{ "extName": { "message": "uBlock Origin", "description": "extension name." }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.", "description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less" }, "dashboardName": { "message": "uBlock₀ — Dashboard", "description": "English: uBlock₀ — Dashboard" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarning": { "message": "Warning! You have unsaved changes", "description": "A warning in the dashboard when navigating away from unsaved changes" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarningStay": { "message": "Stay", "description": "Label for button to prevent navigating away from unsaved changes" }, "dashboardUnsavedWarningIgnore": { "message": "Ignore", "description": "Label for button to ignore unsaved changes" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "Կարգավորումներ", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "3pPageName": { "message": "Զտման ցանկեր", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "1pPageName": { "message": "Իմ զտումները", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "rulesPageName": { "message": "My rules", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "whitelistPageName": { "message": "Սպիտակ ցուցակ", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "shortcutsPageName": { "message": "Shortcuts", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "statsPageName": { "message": "uBlock₀ — Լոգգեր", "description": "Title for the logger window" }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "Մեր մասին", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard" }, "assetViewerPageName": { "message": "uBlock₀ — Asset viewer", "description": "Title for the asset viewer page" }, "advancedSettingsPageName": { "message": "Ընդլայնված կարգավորումներ", "description": "Title for the advanced settings page" }, "popupPowerSwitchInfo": { "message": "Click: disable/enable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click: disable uBlock₀ only on this page.", "description": "English: Click: disable/enable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click: disable uBlock₀ only on this page." }, "popupPowerSwitchInfo1": { "message": "Click to disable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click to disable uBlock₀ only on this page.", "description": "Message to be read by screen readers" }, "popupPowerSwitchInfo2": { "message": "Click to enable uBlock₀ for this site.", "description": "Message to be read by screen readers" }, "popupBlockedRequestPrompt": { "message": "requests blocked", "description": "English: requests blocked" }, "popupBlockedOnThisPagePrompt": { "message": "այս էջում", "description": "English: on this page" }, "popupBlockedStats": { "message": "{{count}} կամ {{percent}}%", "description": "Example: 15 or 13%" }, "popupBlockedSinceInstallPrompt": { "message": "տեղադրումից առ այսօր", "description": "English: since install" }, "popupOr": { "message": "կամ", "description": "English: or" }, "popupBlockedOnThisPage_v2": { "message": "Արգելափակված այս էջում", "description": "For the new mobile-friendly popup design" }, "popupBlockedSinceInstall_v2": { "message": "Արգելափակված տեղադրումից առ այսօր", "description": "For the new mobile-friendly popup design" }, "popupDomainsConnected_v2": { "message": "Mիացված դոմեյններ", "description": "For the new mobile-friendly popup design" }, "popupTipDashboard": { "message": "Open the dashboard", "description": "English: Click to open the dashboard" }, "popupTipZapper": { "message": "Enter element zapper mode", "description": "Tooltip for the element-zapper icon in the popup panel" }, "popupTipPicker": { "message": "Enter element picker mode", "description": "English: Enter element picker mode" }, "popupTipLog": { "message": "Բացել լոգգերը", "description": "Tooltip used for the logger icon in the panel" }, "popupTipNoPopups": { "message": "Toggle the blocking of all popups for this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-popups per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoPopups1": { "message": "Click to block all popups on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-popups per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoPopups2": { "message": "Click to no longer block all popups on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-popups per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoLargeMedia": { "message": "Toggle the blocking of large media elements for this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-large-media per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoLargeMedia1": { "message": "Click to block large media elements on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-large-media per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoLargeMedia2": { "message": "Click