mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-10-06 09:37:12 +02:00
Raymond Hill b163097399
[mv3] Extend scriplet filtering support to all scriptlets
Source code of scriplets is now fetched directly from uBO
project, so there is no longer the need to keep duplicate
versions of scriplet code.

All scriplet filters are now supported.
2023-06-02 17:04:15 -04:00

1219 lines
40 KiB

uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2022-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import https from 'https';
import path from 'path';
import process from 'process';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import redirectResourcesMap from './js/redirect-resources.js';
import { dnrRulesetFromRawLists } from './js/static-dnr-filtering.js';
import { fnameFromFileId } from './js/utils.js';
import * as sfp from './js/static-filtering-parser.js';
import * as makeScriptlet from './make-scriptlets.js';
const commandLineArgs = (( ) => {
const args = new Map();
let name, value;
for ( const arg of process.argv.slice(2) ) {
const pos = arg.indexOf('=');
if ( pos === -1 ) {
name = arg;
value = '';
} else {
name = arg.slice(0, pos);
value = arg.slice(pos+1);
args.set(name, value);
return args;
const outputDir = commandLineArgs.get('output') || '.';
const cacheDir = `${outputDir}/../mv3-data`;
const rulesetDir = `${outputDir}/rulesets`;
const scriptletDir = `${rulesetDir}/scripting`;
const env = [
const jsonSetMapReplacer = (k, v) => {
if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) {
if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
return v;
const uidint32 = (s) => {
const h = createHash('sha256').update(s).digest('hex').slice(0,8);
return parseInt(h,16) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
const hnSort = (a, b) =>
const stdOutput = [];
const log = (text, silent = false) => {
if ( silent === false ) {
const urlToFileName = url => {
return url
.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
const fetchList = (url, cacheDir) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fname = urlToFileName(url);
fs.readFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(content => {
log(`\tFetched local ${url}`);
resolve({ url, content });
}).catch(( ) => {
log(`\tFetching remote ${url}`);
https.get(url, response => {
const data = [];
response.on('data', chunk => {
response.on('end', ( ) => {
const content = data.join('');
try {
writeFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, content);
} catch (ex) {
resolve({ url, content });
}).on('error', error => {
const writeFile = async (fname, data) => {
const dir = path.dirname(fname);
await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true });
const promise = fs.writeFile(fname, data);
return promise;
const copyFile = async (from, to) => {
const dir = path.dirname(to);
await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true });
const promise = fs.copyFile(from, to);
return promise;
const writeOps = [];
const ruleResources = [];
const rulesetDetails = [];
const declarativeDetails = new Map();
const proceduralDetails = new Map();
const scriptletStats = new Map();
const specificDetails = new Map();
const genericDetails = new Map();
const requiredRedirectResources = new Set();
async function fetchAsset(assetDetails) {
// Remember fetched URLs
const fetchedURLs = new Set();
// Fetch list and expand `!#include` directives
let parts = assetDetails.urls.map(url => ({ url }));
while ( parts.every(v => typeof v === 'string') === false ) {
const newParts = [];
for ( const part of parts ) {
if ( typeof part === 'string' ) {
if ( fetchedURLs.has(part.url) ) {
fetchList(part.url, cacheDir).then(details => {
const { url } = details;
const content = details.content.trim();
if ( typeof content === 'string' && content !== '' ) {
if (
content.startsWith('<') === false ||
content.endsWith('>') === false
) {
return { url, content };
log(`No valid content for ${details.name}`);
return { url, content: '' };
parts = await Promise.all(newParts);
parts = sfp.utils.preparser.expandIncludes(parts, env);
const text = parts.join('\n');
if ( text === '' ) {
log('No filterset found');
return text;
const isUnsupported = rule =>
rule._error !== undefined;
const isRegex = rule =>
rule.condition !== undefined &&
rule.condition.regexFilter !== undefined;
const isRedirect = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'redirect' &&
rule.action.redirect.extensionPath !== undefined;
const isCsp = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'modifyHeaders';
const isRemoveparam = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'redirect' &&
