mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-09-29 14:17:11 +02:00
Raymond Hill 985ea24e82
[mv3] Add support for redirect= filters
This adds support for `redirect=` filters. As with `removeparam=`
filters, `redirect=` filters can only be enforced when the
default filtering mode is set to Optimal or Complete, since these
filters require broad host permissions to be enforced by the DNR

`redirect-rule=` filters are not supported since there is no
corresponding DNR syntax.

Additionally, fixed the dropping of whole network filters even though
those filters are still useful despite not being completely
enforceable -- for example a filter with a single (unsupported) domain
using entity syntax in its `domain=` option should not be wholly
dropped when there are other valid domains in the list.
2022-10-16 12:05:24 -04:00

475 lines
15 KiB

uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2015-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
import redirectableResources from './redirect-resources.js';
import {
} from './text-utils.js';
const extToMimeMap = new Map([
[ 'gif', 'image/gif' ],
[ 'html', 'text/html' ],
[ 'js', 'application/javascript' ],
[ 'mp3', 'audio/mp3' ],
[ 'mp4', 'video/mp4' ],
[ 'png', 'image/png' ],
[ 'txt', 'text/plain' ],
[ 'xml', 'text/xml' ],
const typeToMimeMap = new Map([
[ 'main_frame', 'text/html' ],
[ 'other', 'text/plain' ],
[ 'script', 'application/javascript' ],
[ 'stylesheet', 'text/css' ],
[ 'sub_frame', 'text/html' ],
[ 'xmlhttprequest', 'text/plain' ],
const validMimes = new Set(extToMimeMap.values());
const mimeFromName = function(name) {
const match = /\.([^.]+)$/.exec(name);
if ( match !== null ) {
return extToMimeMap.get(match[1]);
// vAPI.warSecret() is optional, it could be absent in some environments,
// i.e. nodejs for example. Probably the best approach is to have the
// "web_accessible_resources secret" added outside by the client of this
// module, but for now I just want to remove an obstacle to modularization.
const warSecret = typeof vAPI === 'object' && vAPI !== null
? vAPI.warSecret
: ( ) => '';
const RedirectEntry = class {
constructor() {
this.mime = '';
this.data = '';
this.warURL = undefined;
this.params = undefined;
// Prevent redirection to web accessible resources when the request is
// of type 'xmlhttprequest', because XMLHttpRequest.responseURL would
// cause leakage of extension id. See:
// - https://stackoverflow.com/a/8056313
// - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=998076
// https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/cpxm1v/
// User-supplied resources may already be base64 encoded.
toURL(fctxt, asDataURI = false) {
if (
this.warURL !== undefined &&
asDataURI !== true &&
fctxt instanceof Object &&
fctxt.type !== 'xmlhttprequest'
) {
const params = [];
const secret = warSecret();
if ( secret !== '' ) { params.push(`secret=${secret}`); }
if ( this.params !== undefined ) {
for ( const name of this.params ) {
const value = fctxt[name];
if ( value === undefined ) { continue; }
let url = `${this.warURL}`;
if ( params.length !== 0 ) {
url += `?${params.join('&')}`;
return url;
if ( this.data === undefined ) { return; }
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/701
if ( this.data === '' ) {
const mime = typeToMimeMap.get(fctxt.type);
if ( mime === undefined ) { return; }
return `data:${mime},`;
if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') === false ) {
if ( this.mime.indexOf(';') === -1 ) {
this.data = `data:${this.mime};base64,${btoa(this.data)}`;
} else {
this.data = `data:${this.mime},${this.data}`;
return this.data;
toContent() {
if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') ) {
const pos = this.data.indexOf(',');
const base64 = this.data.endsWith(';base64', pos);
this.data = this.data.slice(pos + 1);
if ( base64 ) {
this.data = atob(this.data);
return this.data;
static fromContent(mime, content) {
const r = new RedirectEntry();
r.mime = mime;
r.data = content;
return r;
static fromSelfie(selfie) {
const r = new RedirectEntry();
r.mime = selfie.mime;
r.data = selfie.data;
r.warURL = selfie.warURL;
r.params = selfie.params;
return r;
const RedirectEngine = function() {
this.aliases = new Map();
this.resources = new Map();
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
this.resourceNameRegister = '';
RedirectEngine.prototype.reset = function() {
RedirectEngine.prototype.freeze = function() {
RedirectEngine.prototype.tokenToURL = function(
asDataURI = false
) {
const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(token) || token);
if ( entry === undefined ) { return; }
this.resourceNameRegister = token;
return entry.toURL(fctxt, asDataURI);
RedirectEngine.prototype.tokenToDNR = function(token) {
const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(token) || token);
if ( entry === undefined ) { return; }
if ( entry.warURL === undefined ) { return; }
return entry.warURL;
RedirectEngine.prototype.hasToken = function(token) {
if ( token === 'none' ) { return true; }
const asDataURI = token.charCodeAt(0) === 0x25 /* '%' */;
if ( asDataURI ) {
token = token.slice(1);
return this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(token) || token) !== undefined;
RedirectEngine.prototype.toSelfie = async function() {
RedirectEngine.prototype.fromSelfie = async function() {
return true;
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourceContentFromName = function(name, mime) {
