/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global punycode, uDom */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var popupFontSize = vAPI.localStorage.getItem('popupFontSize'); if ( typeof popupFontSize === 'string' && popupFontSize !== 'unset' ) { document.body.style.setProperty('font-size', popupFontSize); } // Ensure the popup is properly sized as soon as possible. It is assume the DOM // content is ready at this point, which should be the case given where this // script file is included in the HTML file. var dfPaneVisibleStored = vAPI.localStorage.getItem('popupFirewallPane') === 'true'; // No restriction on vertical size? if ( /[\?&]fullsize=1/.test(window.location.search) ) { document.body.classList.add('fullsize'); } // Mobile device? // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3032 // - If at least one of the window's viewport dimension is larger than the // corresponding device's screen dimension, assume uBO's popup panel sits in // its own tab. if ( /[\?&]mobile=1/.test(window.location.search) || window.innerWidth >= window.screen.availWidth || window.innerHeight >= window.screen.availHeight ) { document.body.classList.add('mobile'); } // The padlock/eraser must be manually positioned: // - Its vertical position depends on the height of the popup title bar // - Its horizontal position depends on whether there is a vertical scrollbar. document.getElementById('rulesetTools').style.setProperty( 'top', (document.getElementById('appinfo').getBoundingClientRect().bottom + 3) + 'px' ); var positionRulesetTools = function() { document.getElementById('rulesetTools').style.setProperty( 'left', (document.getElementById('firewallContainer').getBoundingClientRect().left + 3) + 'px' ); }; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/996 // Experimental: mitigate glitchy popup UI: immediately set the firewall pane // visibility to its last known state. By default the pane is hidden. // Will remove if it makes no difference. if ( dfPaneVisibleStored ) { document.getElementById('panes').classList.add('dfEnabled'); } /******************************************************************************/ var messaging = vAPI.messaging; var popupData = {}; var dfPaneBuilt = false; var reIP = /^\d+(?:\.\d+){1,3}$/; var scopeToSrcHostnameMap = { '/': '*', '.': '' }; var dfHotspots = null; var hostnameToSortableTokenMap = {}; var allDomains = {}; var allDomainCount = 0; var allHostnameRows = []; var touchedDomainCount = 0; var rowsToRecycle = uDom(); var cachedPopupHash = ''; var statsStr = vAPI.i18n('popupBlockedStats'); var domainsHitStr = vAPI.i18n('popupHitDomainCount'); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2550 // Solution inspired from // - https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=683314 // - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1332714#c17 // Confusable character set from: // - http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=%5B%D0%B0%D1%81%D4%81%D0%B5%D2%BB%D1%96%D1%98%D3%8F%D0%BE%D1%80%D4%9B%D1%95%D4%9D%D1%85%D1%83%D1%8A%D0%AC%D2%BD%D0%BF%D0%B3%D1%B5%D1%A1%5D&g=gc&i= // Linked from: // - https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/idn-in-google-chrome var reCyrillicNonAmbiguous = /[\u0400-\u042b\u042d-\u042f\u0431\u0432\u0434\u0436-\u043d\u0442\u0444\u0446-\u0449\u044b-\u0454\u0457\u0459-\u0460\u0462-\u0474\u0476-\u04ba\u04bc\u04be-\u04ce\u04d0-\u0500\u0502-\u051a\u051c\u051e-\u052f]/; var reCyrillicAmbiguous = /[\u042c\u0430\u0433\u0435\u043e\u043f\u0440\u0441\u0443\u0445\u044a\u0455\u0456\u0458\u0461\u0475\u04bb\u04bd\u04cf\u0501\u051b\u051d]/; /******************************************************************************/ var cachePopupData = function(data) { popupData = {}; scopeToSrcHostnameMap['.'] = ''; hostnameToSortableTokenMap = {}; if ( typeof data !== 'object' ) { return popupData; } popupData = data; scopeToSrcHostnameMap['.'] = popupData.pageHostname || ''; var hostnameDict = popupData.hostnameDict; if ( typeof hostnameDict !== 'object' ) { return popupData; } var domain, prefix; for ( var hostname in hostnameDict ) { if ( hostnameDict.