rule.action.redirect.transform !== undefined;
const isGood = rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
isRedirect(rule) === false &&
isCsp(rule) === false &&
isRemoveparam(rule) === false;
async function processNetworkFilters(assetDetails, network) {
const replacer = (k, v) => {
if ( k.startsWith('_') ) { return; }
if ( Array.isArray(v) ) {
return v.sort();
if ( v instanceof Object ) {
const sorted = {};
for ( const kk of Object.keys(v).sort() ) {
sorted[kk] = v[kk];
return sorted;
return v;
const { ruleset: rules } = network;
log(`Input filter count: ${network.filterCount}`);
log(`\tAccepted filter count: ${network.acceptedFilterCount}`);
log(`\tRejected filter count: ${network.rejectedFilterCount}`);
log(`Output rule count: ${rules.length}`);
const plainGood = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule) === false);
log(`\tPlain good: ${plainGood.length}`);
.filter(rule => Array.isArray(rule._warning))
.map(rule => rule._warning.map(v => `\t\t${v}`))
const regexes = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule));
log(`\tMaybe good (regexes): ${regexes.length}`);
const redirects = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
redirects.forEach(rule => {
rule.action.redirect.extensionPath.replace(/^\/+/, '')
log(`\tredirect=: ${redirects.length}`);
const removeparamsGood = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false && isRemoveparam(rule)
const removeparamsBad = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) && isRemoveparam(rule)
log(`\tremoveparams= (accepted/discarded): ${removeparamsGood.length}/${removeparamsBad.length}`);
const csps = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
log(`\tcsp=: ${csps.length}`);
const bad = rules.filter(rule =>
log(`\tUnsupported: ${bad.length}`);
log(bad.map(rule => rule._error.map(v => `\t\t${v}`)).join('\n'), true);
`${JSON.stringify(plainGood, replacer, 1)}\n`
if ( regexes.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(regexes, replacer, 1)}\n`
if ( removeparamsGood.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(removeparamsGood, replacer, 1)}\n`
if ( redirects.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(redirects, replacer, 1)}\n`
if ( csps.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(csps, replacer, 1)}\n`
return {
total: rules.length,
plain: plainGood.length,
discarded: removeparamsBad.length,
rejected: bad.length,
regex: regexes.length,
removeparam: removeparamsGood.length,
redirect: redirects.length,
csp: csps.length,
// TODO: unify css/scriptlet processing code since now css styles are
// injected using scriptlet injection.
// Load all available scriptlets into a key-val map, where the key is the
// scriptlet token, and val is the whole content of the file.
const scriptletDealiasingMap = new Map();
let scriptletsMapPromise;
function loadAllSourceScriptlets() {
if ( scriptletsMapPromise !== undefined ) {
return scriptletsMapPromise;
scriptletsMapPromise = fs.readdir('./scriptlets').then(files => {
const reScriptletNameOrAlias = /^\/\/\/\s+(?:name|alias)\s+(\S+)/gm;
const readPromises = [];
for ( const file of files ) {
fs.readFile(`./scriptlets/${file}`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
return Promise.all(readPromises).then(results => {
const originalScriptletMap = new Map();
for ( const text of results ) {
const aliasSet = new Set();
for (;;) {
const match = reScriptletNameOrAlias.exec(text);
if ( match === null ) { break; }
if ( aliasSet.size === 0 ) { continue; }
const aliases = Array.from(aliasSet);
originalScriptletMap.set(aliases[0], text);
for ( let i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++ ) {
scriptletDealiasingMap.set(aliases[i], aliases[0]);
return originalScriptletMap;
return scriptletsMapPromise;
const globalPatchedScriptletsSet = new Set();
function addScriptingAPIResources(id, hostnames, fid) {
if ( hostnames === undefined ) { return; }
for ( const hn of hostnames ) {
let hostnamesToFidMap = specificDetails.get(id);
if ( hostnamesToFidMap === undefined ) {
hostnamesToFidMap = new Map();
specificDetails.set(id, hostnamesToFidMap);
let fids = hostnamesToFidMap.get(hn);
if ( fids === undefined ) {
hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fid);
} else if ( fids instanceof Set ) {
} else if ( fid !== fids ) {
fids = new Set([ fids, fid ]);
hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fids);
const toCSSSpecific = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b00;
const pathFromFileName = fname => `${fname.slice(-1)}/${fname.slice(0,-1)}.js`;
async function processGenericCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, bucketsMap, exclusions) {
