mirror of https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp.git synced 2024-10-06 09:27:08 +02:00

[Youtube] Rewrite comment extraction (#167)

Closes #121

* Add an option for the user to specify newest/popular and max number of comments
* Refactor the download code and generalize with TabIE
* Parse time_text to timestamp
This commit is contained in:
Matthew 2021-03-14 22:41:11 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent ca87974543
commit a1c5d2ca64
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 300 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ class InfoExtractor(object):
properties (all but one of text or html optional):
* "author" - human-readable name of the comment author
* "author_id" - user ID of the comment author
* "author_thumbnail" - The thumbnail of the comment author
* "id" - Comment ID
* "html" - Comment as HTML
* "text" - Plain text of the comment
@ -271,6 +272,12 @@ class InfoExtractor(object):
* "parent" - ID of the comment this one is replying to.
Set to "root" to indicate that this is a
comment to the original video.
* "like_count" - Number of positive ratings of the comment
* "dislike_count" - Number of negative ratings of the comment
* "is_favorited" - Whether the comment is marked as
favorite by the video uploader
* "author_is_uploader" - Whether the comment is made by
the video uploader
age_limit: Age restriction for the video, as an integer (years)
webpage_url: The URL to the video webpage, if given to yt-dlp it
should allow to get the same result again. (It will be set