const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(name) || name);
if ( entry === undefined ) { return; }
if ( mime === undefined || entry.mime.startsWith(mime) ) {
return entry.toContent();
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commit/deefe875551197d655f79cb540e62dfc17c95f42
// Consider 'none' a reserved keyword, to be used to disable redirection.
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1419
// Append newlines to raw text to ensure processing of trailing resource.
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromString = function(text) {
const lineIter = new LineIterator(
removeTopCommentBlock(text) + '\n\n'
const reNonEmptyLine = /\S/;
let fields, encoded, details;
while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) {
const line = lineIter.next();
if ( line.startsWith('#') ) { continue; }
if ( line.startsWith('// ') ) { continue; }
if ( fields === undefined ) {
if ( line === '' ) { continue; }
// Modern parser
if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) {
const name = line.slice(4).trim();
fields = [ name, mimeFromName(name) ];
// Legacy parser
const head = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
if ( head.length !== 2 ) { continue; }
if ( head[0] === 'none' ) { continue; }
let pos = head[1].indexOf(';');
if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = head[1].length; }
if ( validMimes.has(head[1].slice(0, pos)) === false ) {
encoded = head[1].indexOf(';') !== -1;
fields = head;
if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) {
if ( details === undefined ) {
details = [];
const [ prop, value ] = line.slice(4).trim().split(/\s+/);
if ( value !== undefined ) {
details.push({ prop, value });
if ( reNonEmptyLine.test(line) ) {
fields.push(encoded ? line.trim() : line);
// No more data, add the resource.
const name = this.aliases.get(fields[0]) || fields[0];
const mime = fields[1];
const content = orphanizeString(
fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n')
RedirectEntry.fromContent(mime, content)
if ( Array.isArray(details) ) {
for ( const { prop, value } of details ) {
if ( prop !== 'alias' ) { continue; }
this.aliases.set(value, name);
fields = undefined;
details = undefined;
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
const removeTopCommentBlock = function(text) {
return text.replace(/^\/\*[\S\s]+?\n\*\/\s*/, '');
RedirectEngine.prototype.loadBuiltinResources = function(fetcher) {
this.resources = new Map();
this.aliases = new Map();
const fetches = [
).then(result => {
const content = result.content;
if ( typeof content !== 'string' ) { return; }
if ( content.length === 0 ) { return; }
const store = (name, data = undefined) => {
const details = redirectableResources.get(name);
const entry = RedirectEntry.fromSelfie({
mime: mimeFromName(name),
warURL: `/web_accessible_resources/${name}`,
params: details.params,
this.resources.set(name, entry);
if ( details.alias === undefined ) { return; }
if ( Array.isArray(details.alias) ) {
for ( const alias of details.alias ) {
this.aliases.set(alias, name);
} else {
this.aliases.set(details.alias, name);
const processBlob = (name, blob) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = ( ) => {
store(name, reader.result);
reader.onabort = reader.onerror = ( ) => {
const processText = (name, text) => {
store(name, removeTopCommentBlock(text));
const process = result => {
const match = /^\/web_accessible_resources\/([^?]+)/.exec(result.url);
if ( match === null ) { return; }
const name = match[1];
return result.content instanceof Blob
? processBlob(name, result.content)
: processText(name, result.content);
for ( const [ name, details ] of redirectableResources ) {
if ( typeof details.data !== 'string' ) {
fetcher(`/web_accessible_resources/${name}`, {
responseType: details.data
result => process(result)
return Promise.all(fetches);
RedirectEngine.prototype.getResourceDetails = function() {
const out = new Map([
[ 'none', { canInject: false, canRedirect: true, aliasOf: '' } ],
for ( const [ name, entry ] of this.resources ) {
out.set(name, {
canInject: typeof entry.data === 'string',
canRedirect: entry.warURL !== undefined,
aliasOf: '',
extensionPath: entry.warURL,
for ( const [ alias, name ] of this.aliases ) {
const original = out.get(name);
if ( original === undefined ) { continue; }
const aliased = Object.assign({}, original);
aliased.aliasOf = name;
out.set(alias, aliased);
return Array.from(out).sort((a, b) => {
return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);
const RESOURCES_SELFIE_NAME = 'compiled/redirectEngine/resources';
RedirectEngine.prototype.selfieFromResources = function(storage) {
aliases: Array.from(this.aliases),
resources: Array.from(this.resources),
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromSelfie = async function(storage) {
const result = await storage.get(RESOURCES_SELFIE_NAME);
let selfie;
try {
selfie = JSON.parse(result.content);
} catch(ex) {
if (
selfie instanceof Object === false ||
selfie.version !== RESOURCES_SELFIE_VERSION ||
Array.isArray(selfie.resources) === false
) {
return false;
this.aliases = new Map(selfie.aliases);
this.resources = new Map();
for ( const [ token, entry ] of selfie.resources ) {
this.resources.set(token, RedirectEntry.fromSelfie(entry));
return true;
RedirectEngine.prototype.invalidateResourcesSelfie = function(storage) {
const redirectEngine = new RedirectEngine();
export { redirectEngine };