/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */ /* globals process */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import { createRequire } from 'module'; import { readFile, writeFile, mkdir } from 'fs/promises'; import { dirname } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); import { enableWASM, StaticNetFilteringEngine } from './index.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const FLAGS = process.argv.slice(2); const COMPARE = FLAGS.includes('compare'); const MAXCOST = FLAGS.includes('maxcost'); const MEDCOST = FLAGS.includes('medcost'); const MINCOST = FLAGS.includes('mincost'); const MODIFIERS = FLAGS.includes('modifiers'); const RECORD = FLAGS.includes('record'); const WASM = FLAGS.includes('wasm'); const NEED_RESULTS = COMPARE || MAXCOST || MEDCOST || MINCOST || RECORD; // This maps puppeteer types to WebRequest types const WEBREQUEST_OPTIONS = { // Consider document requests as sub_document. This is because the request // dataset does not contain sub_frame or main_frame but only 'document' and // different blockers have different behaviours. document: 'sub_frame', stylesheet: 'stylesheet', image: 'image', media: 'media', font: 'font', script: 'script', xhr: 'xmlhttprequest', fetch: 'xmlhttprequest', websocket: 'websocket', ping: 'ping', // other other: 'other', eventsource: 'other', manifest: 'other', texttrack: 'other', }; /******************************************************************************/ function nanoToMilli(bigint) { return (Number(bigint) / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' ms'; } function nanoToMicro(bigint) { return (Number(bigint) / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' µs'; } async function read(path) { return readFile(path, 'utf8'); } async function write(path, data) { await mkdir(dirname(path), { recursive: true }); return writeFile(path, data, 'utf8'); } /******************************************************************************/ async function matchRequests(engine, requests) { const results = []; const details = { r: 0, f: undefined, type: '', url: '', originURL: '', t: 0, }; let notBlockedCount = 0; let blockedCount = 0; let unblockedCount = 0; const start = process.hrtime.bigint(); for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; const reqstart = process.hrtime.bigint(); details.type = WEBREQUEST_OPTIONS[request.cpt]; details.url = request.url; details.originURL = request.frameUrl; const r = engine.matchRequest(details); if ( r === 0 ) { notBlockedCount += 1; } else if ( r === 1 ) { blockedCount += 1; } else { unblockedCount += 1; } if ( NEED_RESULTS !== true ) { continue; } const reqstop = process.hrtime.bigint(); details.r = r; details.f = r !== 0 ? engine.toLogData().raw : undefined; details.t = Math.round(Number(reqstop - reqstart) / 10) / 100; results.push([ i, Object.assign({}, details) ]); } const stop = process.hrtime.bigint(); console.log(`Matched ${requests.length} requests in ${nanoToMilli(stop - start)}`); console.log(`\tNot blocked: ${notBlockedCount} requests`); console.log(`\tBlocked: ${blockedCount} requests`); console.log(`\tUnblocked: ${unblockedCount} requests`); console.log(`\tAverage: ${nanoToMicro((stop - start) / BigInt(requests.length))} per request`); if ( RECORD ) { write('data/snfe.json', JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)); } if ( COMPARE ) { const diffs = await compare(results); if ( Array.isArray(diffs) ) { write('data/snfe.diffs.json', JSON.stringify(diffs, null, 2)); } console.log(`Compare: ${diffs.length} requests differ`); } if ( MAXCOST ) { const costly = results.slice().sort((a,b) => b[1].t - a[1].t).slice(0, 1000); write('data/snfe.maxcost.json', JSON.stringify(costly, null, 2)); } if ( MEDCOST ) { const median = results.length >>> 1; const costly = results.slice().sort((a,b) => b[1].t - a[1].t).slice(median - 500, median + 500); write('data/snfe.medcost.json', JSON.stringify(costly, null, 2)); } if ( MINCOST ) { const costly = results.slice().sort((a,b) => b[1].t - a[1].t).slice(-1000); write('data/snfe.mincost.json', JSON.stringify(costly, null, 2)); } } async function compare(results) { let before; try { const raw = await read('data/snfe.json'); before = new Map(JSON.parse(raw)); } catch(ex) { console.log(ex); console.log('Nothing to compare'); return; } const after = new Map(results); const diffs = []; for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) { const a = before.get(i); const b = after.get(i); if ( a.r === b.r ) { continue; } diffs.push([ i, { type: a.type, url: a.url, originURL: a.originURL, before: { r: a.r, f: a.f, t: a.t }, after: { r: b.r, f: b.f, t: b.t }, }]); } return diffs; } /******************************************************************************/ async function matchRequestModifiers(engine, requests) { const results = { 'csp': [], 'redirect-rule': [], 'removeparam': [], }; const details = { f: undefined, type: '', url: '', originURL: '', t: 0, }; let modifiedCount = 0; const start = process.hrtime.bigint(); for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; details.type = WEBREQUEST_OPTIONS[request.cpt]; details.url = request.url; details.originURL = request.frameUrl; const r = engine.matchRequest(details); let modified = false; if ( r !