View File

@ -272,15 +272,21 @@ def _real_initialize(self):
if not self._login():
_YT_WEB_CLIENT_VERSION = '2.20210301.08.00'
'context': {
'client': {
'clientName': 'WEB',
'clientVersion': '2.20210301.08.00',
'clientVersion': _YT_WEB_CLIENT_VERSION,
'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '1',
'X-YouTube-Client-Version': _YT_WEB_CLIENT_VERSION
_YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE = r'(?:window\s*\[\s*["\']ytInitialData["\']\s*\]|ytInitialData)\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;'
_YT_INITIAL_PLAYER_RESPONSE_RE = r'ytInitialPlayerResponse\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;'
_YT_INITIAL_BOUNDARY_RE = r'(?:var\s+meta|</script|\n)'
@ -315,6 +321,27 @@ def _extract_yt_initial_data(self, video_id, webpage):
self._YT_INITIAL_DATA_RE), webpage, 'yt initial data'),
def _extract_identity_token(self, webpage, item_id):
ytcfg = self._extract_ytcfg(item_id, webpage)
if ytcfg:
token = try_get(ytcfg, lambda x: x['ID_TOKEN'], compat_str)
if token:
return token
return self._search_regex(
r'\bID_TOKEN["\']\s*:\s*["\'](.+?)["\']', webpage,
'identity token', default=None)
def _extract_account_syncid(data):
"""Extract syncId required to download private playlists of secondary channels"""
sync_ids = (
try_get(data, lambda x: x['responseContext']['mainAppWebResponseContext']['datasyncId'], compat_str)
or '').split("||")
if len(sync_ids) >= 2 and sync_ids[1]:
# datasyncid is of the form "channel_syncid||user_syncid" for secondary channel
# and just "user_syncid||" for primary channel. We only want the channel_syncid
return sync_ids[0]
def _extract_ytcfg(self, video_id, webpage):
return self._parse_json(
@ -1462,6 +1489,270 @@ def _extract_yt_initial_variable(self, webpage, regex, video_id, name):
(r'%s\s*%s' % (regex, self._YT_INITIAL_BOUNDARY_RE),
regex), webpage, name, default='{}'), video_id, fatal=False)
def _join_text_entries(runs):
text = None
for run in runs:
if not isinstance(run, dict):
sub_text = try_get(run, lambda x: x['text'], compat_str)
if sub_text:
if not text:
text = sub_text
text += sub_text
return text
def _extract_comment(self, comment_renderer, parent=None):
comment_id = comment_renderer.get('commentId')
if not comment_id:
comment_text_runs = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['contentText']['runs']) or []
text = self._join_text_entries(comment_text_runs) or ''
comment_time_text = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['publishedTimeText']['runs']) or []
time_text = self._join_text_entries(comment_time_text)
author = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['authorText']['simpleText'], compat_str)
author_id = try_get(comment_renderer,
lambda x: x['authorEndpoint']['browseEndpoint']['browseId'], compat_str)
votes = str_to_int(try_get(comment_renderer, (lambda x: x['voteCount']['simpleText'],
lambda x: x['likeCount']), compat_str)) or 0
author_thumbnail = try_get(comment_renderer,
lambda x: x['authorThumbnail']['thumbnails'][-1]['url'], compat_str)
author_is_uploader = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['authorIsChannelOwner'], bool)
is_liked = try_get(comment_renderer, lambda x: x['isLiked'], bool)
return {
'id': comment_id,
'text': text,
# TODO: This should be parsed to timestamp
'time_text': time_text,
'like_count': votes,
'is_favorited': is_liked,
'author': author,
'author_id': author_id,
'author_thumbnail': author_thumbnail,
'author_is_uploader': author_is_uploader,
'parent': parent or 'root'
def _comment_entries(self, root_continuation_data, identity_token, account_syncid,
session_token_list, parent=None, comment_counts=None):
def extract_thread(parent_renderer):
contents = try_get(parent_renderer, lambda x: x['contents'], list) or []
if not parent:
comment_counts[2] = 0
for content in contents:
comment_thread_renderer = try_get(content, lambda x: x['commentThreadRenderer'])
comment_renderer = try_get(
comment_thread_renderer, (lambda x: x['comment']['commentRenderer'], dict)) or try_get(
content, (lambda x: x['commentRenderer'], dict))
if not comment_renderer:
comment = self._extract_comment(comment_renderer, parent)
if not comment:
comment_counts[0] += 1
yield comment
# Attempt to get the replies
comment_replies_renderer = try_get(
comment_thread_renderer, lambda x: x['replies']['commentRepliesRenderer'], dict)
if comment_replies_renderer:
comment_counts[2] += 1
comment_entries_iter = self._comment_entries(
comment_replies_renderer, identity_token, account_syncid,
parent=comment.get('id'), session_token_list=session_token_list,
for reply_comment in comment_entries_iter:
yield reply_comment
if not comment_counts:
# comment so far, est. total comments, current comment thread #
comment_counts = [0, 0, 0]
headers = self._DEFAULT_BASIC_API_HEADERS.copy()
# TODO: Generalize the download code with TabIE
if identity_token:
headers['x-youtube-identity-token'] = identity_token
if account_syncid:
headers['X-Goog-PageId'] = account_syncid
headers['X-Goog-AuthUser'] = 0
continuation = YoutubeTabIE._extract_continuation(root_continuation_data) # TODO
first_continuation = False
if parent is None:
first_continuation = True
for page_num in itertools.count(0):
if not continuation:
retries = self._downloader.params.get('extractor_retries', 3)
count = -1
last_error = None
while count < retries:
count += 1
if last_error:
self.report_warning('%s. Retrying ...' % last_error)
query = {
'ctoken': continuation['ctoken'],
'pbj': 1,
'type': 'next',
if parent:
query['action_get_comment_replies'] = 1
query['action_get_comments'] = 1
comment_prog_str = '(%d/%d)' % (comment_counts[0], comment_counts[1])
if page_num == 0:
if first_continuation:
note_prefix = "Downloading initial comment continuation page"
note_prefix = " Downloading comment reply thread %d %s" % (comment_counts[2], comment_prog_str)
note_prefix = "%sDownloading comment%s page %d %s" % (
" " if parent else "",
' replies' if parent else '',
browse = self._download_json(
'https://www.youtube.com/comment_service_ajax', None,
'%s %s' % (note_prefix, '(retry #%d)' % count if count else ''),
headers=headers, query=query,
'session_token': session_token_list[0]
except ExtractorError as e:
if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code in (500, 503, 404, 413):
if e.cause.code == 413:
self.report_warning("Assumed end of comments (received HTTP Error 413)")
# Downloading page may result in intermittent 5xx HTTP error
# Sometimes a 404 is also recieved. See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28289
last_error = 'HTTP Error %s' % e.cause.code
if e.cause.code == 404:
last_error = last_error + " (this API is probably deprecated)"
