**Regarding the new required Chromium permission as of**: [About the required permissions: change your privacy related settings](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/About-the-required-permissions#change-your-privacy-related-settings). My answer to [someone pointing out](https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1424#issuecomment-107742160) at all the slew of negative reviews in the Chrome store:
> It's worth noting that there are a slew of negative reviews after this change
I see this as a long term project. My decision will be proven right in the long term. People knee jerking without fully understanding what really went on is not a good reason for me to weaken good privacy habits. There will be a setting next version to re-enable it if you want, but prefetching will always be disabled by default, for all the reasons invoked. My track record is that of not compromising users' interests for the benefits of data miners etc., and disable prefetching consistent with this.
**Couple of ongoing myths to dispel**:
I've seen in many places lately the following assertion ([example](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/35s2je/whats_a_product_that_everybody_uses_but_nobody/cr7h8l6), [example](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/37e8ed/want_to_support_your_favorite_content_producers/)):
> ublock blocks ads just like adblock plus, but triggers the ads API to think it got viewed
**Completely false.** uBlock Origin (and uBlock) does not "trigger" any "ads API" (whatever that is). It prevents network requests from being made according to filter lists so that your browser does not connect to remote servers, period.
Also, as opposed to what [_uBlock FAQ_ suggests](https://www.ublock.org/faq/):
> [...] **In contrast**, the uBlock project will be moving forward with awesome new features, refinements, and enhancements [...]
uBlock Origin is also actively maintained and is also moving forward with new features, refinements, and enhancements and stability work. For a neutral assessment of the differences between uBlock Origin and uBlock, it is best to rely on [Wikipedia's article on uBlock](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBlock).
uBlock Origin
pronounced you-block origin (/ˈjuːˌblɒk/
) — you decide what enters your browser.
Chinese (中文),
Korean (한국어)
**An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean.**
* [Purpose & General Info](#philosophy)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Performance and Efficiency](#performance)
* [Memory](#memory)
* [CPU](#cpu)
* [Blocking](#blocking)
* [Quick tests](#quick-tests)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Chromium](#chromium)
* [Firefox](#firefox)
* [Safari](#safari)
* [Release History](#release-history)
* [Wiki](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki)
## Philosophy
uBlock Origin (or uBlock₀) is not an *ad blocker*; it's a general-purpose blocker. uBlock₀ blocks ads through its support of the [Adblock Plus filter syntax](https://adblockplus.org/en/filters). uBlock₀ [extends](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Filter-syntax-extensions) the syntax and is designed to work with custom rules and filters.
That said, it's important to note that using a blocker is **NOT** [theft](https://twitter.com/LeaVerou/status/518154828166725632). Don't fall for this creepy idea. The _ultimate_ logical consequence of `blocking = theft` is the criminalisation of the inalienable right to privacy.
Ads, "unintrusive" or not, are just the visible portions of privacy-invading apparatus entering your browser when you visit most sites nowadays. **uBlock₀'s main goal is to help users neutralize such privacy-invading apparatus** — in a way that welcomes those users who don't wish to use more technical, involved means (such as [µMatrix](https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix)).
_EasyList_, _Peter Lowe's Adservers_, _EasyPrivacy_ and _Malware domains_ are enabled by default when you install uBlock₀. Many more lists are readily available to block trackers, analytics, and more. Hosts files are also supported.
Once you install uBlock₀, you may easily un-select any of the pre-selected filter lists if you think uBlock₀ blocks too much. For reference, Adblock Plus installs with only _EasyList_ enabled by default.
## Documentation
[Quick guide: popup user interface](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Quick-guide:-popup-user-interface)
For advanced usage, read about [dynamic filtering](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dynamic-filtering:-quick-guide) and more on [uBlock₀'s wiki](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki).
## Performance
#### Memory
On average, uBlock₀
really does make your browser run leaner.
[1] Details of the benchmark available at Firefox version: benchmarking memory footprint.
[2] Important note: There is currently a [bug in Chromium 39+ which causes a new memory leak each time the popup UI of an extension is opened](https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=441500). This affects all extensions. Keep this in mind when measuring Chromium's memory usage. In the benchmarks, I avoided opening the popups completely.
#### CPU
uBlock₀ is also easy on the CPU
Details of the benchmark available in this LibreOffice spreadsheet.
#### Blocking
Being lean and efficient doesn't mean blocking less
For details of benchmark, see
uBlock₀ and others: Blocking ads, trackers, malwares.
#### Quick tests
- [Index](http://raymondhill.net/ublock/tests.html)
- [Web page components](http://raymondhill.net/ublock/tiles1.html)
- [Popups](http://raymondhill.net/ublock/popup.html)
- [ABP Test Pages](https://testpages.adblockplus.org/)
## Installation
Feel free to read [about the extension's required permissions](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/About-the-required-permissions).
#### Chromium
You can install the latest version [manually](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/tree/master/dist#install), from the [Chrome Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm), or from the [Opera store](https://addons.opera.com/en-gb/extensions/details/ublock/).
Alternatively, you can install [chrisaljoudi/uBlock](https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock) from [Chrome store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock/epcnnfbjfcgphgdmggkamkmgojdagdnn). Slightly different feature set, same performance.
#### Firefox
[Firefox Add-ons web site](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/), or install manually by downloading the latest [uBlock0.firefox.xpi](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases) file, and by dragging the downloaded `xpi` file to your add-on page.
Alternatively, you can install [chrisaljoudi/uBlock](https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock) from [Firefox Add-ons homepage](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock/). Slightly different feature set, same performance, proper support for legacy Firefox-based browsers.
#### Safari
There is no support for Safari for uBlock Origin.
Best is that you install [chrisaljoudi/uBlock](https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock), which has official support for Safari.
#### Note for all browsers
To benefit from uBlock Origin's higher efficiency, it's advised that you don't use other inefficient blockers at the same time (such as AdBlock or Adblock Plus). uBlock₀ will do [as well or better](#blocking) than most popular ad blockers.
## Release History
See the [releases pages](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases) for a history of releases and highlights for each release.
## About
[uBlock Origin's manifesto](MANIFESTO.md).
Free. Open source. For users by users. No donations sought.
Without the preset lists of filters, this extension is nothing. So if ever you
really do want to contribute something, think about the people working hard
to maintain the filter lists you are using, which were made available to use by
all for free.
You can contribute by helping translate uBlock₀ [on Crowdin](https://crowdin.net/project/ublock).
## License