== 1 && details.type === 'sub_frame' ) { const reqstart = process.hrtime.bigint(); const directives = engine.matchAndFetchModifiers(details, 'csp'); if ( directives !== undefined ) { modified = true; if ( NEED_RESULTS ) { const reqstop = process.hrtime.bigint(); details.f = directives.map(a => `${a.result}:${a.logData().raw}`).sort(); details.t = Math.round(Number(reqstop - reqstart) / 10) / 100; results['csp'].push([ i, Object.assign({}, details) ]); } } } if ( r === 1 ) { const reqstart = process.hrtime.bigint(); const directives = engine.matchAndFetchModifiers(details, 'redirect-rule'); if ( directives !== undefined ) { modified = true; if ( NEED_RESULTS ) { const reqstop = process.hrtime.bigint(); details.f = directives.map(a => `${a.result}:${a.logData().raw}`).sort(); details.t = Math.round(Number(reqstop - reqstart) / 10) / 100; results['redirect-rule'].push([ i, Object.assign({}, details) ]); } } } if ( r !== 1 && engine.hasQuery(details) ) { const reqstart = process.hrtime.bigint(); const directives = engine.matchAndFetchModifiers(details, 'removeparam'); if ( directives !== undefined ) { modified = true; if ( NEED_RESULTS ) { const reqstop = process.hrtime.bigint(); details.f = directives.map(a => `${a.result}:${a.logData().raw}`).sort(); details.t = Math.round(Number(reqstop - reqstart) / 10) / 100; results['removeparam'].push([ i, Object.assign({}, details) ]); } } } if ( modified ) { modifiedCount += 1; } } const stop = process.hrtime.bigint(); console.log(`Matched-modified ${requests.length} requests in ${nanoToMilli(stop - start)}`); console.log(`\t${modifiedCount} modifiers found`); console.log(`\tAverage: ${nanoToMicro((stop - start) / BigInt(requests.length))} per request`); if ( RECORD ) { write('data/snfe.modifiers.json', JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)); } if ( COMPARE ) { const diffs = await compareModifiers(results); if ( Array.isArray(diffs) ) { write('data/snfe.modifiers.diffs.json', JSON.stringify(diffs, null, 2)); } console.log(`Compare: ${diffs.length} modified requests differ`); } } async function compareModifiers(afterResults) { let beforeResults; try { const raw = await read('data/snfe.modifiers.json'); beforeResults = JSON.parse(raw); } catch(ex) { console.log(ex); console.log('Nothing to compare'); return; } const diffs = []; for ( const modifier of [ 'csp', 'redirect-rule', 'removeparam' ] ) { const before = new Map(beforeResults[modifier]); const after = new Map(afterResults[modifier]); for ( const [ i, b ] of before ) { const a = after.get(i); if ( a !== undefined && JSON.stringify(a.f) === JSON.stringify(b.f) ) { continue; } diffs.push([ i, { type: b.type, url: b.url, originURL: b.originURL, before: { f: b.f, t: b.t }, after: a !== undefined ? { f: a.f, t: a.t } : null, }]); } for ( const [ i, a ] of after ) { const b = before.get(i); if ( b !== undefined ) { continue; } diffs.push([ i, { type: a.type, url: a.url, originURL: a.originURL, before: null, after: { f: a.f, t: a.t }, }]); } } return diffs; } /******************************************************************************/ async function bench() { if ( WASM ) { try { const result = await enableWASM(); if ( result === true ) { console.log('WASM code paths enabled'); } } catch(ex) { console.log(ex); } } const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); // jshint ignore:line const requests = await require('./node_modules/scaling-palm-tree/requests.json'); const engine = await StaticNetFilteringEngine.create(); let start = process.hrtime.bigint(); await engine.useLists([ read('assets/ublock/badware.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'badware', raw })), read('assets/ublock/filters.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'filters', raw })), read('assets/ublock/filters-2020.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'filters-2020', raw })), read('assets/ublock/filters-2021.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'filters-2021', raw })), read('assets/ublock/privacy.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'privacy', raw })), read('assets/ublock/resource-abuse.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'resource-abuse', raw })), read('assets/ublock/unbreak.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'unbreak.txt', raw })), read('assets/thirdparties/easylist/easylist.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'easylist', raw })), read('assets/thirdparties/easylist/easyprivacy.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'easyprivacy', raw })), read('assets/thirdparties/pgl.yoyo.org/as/serverlist') .then(raw => ({ name: 'PGL', raw })), read('assets/thirdparties/urlhaus-filter/urlhaus-filter-online.txt') .then(raw => ({ name: 'urlhaus', raw })), ]); let stop = process.hrtime.bigint(); console.log(`Filter lists parsed-compiled-loaded in ${nanoToMilli(stop - start)}`); // Dry run to let JS engine optimize hot JS code paths for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i += 8 ) { const request = requests[i]; void engine.matchRequest({ type: WEBREQUEST_OPTIONS[request.cpt], url: request.url, originURL: request.frameUrl, }); } if ( MODIFIERS === false ) { matchRequests(engine, requests); } else { matchRequestModifiers(engine, requests); } StaticNetFilteringEngine.release(); } bench(); /******************************************************************************/