mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-09-29 14:17:11 +02:00
Raymond Hill 1e2eb037e5
Add new filter option queryprune=
Related issue:
- https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/760

The purpose of this new network filter option is to remove
query parameters form the URL of network requests.

The name `queryprune` has been picked over `querystrip`
since the purpose of the option is to remove some
parameters from the URL rather than all parameters.

`queryprune` is a modifier option (like `csp`) in that it
does not cause a network request to be blocked but rather
modified before being emitted.

`queryprune` must be assigned a value, which value will
determine which parameters from a query string will be
removed. The syntax for the value is that of regular
expression *except* for the following rules:

- do not wrap the regex directive between `/`
- do not use regex special values `^` and `$`
- do not use literal comma character in the value,
  though you can use hex-encoded version, `\x2c`
- to match the start of a query parameter, prepend `|`
- to match the end of a query parameter, append `|`

`queryprune` regex-like values will be tested against each
key-value parameter pair as `[key]=[value]` string. This
way you can prune according to either the key, the value,
or both.

This commit introduces the concept of modifier filter
options, which as of now are:

- `csp=`
- `queryprune=`

They both work in similar way when used with `important`
option or when used in exception filters. Modifier
options can apply to any network requests, hence the
logger reports the type of the network requests, and no
longer use the modifier as the type, i.e. `csp` filters
are no longer reported as requests of type `csp`.

Though modifier options can apply to any network requests,
for the time being the `csp=` modifier option still apply
only to top or embedded (frame) documents, just as before.
In some future we may want to apply `csp=` directives to
network requests of type script, to control the behavior
of service workers for example.

A new built-in filter expression has been added to the
logger: "modified", which allow to see all the network
requests which were modified before being emitted. The
translation work for this new option will be available
in a future commit.
2020-10-31 10:42:53 -04:00