const out = {
count: 0,
exclusionCount: 0,
if ( bucketsMap === undefined ) { return out; }
if ( bucketsMap.size === 0 ) { return out; }
const bucketsList = Array.from(bucketsMap);
const count = bucketsList.reduce((a, v) => a += v[1].length, 0);
if ( count === 0 ) { return out; }
out.count = count;
const selectorLists = bucketsList.map(v => [ v[0], v[1].join(',') ]);
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-generic')
`${JSON.stringify(selectorLists, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
genericDetails.set(assetDetails.id, exclusions.sort());
log(`CSS-generic: ${count} plain CSS selectors`);
return out;
// This merges selectors which are used by the same hostnames
function groupSelectorsByHostnames(mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return []; }
const merged = new Map();
for ( const [ selector, details ] of mapin ) {
if ( details.rejected ) { continue; }
const json = JSON.stringify(details);
let entries = merged.get(json);
if ( entries === undefined ) {
entries = new Set();
merged.set(json, entries);
const out = [];
for ( const [ json, entries ] of merged ) {
const details = JSON.parse(json);
details.selectors = Array.from(entries).sort();
return out;
// This merges hostnames which have the same set of selectors.
// Also, we sort the hostnames to increase likelihood that selector with
// same hostnames will end up in same generated scriptlet.
function groupHostnamesBySelectors(arrayin) {
const contentMap = new Map();
for ( const entry of arrayin ) {
const id = uidint32(JSON.stringify(entry.selectors));
let details = contentMap.get(id);
if ( details === undefined ) {
details = { a: entry.selectors };
contentMap.set(id, details);
if ( entry.matches !== undefined ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) {
details.y = new Set();
for ( const hn of entry.matches ) {
if ( entry.excludeMatches !== undefined ) {
if ( details.n === undefined ) {
details.n = new Set();
for ( const hn of entry.excludeMatches ) {
const out = Array.from(contentMap).map(a => [
a[0], {
a: a[1].a,
y: a[1].y ? Array.from(a[1].y).sort(hnSort) : undefined,
n: a[1].n ? Array.from(a[1].n) : undefined,
]).sort((a, b) => {
const ha = Array.isArray(a[1].y) ? a[1].y[0] : '*';
const hb = Array.isArray(b[1].y) ? b[1].y[0] : '*';
return hnSort(ha, hb);
return out;
const scriptletHostnameToIdMap = (hostnames, id, map) => {
for ( const hn of hostnames ) {
const existing = map.get(hn);
if ( existing === undefined ) {
map.set(hn, id);
} else if ( Array.isArray(existing) ) {
} else {
map.set(hn, [ existing, id ]);
const scriptletJsonReplacer = (k, v) => {
if ( k === 'n' ) {
if ( v === undefined || v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) {
if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
return v;
function argsMap2List(argsMap, hostnamesMap) {
const argsList = [];
const indexMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of argsMap ) {
indexMap.set(id, argsList.length);
for ( const [ hn, ids ] of hostnamesMap ) {
if ( typeof ids === 'number' ) {
hostnamesMap.set(hn, indexMap.get(ids));
for ( let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ) {
ids[i] = indexMap.get(ids[i]);
return argsList;
function splitDomainAndEntity(mapin) {
const domainBased = new Map();
const entityBased = new Map();
for ( const [ selector, domainDetails ] of mapin ) {
domainBased.set(selector, domainDetails);
if ( domainDetails.rejected ) { continue; }
if ( Array.isArray(domainDetails.matches) === false ) { continue; }
const domainMatches = [];
const entityMatches = [];
for ( const hn of domainDetails.matches ) {
if ( hn.endsWith('.*') ) {
entityMatches.push(hn.slice(0, -2));
} else {
if ( entityMatches.length === 0 ) { continue; }
if ( domainMatches.length !== 0 ) {
domainDetails.matches = domainMatches;
} else {
const entityDetails = {
matches: entityMatches,
if ( Array.isArray(domainDetails.excludeMatches) ) {
entityDetails.excludeMatches = domainDetails.excludeMatches.slice();
entityBased.set(selector, entityDetails);
return { domainBased, entityBased };
async function processCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return; }
const { domainBased, entityBased } = splitDomainAndEntity(mapin);
const entityBasedEntries = groupHostnamesBySelectors(
const domainBasedEntries = groupHostnamesBySelectors(
// We do not want more than n CSS files per subscription, so we will
// group multiple unrelated selectors in the same file, and distinct
// css declarations will be injected programmatically according to the
// hostname of the current document.