to no longer block large media elements on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-large-media per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoCosmeticFiltering": { "message": "Toggle cosmetic filtering for this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-cosmetic-filtering per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoCosmeticFiltering1": { "message": "Click to disable cosmetic filtering on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-cosmetic-filtering per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoCosmeticFiltering2": { "message": "Click to enable cosmetic filtering on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-cosmetic-filtering per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoRemoteFonts": { "message": "Toggle the blocking of remote fonts for this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-remote-fonts per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoRemoteFonts1": { "message": "Click to block remote fonts on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-remote-fonts per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoRemoteFonts2": { "message": "Click to no longer block remote fonts on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-remote-fonts per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoScripting1": { "message": "Click to disable JavaScript on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-scripting per-site switch" }, "popupTipNoScripting2": { "message": "Click to no longer disable JavaScript on this site", "description": "Tooltip for the no-scripting per-site switch" }, "popupNoPopups_v2": { "message": "Pop-up windows", "description": "Caption for the no-popups per-site switch" }, "popupNoLargeMedia_v2": { "message": "Large media elements", "description": "Caption for the no-large-media per-site switch" }, "popupNoCosmeticFiltering_v2": { "message": "Cosmetic filtering", "description": "Caption for the no-cosmetic-filtering per-site switch" }, "popupNoRemoteFonts_v2": { "message": "Remote fonts", "description": "Caption for the no-remote-fonts per-site switch" }, "popupNoScripting_v2": { "message": "JavaScript", "description": "Caption for the no-scripting per-site switch" }, "popupMoreButton_v2": { "message": "Ավելին", "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupLessButton_v2": { "message": "Less", "description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections" }, "popupTipGlobalRules": { "message": "Global rules: this column is for rules which apply to all sites.", "description": "Tooltip when hovering the top-most cell of the global-rules column." }, "popupTipLocalRules": { "message": "Local rules: this column is for rules which apply to the current site only.\nLocal rules override global rules.", "description": "Tooltip when hovering the top-most cell of the local-rules column." }, "popupTipSaveRules": { "message": "Click to make your changes permanent.", "description": "Tooltip when hovering over the padlock in the dynamic filtering pane." }, "popupTipRevertRules": { "message": "Click to revert your changes.", "description": "Tooltip when hovering over the eraser in the dynamic filtering pane." }, "popupAnyRulePrompt": { "message": "Ամենը", "description": "" }, "popupImageRulePrompt": { "message": "պատկերներ", "description": "" }, "popup3pAnyRulePrompt": { "message": "3rd-party", "description": "" }, "popup3pPassiveRulePrompt": { "message": "3rd-party CSS/images", "description": "" }, "popupInlineScriptRulePrompt": { "message": "inline scripts", "description": "" }, "popup1pScriptRulePrompt": { "message": "1st-party scripts", "description": "" }, "popup3pScriptRulePrompt": { "message": "3rd-party scripts", "description": "" }, "popup3pFrameRulePrompt": { "message": "3rd-party frames", "description": "" }, "popupHitDomainCountPrompt": { "message": "միացված դոմեյններ", "description": "appears in popup" }, "popupHitDomainCount": { "message": "{{count}} {{total}}֊ից", "description": "appears in popup" }, "popupVersion": { "message": "Տարբերակ", "description": "Example of use: Version 1.26.4" }, "pickerCreate": { "message": "Ստեղծել", "description": "English: Create" }, "pickerPick": { "message": "Pick", "description": "English: Pick" }, "pickerQuit": { "message": "Quit", "description": "English: Quit" }, "pickerPreview": { "message": "Նախադիտում", "description": "Element picker preview mode: will cause the elements matching the current filter to be removed from the page" }, "pickerNetFilters": { "message": "Ցանցի զտիչներ", "description": "English: header for a type of filter in the element picker dialog" }, "pickerCosmeticFilters": { "message": "Կոսմետիկ զտիչներ", "description": "English: Cosmetic