872 lines
28 KiB

uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
A PageRequestStore object is used to store net requests in two ways:
To record distinct net requests
To create a log of net requests
// start of private namespace
// >>>>>
const µb = µBlock;
const NetFilteringResultCache = class {
constructor() {
init() {
this.blocked = new Map();
this.results = new Map();
this.hash = 0;
this.timer = undefined;
return this;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3619
// Don't collapse redirected resources
rememberResult(fctxt, result) {
if ( fctxt.tabId <= 0 ) { return; }
if ( this.results.size === 0 ) {
const key = `${fctxt.getDocHostname()} ${fctxt.type} ${fctxt.url}`;
this.results.set(key, {
redirectURL: fctxt.redirectURL,
logData: fctxt.filter,
tstamp: Date.now()
if ( result !== 1 || fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return; }
const now = Date.now();
this.blocked.set(key, now);
this.hash = now;
rememberBlock(fctxt) {
if ( fctxt.tabId <= 0 ) { return; }
if ( this.blocked.size === 0 ) {
if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return; }
const now = Date.now();
`${fctxt.getDocHostname()} ${fctxt.type} ${fctxt.url}`,
this.hash = now;
forgetResult(docHostname, type, url) {
const key = `${docHostname} ${type} ${url}`;
empty() {
this.hash = 0;
if ( this.timer !== undefined ) {
this.timer = undefined;
prune() {
const obsolete = Date.now() - this.shelfLife;
for ( const entry of this.blocked ) {
if ( entry[1] <= obsolete ) {
for ( const entry of this.results ) {
if ( entry[1].tstamp <= obsolete ) {
if ( this.blocked.size !== 0 || this.results.size !== 0 ) {
pruneAsync() {
if ( this.timer !== undefined ) { return; }
this.timer = vAPI.setTimeout(
( ) => {
this.timer = undefined;
lookupResult(fctxt) {
return this.results.get(
fctxt.getDocHostname() + ' ' +
fctxt.type + ' ' +
lookupAllBlocked(hostname) {
const result = [];
for ( const entry of this.blocked ) {
const pos = entry[0].indexOf(' ');
if ( entry[0].slice(0, pos) === hostname ) {
result[result.length] = entry[0].slice(pos + 1);
return result;
static factory() {
return new NetFilteringResultCache();
NetFilteringResultCache.prototype.shelfLife = 15000;
// Frame stores are used solely to associate a URL with a frame id.
// To mitigate memory churning
const frameStoreJunkyard = [];
const frameStoreJunkyardMax = 50;
const FrameStore = class {
constructor(frameURL) {
init(frameURL) {
this.t0 = Date.now();
this.exceptCname = undefined;
this.clickToLoad = false;
this.rawURL = frameURL;
if ( frameURL !== undefined ) {
this.hostname = vAPI.hostnameFromURI(frameURL);
this.domain =
vAPI.domainFromHostname(this.hostname) || this.hostname;
return this;
dispose() {
this.exceptCname = undefined;
this.rawURL = this.hostname = this.domain = '';
if ( frameStoreJunkyard.length < frameStoreJunkyardMax ) {
return null;
static factory(frameURL) {
const entry = frameStoreJunkyard.pop();
if ( entry === undefined ) {
return new FrameStore(frameURL);
return entry.init(frameURL);
// To mitigate memory churning
const pageStoreJunkyard = [];
const pageStoreJunkyardMax = 10;
const PageStore = class {
constructor(tabId, context) {
this.extraData = new Map();
this.journal = [];
this.journalTimer = null;
this.journalLastCommitted = this.journalLastUncommitted = undefined;
this.journalLastUncommittedURL = undefined;
this.netFilteringCache = NetFilteringResultCache.factory();
this.init(tabId, context);
static factory(tabId, context) {
let entry = pageStoreJunkyard.pop();
if ( entry === undefined ) {
entry = new PageStore(tabId, context);
} else {
entry.init(tabId, context);
return entry;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3201
// The context is used to determine whether we report behavior change
// to the logger.
init(tabId, context) {
const tabContext = µb.tabContextManager.mustLookup(tabId);
this.tabId = tabId;
// If we are navigating from-to same site, remember whether large
// media elements were temporarily allowed.
if (
typeof this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil !== 'number' ||
tabContext.rootHostname !== this.tabHostname
) {
this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now();
this.tabHostname = tabContext.rootHostname;
this.title = tabContext.rawURL;
this.rawURL = tabContext.rawURL;
this.hostnameToCountMap = new Map();
this.contentLastModified = 0;
this.logData = undefined;
this.perLoadBlockedRequestCount = 0;
this.perLoadAllowedRequestCount = 0;
this.remoteFontCount = 0;
this.popupBlockedCount = 0;
this.largeMediaCount = 0;
this.largeMediaTimer = null;