// The cosmetic filters will be injected programmatically as content
// script and the decisions to activate the cosmetic filters will be
// done at injection time according to the document's hostname.
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const generatedFiles = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < domainBasedEntries.length; i += MAX_COSMETIC_FILTERS_PER_FILE ) {
const slice = domainBasedEntries.slice(i, i + MAX_COSMETIC_FILTERS_PER_FILE);
const argsMap = slice.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.join(',\n') : undefined,
n: entry[1].n
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of slice ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap);
const argsList = argsMap2List(argsMap, hostnamesMap);
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific')
`${JSON.stringify(argsList, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
const fid = toCSSSpecific(patchedScriptlet);
if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) {
const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid);
writeFile(`${scriptletDir}/specific/${pathFromFileName(fname)}`, patchedScriptlet);
for ( const entry of slice ) {
addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, entry[1].y, fid);
// For entity-based entries, we generate a single scriptlet which will be
// injected only in Complete mode.
if ( entityBasedEntries.length !== 0 ) {
const argsMap = entityBasedEntries.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.join(',') : undefined,
n: entry[1].n,
const entitiesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of entityBasedEntries ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, entitiesMap);
const argsList = argsMap2List(argsMap, entitiesMap);
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific.entity')
`${JSON.stringify(argsList, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(entitiesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
const fname = `${assetDetails.id}`;
writeFile(`${scriptletDir}/specific-entity/${fname}.js`, patchedScriptlet);
if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) {
log(`CSS-specific domain-based: ${domainBased.size} distinct filters`);
log(`\tCombined into ${domainBasedEntries.length} distinct entries`);
log(`CSS-specific entity-based: ${entityBased.size} distinct filters`);
log(`\tCombined into ${entityBasedEntries.length} distinct entries`);
log(`CSS-specific injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`);
log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`);
return {
domainBased: domainBasedEntries.length,
entityBased: entityBasedEntries.length,
async function processDeclarativeCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; }
if ( mapin.size === 0 ) { return 0; }
// Distinguish declarative-compiled-as-procedural from actual procedural.
const declaratives = new Map();
mapin.forEach((details, jsonSelector) => {
const selector = JSON.parse(jsonSelector);
if ( selector.cssable !== true ) { return; }
declaratives.set(jsonSelector, details);
if ( declaratives.size === 0 ) { return 0; }
const contentArray = groupHostnamesBySelectors(
const argsMap = contentArray.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a,
n: entry[1].n,
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of contentArray ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap);
const argsList = argsMap2List(argsMap, hostnamesMap);
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-declarative')
`${JSON.stringify(argsList, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
writeFile(`${scriptletDir}/declarative/${assetDetails.id}.js`, patchedScriptlet);
const hostnames = new Set();
for ( const entry of contentArray ) {
if ( Array.isArray(entry[1].y) === false ) { continue; }
for ( const hn of entry[1].y ) {
if ( hostnames.has('*') ) {
declarativeDetails.set(assetDetails.id, Array.from(hostnames).sort());
if ( contentArray.length !== 0 ) {
log(`Declarative-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`);
return contentArray.length;
async function processProceduralCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; }
if ( mapin.size === 0 ) { return 0; }
// Distinguish declarative-compiled-as-procedural from actual procedural.
