mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 16:32:39 +01:00
710 lines
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710 lines
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"description":"extension name."
"message":"Končno, učinkovita, procesorju in pomnilniku prijazna razširitev za blokiranje oglasov.",
"description":"this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Nadzorna plošča",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ — Dashboard"
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Filtri tretjih oseb",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Moji filtri",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Moja pravila",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Seznam dovoljenih",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Dnevnik omrežnih zahtev",
"description":"Title for the logger window"
"message":"O razširitvi",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Napredne nastavitve",
"description":"Title for the advanced settings page"
"message":"Klik: onemogoči\/omogoči uBlock₀ za to stran.\n\nCtrl+klik: onemogoči uBlock₀ samo na tej strani.",
"description":"English: Click: disable\/enable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click: disable uBlock₀ only on this page."
"message":"blokirane zahteve",
"description":"English: requests blocked"
"message":"na tej strani",
"description":"English: on this page"
"message":"{{count}} ali {{percent}}%",
"description":"Example: 15 or 13%"
"message":"od namestitve",
"description":"English: since install"
"description":"English: or"
"message":"Klikni za odpiranje nadzorne plošče",
"description":"English: Click to open the dashboard"
"message":"Enter element zapper mode",
"description":"Tooltip for the element-zapper icon in the popup panel"
"message":"Vklopi način izbire elementov",
"description":"English: Enter element picker mode"
"message":"Pojdi na dnevnik omrežnih zahtev",
"description":"Tooltip used for the logger icon in the panel"
"message":"Vklop\/Izklop blokiranja vseh pojavnih oken za to stran",
"description":"Tooltip for the no-popups per-site switch"
"message":"Vklop\/izklop blokiranja večjih medijev za to stran",
"description":"Tooltip for the no-large-media per-site switch"
"message":"Vklop\/Izklop kozmetičnih filtrov za to stran",
"description":"Tooltip for the no-cosmetic-filtering per-site switch"
"message":"Vklopi\/izklopi blokiranje oddaljenih pisav za to stran",
"description":"Tooltip for the no-remote-fonts per-site switch"
"message":"Globalna pravila: ta stolpec je za pravila, ki se uveljavljajo za vse strani.",
"description":"Tooltip when hovering the top-most cell of the global-rules column."
"message":"Lokalna pravila: ta stolpec je za pravila, ki se uveljavljajo samo za trenutno stran. Lokalna pravila preglasijo globalna pravila.",
"description":"Tooltip when hovering the top-most cell of the local-rules column."
"message":"Kliknite za uveljavitev sprememb.",
"description":"Tooltip when hovering over the padlock in the dynamic filtering pane."
"message":"Kliknite za preklic sprememb.",
"description":"Tooltip when hovering over the eraser in the dynamic filtering pane."
"message":"css\/slike tretje osebe",
"message":"vrinjene skripti",
"message":"strani lastni skripti",
"message":"skripti tretjih oseb",
"message":"okvirji tretjih oseb",
"message":"povezane domene",
"description":"appears in popup"
"message":"{{count}} od {{total}}",
"description":"appears in popup"
"description":"English: Create"
"description":"English: Pick"
"description":"English: Quit"
"description":"Element picker preview mode: will cause the elements matching the current filter to be removed from the page"
"message":"Omrežni filtri",
"description":"English: header for a type of filter in the element picker dialog"
"message":"Kozmetični filtri",
"description":"English: Cosmetic filters"
"message":"Klik, Ctrl-klik",
"description":"English: Click, Ctrl-click"
"message":"Blokiraj element",
"description":"English: Block element"
"message":"Skrij držala blokiranih elementov",
"description":"English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements"
"message":"Prikaži število blokiranih zahtevkov na ikoni",
"description":"English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon"
"message":"Onemogoči namige",
"description":"A checkbox in the Settings pane"
"message":"Izkoristite kontekstni meni, kjer je to primerno",
"description":"English: Make use of context menu where appropriate"
"message":"Način prijazen barvno slepim uporabnikom",
"description":"English: Color-blind friendly"
"message":"Omogoči podporo za shrambo v oblaku",
"message":"Sem napreden uporabnik (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Advanced-user-features'>Potrebno branje<\/a>)",
"message":"napredne nastavitve",
"description":"For the tooltip of a link which gives access to advanced settings"
"message":"Onemogoči prednalaganje strani (da se prepreči kakršno koli povezavo za blokirane zahteve omrežja)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Onemogoči revizijo hiperlinkov (Hyperlink-auditing)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Prepreči izpostavitev lokalnega IP naslova preko WebRTC",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Privzeto ravnanje",
"message":"Te privzete nastavitve lahko spremenite za posamezne strani",
"message":"Onemogoči kosmetično filtriranje",
"message":"Blokiraj medijske elemente večje kot {input:number} kB",
"message":"Blokiraj oddaljene pisave",
"message":"Uporabljenega prostora: {{value}} bajtov",
"description":"English: Storage used: {{}} bytes"
"message":"Zadnja obnovitev:",
"description":"English: Last restore:"
"message":"Zadnja varnostna kopija:",
"description":"English: Last backup:"
"message":"{{netFilterCount}} omrežnih in {{cosmeticFilterCount}} kozmetičnih filtrov od:",
"description":"Appears at the top of the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"message":"uporabljenih {{used}} od {{total}}",
"description":"Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"message":"Samodejno posodabljanje seznama filtrov.",
"description":"A checkbox in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"message":"Posodobi zdaj",
"description":"A button in the in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"message":"Sprosti celoten predpomnilnik",
"description":"A button in the in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"message":"Razčleni in uveljavi kozmetične filtre.",
"description":"English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters."