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) { continue; } domain = hostnameDict[hostname].domain; prefix = hostname.slice(0, 0 - domain.length); // Prefix with space char for 1st-party hostnames: this ensure these // will come first in list. if ( domain === popupData.pageDomain ) { domain = '\u0020'; } hostnameToSortableTokenMap[hostname] = domain + prefix.split('.').reverse().join('.'); } return popupData; }; /******************************************************************************/ var hashFromPopupData = function(reset) { // It makes no sense to offer to refresh the behind-the-scene scope if ( popupData.pageHostname === 'behind-the-scene' ) { uDom('body').toggleClass('dirty', false); return; } var hasher = [], rules = popupData.firewallRules; for ( var key in rules ) { var rule = rules[key]; if ( rule !== null ) { hasher.push(rule.src + ' ' + rule.des + ' ' + rule.type + ' ' + rule.action); } } hasher.sort(); hasher.push(uDom('body').hasClass('off')); hasher.push(uDom.nodeFromId('no-large-media').classList.contains('on')); hasher.push(uDom.nodeFromId('no-cosmetic-filtering').classList.contains('on')); hasher.push(uDom.nodeFromId('no-remote-fonts').classList.contains('on')); var hash = hasher.join(''); if ( reset ) { cachedPopupHash = hash; } uDom('body').toggleClass('dirty', hash !== cachedPopupHash); }; /******************************************************************************/ var formatNumber = function(count) { return typeof count === 'number' ? count.toLocaleString() : ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ var rulekeyCompare = function(a, b) { var ha = a.slice(2, a.indexOf(' ', 2)); if ( !reIP.test(ha) ) { ha = hostnameToSortableTokenMap[ha] || ' '; } var hb = b.slice(2, b.indexOf(' ', 2)); if ( !reIP.test(hb) ) { hb = hostnameToSortableTokenMap[hb] || ' '; } var ca = ha.charCodeAt(0), cb = hb.charCodeAt(0); if ( ca !== cb ) { return ca - cb; } return ha.localeCompare(hb); }; /******************************************************************************/ var addFirewallRow = function(des) { var row = rowsToRecycle.pop(); if ( row.length === 0 ) { row = uDom('#templates > div:nth-of-type(1)').clone(); } row.descendants('[data-des]').attr('data-des', des); var hnDetails = popupData.hostnameDict[des] || {}, isDomain = des === hnDetails.domain, prettyDomainName = punycode.toUnicode(des), isPunycoded = prettyDomainName !== des; var span = row.nodeAt(0).querySelector('span:first-of-type'); span.classList.toggle( 'isIDN', isPunycoded && reCyrillicAmbiguous.test(prettyDomainName) === true && reCyrillicNonAmbiguous.test(prettyDomainName) === false ); span.querySelector('span').textContent = prettyDomainName; span.title = isDomain && isPunycoded ? des : ''; row.toggleClass('isDomain', isDomain) .toggleClass('isSubDomain', !isDomain) .toggleClass('allowed', hnDetails.allowCount !== 0) .toggleClass('blocked', hnDetails.blockCount !== 0) .toggleClass('totalAllowed', hnDetails.totalAllowCount !== 0) .toggleClass('totalBlocked', hnDetails.totalBlockCount !== 0); row.appendTo('#firewallContainer'); return row; }; /******************************************************************************/ var updateFirewallCell = function(scope, des, type, rule) { var selector = '#firewallContainer span[data-src="' + scope + '"][data-des="' + des + '"][data-type="' + type + '"]'; var cells = uDom(selector); if ( cells.length === 0 ) { return; } cells.removeClass(); if ( rule !== null ) { cells.toggleClass(rule.action + 'Rule', true); } // Use dark shade visual cue if the rule is specific to the cell. var ownRule = false; if ( rule !== null ) { ownRule = (rule.des !== '*' || rule.type === type) && (rule.des === des) && (rule.src === scopeToSrcHostnameMap[scope]); } cells.toggleClass('ownRule', ownRule); if ( scope !== '.' || des === '*' ) { return; } // Remember this may be a cell from a reused row, we need to clear text // content if we can't compute request counts. if ( popupData.hostnameDict.hasOwnProperty(des) === false ) { cells.removeAttr('data-acount'); cells.removeAttr('data-acount'); return; } var hnDetails = popupData.hostnameDict[des], cell = cells.nodeAt(0); if ( hnDetails.allowCount !