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uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
if (
typeof vAPI === 'object' &&
typeof vAPI.DOMProceduralFilterer !== 'object'
) {
// >>>>>>>> start of local scope
// TODO: Experiment/evaluate loading procedural operator code using an
// on demand approach.
// 'P' stands for 'Procedural'
const PSelectorHasTextTask = class {
constructor(task) {
let arg0 = task[1], arg1;
if ( Array.isArray(task[1]) ) {
arg1 = arg0[1]; arg0 = arg0[0];
this.needle = new RegExp(arg0, arg1);
transpose(node, output) {
if ( this.needle.test(node.textContent) ) {
const PSelectorIfTask = class {
constructor(task) {
this.pselector = new PSelector(task[1]);
transpose(node, output) {
if ( this.pselector.test(node) === this.target ) {
PSelectorIfTask.prototype.target = true;
const PSelectorIfNotTask = class extends PSelectorIfTask {
PSelectorIfNotTask.prototype.target = false;
const PSelectorMatchesCSSTask = class {
constructor(task) {
this.name = task[1].name;
let arg0 = task[1].value, arg1;
if ( Array.isArray(arg0) ) {
arg1 = arg0[1]; arg0 = arg0[0];
this.value = new RegExp(arg0, arg1);
transpose(node, output) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(node, this.pseudo);
if ( style !== null && this.value.test(style[this.name]) ) {
PSelectorMatchesCSSTask.prototype.pseudo = null;
const PSelectorMatchesCSSAfterTask = class extends PSelectorMatchesCSSTask {
PSelectorMatchesCSSAfterTask.prototype.pseudo = ':after';
const PSelectorMatchesCSSBeforeTask = class extends PSelectorMatchesCSSTask {
PSelectorMatchesCSSBeforeTask.prototype.pseudo = ':before';
const PSelectorMinTextLengthTask = class {
constructor(task) {
this.min = task[1];
transpose(node, output) {
if ( node.textContent.length >= this.min ) {
const PSelectorMatchesPathTask = class {
constructor(task) {
let arg0 = task[1], arg1;
if ( Array.isArray(task[1]) ) {
arg1 = arg0[1]; arg0 = arg0[0];
this.needle = new RegExp(arg0, arg1);
transpose(node, output) {
if ( this.needle.test(self.location.pathname + self.location.search) ) {
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/31#issuecomment-302391277
// Prepend `:scope ` if needed.
const PSelectorSpathTask = class {
constructor(task) {
this.spath = task[1];
this.nth = /^(?:\s*[+~]|:)/.test(this.spath);
if ( this.nth ) { return; }
if ( /^\s*>/.test(this.spath) ) {
this.spath = `:scope ${this.spath.trim()}`;
qsa(node) {
if ( this.nth === false ) {
return node.querySelectorAll(this.spath);
const parent = node.parentElement;
if ( parent === null ) { return; }
let pos = 1;
for (;;) {
node = node.previousElementSibling;
if ( node === null ) { break; }
pos += 1;
return parent.querySelectorAll(
`:scope > :nth-child(${pos})${this.spath}`
transpose(node, output) {
const nodes = this.qsa(node);
if ( nodes === undefined ) { return; }
for ( const node of nodes ) {
const PSelectorUpwardTask = class {
constructor(task) {
const arg = task[1];
if ( typeof arg === 'number' ) {
this.i = arg;
} else {
this.s = arg;
transpose(node, output) {
if ( this.s !== '' ) {
const parent = node.parentElement;
if ( parent === null ) { return; }
node = parent.closest(this.s);
if ( node === null ) { return; }
} else {
let nth = this.i;
for (;;) {
node = node.parentElement;
if ( node === null ) { return; }
nth -= 1;
if ( nth === 0 ) { break; }
PSelectorUpwardTask.prototype.i = 0;
PSelectorUpwardTask.prototype.s = '';
const PSelectorWatchAttrs = class {
constructor(task) {
this.observer = null;
this.observed = new WeakSet();
this.observerOptions = {
attributes: true,
subtree: true,
const attrs = task[1];
if ( Array.isArray(attrs) && attrs.length !== 0 ) {
this.observerOptions.attributeFilter = task[1];
// TODO: Is it worth trying to re-apply only the current selector?