"message":"<p>Ta opcija omogoči razčlenjevanje in uveljavljanje <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\"> Adblock Plus kompatibilnih filtrov za “skrivanje elementov”<\/a> Le-ti filtri so v bistvu kozmetični in služijo skrivanju elementov na spletnih straneh, ki jih lahko obravnavamo kot \"vizualna nadloga\", in taki, ki se jih preko filtrov zahtev omrežja ne da blokirati.<\/p>\n<p>Vklop te funkcije poveča spominski odtis uBlock₀.<\/p>",
"description":"Describes the purpose of the 'Parse and enforce cosmetic filters' feature."
"message":"Ignoriraj generične kozmetične filtre",
"description":"This will cause uBO to ignore all generic cosmetic filters."
"message":"<p>Generični vizualni filtri so vizualni filtri, ki naj bi bili uporabljeni na vseh spletnih straneh.<p>Kljub temu, da je njihova uporaba v uBlock₀ učinkovita, generični vizualni filtri lahko, na nekaterih spletnih straneh (še posebno na velikih in starih), pripomorejo k opazni dodatni porabi pomnilnika in uporabi CPE.<p>Omogočitev te funkcije bo zmanjšala porabo pomnilnika in uporabo CPE, ki nastane kot rezultat dodajanja generičnih vizualnih filtrov, in tudi zmanjšala porabo pomnilnika dodatka uBlock₀.<p>Priporočeno je, da omogočite to možnost na manj zmogljivih napravah.",
"description":"Describes the purpose of the 'Ignore generic cosmetic filters' feature."
"message":"Seznam blokiranih gostiteljev",
"description":"English: Lists of blocked hosts"
"message":"Uveljavi spremembe",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Ads"
"description":"English: Privacy"
"message":"Zlonamerne domene",
"description":"English: Malware domains"
"description":"English: Social"
"description":"English: Multipurpose"
"message":"Regije, jeziki",
"description":"English: Regions, languages"
"message":"Po meri",
"description":"English: Custom"
"message":"En URL na vrstico. Vrstice s predpono ‘!’ in neveljavni URL-ji bodo prezrti.",
"description":"English: One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored."
"description":"used as a tooltip for the out-of-date icon beside a list"
"message":"Zadnja posodobitev: {{ago}}",
"description":"used as a tooltip for the clock icon beside a list"
"description":"used as a tooltip for the spinner icon beside a list"
"message":"A network error prevented the resource from being updated.",
"description":"used as a tooltip for error icon beside a list"
"message":"En filter na vrstico. Filter je lahko navadno ime gostitelja, ali pa Adblock Plus kompatibilen filter. Vrstice z znakom ‘!’ bodo ignorirane.",
"description":"English: One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored."
"message":"Uvozi in dodaj",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Uporabi spremembe",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"message":"Stalna pravila",
"message":"Začasna pravila",
"description":"This will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"This will persist temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Uvozi iz datoteke...",
"message":"Izvozi v datoteko",
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"Seznam vaših dinamičnih pravil filtriranja.",
"description":"English: List of your dynamic filtering rules."
"message":"Sintaksa pravil: <code>vir destinacija tip akcija<\/code> (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Dynamic-filtering:-rule-syntax'>polna dokumentacija (v angleščini)<\/a>).",
"description":"English: dynamic rule syntax and full documentation."
