/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global chrome, µBlock */ /******************************************************************************* Assets Read: If in cache Use cache If not in cache Use local Update: Use remote Save in cache Import: Use textarea Save in cache [user directory] File system structure: assets ublock ... thirdparties ... user blacklisted-hosts.txt ... */ // Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-file-system-api-20120417/ // Ref: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem/ /******************************************************************************/ // Low-level asset files manager µBlock.assets = (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var fileSystem; var fileSystemQuota = 40 * 1024 * 1024; var repositoryRoot = µBlock.projectServerRoot; var nullFunc = function() { }; var thirdpartyHomeURLs = null; /******************************************************************************/ var getTextFileFromURL = function(url, onLoad, onError) { // console.log('µBlock> getTextFileFromURL("%s"):', url); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.timeout = 15000; xhr.onload = onLoad; xhr.onerror = onError; xhr.ontimeout = onError; xhr.open('get', url, true); xhr.send(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Useful to avoid having to manage a directory tree var cachePathFromPath = function(path) { return path.replace(/\//g, '___'); }; var pathFromCachePath = function(path) { return path.replace(/___/g, '/'); }; /******************************************************************************/ var requestFileSystem = function(onSuccess, onError) { if ( fileSystem ) { onSuccess(fileSystem); return; } var onRequestFileSystem = function(fs) { fileSystem = fs; onSuccess(fs); }; var onRequestQuota = function(grantedBytes) { window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, grantedBytes, onRequestFileSystem, onError); }; navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(fileSystemQuota, onRequestQuota, onError); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Flush cached non-user assets if these are from a prior version. // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/212 var cacheSynchronized = false; var synchronizeCache = function() { if ( cacheSynchronized ) { return; } cacheSynchronized = true; var directoryReader; var done = function() { directoryReader = null; }; var onReadEntries = function(entries) { var n = entries.length; if ( !n ) { return done(); } var entry; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { entry = entries[i]; // Ignore whatever is in 'user' folder: these are NOT cached entries. if ( pathFromCachePath(entry.fullPath).indexOf('/assets/user/') >= 0 ) { continue; } entry.remove(nullFunc); } directoryReader.readEntries(onReadEntries, onReadEntriesError); }; var onReadEntriesError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> synchronizeCache() / onReadEntriesError("%s"):', err.name); done(); }; var onRequestFileSystemSuccess = function(fs) { directoryReader = fs.root.createReader(); directoryReader.readEntries(onReadEntries, onReadEntriesError); }; var onRequestFileSystemError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> synchronizeCache() / onRequestFileSystemError():', err.name); done(); }; var onLastVersionRead = function(store) { var currentVersion = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; var lastVersion = store.extensionLastVersion || ''; if ( currentVersion === lastVersion ) { return done(); } chrome.storage.local.set({ 'extensionLastVersion': currentVersion }); requestFileSystem(onRequestFileSystemSuccess, onRequestFileSystemError); }; chrome.storage.local.get('extensionLastVersion', onLastVersionRead); }; /******************************************************************************/ var readLocalFile = function(path, callback) { var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content, 'error': err }; callback(details); }; var onLocalFileLoaded = function() { // console.log('µBlock> onLocalFileLoaded()'); reportBack(this.responseText); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onLocalFileError = function(ev) { console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onLocalFileError("%s")', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onCacheFileLoaded = function() { // console.log('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onCacheFileLoaded()'); reportBack(this.responseText); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onCacheFileError = function(ev) { // This handler may be called under normal circumstances: it appears // the entry may still be present even after the file was removed. // console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onCacheFileError("%s")', path); getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(path), onLocalFileLoaded, onLocalFileError); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onCacheEntryFound = function(entry) { // console.log('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onCacheEntryFound():', entry.toURL()); // rhill 2014-04-18: `ublock` query parameter is added to ensure // the browser cache is bypassed. getTextFileFromURL(entry.toURL() + '?ublock=' + Date.now(), onCacheFileLoaded, onCacheFileError); }; var onCacheEntryError = function(err) { if ( err.name !== 'NotFoundError' ) { console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onCacheEntryError("%s"):', path, err.name); } getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(path), onLocalFileLoaded, onLocalFileError); }; var onRequestFileSystemSuccess = function(fs) { fs.root.getFile(cachePathFromPath(path), null, onCacheEntryFound, onCacheEntryError); }; var onRequestFileSystemError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> readLocalFile() / onRequestFileSystemError():', err.name); getTextFileFromURL(chrome.runtime.getURL(path), onLocalFileLoaded, onLocalFileError); }; requestFileSystem(onRequestFileSystemSuccess, onRequestFileSystemError); }; /******************************************************************************/ var readRemoteFile = function(path, callback) { var reportBack = function(content, err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content, 'error': err }; callback(details); }; var onRemoteFileLoaded = function() { // console.log('µBlock> readRemoteFile() / onRemoteFileLoaded()'); // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/263 if ( this.status === 200 ) { reportBack(this.responseText); } else { reportBack('', 'Error ' + this.statusText); } this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; var onRemoteFileError = function(ev) { console.error('µBlock> readRemoteFile() / onRemoteFileError("%s")', path); reportBack('', 'Error'); this.onload = this.onerror = null; }; // 'ublock=...' is to skip browser cache getTextFileFromURL( repositoryRoot + path + '?ublock=' + Date.now(), onRemoteFileLoaded, onRemoteFileError ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var writeLocalFile = function(path, content, callback) { var reportBack = function(err) { var details = { 'path': path, 'content': content, 'error': err }; callback(details); }; var onFileWriteSuccess = function() { // console.log('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onFileWriteSuccess("%s")', path); reportBack(); }; var onFileWriteError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onFileWriteError("%s"):', path, err.name); reportBack(err.name); }; var onFileTruncateSuccess = function() { // console.log('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onFileTruncateSuccess("%s")', path); this.onwriteend = onFileWriteSuccess; this.onerror = onFileWriteError; var blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/plain' }); this.write(blob); }; var onFileTruncateError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onFileTruncateError("%s"):', path, err.name); reportBack(err.name); }; var onCreateFileWriterSuccess = function(fwriter) { fwriter.onwriteend = onFileTruncateSuccess; fwriter.onerror = onFileTruncateError; fwriter.truncate(0); }; var onCreateFileWriterError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onCreateFileWriterError("%s"):', path, err.name); reportBack(err.name); }; var onCacheEntryFound = function(file) { // console.log('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onCacheEntryFound():', file.toURL()); file.createWriter(onCreateFileWriterSuccess, onCreateFileWriterError); }; var onCacheEntryError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onCacheEntryError("%s"):', path, err.name); reportBack(err.name); }; var onRequestFileSystemError = function(err) { console.error('µBlock> writeLocalFile() / onRequestFileSystemError():', err.name); reportBack(err.name); }; var onRequestFileSystem = function(fs) { fs.root.getFile(cachePathFromPath(path), { create: true }, onCacheEntryFound, onCacheEntryError); }; requestFileSystem(onRequestFileSystem, onRequestFileSystemError); }; /******************************************************************************/ var updateFromRemote = function(details, callback) { // 'ublock=...' is to skip browser cache var targetPath = details.path; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/84 var homeURL = ''; var repositoryURL = repositoryRoot + targetPath + '?ublock=' + Date.now(); var targetMd5 = details.md5 || ''; var reportBackError = function() { callback({ 'path': targetPath, 'error': 'Error' }); }; var onRepoFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; if ( typeof this.responseText !== 'string' ) { console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded(): no response', repositoryURL); reportBackError(); return; } if ( targetMd5 !== '' && YaMD5.hashStr(this.responseText) !== targetMd5 ) { console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded(): bad md5 checksum', repositoryURL); reportBackError(); return; } // console.debug('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onRepoFileLoaded()', repositoryURL); writeLocalFile(targetPath, this.responseText, callback); }; var onRepoFileError = function(ev) { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote() / onRepoFileError("%s"):', repositoryURL, this.statusText); reportBackError(); }; var onHomeFileLoaded = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; if ( typeof this.responseText !== 'string' ) { console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onHomeFileLoaded(): no response', homeURL); getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); return; } if ( targetMd5 !== '' && YaMD5.hashStr(this.responseText) !== targetMd5 ) { console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onHomeFileLoaded(): bad md5 checksum', homeURL); getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); return; } // console.debug('µBlock> updateFromRemote("%s") / onHomeFileLoaded()', homeURL); writeLocalFile(targetPath, this.responseText, callback); }; var onHomeFileError = function(ev) { this.onload = this.onerror = null; console.error('µBlock> updateFromRemote() / onHomeFileError("%s"):', homeURL, this.statusText); getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); }; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/84 // Create a URL from where the asset needs to be downloaded. It can be: // - a home server URL // - a github repo URL var getThirdpartyHomeURL = function() { // If it is a 3rd-party, look-up home server URL, if any. if ( thirdpartyHomeURLs && targetPath.indexOf('assets/thirdparties/') === 0 ) { var k = targetPath.replace('assets/thirdparties/', ''); if ( thirdpartyHomeURLs[k] ) { homeURL = thirdpartyHomeURLs[k]; } } // If there is a home server, disregard checksum: the file is assumed // most up to date at the home server. if ( homeURL !== '' ) { targetMd5 = ''; getTextFileFromURL(homeURL, onHomeFileLoaded, onHomeFileError); return; } // The resource will be pulled from Github repo. It's reserved for // more important assets, so we keep and use the checksum. getTextFileFromURL(repositoryURL, onRepoFileLoaded, onRepoFileError); }; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/84 // First try to load from the actual home server of a third-party. var onThirdpartyHomeURLsLoaded = function(details) { thirdpartyHomeURLs = {}; if ( details.error ) { getThirdpartyHomeURL(); return; } var urlPairs = details.content.split(/\n\n+/); var i = urlPairs.length; var pair, pos, k, v; while ( i-- ) { pair = urlPairs[i]; pos = pair.indexOf('\n'); if ( pos === -1 ) { continue; } k = pair.slice(0, pos).trim(); v = pair.slice(pos).trim(); if ( k === '' || v === '' ) { continue; } thirdpartyHomeURLs[k] = v; } getThirdpartyHomeURL(); }; // Get home servers if not done yet. if ( thirdpartyHomeURLs === null ) { readLocalFile('assets/ublock/thirdparty-lists.txt', onThirdpartyHomeURLsLoaded); } else { getThirdpartyHomeURL(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // Flush cached assets if cache content is from an older version: the extension // always ships with the most up-to-date assets. synchronizeCache(); /******************************************************************************/ // Export API return { 'get': readLocalFile, 'getRemote': readRemoteFile, 'put': writeLocalFile, 'update': updateFromRemote }; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/