filters" }, "pickerCosmeticFiltersHint": { "message": "Click, Ctrl-click", "description": "English: Click, Ctrl-click" }, "pickerContextMenuEntry": { "message": "Block element...", "description": "An entry in the browser's contextual menu" }, "settingsCollapseBlockedPrompt": { "message": "Hide placeholders of blocked elements", "description": "English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements" }, "settingsIconBadgePrompt": { "message": "Show the number of blocked requests on the icon", "description": "English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon" }, "settingsTooltipsPrompt": { "message": "Disable tooltips", "description": "A checkbox in the Settings pane" }, "settingsContextMenuPrompt": { "message": "Make use of context menu where appropriate", "description": "English: Make use of context menu where appropriate" }, "settingsColorBlindPrompt": { "message": "Color-blind friendly", "description": "English: Color-blind friendly" }, "settingsCloudStorageEnabledPrompt": { "message": "Enable cloud storage support", "description": "" }, "settingsAdvancedUserPrompt": { "message": "I am an advanced user (required reading)", "description": "" }, "settingsAdvancedUserSettings": { "message": "ընդլայնված կարգավորումներ", "description": "For the tooltip of a link which gives access to advanced settings" }, "settingsPrefetchingDisabledPrompt": { "message": "Disable pre-fetching (to prevent any connection for blocked network requests)", "description": "English: " }, "settingsHyperlinkAuditingDisabledPrompt": { "message": "Disable hyperlink auditing", "description": "English: " }, "settingsWebRTCIPAddressHiddenPrompt": { "message": "Prevent WebRTC from leaking local IP addresses", "description": "English: " }, "settingPerSiteSwitchGroup": { "message": "Լռելյայն վարքագիծ", "description": "" }, "settingPerSiteSwitchGroupSynopsis": { "message": "These default behaviors can be overridden on a per-site basis", "description": "" }, "settingsNoCosmeticFilteringPrompt": { "message": "Disable cosmetic filtering", "description": "" }, "settingsNoLargeMediaPrompt": { "message": "Block media elements larger than {{input}} KB", "description": "" }, "settingsNoRemoteFontsPrompt": { "message": "Block remote fonts", "description": "" }, "settingsNoScriptingPrompt": { "message": "Անջատել JavaScript֊ը", "description": "The default state for the per-site no-scripting switch" }, "settingsNoCSPReportsPrompt": { "message": "Block CSP reports", "description": "background information: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3150" }, "settingsLastRestorePrompt": { "message": "Last restore:", "description": "English: Last restore:" }, "settingsLastBackupPrompt": { "message": "Last backup:", "description": "English: Last backup:" }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt": { "message": "{{netFilterCount}} network filters + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} cosmetic filters from:", "description": "Appears at the top of the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsPerListStats": { "message": "{{used}} used out of {{total}}", "description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "3pAutoUpdatePrompt1": { "message": "Auto-update filter lists", "description": "A checkbox in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "3pUpdateNow": { "message": "Թարմացնել հիմա", "description": "A button in the in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "3pPurgeAll": { "message": "Purge all caches", "description": "A button in the in the _3rd-party filters_ pane" }, "3pParseAllABPHideFiltersPrompt1": { "message": "Parse and enforce cosmetic filters", "description": "English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters." }, "3pParseAllABPHideFiltersInfo": { "message": "Cosmetic filters serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the network request-based filtering engines.", "description": "Describes the purpose of the 'Parse and enforce cosmetic filters' feature." }, "3pIgnoreGenericCosmeticFilters": { "message": "Ignore generic cosmetic filters", "description": "This will cause uBO to ignore all generic cosmetic filters." }, "3pIgnoreGenericCosmeticFiltersInfo": { "message": "Generic cosmetic filters are those cosmetic filters which are meant to apply on all web sites. Enabling this option will eliminate the memory and CPU overhead added to web pages as a result of handling generic cosmetic filters.