"message":"Vaš seznam gostiteljskih naslovov, za katere želite, da je uBlock₀ izklopljen. En vnos na vrstico. Neveljavna gostiteljska imena bodo brez opozoril ignorirana.",
"description":"English: An overview of the content of the dashboard's Whitelist pane."
"message":"Uvozi in dodaj",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-whitelist_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Uveljavi spremembe",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Type"
"description":"English: Domain"
"description":"English: URL"
"description":"English: Filter"
"description":"Appears in the logger's tab selector"
"message":"Za zaveso",
"description":"Pretty name for behind-the-scene network requests"
"message":"filtriraj vnose dnevnika",
"description":"English: filter log entries"
"message":"Največje število dnevniških vnosov",
"description":"Tooltip informaing that the input field is to set the maximum number of entries in the log"
"description":"Label for the context selector"
"description":"Label for the type selector"
"message":"Dinamično URL filtriranje",
"description":"Small header to identify the dynamic URL filtering section"
"message":"Statično filtriranje",
"description":"Small header to identify the static filtering section"
"message":"{{action}} zahteve omrežja {{type}} {{br}}katerih URL naslov se ujema z {{url}} {{br}}in izvirajo iz {{origin}},{{br}}{{importance}} obstaja ustrezen filter izjeme.",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"vrsta {{type}}",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"vsaka vrsta",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"iz “{{origin}}”",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"iz kjerkoli",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"razen če",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"tudi če",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"Statičen filter {{filter}} najden v:",
"description":"Below this sentence, the filter lists in which the filter was found"
"message":"Dnevnik sprememb",
"description":"English: Change log"
"description":"English: project' wiki on Github"
"description":"A link for where to get support"
"message":"Izvorna koda (GPLv3)",
"description":"English: Source code (GPLv3)"
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Naredi varnostno kopijo v datoteko",
"description":"Text for button to create a backup of all settings"
"description":"English: my-ublock-backup_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Obnovi iz datoteke...",
"description":"English: Restore from file..."
"message":"Ponastavi na privzete nastavitve...",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings..."
"message":"Vse vaše nastavitve bodo prepisane s podatki, ki so bili varnostno shranjeni {{time}}. uBlock₀ se bo ponovno zagnal.\n\nPrepišem vse obstoječe nastavitve z varnostno shranjenimi podatki?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"Podatki varnostne kopije niso uspeli biti uspešno prebrani oz. so neveljavni",
"description":"Message to display when an error occurred during restore"
"message":"Vse vaše spremembe bodo izbrisane, uBlock₀ pa se bo ponovno zagnal.\n\nPonastavim uBlock₀ na tovarniške nastavitve?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"Ne morem se povezati do {{url}}",
"description":"English: Network error: {{msg}}"
"message":"uBlock₀: Dodam sledeči URL na listo lastnih filtrov?\n\nNaslov: \"{{title}}\"\nURL: {{url}}",
"description":"English: The message seen by the user to confirm subscription to a ABP filter list"
"message":"1 minuto nazaj",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minut nazaj",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"1 uro nazaj",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} ur nazaj",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"1 dan nazaj",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} dni nazaj",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"message":"Prikaži nadzorno ploščo",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Dashboard"
"message":"Prikaži dnevnik",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Logger"
"description":"Firefox-specific: appears as 'uBlock₀ (off)'"
"message":"uBlock₀ je preprečil nalaganje naslednje strani:",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"Zaradi sledečega filtra",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"brez parametrov",
"description":"label to be used for the parameter-less URL: https:\/\/cloud.githubusercontent.com\/assets\/585534\/9832014\/bfb1b8f0-593b-11e5-8a27-fba472a5529a.png"
"message":"Najden v:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
"description":"English: Go back"
"message":"Zapri to okno",
"description":"English: Close this window"
"message":"Onemogoči striktno blokiranje za {{hostname}}",
"description":"English: Disable strict blocking for {{hostname}} ..."
"description":"English: Temporarily"
"description":"English: Permanently"
"message":"Izvozi v shrambe oblaka",
"message":"Uvozi iz shrambe oblaka",
"message":"Uvozi iz oblaka in spoji s trenutnimi nastavitvami",
"message":"Ime te naprave:",
"description":"used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"message":"Opozorilo! Sprememba teh naprednih nastavitev na lastno odgovornost.",
"description":"A warning to users at the top of 'Advanced settings' page"
"description":"for generic 'Submit' buttons"
"message":"Uveljavi spremembe",
"description":"for generic 'Apply changes' buttons"
"description":"for generic 'Revert' buttons"
"message":"Začasno dovoli velike medijske elemente",
"description":"A context menu entry, present when large media elements have been blocked on the current site"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"
} |