== 0 ) { cell.setAttribute('data-acount', Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.log(hnDetails.allowCount + 1) / Math.LN10), 3)); } else { cell.removeAttribute('data-acount'); } if ( hnDetails.blockCount !== 0 ) { cell.setAttribute('data-bcount', Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.log(hnDetails.blockCount + 1) / Math.LN10), 3)); } else { cell.removeAttribute('data-bcount'); } if ( hnDetails.domain !== des ) { return; } cell = cells.nodeAt(1); if ( hnDetails.totalAllowCount !== 0 ) { cell.setAttribute('data-acount', Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.log(hnDetails.totalAllowCount + 1) / Math.LN10), 3)); } else { cell.removeAttribute('data-acount'); } if ( hnDetails.totalBlockCount !== 0 ) { cell.setAttribute('data-bcount', Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.log(hnDetails.totalBlockCount + 1) / Math.LN10), 3)); } else { cell.removeAttribute('data-bcount'); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var updateAllFirewallCells = function() { var rules = popupData.firewallRules; for ( var key in rules ) { if ( rules.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) { continue; } updateFirewallCell( key.charAt(0), key.slice(2, key.indexOf(' ', 2)), key.slice(key.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1), rules[key] ); } positionRulesetTools(); uDom.nodeFromId('firewallContainer').classList.toggle( 'dirty', popupData.matrixIsDirty === true ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buildAllFirewallRows = function() { // Do this before removing the rows if ( dfHotspots === null ) { dfHotspots = uDom('#actionSelector') .toggleClass('colorBlind', popupData.colorBlindFriendly) .on('click', 'span', setFirewallRuleHandler); } dfHotspots.detach(); // Remove and reuse all rows: the order may have changed, we can't just // reuse them in-place. rowsToRecycle = uDom('#firewallContainer > div:nth-of-type(7) ~ div').detach(); var n = allHostnameRows.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { addFirewallRow(allHostnameRows[i]); } if ( dfPaneBuilt !== true && popupData.advancedUserEnabled ) { uDom('#firewallContainer') .on('click', 'span[data-src]', unsetFirewallRuleHandler) .on('mouseenter', '[data-src]', mouseenterCellHandler) .on('mouseleave', '[data-src]', mouseleaveCellHandler); dfPaneBuilt = true; } updateAllFirewallCells(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderPrivacyExposure = function() { allDomains = {}; allDomainCount = touchedDomainCount = 0; allHostnameRows = []; // Sort hostnames. First-party hostnames must always appear at the top // of the list. var desHostnameDone = {}; var keys = Object.keys(popupData.firewallRules) .sort(rulekeyCompare); var key, des, hnDetails; for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { key = keys[i]; des = key.slice(2, key.indexOf(' ', 2)); // Specific-type rules -- these are built-in if ( des === '*' || desHostnameDone.hasOwnProperty(des) ) { continue; } hnDetails = popupData.hostnameDict[des] || {}; if ( allDomains.hasOwnProperty(hnDetails.domain) === false ) { allDomains[hnDetails.domain] = false; allDomainCount += 1; } if ( hnDetails.allowCount !== 0 ) { if ( allDomains[hnDetails.domain] === false ) { allDomains[hnDetails.domain] = true; touchedDomainCount += 1; } } allHostnameRows.push(des); desHostnameDone[des] = true; } var summary = domainsHitStr.replace('{{count}}', touchedDomainCount.toLocaleString()) .replace('{{total}}', allDomainCount.toLocaleString()); uDom.nodeFromId('popupHitDomainCount').textContent = summary; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Assume everything has to be done incrementally. var renderPopup = function() { var elem, text; if ( popupData.tabTitle ) { document.title = popupData.appName + ' - ' + popupData.tabTitle; } elem = document.body; elem.classList.toggle('advancedUser', popupData.advancedUserEnabled); elem.classList.toggle( 'off', popupData.pageURL === '' || !popupData.netFilteringSwitch || popupData.pageHostname === 'behind-the-scene' && !popupData.advancedUserEnabled ); // If you think the `=== true` is pointless, you are mistaken uDom.nodeFromId('gotoPick').classList.toggle('enabled', popupData.canElementPicker === true); uDom.nodeFromId('gotoZap').classList.toggle('enabled', popupData.canElementPicker === true); var blocked = popupData.pageBlockedRequestCount, total = popupData.pageAllowedRequestCount + blocked; if ( total === 0 ) { text = formatNumber(0); } else { text = statsStr.replace('{{count}}', formatNumber(blocked)) .replace('{{percent}}', formatNumber(Math.floor(blocked * 100 / total))); } uDom.nodeFromId('page-blocked').textContent = text; blocked = popupData.globalBlockedRequestCount; total = popupData.globalAllowedRequestCount + blocked; if ( total === 0 ) { text = formatNumber(0); } else { text = statsStr.replace('{{count}}', formatNumber(blocked)) .replace('{{percent}}', formatNumber(Math.floor(blocked * 100 / total))); } uDom.nodeFromId('total-blocked').textContent = text; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/507 // Convenience: open the logger with current tab automatically selected if ( popupData.tabId ) { uDom.nodeFromSelector('#basicTools > a[href^="logger-ui.html"]').setAttribute( 'href', 'logger-ui.html#tab_' + popupData.tabId ); } // This will collate all domains, touched or not renderPrivacyExposure(); // Extra tools uDom.nodeFromId('no-popups').classList.toggle('on', popupData.noPopups === true); uDom.nodeFromId('no-large-media').classList.toggle('on', popupData.noLargeMedia === true); uDom.nodeFromId('no-cosmetic-filtering').classList.toggle('on', popupData.noCosmeticFiltering === true); uDom.nodeFromId('no-remote-fonts').classList.toggle('on', popupData.noRemoteFonts === true); // Report blocked popup count on badge total = popupData.popupBlockedCount; uDom.nodeFromSelector('#no-popups > span.badge') .textContent = total ? total.toLocaleString() : ''; // Report large media count on badge total = popupData.largeMediaCount; uDom.nodeFromSelector('#no-large-media > span.badge') .textContent = total ? total.toLocaleString() : ''; // Report remote font count on badge total = popupData.remoteFontCount; uDom.nodeFromSelector('#no-remote-fonts > span.badge') .textContent = total ? total.toLocaleString() : ''; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/470 // This must be done here, to be sure the popup is resized properly var dfPaneVisible = popupData.dfEnabled; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1068 // Remember the last state of the firewall pane. This allows to // configure the popup size early next time it is opened, which means a // less glitchy popup at open time. if ( dfPaneVisible !== dfPaneVisibleStored ) { dfPaneVisibleStored = dfPaneVisible; vAPI.localStorage.setItem('popupFirewallPane', dfPaneVisibleStored); } uDom.nodeFromId('panes').classList.toggle('dfEnabled', dfPaneVisible); elem = uDom.nodeFromId('firewallContainer'); elem.classList.toggle('minimized', popupData.firewallPaneMinimized); elem.classList.toggle('colorBlind', popupData.colorBlindFriendly); // Build dynamic filtering pane only if in use if ( dfPaneVisible ) { buildAllFirewallRows(); } renderTooltips(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2889 // Use tooltip for ARIA purpose. var renderTooltips = function() { var elem = uDom.nodeFromId('switch'), off = document.body.classList.contains('off'), text; if ( off ) { text = vAPI.i18n('popupPowerSwitchOnInfo'); elem.setAttribute('aria-label', text); elem.setAttribute('data-tip', text); } else { text = vAPI.i18n('popupPowerSwitchOffInfo'); elem.setAttribute('aria-label', text); elem.setAttribute('data-tip', text); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // All rendering code which need to be executed only once. var renderOnce = function() { renderOnce = function(){}; if ( popupData.fontSize !== popupFontSize ) { popupFontSize = popupData.fontSize; if ( popupFontSize !== 'unset' ) { document.body.style.setProperty('font-size', popupFontSize); vAPI.localStorage.setItem('popupFontSize', popupFontSize); } else { document.body.style.removeProperty('font-size'); vAPI.localStorage.removeItem('popupFontSize'); } } uDom.nodeFromId('appname').textContent = popupData.appName; uDom.nodeFromId('version').textContent = popupData.appVersion; // For large displays: we do not want the left pane -- optional and // hidden by defaut -- to dictate the height of the popup. The right pane // dictates the height of the popup, and the left pane will have a // scrollbar if ever its height is more than what is available. // For small displays: we use the whole viewport. var panes = uDom.nodeFromId('panes'), rpane = uDom.nodeFromSelector('#panes > div:first-of-type'), lpane = uDom.nodeFromSelector('#panes > div:last-of-type'); var fillViewport = function() { var newHeight = Math.max( window.innerHeight - uDom.nodeFromSelector('#appinfo').offsetHeight, rpane.offsetHeight ); if ( newHeight !