\n\nIt is recommended to enable this option on less powerful devices.", "description": "Describes the purpose of the 'Ignore generic cosmetic filters' feature." }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsHeader": { "message": "Lists of blocked hosts", "description": "English: Lists of blocked hosts" }, "3pApplyChanges": { "message": "Կիրառել փոփոխությունները", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "3pGroupDefault": { "message": "Built-in", "description": "Header for the uBlock filters section in 'Filter lists pane'" }, "3pGroupAds": { "message": "Գովազդներ", "description": "English: Ads" }, "3pGroupPrivacy": { "message": "Privacy", "description": "English: Privacy" }, "3pGroupMalware": { "message": "Malware domains", "description": "English: Malware domains" }, "3pGroupAnnoyances": { "message": "Annoyances", "description": "The header identifying the filter lists in the category 'annoyances'" }, "3pGroupMultipurpose": { "message": "Multipurpose", "description": "English: Multipurpose" }, "3pGroupRegions": { "message": "Regions, languages", "description": "English: Regions, languages" }, "3pGroupCustom": { "message": "Custom", "description": "English: Custom" }, "3pImport": { "message": "Import...", "description": "The label for the checkbox used to import external filter lists" }, "3pExternalListsHint": { "message": "One URL per line. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored.", "description": "Short information about how to use the textarea to import external filter lists by URL" }, "3pExternalListObsolete": { "message": "Out of date.", "description": "used as a tooltip for the out-of-date icon beside a list" }, "3pViewContent": { "message": "view content", "description": "used as a tooltip for eye icon beside a list" }, "3pLastUpdate": { "message": "Last update: {{ago}}.\nClick to force an update.", "description": "used as a tooltip for the clock icon beside a list" }, "3pUpdating": { "message": "Թարմացնում եմ...", "description": "used as a tooltip for the spinner icon beside a list" }, "3pNetworkError": { "message": "A network error prevented the resource from being updated.", "description": "used as a tooltip for error icon beside a list" }, "1pFormatHint": { "message": "One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ! will be ignored.", "description": "Short information about how to create custom filters" }, "1pImport": { "message": "Import and append", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "1pExport": { "message": "Export", "description": "English: Export" }, "1pExportFilename": { "message": "my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt" }, "1pApplyChanges": { "message": "Apply changes", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "rulesPermanentHeader": { "message": "Permanent rules", "description": "header" }, "rulesTemporaryHeader": { "message": "Temporary rules", "description": "header" }, "rulesRevert": { "message": "Revert", "description": "This will remove all temporary rules" }, "rulesCommit": { "message": "Commit", "description": "This will persist temporary rules" }, "rulesEdit": { "message": "Խմբագրել", "description": "Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)" }, "rulesEditSave": { "message": "Պահել", "description": "Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode" }, "rulesEditDiscard": { "message": "Discard", "description": "Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode" }, "rulesImport": { "message": "Import from file...", "description": "" }, "rulesExport": { "message": "Export to file", "description": "" }, "rulesDefaultFileName": { "message": "my-ublock-dynamic-rules_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "default file name to use" }, "rulesHint": { "message": "List of your dynamic filtering rules.", "description": "English: List of your dynamic filtering rules." }, "rulesFormatHint": { "message": "Rule syntax: source destination type action (full documentation).", "description": "English: dynamic rule syntax and full documentation." }, "whitelistPrompt": { "message": "The whitelist directives dictate on which web pages uBlock Origin should be disabled. One entry per line. Invalid directives will be silently ignored and commented out.", "description": "English: An overview of the content of the dashboard's Whitelist pane." }, "whitelistImport": { "message": "Import and append", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "whitelistExport": { "message": "Export", "description": "English: Export" }, "whitelistExportFilename": { "message": "my-ublock-whitelist_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "English: my-ublock-whitelist_{{datetime}}.txt" }, "whitelistApply": { "message": "Apply changes", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "logRequestsHeaderType": { "message": "Տիպ", "description": "English: Type" }, "logRequestsHeaderDomain": { "message": "Domain", "description": "English: Domain" }, "logRequestsHeaderURL": { "message": "URL", "description": "English: URL" }, "logRequestsHeaderFilter": { "message": "Զտել", "description": "English: Filter" }, "logAll": { "message": "All", "description": "Appears in the logger's tab