handler() {
const filterer =
vAPI.domFilterer && vAPI.domFilterer.proceduralFilterer;
if ( filterer instanceof Object ) {
filterer.onDOMChanged([ null ]);
transpose(node, output) {
if ( this.observed.has(node) ) { return; }
if ( this.observer === null ) {
this.observer = new MutationObserver(this.handler);
this.observer.observe(node, this.observerOptions);
const PSelectorXpathTask = class {
constructor(task) {
this.xpe = document.createExpression(task[1], null);
this.xpr = null;
transpose(node, output) {
this.xpr = this.xpe.evaluate(
let j = this.xpr.snapshotLength;
while ( j-- ) {
const node = this.xpr.snapshotItem(j);
if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
const PSelector = class {
constructor(o) {
if ( PSelector.prototype.operatorToTaskMap === undefined ) {
PSelector.prototype.operatorToTaskMap = new Map([
[ ':has', PSelectorIfTask ],
[ ':has-text', PSelectorHasTextTask ],
[ ':if', PSelectorIfTask ],
[ ':if-not', PSelectorIfNotTask ],
[ ':matches-css', PSelectorMatchesCSSTask ],
[ ':matches-css-after', PSelectorMatchesCSSAfterTask ],
[ ':matches-css-before', PSelectorMatchesCSSBeforeTask ],
[ ':matches-path', PSelectorMatchesPathTask ],
[ ':min-text-length', PSelectorMinTextLengthTask ],
[ ':not', PSelectorIfNotTask ],
[ ':nth-ancestor', PSelectorUpwardTask ],
[ ':spath', PSelectorSpathTask ],
[ ':upward', PSelectorUpwardTask ],
[ ':watch-attr', PSelectorWatchAttrs ],
[ ':xpath', PSelectorXpathTask ],
this.raw = o.raw;
this.selector = o.selector;
this.tasks = [];
const tasks = o.tasks;
if ( Array.isArray(tasks) === false ) { return; }
for ( const task of tasks ) {
new (this.operatorToTaskMap.get(task[0]))(task)
prime(input) {
const root = input || document;
if ( this.selector === '' ) { return [ root ]; }
return Array.from(root.querySelectorAll(this.selector));
exec(input) {
let nodes = this.prime(input);
for ( const task of this.tasks ) {
if ( nodes.length === 0 ) { break; }
const transposed = [];
for ( const node of nodes ) {
task.transpose(node, transposed);
nodes = transposed;
return nodes;
test(input) {
const nodes = this.prime(input);
for ( const node of nodes ) {
let output = [ node ];
for ( const task of this.tasks ) {
const transposed = [];
for ( const node of output ) {
task.transpose(node, transposed);
output = transposed;
if ( output.length === 0 ) { break; }
if ( output.length !== 0 ) { return true; }
return false;
PSelector.prototype.operatorToTaskMap = undefined;
const PSelectorRoot = class extends PSelector {
constructor(o, styleToken) {
this.budget = 200; // I arbitrary picked a 1/5 second
this.raw = o.raw;
this.cost = 0;
this.lastAllowanceTime = 0;
this.styleToken = styleToken;
PSelectorRoot.prototype.hit = false;
const ProceduralFilterer = class {
constructor(domFilterer) {
this.domFilterer = domFilterer;
this.domIsReady = false;
this.domIsWatched = false;
this.mustApplySelectors = false;
this.selectors = new Map();
this.masterToken = vAPI.randomToken();
this.styleTokenMap = new Map();
this.styledNodes = new Set();
if ( vAPI.domWatcher instanceof Object ) {
addProceduralSelectors(selectors) {
const addedSelectors = [];
let mustCommit = this.domIsWatched;
for ( const selector of selectors ) {
if ( this.selectors.has(selector.raw) ) { continue; }
let style, styleToken;
if ( selector.action === undefined ) {
style = vAPI.hideStyle;
} else if ( selector.action[0] === ':style' ) {
style = selector.action[1];
if ( style !== undefined ) {
styleToken = this.styleTokenFromStyle(style);
const pselector = new PSelectorRoot(selector, styleToken);
this.selectors.set(selector.raw, pselector);
mustCommit = true;
if ( mustCommit === false ) { return; }
this.mustApplySelectors = this.selectors.size !== 0;
if ( this.domFilterer.hasListeners() ) {
procedural: addedSelectors
commitNow() {
if ( this.selectors.size === 0 || this.domIsReady === false ) {
this.mustApplySelectors = false;
//console.time('procedural selectors/dom layout changed');
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/341
// Be ready to unhide nodes which no longer matches any of
// the procedural selectors.
const toUnstyle = this.styledNodes;
this.styledNodes = new Set();
let t0 = Date.now();
for ( const pselector of this.selectors.values() ) {
const allowance = Math.floor((t0 - pselector.lastAllowanceTime) / 2000);
if ( allowance >= 1 ) {
pselector.budget += allowance * 50;
if ( pselector.budget > 200 ) { pselector.budget = 200; }
pselector.lastAllowanceTime = t0;
if ( pselector.budget <= 0 ) { continue; }
const nodes = pselector.exec();
const t1 = Date.now();
pselector.budget += t0 - t1;
if ( pselector.budget < -500 ) {
console.info('uBO: disabling %s', pselector.raw);
pselector.budget = -0x7FFFFFFF;
t0 = t1;
if ( nodes.length === 0 ) { continue; }
pselector.hit = true;
this.styleNodes(nodes, pselector.styleToken);
//console.timeEnd('procedural selectors/dom layout changed');
styleTokenFromStyle(style) {
if ( style === undefined ) { return; }
let styleToken = this.styleTokenMap.get(style);
if ( styleToken !== undefined ) { return styleToken; }
styleToken = vAPI.randomToken();
this.styleTokenMap.set(style, styleToken);
{ silent: true, mustInject: true }
return styleToken;
styleNodes(nodes, styleToken) {
if ( styleToken === undefined ) {
for ( const node of nodes ) {
node.textContent = '';
for ( const node of nodes ) {
node.setAttribute(this.masterToken, '');
node.setAttribute(styleToken, '');
// TODO: Current assumption is one style per hit element. Could be an
// issue if an element has multiple styling and one styling is
// brough back. Possibly too rare to care about this for now.
unstyleNodes(nodes) {
for ( const node of nodes ) {
if ( this.styledNodes.has(node) ) { continue; }
createProceduralFilter(o) {
return new PSelectorRoot(o);
onDOMCreated() {
this.domIsReady = true;
onDOMChanged(addedNodes, removedNodes) {
if ( this.selectors.size === 0 ) { return; }
this.mustApplySelectors =
this.mustApplySelectors ||
addedNodes.length !== 0 ||
vAPI.DOMProceduralFilterer = ProceduralFilterer;
// >>>>>>>> end of local scope
- Remove the following code
- Add code beyond the following code
- https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/pull/3721
- uBO never uses the return value from injected content scripts
void 0;