== lpane.offsetHeight ) { lpane.style.setProperty('height', newHeight + 'px'); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3038 // - Resize the firewall pane while minding the space between the panes. var newWidth = window.innerWidth - panes.offsetWidth + lpane.offsetWidth; if ( newWidth !== lpane.offsetWidth ) { lpane.style.setProperty('width', newWidth + 'px'); } }; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2274 // Make use of the whole viewport on mobile devices. if ( document.body.classList.contains('mobile') ) { fillViewport(); window.addEventListener('resize', fillViewport); return; } if ( document.body.classList.contains('fullsize') === false ) { lpane.style.setProperty('height', rpane.offsetHeight + 'px'); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderPopupLazy = function() { messaging.send('popupPanel', { what: 'getPopupLazyData', tabId: popupData.tabId }); }; var onPopupMessage = function(data) { if ( !data ) { return; } if ( data.tabId !== popupData.tabId ) { return; } switch ( data.what ) { case 'cosmeticallyFilteredElementCountChanged': var v = data.count || ''; uDom.nodeFromSelector('#no-cosmetic-filtering > span.badge') .textContent = typeof v === 'number' ? v.toLocaleString() : v; break; } }; messaging.addChannelListener('popup', onPopupMessage); /******************************************************************************/ var toggleNetFilteringSwitch = function(ev) { if ( !popupData || !popupData.pageURL ) { return; } if ( popupData.pageHostname === 'behind-the-scene' && !popupData.advancedUserEnabled ) { return; } messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'toggleNetFiltering', url: popupData.pageURL, scope: ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey ? 'page' : '', state: !uDom('body').toggleClass('off').hasClass('off'), tabId: popupData.tabId } ); renderTooltips(); hashFromPopupData(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var gotoZap = function() { messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'launchElementPicker', tabId: popupData.tabId, zap: true } ); vAPI.closePopup(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var gotoPick = function() { messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'launchElementPicker', tabId: popupData.tabId } ); vAPI.closePopup(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var gotoURL = function(ev) { if ( this.hasAttribute('href') === false ) { return; } ev.preventDefault(); messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'gotoURL', details: { url: this.getAttribute('href'), select: true, index: -1, shiftKey: ev.shiftKey } } ); vAPI.closePopup(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var toggleFirewallPane = function() { popupData.dfEnabled = !popupData.dfEnabled; messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'userSettings', name: 'dynamicFilteringEnabled', value: popupData.dfEnabled } ); // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/996 // Remember the last state of the firewall pane. This allows to // configure the popup size early next time it is opened, which means a // less glitchy popup at open time. dfPaneVisibleStored = popupData.dfEnabled; vAPI.localStorage.setItem('popupFirewallPane', dfPaneVisibleStored); // Dynamic filtering pane may not have been built yet uDom.nodeFromId('panes').classList.toggle('dfEnabled', popupData.dfEnabled); if ( popupData.dfEnabled && dfPaneBuilt === false ) { buildAllFirewallRows(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var mouseenterCellHandler = function() { if ( uDom(this).hasClass('ownRule') === false ) { dfHotspots.appendTo(this); } }; var mouseleaveCellHandler = function() { dfHotspots.detach(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var setFirewallRule = function(src, des, type, action, persist) { // This can happen on pages where uBlock does not work if ( typeof popupData.pageHostname !