this.internalRedirectionCount = 0;
this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined;
this.frameAddCount = 0;
this.frames = new Map();
this.setFrameURL(0, tabContext.rawURL);
// The current filtering context is cloned because:
// - We may be called with or without the current context having been
// initialized.
// - If it has been initialized, we do not want to change the state
// of the current context.
const fctxt = µb.logger.enabled
? µb.filteringContext
: undefined;
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/314
const masterSwitch = tabContext.getNetFilteringSwitch();
this.noCosmeticFiltering = µb.sessionSwitches.evaluateZ(
) === true;
if (
masterSwitch &&
this.noCosmeticFiltering &&
µb.logger.enabled &&
context === 'tabCommitted'
) {
return this;
reuse(context) {
// When force refreshing a page, the page store data needs to be reset.
// If the hostname changes, we can't merely just update the context.
const tabContext = µb.tabContextManager.mustLookup(this.tabId);
if ( tabContext.rootHostname !== this.tabHostname ) {
context = '';
// If URL changes without a page reload (more and more common), then
// we need to keep all that we collected for reuse. In particular,
// not doing so was causing a problem in `videos.foxnews.com`:
// clicking a video thumbnail would not work, because the frame
// hierarchy structure was flushed from memory, while not really being
// flushed on the page.
if ( context === 'tabUpdated' ) {
// As part of https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/405
// URL changed, force a re-evaluation of filtering switch
this.rawURL = tabContext.rawURL;
this.setFrameURL(0, this.rawURL);
return this;
// A new page is completely reloaded from scratch, reset all.
if ( this.largeMediaTimer !== null ) {
this.largeMediaTimer = null;
this.init(this.tabId, context);
return this;
dispose() {
this.tabHostname = '';
this.title = '';
this.rawURL = '';
this.hostnameToCountMap = null;
this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now();
this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined;
if ( this.largeMediaTimer !== null ) {
this.largeMediaTimer = null;
if ( this.journalTimer !== null ) {
this.journalTimer = null;
this.journal = [];
this.journalLastUncommittedURL = undefined;
if ( pageStoreJunkyard.length < pageStoreJunkyardMax ) {
return null;
disposeFrameStores() {
for ( const frameStore of this.frames.values() ) {
getFrameStore(frameId) {
return this.frames.get(frameId) || null;
setFrameURL(frameId, frameURL) {
let frameStore = this.frames.get(frameId);
if ( frameStore !== undefined ) {
} else {
frameStore = FrameStore.factory(frameURL);
this.frames.set(frameId, frameStore);
this.frameAddCount += 1;
if ( (this.frameAddCount & 0b111111) === 0 ) {
return frameStore;
// There is no event to tell us a specific subframe has been removed from
// the main document. The code below will remove subframes which are no
// longer present in the root document. Removing obsolete subframes is
// not a critical task, so this is executed just once on a while, to avoid
// bloated dictionary of subframes.
// A TTL is used to avoid race conditions when new iframes are added
// through the webRequest API but still not yet visible through the
// webNavigation API.
async pruneFrames() {
let entries;
try {
entries = await webext.webNavigation.getAllFrames({
tabId: this.tabId
} catch(ex) {
if ( Array.isArray(entries) === false ) { return; }
const toKeep = new Set();
for ( const { frameId } of entries ) {
const obsolete = Date.now() - 60000;
for ( const [ frameId, { t0 } ] of this.frames ) {
if ( toKeep.has(frameId) || t0 >= obsolete ) { continue; }
getNetFilteringSwitch() {
return µb.tabContextManager
getSpecificCosmeticFilteringSwitch() {
return this.noCosmeticFiltering !== true;
toggleNetFilteringSwitch(url, scope, state) {
µb.toggleNetFilteringSwitch(url, scope, state);
injectLargeMediaElementScriptlet() {
vAPI.tabs.executeScript(this.tabId, {
file: '/js/scriptlets/load-large-media-interactive.js',
allFrames: true,
runAt: 'document_idle',
temporarilyAllowLargeMediaElements(state) {
this.largeMediaCount = 0;
if ( state ) {
this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = 0;
this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = undefined;
} else {
this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = Date.now();
µb.scriptlets.injectDeep(this.tabId, 'load-large-media-all');
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2053
// There is no way around using journaling to ensure we deal properly with
