/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import { LineIterator } from './text-iterators.js'; import µBlock from './background.js'; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.formatCount = function(count) { if ( typeof count !== 'number' ) { return ''; } let s = count.toFixed(0); if ( count >= 1000 ) { if ( count < 10000 ) { s = '>' + s.slice(0,1) + 'k'; } else if ( count < 100000 ) { s = s.slice(0,2) + 'k'; } else if ( count < 1000000 ) { s = s.slice(0,3) + 'k'; } else if ( count < 10000000 ) { s = s.slice(0,1) + 'M'; } else { s = s.slice(0,-6) + 'M'; } } return s; }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyvzfyqYm_s /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.dateNowToSensibleString = function() { const now = new Date(Date.now() - (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); return now.toISOString().replace(/\.\d+Z$/, '') .replace(/:/g, '.') .replace('T', '_'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.openNewTab = function(details) { if ( details.url.startsWith('logger-ui.html') ) { if ( details.shiftKey ) { this.changeUserSettings( 'alwaysDetachLogger', !this.userSettings.alwaysDetachLogger ); } if ( this.userSettings.alwaysDetachLogger ) { details.popup = this.hiddenSettings.loggerPopupType; const url = new URL(vAPI.getURL(details.url)); url.searchParams.set('popup', '1'); details.url = url.href; let popupLoggerBox; try { popupLoggerBox = JSON.parse( vAPI.localStorage.getItem('popupLoggerBox') ); } catch(ex) { } if ( popupLoggerBox !== undefined ) { details.box = popupLoggerBox; } } } vAPI.tabs.open(details); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.MRUCache = class { constructor(size) { this.size = size; this.array = []; this.map = new Map(); this.resetTime = Date.now(); } add(key, value) { const found = this.map.has(key); this.map.set(key, value); if ( !found ) { if ( this.array.length === this.size ) { this.map.delete(this.array.pop()); } this.array.unshift(key); } } remove(key) { if ( this.map.has(key) ) { this.array.splice(this.array.indexOf(key), 1); } } lookup(key) { const value = this.map.get(key); if ( value !== undefined && this.array[0] !== key ) { let i = this.array.indexOf(key); do { this.array[i] = this.array[i-1]; } while ( --i ); this.array[0] = key; } return value; } reset() { this.array = []; this.map.clear(); this.resetTime = Date.now(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions µBlock.escapeRegex = function(s) { return s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.decomposeHostname = (( ) => { // For performance purpose, as simple tests as possible const reHostnameVeryCoarse = /[g-z_-]/; const reIPv4VeryCoarse = /\.\d+$/; const toBroaderHostname = function(hostname) { const pos = hostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { return hostname.slice(pos + 1); } return hostname !== '*' && hostname !== '' ? '*' : ''; }; const toBroaderIPv4Address = function(ipaddress) { if ( ipaddress === '*' || ipaddress === '' ) { return ''; } const pos = ipaddress.lastIndexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { return '*'; } return ipaddress.slice(0, pos); }; const toBroaderIPv6Address = function(ipaddress) { return ipaddress !== '*' && ipaddress !== '' ? '*' : ''; }; return function decomposeHostname(hostname, decomposed) { if ( decomposed.length === 0 || decomposed[0] !== hostname ) { let broaden; if ( reHostnameVeryCoarse.test(hostname) === false ) { if ( reIPv4VeryCoarse.test(hostname) ) { broaden = toBroaderIPv4Address; } else if ( hostname.startsWith('[') ) { broaden = toBroaderIPv6Address; } } if ( broaden === undefined ) { broaden = toBroaderHostname; } decomposed[0] = hostname; let i = 1; for (;;) { hostname = broaden(hostname); if ( hostname === '' ) { break; } decomposed[i++] = hostname; } decomposed.length = i; } return decomposed; }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: evaluate using TextEncoder/TextDecoder µBlock.orphanizeString = function(s) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(s)); }; /******************************************************************************/ // The requests.json.gz file can be downloaded from: // https://cdn.cliqz.com/adblocking/requests_top500.json.gz // // Which is linked from: // https://whotracks.me/blog/adblockers_performance_study.html // // Copy the file into ./tmp/requests.json.gz // // If the file is present when you build uBO using `make-[target].sh` from // the shell, the resulting package will have `./assets/requests.json`, which // will be looked-up by the method below to launch a benchmark session. // // From uBO's dev console, launch the benchmark: // µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine.benchmark(); // // The advanced setting `consoleLogLevel` must be set to `info` to see the // results in uBO's dev console, see: // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Advanced-settings#consoleloglevel // // The usual browser dev tools can be used to obtain useful profiling // data, i.e. start the profiler, call the benchmark method from the // console, then stop the profiler when it completes. // // Keep in mind that the measurements at the blog post above where obtained // with ONLY EasyList. The CPU reportedly used was: // https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-6600U+%40+2.60GHz&id=2608 // // Rename ./tmp/requests.json.gz to something else if you no longer want // ./assets/requests.json in the build. µBlock.loadBenchmarkDataset = (( ) => { let datasetPromise; let ttlTimer; return function() { if ( ttlTimer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(ttlTimer); ttlTimer = undefined; } vAPI.setTimeout(( ) => { ttlTimer = undefined; datasetPromise = undefined; }, 5 * 60 * 1000); if ( datasetPromise !== undefined ) { return datasetPromise; } const datasetURL = µBlock.hiddenSettings.benchmarkDatasetURL; if ( datasetURL === 'unset' ) { console.info(`No benchmark dataset available.`); return Promise.resolve(); } console.info(`Loading benchmark dataset...`); datasetPromise = µBlock.assets.fetchText(datasetURL).then(details => { console.info(`Parsing benchmark dataset...`); const requests = []; const lineIter = new LineIterator(details.content); while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { let request; try { request = JSON.parse(lineIter.next()); } catch(ex) { } if ( request instanceof Object === false ) { continue; } if ( !request.frameUrl || !request.url ) { continue; } if ( request.cpt === 'document' ) { request.cpt = 'main_frame'; } else if ( request.cpt === 'xhr' ) { request.cpt = 'xmlhttprequest'; } requests.push(request); } return requests; }).catch(details => { console.info(`Not found: ${details.url}`); datasetPromise = undefined; }); return datasetPromise; }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.fireDOMEvent = function(name) { if ( window instanceof Object && window.dispatchEvent instanceof Function && window.CustomEvent instanceof Function ) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name)); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: properly compare arrays µBlock.getModifiedSettings = function(edit, orig = {}) { const out = {}; for ( const prop in edit ) { if ( orig.hasOwnProperty(prop) && edit[prop] !== orig[prop] ) { out[prop] = edit[prop]; } } return out; }; µBlock.settingValueFromString = function(orig, name, s) { if ( typeof name !== 'string' || typeof s !== 'string' ) { return; } if ( orig.hasOwnProperty(name) === false ) { return; } let r; switch ( typeof orig[name] ) { case 'boolean': if ( s === 'true' ) { r = true; } else if ( s === 'false' ) { r = false; } break; case 'string': r = s.trim(); break; case 'number': if ( s.startsWith('0b') ) { r = parseInt(s.slice(2), 2); } else if ( s.startsWith('0x') ) { r = parseInt(s.slice(2), 16); } else { r = parseInt(s, 10); } if ( isNaN(r) ) { r = undefined; } break; default: break; } return r; };