const procedurals = new Map();
mapin.forEach((details, jsonSelector) => {
const selector = JSON.parse(jsonSelector);
if ( selector.cssable ) { return; }
procedurals.set(jsonSelector, details);
if ( procedurals.size === 0 ) { return 0; }
const contentArray = groupHostnamesBySelectors(
const argsMap = contentArray.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a,
n: entry[1].n,
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of contentArray ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap);
const argsList = argsMap2List(argsMap, hostnamesMap);
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-procedural')
`${JSON.stringify(argsList, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
writeFile(`${scriptletDir}/procedural/${assetDetails.id}.js`, patchedScriptlet);
const hostnames = new Set();
for ( const entry of contentArray ) {
if ( Array.isArray(entry[1].y) === false ) { continue; }
for ( const hn of entry[1].y ) {
if ( hostnames.has('*') ) {
proceduralDetails.set(assetDetails.id, Array.from(hostnames).sort());
if ( contentArray.length !== 0 ) {
log(`Procedural-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`);
return contentArray.length;
async function processScriptletFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return; }
for ( const details of mapin.values() ) {
makeScriptlet.compile(details, assetDetails.isTrusted);
const stats = await makeScriptlet.commit(
if ( stats.length !== 0 ) {
scriptletStats.set(assetDetails.id, stats);
return { domainBasedTokens: stats.length };
async function rulesetFromURLs(assetDetails) {
log(`Listset for '${assetDetails.id}':`);
if ( assetDetails.text === undefined ) {
const text = await fetchAsset(assetDetails);
if ( text === '' ) { return; }
assetDetails.text = text;
const extensionPaths = [];
for ( const [ fname, details ] of redirectResourcesMap ) {
const path = `/web_accessible_resources/${fname}`;
extensionPaths.push([ fname, path ]);
if ( details.alias === undefined ) { continue; }
if ( typeof details.alias === 'string' ) {
extensionPaths.push([ details.alias, path ]);
if ( Array.isArray(details.alias) === false ) { continue; }
for ( const alias of details.alias ) {
extensionPaths.push([ alias, path ]);
const results = await dnrRulesetFromRawLists(
[ { name: assetDetails.id, text: assetDetails.text } ],
{ env, extensionPaths }
const netStats = await processNetworkFilters(
// Split cosmetic filters into two groups: declarative and procedural
const declarativeCosmetic = new Map();
const proceduralCosmetic = new Map();
const rejectedCosmetic = [];
if ( results.specificCosmetic ) {
for ( const [ selector, details ] of results.specificCosmetic ) {
if ( details.rejected ) {
if ( selector.startsWith('{') === false ) {
declarativeCosmetic.set(selector, details);
const parsed = JSON.parse(selector);
const matches =
details.matches.filter(hn => hn.endsWith('.*') === false);
if ( matches.length === 0 ) {
rejectedCosmetic.push(`Entity-based filter not supported: ${parsed.raw}`);
details.matches = matches;
parsed.raw = undefined;
proceduralCosmetic.set(JSON.stringify(parsed), details);
if ( rejectedCosmetic.length !== 0 ) {
log(`Rejected cosmetic filters: ${rejectedCosmetic.length}`);
log(rejectedCosmetic.map(line => `\t${line}`).join('\n'), true);
const genericCosmeticStats = await processGenericCosmeticFilters(
results.network.generichideExclusions.filter(hn => hn.endsWith('.*') === false)
const specificCosmeticStats = await processCosmeticFilters(
const declarativeStats = await processDeclarativeCosmeticFilters(
const proceduralStats = await processProceduralCosmeticFilters(
const scriptletStats = await processScriptletFilters(
id: assetDetails.id,
name: assetDetails.name,
enabled: assetDetails.enabled,
lang: assetDetails.lang,
homeURL: assetDetails.homeURL,
filters: {
total: results.network.filterCount,
accepted: results.network.acceptedFilterCount,
rejected: results.network.rejectedFilterCount,
rules: {
total: netStats.total,
plain: netStats.plain,
regex: netStats.regex,
removeparam: netStats.removeparam,
redirect: netStats.redirect,
csp: netStats.csp,
discarded: netStats.discarded,
rejected: netStats.rejected,
css: {
generic: genericCosmeticStats,
specific: specificCosmeticStats,
declarative: declarativeStats,
procedural: proceduralStats,
scriptlets: scriptletStats,
id: assetDetails.id,
enabled: assetDetails.enabled,
path: `/rulesets/main/${assetDetails.id}.json`
async function main() {
// Get manifest content
const manifest = await fs.readFile(
