{ "extName": { "message": "uBlock Origin Lite", "description": "extension name." }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "権限不要の実験的なコンテンツブロッカーです。インストールしてすぐに、広告、トラッキング、マイニングなどをブロックします。", "description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less" }, "perRulesetStats": { "message": "{{ruleCount}} 件のルール ({{filterCount}} 件のネットワークフィルターから変換)", "description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "dashboardName": { "message": "uBO Lite — ダッシュボード", "description": "English: uBO Lite — Dashboard" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarning": { "message": "警告! 保存していない変更があります", "description": "A warning in the dashboard when navigating away from unsaved changes" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarningStay": { "message": "留まる", "description": "Label for button to prevent navigating away from unsaved changes" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarningIgnore": { "message": "無視", "description": "Label for button to ignore unsaved changes" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "設定", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "3pPageName": { "message": "フィルターリスト", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "1pPageName": { "message": "マイフィルター", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "whitelistPageName": { "message": "信頼するサイト", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "uBO Lite について", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "aboutPrivacyPolicy": { "message": "プライバシーポリシー", "description": "Link to privacy policy on GitHub (English)" }, "popupPowerSwitchInfo": { "message": "このサイトで uBO Lite を無効/有効化", "description": "Tooltip for the main power button in the popup panel" }, "popupTipDashboard": { "message": "ダッシュボードを開く", "description": "English: Click to open the dashboard" }, "popupTipZapper": { "message": "要素抹消モードに入る", "description": "Tooltip for the element-zapper icon in the popup panel" }, "popupTipPicker": { "message": "要素選択モードに入る", "description": "English: Enter element picker mode" }, "popupTipReport": { "message": "このサイト上での問題を報告", "description": "Tooltip used for the 'chat' icon in the panel" }, "popupTipSaveRules": { "message": "クリックすると変更を確定します。", "description": "Tooltip when hovering over the padlock in the dynamic filtering pane." }, "popupTipRevertRules": { "message": "クリックすると変更を元に戻します。", "description": "Tooltip when hovering over the eraser in the dynamic filtering pane." }, "popupMoreButton": { "message": "さらに表示", "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupGrantGreatPowers": { "message": "Click to grant uBO Lite extended permissions on this site.\nExtended permissions allow more effective content blocking.", "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupRevokeGreatPowers": { "message": "Click to revoke extended permissions on this site", "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupLessButton": { "message": "折りたたむ", "description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections" }, "settingsIconBadgePrompt": { "message": "ブロックしたリクエストの数をアイコンに表示する", "description": "English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon" }, "settingsAppearance": { "message": "外観", "description": "Section for controlling user interface appearance" }, "settingsThemeLabel": { "message": "テーマ", "description": "Label for checkbox to enable a custom dark theme" }, "settingsThemeAccent0Label": { "message": "カスタムアクセントカラー", "description": "Label for checkbox to pick an accent color" }, "settingsNoCSPReportsPrompt": { "message": "CSP レポートをブロックする", "description": "background information: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3150" }, "3pGroupDefault": { "message": "既定", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupAds": { "message": "広告", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupPrivacy": { "message": "プライバシー", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupMalware": { "message": "マルウェアドメイン", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupAnnoyances": { "message": "迷惑系", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupMisc": { "message": "その他", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupRegions": { "message": "地域・言語", "description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "1pFormatHint": { "message": "1 行につき 1 つのフィルターです。フィルターはただのホスト名でも EasyList と同じ形式でも構いません。! を先頭に付けた行は無視されます。", "description": "Short information about how to create custom filters" }, "1pImport": { "message": "インポートして追加", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "1pExport": { "message": "エクスポート", "description": "English: Export" }, "1pExportFilename": { "message": "my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt" }, "whitelistPrompt": { "message": "[信頼するサイト] では uBO Lite を無効にするウェブページを指定します。1 行につき 1 ページです。", "description": "A concise description of the 'Trusted sites' pane." }, "whitelistImport": { "message": "インポートして追加", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "whitelistExport": { "message": "エクスポート", "description": "English: Export" }, "whitelistExportFilename": { "message": "my-ublock-trusted-sites_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "The default filename to use for import/export purpose" }, "aboutChangelog": { "message": "更新履歴", "description": "" }, "aboutCode": { "message": "ソースコード (GPLv3)", "description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)" }, "aboutContributors": { "message": "貢献者", "description": "English: Contributors" }, "aboutSourceCode": { "message": "ソースコード", "description": "Link text to source code repo" }, "aboutTranslations": { "message": "翻訳", "description": "Link text to translations repo" }, "aboutFilterLists": { "message": "フィルターリスト", "description": "Link text to uBO's own filter lists repo" }, "aboutDependencies": { "message": "外部依存関係 (GPLv3 と両立):", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "genericSubmit": { "message": "送信", "description": "for generic 'Submit' buttons" }, "genericApplyChanges": { "message": "変更を適用", "description": "for generic 'Apply changes' buttons" }, "genericRevert": { "message": "元に戻す", "description": "for generic 'Revert' buttons" } }