selector" }, "logBehindTheScene": { "message": "Tabless", "description": "Pretty name for behind-the-scene network requests" }, "loggerCurrentTab": { "message": "Current tab", "description": "Appears in the logger's tab selector" }, "loggerReloadTip": { "message": "Reload the tab content", "description": "Tooltip for the reload button in the logger page" }, "loggerDomInspectorTip": { "message": "Toggle the DOM inspector", "description": "Tooltip for the DOM inspector button in the logger page" }, "loggerPopupPanelTip": { "message": "Toggle the popup panel", "description": "Tooltip for the popup panel button in the logger page" }, "loggerInfoTip": { "message": "uBlock Origin wiki: The logger", "description": "Tooltip for the top-right info label in the logger page" }, "loggerClearTip": { "message": "Clear logger", "description": "Tooltip for the eraser in the logger page; used to blank the content of the logger" }, "loggerPauseTip": { "message": "Pause logger (discard all incoming data)", "description": "Tooltip for the pause button in the logger page" }, "loggerUnpauseTip": { "message": "Unpause logger", "description": "Tooltip for the play button in the logger page" }, "loggerRowFiltererButtonTip": { "message": "Toggle logger filtering", "description": "Tooltip for the row filterer button in the logger page" }, "logFilterPrompt": { "message": "filter logger content", "description": "Placeholder string for logger output filtering input field" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltinTip": { "message": "Logger filtering options", "description": "Tooltip for the button to bring up logger output filtering options" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltinNot": { "message": "Not", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltinEventful": { "message": "eventful", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression: all items corresponding to uBO doing something (blocked, allowed, redirected, etc.)" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltinBlocked": { "message": "արգելափակված", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltinAllowed": { "message": "թույլատրված", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltin1p": { "message": "1st-party", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression" }, "loggerRowFiltererBuiltin3p": { "message": "3rd-party", "description": "A keyword in the built-in row filtering expression" }, "loggerEntryDetailsHeader": { "message": "Details", "description": "Small header to identify the 'Details' pane for a specific logger entry" }, "loggerEntryDetailsFilter": { "message": "Զտել", "description": "Label to identify a filter field" }, "loggerEntryDetailsFilterList": { "message": "Զտման ցանկ", "description": "Label to identify a filter list field" }, "loggerEntryDetailsRule": { "message": "Rule", "description": "Label to identify a rule field" }, "loggerEntryDetailsContext": { "message": "Context", "description": "Label to identify a context field (typically a hostname)" }, "loggerEntryDetailsRootContext": { "message": "Root context", "description": "Label to identify a root context field (typically a hostname)" }, "loggerEntryDetailsPartyness": { "message": "Partyness", "description": "Label to identify a field providing partyness information" }, "loggerEntryDetailsType": { "message": "Type", "description": "Label to identify the type of an entry" }, "loggerEntryDetailsURL": { "message": "URL", "description": "Label to identify the URL of an entry" }, "loggerURLFilteringHeader": { "message": "URL rule", "description": "Small header to identify the dynamic URL filtering section" }, "loggerURLFilteringContextLabel": { "message": "Context:", "description": "Label for the context selector" }, "loggerURLFilteringTypeLabel": { "message": "Type:", "description": "Label for the type selector" }, "loggerStaticFilteringHeader": { "message": "Static filter", "description": "Small header to identify the static filtering section" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentence": { "message": "{{action}} network requests of {{type}} {{br}}which URL address matches {{url}} {{br}}and which originates {{origin}},{{br}}{{importance}} there is a matching exception filter.", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartBlock": { "message": "Արգելափակել", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAllow": { "message": "Թույլատրել", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartType": { "message": "type “{{type}}”", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAnyType": { "message": "any type", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartOrigin": { "message": "from “{{origin}}”", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartAnyOrigin": { "message": "from