; if ( result === 0 || result === 3 ) { result = snfe.matchString(fctxt); if ( result !== 0 ) { if ( loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.setFilter(snfe.toLogData()); } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/943 // Blanket-except blocked aliased canonical hostnames? if ( result === 1 && fctxt.aliasURL !== undefined && snfe.isBlockImportant() === false && this.shouldExceptCname(fctxt) ) { return 2; } } } // Click-to-load? // When frameId is not -1, the resource is always sub_frame. if ( result === 1 && fctxt.frameId !== -1 ) { const frameStore = this.getFrameStore(fctxt.frameId); if ( frameStore !== null && frameStore.clickToLoad ) { result = 2; if ( loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.pushFilter({ result, source: 'network', raw: 'click-to-load', }); } } } // Modifier(s)? // A modifier is an action which transform the original network request. // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/949 // Redirect blocked request? // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/760 // Redirect non-blocked request? if ( (fctxt.itype & fctxt.INLINE_ANY) === 0 ) { if ( result === 1 ) { this.redirectBlockedRequest(fctxt); } else if ( snfe.hasQuery(fctxt) ) { this.redirectNonBlockedRequest(fctxt); } } if ( cacheableResult ) { this.netFilteringCache.rememberResult(fctxt, result); } else if ( result === 1 && this.collapsibleResources.has(fctxt.itype) ) { this.netFilteringCache.rememberBlock(fctxt); } return result; } filterOnHeaders(fctxt, headers) { fctxt.filter = undefined; if ( this.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt) === false ) { return 0; } let result = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.matchHeaders(fctxt, headers); if ( result === 0 ) { return 0; } const loggerEnabled = µb.logger.enabled; if ( loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.toLogData(); } // Dynamic filtering allow rules // URL filtering if ( result === 1 && µb.sessionURLFiltering.evaluateZ( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.url, fctxt.type ) === 2 ) { result = 2; if ( loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionURLFiltering.toLogData(); } } // Hostname filtering if ( result === 1 && µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled && µb.sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.getHostname(), fctxt.type ) === 2 ) { result = 2; if ( loggerEnabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionFirewall.toLogData(); } } return result; } redirectBlockedRequest(fctxt) { if ( µb.hiddenSettings.ignoreRedirectFilters === true ) { return; } const directives = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.redirectRequest(fctxt); if ( directives === undefined ) { return; } if ( µb.logger.enabled !== true ) { return; } fctxt.pushFilters(directives.map(a => a.logData())); if ( fctxt.redirectURL === undefined ) { return; } fctxt.pushFilter({ source: 'redirect', raw: µb.redirectEngine.resourceNameRegister }); } redirectNonBlockedRequest(fctxt) { const directives = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.filterQuery(fctxt); if ( directives === undefined ) { return; } if ( µb.logger.enabled !== true ) { return; } fctxt.pushFilters(directives.map(a => a.logData())); if ( fctxt.redirectURL === undefined ) { return; } fctxt.pushFilter({ source: 'redirect', raw: fctxt.redirectURL }); } filterCSPReport(fctxt) { if ( µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ( 'no-csp-reports', fctxt.getHostname() ) ) { if ( µb.logger.enabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData(); } return 1; } return 0; } filterFont(fctxt) { if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.FONT ) { this.remoteFontCount += 1; } if ( µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ( 'no-remote-fonts', fctxt.getTabHostname() ) !== false ) { if ( µb.logger.enabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData(); } return 1; } return 0; } filterScripting(fctxt, netFiltering) { fctxt.filter = undefined; if ( netFiltering === undefined ) { netFiltering = this.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt); } if ( netFiltering === false || µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ( 'no-scripting', fctxt.getTabHostname() ) === false ) { return 0; } if ( µb.logger.enabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData(); } return 1; } // The caller is responsible to check whether filtering is enabled or not. filterLargeMediaElement(fctxt, size) { fctxt.filter = undefined; if ( this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil === 0 ) { return 0; } // Disregard large media elements previously allowed: for example, to // seek inside a previously allowed audio/video. if ( this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex instanceof RegExp && this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex.test(fctxt.url) ) { return 0; } if ( Date.now() < this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil ) { const sources = this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex instanceof RegExp ? [ this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex.source ] : []; sources.push('^' + µb.escapeRegex(fctxt.url)); this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = new RegExp(sources.join('|')); return 0; } if ( µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ( 'no-large-media', fctxt.getTabHostname() ) !== true ) { this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = 0; return 0; } if ( (size >>> 10) < µb.userSettings.largeMediaSize ) { return 0; } this.largeMediaCount += 1; if ( this.largeMediaTimer === null ) { this.largeMediaTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(( ) => { this.largeMediaTimer = null; this.injectLargeMediaElementScriptlet(); }, 500); } if ( µb.logger.enabled ) { fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData(); } return 1; } clickToLoad(frameId, frameURL) { let frameStore = this.getFrameStore(frameId); if ( frameStore === null ) { frameStore = this.setFrameURL({ frameId, url: frameURL }); } this.netFilteringCache.forgetResult( this.tabHostname, 'sub_frame', frameURL ); frameStore.clickToLoad = true; } shouldExceptCname(fctxt) { let exceptCname; let frameStore; if ( fctxt.docId !== undefined ) { frameStore = this.getFrameStore(fctxt.docId); if ( frameStore instanceof Object ) { exceptCname = frameStore.exceptCname; } } if ( exceptCname === undefined ) { const result = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.matchStringReverse( 'cname', frameStore instanceof Object ? frameStore.rawURL : fctxt.getDocOrigin() ); exceptCname = result === 2 ? µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.toLogData() : false; if ( frameStore instanceof Object ) { frameStore.exceptCname = exceptCname; } } if ( exceptCname === false ) { return false; } if ( exceptCname instanceof Object ) { fctxt.setFilter(exceptCname); } return true; } getBlockedResources(request, response) { const normalURL = µb.normalizePageURL(this.tabId, request.frameURL); const resources = request.resources; const fctxt = µb.filteringContext; fctxt.fromTabId(this.tabId) .setDocOriginFromURL(normalURL); // Force some resources to go through the filtering engine in order to // populate the blocked-resources cache. This is required because for // some resources it's not possible to detect whether they were blocked // content script-side (i.e. `iframes` -- unlike `img`). if ( Array.isArray(resources) && resources.length !== 0 ) { for ( const resource of resources ) { this.filterRequest( fctxt.setType(resource.type).setURL(resource.url) ); } } if ( this.netFilteringCache.hash === response.hash ) { return; } response.hash = this.netFilteringCache.hash; response.blockedResources = this.netFilteringCache.lookupAllBlocked(fctxt.getDocHostname()); } }; PageStore.prototype.cacheableResults = new Set([ µb.FilteringContext.SUB_FRAME, ]); PageStore.prototype.collapsibleResources = new Set([ µb.FilteringContext.IMAGE, µb.FilteringContext.MEDIA, µb.FilteringContext.OBJECT, µb.FilteringContext.SUB_FRAME, ]); // To mitigate memory churning PageStore.junkyard = []; PageStore.junkyardMax = 10; µb.PageStore = PageStore; /******************************************************************************/ // <<<<< // end of private namespace }