== 'string' || popupData.pageHostname === '' ) { return; } var onFirewallRuleChanged = function(response) { cachePopupData(response); updateAllFirewallCells(); hashFromPopupData(); }; messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'toggleFirewallRule', tabId: popupData.tabId, pageHostname: popupData.pageHostname, srcHostname: src, desHostname: des, requestType: type, action: action, persist: persist }, onFirewallRuleChanged ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var unsetFirewallRuleHandler = function(ev) { var cell = uDom(this); setFirewallRule( cell.attr('data-src') === '/' ? '*' : popupData.pageHostname, cell.attr('data-des'), cell.attr('data-type'), 0, ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey ); dfHotspots.appendTo(cell); }; /******************************************************************************/ var setFirewallRuleHandler = function(ev) { var hotspot = uDom(this); var cell = hotspot.ancestors('[data-src]'); if ( cell.length === 0 ) { return; } var action = 0; var hotspotId = hotspot.attr('id'); if ( hotspotId === 'dynaAllow' ) { action = 2; } else if ( hotspotId === 'dynaNoop' ) { action = 3; } else { action = 1; } setFirewallRule( cell.attr('data-src') === '/' ? '*' : popupData.pageHostname, cell.attr('data-des'), cell.attr('data-type'), action, ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey ); dfHotspots.detach(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var reloadTab = function() { messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'reloadTab', tabId: popupData.tabId, select: true } ); // Polling will take care of refreshing the popup content // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/748 // User forces a reload, assume the popup has to be updated regardless if // there were changes or not. popupData.contentLastModified = -1; // No need to wait to remove this. uDom('body').toggleClass('dirty', false); }; /******************************************************************************/ var toggleMinimize = function(ev) { // Special display mode: in its own tab/window, with no vertical restraint. // Useful to take snapshots of the whole list of domains -- example: // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/736#issuecomment-178879944 if ( ev.shiftKey && ev.ctrlKey ) { messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'gotoURL', details: { url: 'popup.html?tabId=' + popupData.tabId + '&fullsize=1', select: true, index: -1 } } ); vAPI.closePopup(); return; } popupData.firewallPaneMinimized = uDom.nodeFromId('firewallContainer') .classList .toggle('minimized'); messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'userSettings', name: 'firewallPaneMinimized', value: popupData.firewallPaneMinimized } ); positionRulesetTools(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var saveFirewallRules = function() { messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'saveFirewallRules', srcHostname: popupData.pageHostname, desHostnames: popupData.hostnameDict } ); uDom.nodeFromId('firewallContainer').classList.remove('dirty'); }; /******************************************************************************/ var revertFirewallRules = function() { var onFirewallRuleChanged = function(response) { cachePopupData(response); updateAllFirewallCells(); hashFromPopupData(); }; messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'revertFirewallRules', srcHostname: popupData.pageHostname, desHostnames: popupData.hostnameDict, tabId: popupData.tabId }, onFirewallRuleChanged ); uDom.nodeFromId('firewallContainer').classList.remove('dirty'); }; /******************************************************************************/ var toggleHostnameSwitch = function(ev) { var target = ev.currentTarget; var switchName = target.getAttribute('id'); if ( !switchName ) { return; } target.classList.toggle('on'); messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'toggleHostnameSwitch', name: switchName, hostname: popupData.pageHostname, state: target.classList.contains('on'), tabId: popupData.tabId } ); hashFromPopupData(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Poll for changes. // // I couldn't find a better way to be notified of changes which can affect // popup content, as the messaging API doesn't support firing events accurately // from the main extension process to a specific auxiliary extension process: // // - broadcasting() is not an option given there could be a lot of tabs opened, // and maybe even many frames within these tabs, i.e. unacceptable overhead // regardless of whether the popup is opened or not. // // - Modifying the messaging API is not an option, as this would require // revisiting all platform-specific code to support targeted broadcasting, // which who knows could be not so trivial for some platforms. // // A well done polling is a better anyways IMO, I prefer that data is pulled // on demand rather than forcing the main process to assume a client may need // it and thus having to push it all the time unconditionally. var pollForContentChange = (function() { var pollTimer = null; var pollCallback = function() { pollTimer = null; messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'hasPopupContentChanged', tabId: popupData.tabId, contentLastModified: popupData.contentLastModified }, queryCallback ); }; var queryCallback = function(response) { if ( response ) { getPopupData(popupData.tabId); return; } poll(); }; var poll = function() { if ( pollTimer !== null ) { return; } pollTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(pollCallback, 1500); }; return poll; })(); /******************************************************************************/ var getPopupData = function(tabId) { var onDataReceived = function(response) { cachePopupData(response); renderOnce(); renderPopup(); renderPopupLazy(); // low priority rendering hashFromPopupData(true); pollForContentChange(); }; messaging.send( 'popupPanel', { what: 'getPopupData', tabId: tabId }, onDataReceived ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onShowTooltip = function() { if ( popupData.tooltipsDisabled ) { return; } var target = this; // Tooltip container var ttc = uDom(target).ancestors('.tooltipContainer').nodeAt(0) || document.body; var ttcRect = ttc.getBoundingClientRect(); // Tooltip itself var tip = uDom.nodeFromId('tooltip'); tip.textContent = target.getAttribute('data-tip'); tip.style.removeProperty('top'); tip.style.removeProperty('bottom'); ttc.appendChild(tip); // Target rect var targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); // Default is "over" var pos; var over = target.getAttribute('data-tip-position') !== 'under'; if ( over ) { pos = ttcRect.height - targetRect.top + ttcRect.top; tip.style.setProperty('bottom', pos + 'px'); } else { pos = targetRect.bottom - ttcRect.top; tip.style.setProperty('top', pos + 'px'); } tip.classList.add('show'); }; var onHideTooltip = function() { uDom.nodeFromId('tooltip').classList.remove('show'); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Popup DOM is assumed to be loaded at this point -- because this script // is loaded after everything else.. (function() { // If there's no tab id specified in the query string, // it will default to current tab. var tabId = null; // Extract the tab id of the page this popup is for var matches = window.location.search.match(/[\?&]tabId=([^&]+)/); if ( matches && matches.length === 2 ) { tabId = matches[1]; } getPopupData(tabId); uDom('#switch').on('click', toggleNetFilteringSwitch); uDom('#gotoZap').on('click', gotoZap); uDom('#gotoPick').on('click', gotoPick); uDom('h2').on('click', toggleFirewallPane); uDom('#refresh').on('click', reloadTab); uDom('.hnSwitch').on('click', toggleHostnameSwitch); uDom('#saveRules').on('click', saveFirewallRules); uDom('#revertRules').on('click', revertFirewallRules); uDom('[data-i18n="popupAnyRulePrompt"]').on('click', toggleMinimize); uDom('body').on('mouseenter', '[data-tip]', onShowTooltip) .on('mouseleave', '[data-tip]', onHideTooltip); uDom('a[href]').on('click', gotoURL); })(); /******************************************************************************/ })();