anywhere", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartNotImportant": { "message": "except when", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringSentencePartImportant": { "message": "նույնիսկ երբ", "description": "Used in the static filtering wizard" }, "loggerStaticFilteringFinderSentence1": { "message": "Static filter {{filter}} found in:", "description": "Below this sentence, the filter list(s) in which the filter was found" }, "loggerStaticFilteringFinderSentence2": { "message": "Static filter could not be found in any of the currently enabled filter lists", "description": "Message to show when a filter cannot be found in any filter lists" }, "loggerSettingDiscardPrompt": { "message": "Logger entries which do not fulfill all three conditions below will be automatically discarded:", "description": "Logger setting: A sentence to describe the purpose of the settings below" }, "loggerSettingPerEntryMaxAge": { "message": "Preserve entries from the last {{input}} minutes", "description": "A logger setting" }, "loggerSettingPerTabMaxLoads": { "message": "Preserve at most {{input}} page loads per tab", "description": "A logger setting" }, "loggerSettingPerTabMaxEntries": { "message": "Preserve at most {{input}} entries per tab", "description": "A logger setting" }, "loggerSettingPerEntryLineCount": { "message": "Use {{input}} lines per entry in vertically expanded mode", "description": "A logger setting" }, "loggerSettingHideColumnsPrompt": { "message": "Hide columns:", "description": "Logger settings: a sentence to describe the purpose of the checkboxes below" }, "loggerSettingHideColumnTime": { "message": "{{input}} Time", "description": "A label for the time column" }, "loggerSettingHideColumnFilter": { "message": "{{input}} Filter/rule", "description": "A label for the filter or rule column" }, "loggerSettingHideColumnContext": { "message": "{{input}} Context", "description": "A label for the context column" }, "loggerSettingHideColumnPartyness": { "message": "{{input}} Partyness", "description": "A label for the partyness column" }, "loggerExportFormatList": { "message": "Ցանկ", "description": "Label for radio-button to pick export format" }, "loggerExportFormatTable": { "message": "Աղյուսակ", "description": "Label for radio-button to pick export format" }, "loggerExportEncodePlain": { "message": "Plain", "description": "Label for radio-button to pick export text format" }, "loggerExportEncodeMarkdown": { "message": "Markdown", "description": "Label for radio-button to pick export text format" }, "aboutChangelog": { "message": "Changelog", "description": "" }, "aboutWiki": { "message": "Wiki", "description": "English: project' wiki on GitHub" }, "aboutSupport": { "message": "Support", "description": "A link for where to get support" }, "aboutIssues": { "message": "Issue tracker", "description": "Text for a link to official issue tracker" }, "aboutCode": { "message": "Source code (GPLv3)", "description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)" }, "aboutContributors": { "message": "Contributors", "description": "English: Contributors" }, "aboutSourceCode": { "message": "Source code", "description": "Link text to source code repo" }, "aboutTranslations": { "message": "Թարգմանություններ", "description": "Link text to translations repo" }, "aboutFilterLists": { "message": "Զտման ցանկեր", "description": "Link text to uBO's own filter lists repo" }, "aboutDependencies": { "message": "External dependencies (GPLv3-compatible):", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutBackupDataButton": { "message": "Back up to file", "description": "Text for button to create a backup of all settings" }, "aboutBackupFilename": { "message": "my-ublock-backup_{{datetime}}.txt", "description": "English: my-ublock-backup_{{datetime}}.txt" }, "aboutRestoreDataButton": { "message": "Restore from file...", "description": "English: Restore from file..." }, "aboutResetDataButton": { "message": "Reset to default settings...", "description": "English: Reset to default settings..." }, "aboutRestoreDataConfirm": { "message": "All your settings will be overwritten using data backed up on {{time}}, and uBlock₀ will restart.\n\nOverwrite all existing settings using backed up data?", "description": "Message asking user to confirm restore" }, "aboutRestoreDataError": { "message": "The data could not be read or is invalid", "description": "Message to display when an error occurred during restore" }, "aboutResetDataConfirm": { "message": "All your settings will be removed, and uBlock₀ will restart.\n\nReset uBlock₀ to factory settings?", "description": "Message asking user to confirm reset" }, "errorCantConnectTo": { "message": "Network error: {{msg}}", "description": "English: Network error: {{msg}}" }, "subscriberConfirm": { "message": "uBlock₀: Add the following URL to your custom filter lists?