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µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* jshint bitwise: false */
/* global µBlock */
µBlock.abpHideFilters = (function(){
var µb = µBlock;
var histogram = function(label, buckets) {
var h = [],
for ( var k in buckets ) {
if ( buckets.hasOwnProperty(k) === false ) {
bucket = buckets[k];
k: k,
n: bucket instanceof FilterBucket ? bucket.filters.length : 1
console.log('Histogram %s', label);
var total = h.length;
h.sort(function(a, b) { return b.n - a.n; });
// Find indices of entries of interest
var target = 3;
for ( var i = 0; i < total; i++ ) {
if ( h[i].n === target ) {
console.log('\tEntries with only %d filter(s) start at index %s (key = "%s")', target, i, h[i].k);
target -= 1;
h = h.slice(0, 50);
h.forEach(function(v) {
console.log('\tkey="%s" count=%d', v.k, v.n);
console.log('\tTotal buckets count: %d', total);
// Pure id- and class-based filters
// Examples:
// #A9AdsMiddleBoxTop
var FilterPlain = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlain.prototype.retrieve = function(s, out) {
if ( s === this.s ) {
// Id- and class-based filters with extra selector stuff following.
// Examples:
// #center_col > div[style="font-size:14px;margin-right:0;min-height:5px"] ...
// #adframe:not(frameset)
// .l-container > #fishtank
var FilterPlainMore = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainMore.prototype.retrieve = function(s, out) {
if ( s === this.s.slice(0, s.length) ) {
// Any selector specific to a hostname
// Examples:
// search.snapdo.com###ABottomD
// facebook.com##.-cx-PRIVATE-fbAdUnit__root
// sltrib.com###BLContainer + div[style="height:90px;"]
// myps3.com.au##.Boxer[style="height: 250px;"]
// lindaikeji.blogspot.com##a > img[height="600"]
// japantimes.co.jp##table[align="right"][width="250"]
// mobilephonetalk.com##[align="center"] > b > a[href^="http://tinyurl.com/"]
var FilterHostname = function(s, hostname) {
this.s = s;
this.hostname = hostname;
FilterHostname.prototype.retrieve = function(hostname, out) {
if ( hostname.slice(-this.hostname.length) === this.hostname ) {
// Any selector specific to an entity
// Examples:
// google.*###cnt #center_col > #res > #topstuff > .ts
var FilterEntity = function(s, entity) {
this.s = s;
this.entity = entity;
FilterEntity.prototype.retrieve = function(entity, out) {
if ( entity.slice(-this.entity.length) === this.entity ) {
// TODO: evaluate the gain (if any) from avoiding the use of an array for when
// there are only two filters (or three, etc.). I suppose there is a specific
// number of filters below which using an array is more of an overhead than
// using a couple of property members.
// i.e. FilterBucket2, FilterBucket3, FilterBucketN.
var FilterBucket = function(a, b) {
this.filters = [a, b];
FilterBucket.prototype.add = function(a) {
FilterBucket.prototype.retrieve = function(s, out) {
var i = this.filters.length;
while ( i-- ) {
this.filters[i].retrieve(s, out);
var FilterParser = function() {
this.s = '';
this.prefix = '';
this.suffix = '';
this.anchor = 0;
this.filterType = '#';
this.hostnames = [];
this.invalid = false;
this.unsupported = false;
this.reParser = /^\s*([^#]*)(##|#@#)(.+)\s*$/;
this.rePlain = /^([#.][\w-]+)/;
this.rePlainMore = /^[#.][\w-]+[^\w-]/;
this.reElement = /^[a-z]/i;
FilterParser.prototype.reset = function() {
this.s = '';
this.prefix = '';
this.suffix = '';
this.anchor = '';
this.filterType = '#';
this.hostnames = [];
this.invalid = false;
return this;
FilterParser.prototype.parse = function(s) {
// important!
