diff --git a/The-network-request-logger.md b/The-network-request-logger.md index 8857ffb..e8c8cc4 100644 --- a/The-network-request-logger.md +++ b/The-network-request-logger.md @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ You can filter entries in the logger using filter expressions. Log entries which - When more than one filter expression appear, a logical _and_ between the expressions is implied. - You can _or_ multiple expressions together: - `css || image` means display entries which match either `css` or `image`. + - `xhr || |other |http:` means display entries which match either `xhr` or `other` and have a field which starts with `http:`. - `!css || image` means display entries which do not match either `css` or `images` (equivalent to `!css !image` really). - Warning: With _or_'ed expressions, the _not_ (`!`) operator can only apply to the resulting _or_'ed expression. - A special keyword can be used to filter behind-the-scene requests: `bts`, or `|bts` for a stricter filtering.