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
).then(text =>
// Create unique version number according to build time
let version = manifest.version;
const now = new Date();
const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000;
const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000;
const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10;
const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1;
version += `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`;
log(`Version: ${version}`);
// Get assets.json content
const assets = await fs.readFile(
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
).then(text =>
// Assemble all default lists as the default ruleset
const contentURLs = [
await rulesetFromURLs({
id: 'default',
name: 'Ads, trackers, miners, and more' ,
enabled: true,
urls: contentURLs,
homeURL: 'https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets',
isTrusted: true,
// Regional rulesets
const excludedLists = [
// Merge lists which have same target languages
const langToListsMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, asset ] of Object.entries(assets) ) {
if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; }
if ( asset.off !== true ) { continue; }
if ( typeof asset.lang !== 'string' ) { continue; }
if ( excludedLists.includes(id) ) { continue; }
let ids = langToListsMap.get(asset.lang);
if ( ids === undefined ) {
langToListsMap.set(asset.lang, ids = []);
for ( const ids of langToListsMap.values() ) {
const urls = [];
for ( const id of ids ) {
const asset = assets[id];
const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL)
? asset.contentURL[0]
: asset.contentURL;
const id = ids[0];
const asset = assets[id];
await rulesetFromURLs({
id: id.toLowerCase(),
lang: asset.lang,
name: asset.title,
enabled: false,
homeURL: asset.supportURL,
// Handpicked rulesets from assets.json
const handpicked = [ 'block-lan', 'dpollock-0', 'adguard-spyware-url' ];
for ( const id of handpicked ) {
const asset = assets[id];
if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; }
const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL)
? asset.contentURL[0]
: asset.contentURL;
await rulesetFromURLs({
id: id.toLowerCase(),
name: asset.title,
enabled: false,
urls: [ contentURL ],
homeURL: asset.supportURL,
// Handpicked rulesets from abroad
await rulesetFromURLs({
id: 'stevenblack-hosts',
name: 'Steven Black\'s hosts file',
enabled: false,
urls: [ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts' ],
homeURL: 'https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts#readme',
`${JSON.stringify(rulesetDetails, null, 1)}\n`
// We sort the hostnames for convenience/performance in the extension's
// script manager -- the scripting API does a sort() internally.
for ( const [ rulesetId, hostnamesToFidsMap ] of specificDetails ) {
`${JSON.stringify(specificDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer)}\n`
`${JSON.stringify(declarativeDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer, 1)}\n`
`${JSON.stringify(proceduralDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer, 1)}\n`
`${JSON.stringify(scriptletStats, jsonSetMapReplacer, 1)}\n`
`${JSON.stringify(genericDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer, 1)}\n`
// Copy required redirect resources
for ( const path of requiredRedirectResources ) {
copyFile(`./${path}`, `${outputDir}/${path}`);
await Promise.all(writeOps);
// Patch manifest
// Patch declarative_net_request key
manifest.declarative_net_request = { rule_resources: ruleResources };
// Patch web_accessible_resources key
const web_accessible_resources = {
resources: Array.from(requiredRedirectResources).map(path => `/${path}`),
matches: [ '<all_urls>' ],
if ( commandLineArgs.get('platform') === 'chromium' ) {
web_accessible_resources.use_dynamic_url = true;
manifest.web_accessible_resources = [ web_accessible_resources ];
// Patch version key
const now = new Date();
const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000;
const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000;
const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10;
const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1;
manifest.version = manifest.version + `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`;
// Commit changes
await fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) + '\n'
// Log results
const logContent = stdOutput.join('\n') + '\n';
await fs.writeFile(`${outputDir}/log.txt`, logContent);
await fs.writeFile(`${cacheDir}/log.txt`, logContent);