var matches = this.reParser.exec(s);
if ( matches === null || matches.length !== 4 ) {
this.invalid = true;
return this;
// Remember original string
this.s = s;
this.prefix = matches[1];
this.anchor = matches[2];
this.suffix = matches[3];
// 2014-05-23:
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/260
// Any sequence of `#` longer than one means the line is not a valid
// cosmetic filter.
if ( this.suffix.indexOf('##') >= 0 ) {
this.invalid = true;
return this;
this.filterType = this.anchor.charAt(1);
if ( this.prefix !== '' ) {
this.hostnames = this.prefix.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return this;
FilterParser.prototype.isPlainMore = function() {
return this.rePlainMore.test(this.suffix);
FilterParser.prototype.isElement = function() {
return this.reElement.test(this.suffix);
FilterParser.prototype.extractPlain = function() {
var matches = this.rePlain.exec(this.suffix);
if ( matches && matches.length === 2 ) {
return matches[1];
return '';
var FilterContainer = function() {
this.filterParser = new FilterParser();
// Reset all, thus reducing to a minimum memory footprint of the context.
FilterContainer.prototype.reset = function() {
this.frozen = false;
this.acceptedCount = 0;
this.processedCount = 0;
this.domainHashMask = (1 << 10) - 1;
this.genericHashMask = (1 << 15) - 1;
this.genericFilters = {};
this.hostnameHide = {};
this.hostnameDonthide = {};
this.hostnameFilters = {};
this.entityHide = {};
this.entityDonthide = {};
this.entityFilters = {};
this.hideUnfiltered = [];
this.hideLowGenerics = {};
this.hideHighGenerics = [];
this.donthideUnfiltered = [];
this.donthideLowGenerics = {};
this.donthideHighGenerics = [];
this.rejected = [];
this.duplicates = {};
this.duplicateCount = 0;
FilterContainer.prototype.add = function(s) {
s = s.trim();
var parsed = this.filterParser.parse(s);
if ( parsed.invalid ) {
return false;
this.processedCount += 1;
//if ( s === 'mail.google.com##.nH.adC > .nH > .nH > .u5 > .azN' ) {
// debugger;
// hostname-based filters: with a hostname, narrowing is good enough, no
// need to further narrow.
if ( parsed.hostnames.length ) {
return this.addSpecificFilter(parsed);
if ( this.duplicates[s] ) {
return false;
this.duplicates[s] = true;
// no specific hostname, narrow using class or id.
var selectorType = parsed.suffix.charAt(0);
if ( selectorType === '#' || selectorType === '.' ) {
return this.addPlainFilter(parsed);
// no specific hostname, no class, no id.
if ( parsed.filterType === '#' ) {
} else {
this.acceptedCount += 1;
return true;
FilterContainer.prototype.freezeHostnameSpecifics = function(what, type) {
var µburi = µb.URI;
var entries = this[what];
var filters = this.hostnameFilters;
var f, hash, bucket;
for ( var hostname in entries ) {
if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(hostname) === false ) {
f = new FilterHostname(Object.keys(entries[hostname]).join(','), hostname);
hash = makeHash(type, µburi.domainFromHostname(hostname), this.domainHashMask);
bucket = filters[hash];
if ( bucket === undefined ) {
filters[hash] = f;
} else if ( bucket instanceof FilterBucket ) {
} else {
filters[hash] = new FilterBucket(bucket, f);
this[what] = {};
FilterContainer.prototype.freezeEntitySpecifics = function(what, type) {
var entries = this[what];
var filters = this.entityFilters;
var f, hash, bucket;
for ( var entity in entries ) {
if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(entity) === false ) {
f = new FilterEntity(Object.keys(entries[entity]).join(','), entity);
hash = makeHash(type, entity, this.domainHashMask);
bucket = filters[hash];
if ( bucket === undefined ) {
filters[hash] = f;
} else if ( bucket instanceof FilterBucket ) {
} else {
filters[hash] = new FilterBucket(bucket, f);
this[what] = {};
FilterContainer.prototype.freezeGenerics = function(what) {
var selectors = this[what + 'Unfiltered'];
//console.log('%d highly generic selectors:\n', selectors.length, selectors.sort().join('\n'));
// ["title"] and ["alt"] will be sorted out manually, these are the most
// common generic selectors, aka "low generics". The rest will be put in
// the high genericity bin.