\n\nTitle: \"{{title}}\"\nURL: {{url}}", "description": "English: The message seen by the user to confirm subscription to a ABP filter list" }, "elapsedOneMinuteAgo": { "message": "a minute ago", "description": "English: a minute ago" }, "elapsedManyMinutesAgo": { "message": "{{value}} minutes ago", "description": "English: {{value}} minutes ago" }, "elapsedOneHourAgo": { "message": "an hour ago", "description": "English: an hour ago" }, "elapsedManyHoursAgo": { "message": "{{value}} ժամ առաջ", "description": "English: {{value}} hours ago" }, "elapsedOneDayAgo": { "message": "a day ago", "description": "English: a day ago" }, "elapsedManyDaysAgo": { "message": "{{value}} days ago", "description": "English: {{value}} days ago" }, "showDashboardButton": { "message": "Show Dashboard", "description": "Firefox/Fennec-specific: Show Dashboard" }, "showNetworkLogButton": { "message": "Show Logger", "description": "Firefox/Fennec-specific: Show Logger" }, "fennecMenuItemBlockingOff": { "message": "off", "description": "Firefox-specific: appears as 'uBlock₀ (off)'" }, "docblockedPrompt1": { "message": "uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:", "description": "English: uBlock₀ has prevented the following page from loading:" }, "docblockedPrompt2": { "message": "Because of the following filter", "description": "English: Because of the following filter" }, "docblockedNoParamsPrompt": { "message": "without parameters", "description": "label to be used for the parameter-less URL: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/585534/9832014/bfb1b8f0-593b-11e5-8a27-fba472a5529a.png" }, "docblockedFoundIn": { "message": "Found in:", "description": "English: List of filter list names follows" }, "docblockedBack": { "message": "Go back", "description": "English: Go back" }, "docblockedClose": { "message": "Close this window", "description": "English: Close this window" }, "docblockedProceed": { "message": "Disable strict blocking for {{hostname}}", "description": "English: Disable strict blocking for {{hostname}} ..." }, "docblockedDisableTemporary": { "message": "Ժամանակավոր", "description": "English: Temporarily" }, "docblockedDisablePermanent": { "message": "Մշտական", "description": "English: Permanently" }, "cloudPush": { "message": "Export to cloud storage", "description": "tooltip" }, "cloudPull": { "message": "Import from cloud storage", "description": "tooltip" }, "cloudPullAndMerge": { "message": "Import from cloud storage and merge with current settings", "description": "tooltip" }, "cloudNoData": { "message": "...\n...", "description": "" }, "cloudDeviceNamePrompt": { "message": "This device name:", "description": "used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name" }, "advancedSettingsWarning": { "message": "Warning! Change these advanced settings at your own risk.", "description": "A warning to users at the top of 'Advanced settings' page" }, "genericSubmit": { "message": "Submit", "description": "for generic 'Submit' buttons" }, "genericApplyChanges": { "message": "Apply changes", "description": "for generic 'Apply changes' buttons" }, "genericRevert": { "message": "Revert", "description": "for generic 'Revert' buttons" }, "genericBytes": { "message": "բայտ", "description": "" }, "contextMenuTemporarilyAllowLargeMediaElements": { "message": "Temporarily allow large media elements", "description": "A context menu entry, present when large media elements have been blocked on the current site" }, "shortcutCapturePlaceholder": { "message": "Type a shortcut", "description": "Placeholder string for input field used to capture a keyboard shortcut" }, "genericMergeViewScrollLock": { "message": "Toggle locked scrolling", "description": "Tooltip for the button used to lock scrolling between the views in the 'My rules' pane" }, "genericCopyToClipboard": { "message": "Copy to clipboard", "description": "Label for buttons used to copy something to the clipboard" }, "toggleBlockingProfile": { "message": "Toggle blocking profile", "description": "Label for keyboard shortcut used to toggle blocking profile" }, "relaxBlockingMode": { "message": "Թուլացնել արգելափակման ռեժիմը", "description": "Label for keyboard shortcut used to relax blocking mode (meant to replace 'Toggle blocking profile')" }, "storageUsed": { "message": "Storage used: {{value}} {{unit}}", "description": " In Setting pane, renders as (example): Storage used: 13.2 MB" }, "KB": { "message": "ԿԲ", "description": "short for 'kilobytes'" }, "MB": { "message": "ՄԲ", "description": "short for 'megabytes'" }, "GB": { "message": "ԳԲ", "description": "short for 'gigabytes'" }, "dummy": { "message": "This entry must be the last one", "description": "so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry" } }