// potentially out of order navigation events vs. network request events.
journalAddRequest(hostname, result) {
if ( hostname === '' ) { return; }
result === 1 ? 0x00000001 : 0x00010000
if ( this.journalTimer === null ) {
this.journalTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(
( ) => { this.journalProcess(true); },
journalAddRootFrame(type, url) {
if ( type === 'committed' ) {
this.journalLastCommitted = this.journal.length;
if (
this.journalLastUncommitted !== undefined &&
this.journalLastUncommitted < this.journalLastCommitted &&
this.journalLastUncommittedURL === url
) {
this.journalLastCommitted = this.journalLastUncommitted;
this.journalLastUncommitted = undefined;
} else if ( type === 'uncommitted' ) {
this.journalLastUncommitted = this.journal.length;
this.journalLastUncommittedURL = url;
if ( this.journalTimer !== null ) {
this.journalTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(
( ) => { this.journalProcess(true); },
journalProcess(fromTimer) {
if ( !fromTimer ) {
this.journalTimer = null;
const journal = this.journal;
const now = Date.now();
let aggregateCounts = 0;
let pivot = this.journalLastCommitted || 0;
// Everything after pivot originates from current page.
for ( let i = pivot; i < journal.length; i += 2 ) {
const hostname = journal[i];
let hostnameCounts = this.hostnameToCountMap.get(hostname);
if ( hostnameCounts === undefined ) {
hostnameCounts = 0;
this.contentLastModified = now;
let count = journal[i+1];
this.hostnameToCountMap.set(hostname, hostnameCounts + count);
aggregateCounts += count;
this.perLoadBlockedRequestCount += aggregateCounts & 0xFFFF;
this.perLoadAllowedRequestCount += aggregateCounts >>> 16 & 0xFFFF;
this.journalLastCommitted = undefined;
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/905#issuecomment-76543649
// No point updating the badge if it's not being displayed.
if ( (aggregateCounts & 0xFFFF) && µb.userSettings.showIconBadge ) {
µb.updateToolbarIcon(this.tabId, 0x02);
// Everything before pivot does not originate from current page -- we
// still need to bump global blocked/allowed counts.
for ( let i = 0; i < pivot; i += 2 ) {
aggregateCounts += journal[i+1];
if ( aggregateCounts !== 0 ) {
µb.localSettings.blockedRequestCount +=
aggregateCounts & 0xFFFF;
µb.localSettings.allowedRequestCount +=
aggregateCounts >>> 16 & 0xFFFF;
µb.localSettingsLastModified = now;
journal.length = 0;
filterRequest(fctxt) {
fctxt.filter = undefined;
if ( this.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt) === false ) {
return 0;
if (
fctxt.itype === fctxt.CSP_REPORT &&
this.filterCSPReport(fctxt) === 1
) {
return 1;
if (
(fctxt.itype & fctxt.FONT_ANY) !== 0 &&
this.filterFont(fctxt) === 1 )
return 1;
if (
fctxt.itype === fctxt.SCRIPT &&
this.filterScripting(fctxt, true) === 1
) {
return 1;
const cacheableResult = this.cacheableResults.has(fctxt.itype);
if ( cacheableResult ) {
const entry = this.netFilteringCache.lookupResult(fctxt);
if ( entry !== undefined ) {
fctxt.redirectURL = entry.redirectURL;
fctxt.filter = entry.logData;
return entry.result;
const requestType = fctxt.type;
const loggerEnabled = µb.logger.enabled;
// Dynamic URL filtering.
let result = µb.sessionURLFiltering.evaluateZ(
if ( result !== 0 && loggerEnabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionURLFiltering.toLogData();
// Dynamic hostname/type filtering.
if ( result === 0 && µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled ) {
result = µb.sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY(
if ( result !== 0 && result !== 3 && loggerEnabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionFirewall.toLogData();
// Static filtering has lowest precedence.
const snfe = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine;
if ( result === 0 || result === 3 ) {
result = snfe.matchString(fctxt);
if ( result !== 0 ) {
if ( loggerEnabled ) {
fctxt.filter = snfe.toLogData();
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/943
// Blanket-except blocked aliased canonical hostnames?
if (
result === 1 &&
fctxt.aliasURL !== undefined &&
snfe.isBlockImportant() === false &&
) {
return 2;
// Click-to-load?
// When frameId is not -1, the resource is always sub_frame.
if ( result === 1 && fctxt.frameId !== -1 ) {
const frameStore = this.getFrameStore(fctxt.frameId);
if ( frameStore !== null && frameStore.clickToLoad ) {
result = 2;
if ( loggerEnabled ) {
source: 'network',
raw: 'click-to-load',
// Modifier(s)?
// A modifier is an action which transform the original network request.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/949