var lowGenerics = {};
var lowGenericCount = 0;
var re = /^(([a-z]*)\[(alt|title)="([^"]+)"\])$/;
var i = selectors.length;
var selector, matches;
while ( i-- ) {
selector = selectors[i];
matches = re.exec(selector);
if ( !matches ) {
lowGenerics[matches[1]] = true;
selectors.splice(i, 1);
// Chunksize is a compromise between number of selectors per chunk (the
// number of selectors querySelector() will have to deal with), and the
// number of chunks (the number of times querySelector() will have to
// be called.)
// Benchmarking shows this is a hot spot performance-wise for "heavy"
// sites (like say, Sports Illustrated, good test case). Not clear what
// better can be done at this point, I doubt javascript-side code can beat
// querySelector().
var chunkSize = Math.max(selectors.length >>> 3, 8);
var chunkified = [], chunk;
for (;;) {
chunk = selectors.splice(0, chunkSize);
if ( chunk.length === 0 ) {
this[what + 'LowGenerics'] = lowGenerics;
this[what + 'LowGenericCount'] = lowGenericCount;
this[what + 'HighGenerics'] = chunkified;
this[what + 'Unfiltered'] = [];
FilterContainer.prototype.freeze = function() {
this.freezeHostnameSpecifics('hostnameHide', '#');
this.freezeHostnameSpecifics('hostnameDonthide', '@');
this.freezeEntitySpecifics('entityHide', '#');
this.freezeEntitySpecifics('entityDonthide', '@');
// console.debug('Number of duplicate cosmetic filters skipped:', this.duplicateCount);
this.duplicates = {};
this.frozen = true;
//histogram('genericFilters', this.genericFilters);
//histogram('hostnameFilters', this.hostnameFilters);
// Two Unicode characters:
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | +-- bit 8-0 of FNV
// | |
// | +-- bit 15-9 of FNV
// |
// +-- filter type (0=hide 1=unhide)
var makeHash = function(type, token, mask) {
// Ref: Given a URL, returns a unique 4-character long hash string
// Based on: FNV32a
// http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/index.html#FNV-reference-source
// The rest is custom, suited for µBlock.
var i1 = token.length;
var i2 = i1 >> 1;
var i4 = i1 >> 2;
var i8 = i1 >> 3;
var hval = (0x811c9dc5 ^ token.charCodeAt(0)) >>> 0;
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i8);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i4);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i4+i8);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i2);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i2+i8);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i2+i4);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval ^= token.charCodeAt(i1-1);
hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24);
hval >>>= 0;
hval &= mask;
if ( type === '@' ) {
hval |= 0x20000;
return String.fromCharCode(hval >>> 9, hval & 0x1FF);
FilterContainer.prototype.addPlainFilter = function(parsed) {
// Verify whether the plain selector is followed by extra selector stuff
if ( parsed.isPlainMore() ) {
return this.addPlainMoreFilter(parsed);
var f = new FilterPlain(parsed.suffix);
var hash = makeHash(parsed.filterType, parsed.suffix, this.genericHashMask);
this.addFilterEntry(this.genericFilters, hash, f);
this.acceptedCount += 1;
FilterContainer.prototype.addPlainMoreFilter = function(parsed) {
var selectorSuffix = parsed.extractPlain();
if ( selectorSuffix === '' ) {
var f = new FilterPlainMore(parsed.suffix);
var hash = makeHash(parsed.filterType, selectorSuffix, this.genericHashMask);
this.addFilterEntry(this.genericFilters, hash, f);
this.acceptedCount += 1;
FilterContainer.prototype.addHostnameFilter = function(hostname, parsed) {
var entries = parsed.filterType === '#' ?