// Redirect blocked request?
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/760
// Redirect non-blocked request?
if ( (fctxt.itype & fctxt.INLINE_ANY) === 0 ) {
if ( result === 1 ) {
if ( µb.hiddenSettings.ignoreRedirectFilters !== true ) {
const redirectURL = µb.redirectEngine.toURL(fctxt);
if ( redirectURL !== undefined ) {
fctxt.redirectURL = redirectURL;
this.internalRedirectionCount += 1;
source: 'redirect',
raw: µb.redirectEngine.resourceNameRegister
} else if ( snfe.hasQuery(fctxt) ) {
const directives = snfe.filterQuery(fctxt);
if ( directives !== undefined && loggerEnabled ) {
fctxt.pushFilters(directives.map(a => a.logData()));
if ( cacheableResult ) {
this.netFilteringCache.rememberResult(fctxt, result);
} else if ( result === 1 && this.collapsibleResources.has(fctxt.itype) ) {
return result;
filterCSPReport(fctxt) {
if (
) {
if ( µb.logger.enabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData();
return 1;
return 0;
filterFont(fctxt) {
if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.FONT ) {
this.remoteFontCount += 1;
if (
) !== false
) {
if ( µb.logger.enabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData();
return 1;
return 0;
filterScripting(fctxt, netFiltering) {
fctxt.filter = undefined;
if ( netFiltering === undefined ) {
netFiltering = this.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt);
if (
netFiltering === false ||
) === false
) {
return 0;
if ( µb.logger.enabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData();
return 1;
// The caller is responsible to check whether filtering is enabled or not.
filterLargeMediaElement(fctxt, size) {
fctxt.filter = undefined;
if ( this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil === 0 ) {
return 0;
// Disregard large media elements previously allowed: for example, to
// seek inside a previously allowed audio/video.
if (
this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex instanceof RegExp &&
) {
return 0;
if ( Date.now() < this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil ) {
const sources = this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex instanceof RegExp
? [ this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex.source ]
: [];
sources.push('^' + µb.escapeRegex(fctxt.url));
this.allowLargeMediaElementsRegex = new RegExp(sources.join('|'));
return 0;
if (
) !== true
) {
this.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = 0;
return 0;
if ( (size >>> 10) < µb.userSettings.largeMediaSize ) {
return 0;
this.largeMediaCount += 1;
if ( this.largeMediaTimer === null ) {
this.largeMediaTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(( ) => {
this.largeMediaTimer = null;
}, 500);
if ( µb.logger.enabled ) {
fctxt.filter = µb.sessionSwitches.toLogData();
return 1;
clickToLoad(frameId, frameURL) {
let frameStore = this.getFrameStore(frameId);
if ( frameStore === null ) {
frameStore = this.setFrameURL(frameId, frameURL);
frameStore.clickToLoad = true;
shouldExceptCname(fctxt) {
let exceptCname;
let frameStore;
if ( fctxt.docId !== undefined ) {
frameStore = this.getFrameStore(fctxt.docId);
if ( frameStore instanceof Object ) {
exceptCname = frameStore.exceptCname;
if ( exceptCname === undefined ) {
const result = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.matchStringReverse(
frameStore instanceof Object
? frameStore.rawURL
: fctxt.getDocOrigin()
if ( result === 2 ) {
exceptCname = µb.logger.enabled
? µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.toLogData()
: true;
} else {
exceptCname = false;
if ( frameStore instanceof Object ) {
frameStore.exceptCname = exceptCname;
if ( exceptCname === false ) { return false; }
if ( exceptCname instanceof Object ) {
return true;
getBlockedResources(request, response) {
const normalURL = µb.normalizePageURL(this.tabId, request.frameURL);
const resources = request.resources;
const fctxt = µb.filteringContext;
// Force some resources to go through the filtering engine in order to
// populate the blocked-resources cache. This is required because for
// some resources it's not possible to detect whether they were blocked
// content script-side (i.e. `iframes` -- unlike `img`).
if ( Array.isArray(resources) && resources.length !== 0 ) {
for ( const resource of resources ) {
if ( this.netFilteringCache.hash === response.hash ) { return; }
response.hash = this.netFilteringCache.hash;
response.blockedResources =
PageStore.prototype.cacheableResults = new Set([
PageStore.prototype.collapsibleResources = new Set([
µb.PageStore = PageStore;
// <<<<<
// end of private namespace