this.hostnameHide :
var entry = entries[hostname];
if ( entry === undefined ) {
entry = entries[hostname] = {};
entry[parsed.suffix] = true;
FilterContainer.prototype.addEntityFilter = function(hostname, parsed) {
var entries = parsed.filterType === '#' ?
this.entityHide :
var entity = hostname.slice(0, -2);
var entry = entries[entity];
if ( entry === undefined ) {
entry = entries[entity] = {};
entry[parsed.suffix] = true;
FilterContainer.prototype.addSpecificFilter = function(parsed) {
var hostnames = parsed.hostnames;
var i = hostnames.length, hostname;
while ( i-- ) {
hostname = hostnames[i];
if ( !hostname ) {
// rhill 2014-07-13: new filter class: entity.
if ( hostname.slice(-2) === '.*' ) {
this.addEntityFilter(hostname, parsed);
} else {
this.addHostnameFilter(hostname, parsed);
this.acceptedCount += 1;
FilterContainer.prototype.addFilterEntry = function(filterDict, hash, f) {
var bucket = filterDict[hash];
if ( bucket === undefined ) {
filterDict[hash] = f;
} else if ( bucket instanceof FilterBucket ) {
} else {
filterDict[hash] = new FilterBucket(bucket, f);
FilterContainer.prototype.retrieveGenericSelectors = function(request) {
if ( µb.userSettings.parseAllABPHideFilters !== true ) {
if ( !request.selectors ) {
var r = {
hide: [],
donthide: [],
hideLowGenerics: this.hideLowGenerics,
hideLowGenericCount: this.hideLowGenericCount,
hideHighGenerics: this.hideHighGenerics,
donthideLowGenerics: this.donthideLowGenerics,
donthideLowGenericCount: this.donthideLowGenericCount,
donthideHighGenerics: this.donthideHighGenerics
var hash, bucket;
var hashMask = this.genericHashMask;
var hideSelectors = r.hide;
var selectors = request.selectors;
var i = selectors.length;
var selector;
while ( i-- ) {
selector = selectors[i];
if ( !selector ) {
hash = makeHash('#', selector, hashMask);
if ( bucket = this.genericFilters[hash] ) {
bucket.retrieve(selector, hideSelectors);
// 'µBlock> abp-hide-filters.js: %d selectors in => %d selectors out',
// request.selectors.length,
// r.hide.length + r.donthide.length
return r;
FilterContainer.prototype.retrieveDomainSelectors = function(request) {
if ( µb.userSettings.parseAllABPHideFilters !== true ) {
if ( !request.locationURL ) {
var hostname = µb.URI.hostnameFromURI(request.locationURL);
var domain = µb.URI.domainFromHostname(hostname);
var pos = domain.indexOf('.');
var r = {
domain: domain,
entity: pos === -1 ? domain : domain.slice(0, pos - domain.length),
hide: [],
donthide: []
var hash, bucket;
hash = makeHash('#', r.domain, this.domainHashMask);
if ( bucket = this.hostnameFilters[hash] ) {
bucket.retrieve(hostname, r.hide);
hash = makeHash('#', r.entity, this.domainHashMask);
if ( bucket = this.entityFilters[hash] ) {
bucket.retrieve(pos === -1 ? domain : hostname.slice(0, pos - domain.length), r.hide);
hash = makeHash('@', r.domain, this.domainHashMask);
if ( bucket = this.hostnameFilters[hash] ) {
bucket.retrieve(hostname, r.donthide);
// 'µBlock> abp-hide-filters.js: "%s" => %d selectors out',
// request.locationURL,
// r.hide.length + r.donthide.length
return r;
FilterContainer.prototype.getFilterCount = function() {
return this.acceptedCount;
return new FilterContainer();