if count < retries:
session_token = try_get(browse, lambda x: x['xsrf_token'], compat_str)
if session_token:
session_token_list[0] = session_token
response = try_get(browse,
(lambda x: x['response'],
lambda x: x[1]['response'])) or {}
if response.get('continuationContents'):
# YouTube sometimes gives reload: now json if something went wrong (e.g. bad auth)
if browse.get('reload'):
raise ExtractorError("Invalid or missing params in continuation request", expected=False)
# TODO: not tested, merged from old extractor
err_msg = browse.get('externalErrorMessage')
if err_msg:
raise ExtractorError('YouTube said: %s' % err_msg, expected=False)
# Youtube sometimes sends incomplete data
# See: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28194
last_error = 'Incomplete data received'
if count >= retries:
if not response:
known_continuation_renderers = {
'itemSectionContinuation': extract_thread,
'commentRepliesContinuation': extract_thread
# extract next root continuation from the results
continuation_contents = try_get(
response, lambda x: x['continuationContents'], dict) or {}
for key, value in continuation_contents.items():
if key not in known_continuation_renderers:
continuation_renderer = value
if first_continuation:
first_continuation = False
expected_comment_count = try_get(
(lambda x: x['header']['commentsHeaderRenderer']['countText']['runs'][0]['text'],
lambda x: x['header']['commentsHeaderRenderer']['commentsCount']['runs'][0]['text']),
if expected_comment_count:
comment_counts[1] = str_to_int(expected_comment_count)
self.to_screen("Downloading ~%d comments" % str_to_int(expected_comment_count))
yield comment_counts[1]
# TODO: cli arg.
# 1/True for newest, 0/False for popular (default)
comment_sort_index = int(True)
sort_continuation_renderer = try_get(
lambda x: x['header']['commentsHeaderRenderer']['sortMenu']['sortFilterSubMenuRenderer']['subMenuItems']
[comment_sort_index]['continuation']['reloadContinuationData'], dict)
# If this fails, the initial continuation page
# starts off with popular anyways.
if sort_continuation_renderer:
continuation = YoutubeTabIE._build_continuation_query(
self.to_screen("Sorting comments by %s" % ('popular' if comment_sort_index == 0 else 'newest'))
for entry in known_continuation_renderers[key](continuation_renderer):
yield entry
continuation = YoutubeTabIE._extract_continuation(continuation_renderer) # TODO
def _extract_comments(self, ytcfg, video_id, contents, webpage, xsrf_token):
"""Entry for comment extraction"""
comments = []
known_entry_comment_renderers = (
estimated_total = 0
for entry in contents:
for key, renderer in entry.items():
if key not in known_entry_comment_renderers:
comment_iter = self._comment_entries(
identity_token=self._extract_identity_token(webpage, item_id=video_id),
for comment in comment_iter:
if isinstance(comment, int):
estimated_total = comment
self.to_screen("Downloaded %d/%d comments" % (len(comments), estimated_total))
return {
'comments': comments,
'comment_count': len(comments),
def _real_extract(self, url):
url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {})
video_id = self._match_id(url)
@ -2024,156 +2315,8 @@ def chapter_time(mmlir):
errnote='Unable to download video annotations', fatal=False,
data=urlencode_postdata({xsrf_field_name: xsrf_token}))
# Get comments
# TODO: Refactor and move to seperate function
def extract_comments():
expected_video_comment_count = 0
video_comments = []
comment_xsrf = xsrf_token
def find_value(html, key, num_chars=2, separator='"'):
pos_begin = html.find(key) + len(key) + num_chars
pos_end = html.find(separator, pos_begin)
return html[pos_begin: pos_end]
def search_dict(partial, key):
if isinstance(partial, dict):
for k, v in partial.items():
if k == key:
yield v
for o in search_dict(v, key):
yield o
elif isinstance(partial, list):
for i in partial:
for o in search_dict(i, key):
yield o
continuations = []
if initial_data:
ncd = next(search_dict(initial_data, 'nextContinuationData'))
continuations = [ncd['continuation']]
# Handle videos where comments have been disabled entirely
except StopIteration:
def get_continuation(continuation, session_token, replies=False):
query = {
'pbj': 1,
'ctoken': continuation,
if replies:
query['action_get_comment_replies'] = 1
query['action_get_comments'] = 1
while True:
content, handle = self._download_webpage_handle(
'session_token': session_token
'Accept': '*/*',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0',
'X-YouTube-Client-Name': '1',
'X-YouTube-Client-Version': '2.20201202.06.01'
response_code = handle.getcode()
if (response_code == 200):
return self._parse_json(content, video_id)
if (response_code == 413):
return None
raise ExtractorError('Unexpected HTTP error code: %s' % response_code)
first_continuation = True
chain_msg = ''
self.to_screen('Downloading comments')
while continuations:
continuation = continuations.pop()
comment_response = get_continuation(continuation, comment_xsrf)
if not comment_response:
if list(search_dict(comment_response, 'externalErrorMessage')):
raise ExtractorError('Error returned from server: ' + next(search_dict(comment_response, 'externalErrorMessage')))
if 'continuationContents' not in comment_response['response']:
# Something is wrong here. Youtube won't accept this continuation token for some reason and responds with a user satisfaction dialog (error?)
# not sure if this actually helps
if 'xsrf_token' in comment_response:
comment_xsrf = comment_response['xsrf_token']
item_section = comment_response['response']['continuationContents']['itemSectionContinuation']
if first_continuation:
expected_video_comment_count = int(item_section['header']['commentsHeaderRenderer']['countText']['runs'][0]['text'].replace(' Comments', '').replace('1 Comment', '1').replace(',', ''))
first_continuation = False
if 'contents' not in item_section:
# continuation returned no comments?
# set an empty array as to not break the for loop
item_section['contents'] = []
for meta_comment in item_section['contents']:
comment = meta_comment['commentThreadRenderer']['comment']['commentRenderer']
'id': comment['commentId'],
'text': ''.join([c['text'] for c in try_get(comment, lambda x: x['contentText']['runs'], list) or []]),
'time_text': ''.join([c['text'] for c in comment['publishedTimeText']['runs']]),
'author': comment.get('authorText', {}).get('simpleText', ''),
'votes': comment.get('voteCount', {}).get('simpleText', '0'),
'author_thumbnail': comment['authorThumbnail']['thumbnails'][-1]['url'],
'parent': 'root'
if 'replies' not in meta_comment['commentThreadRenderer']:
reply_continuations = [rcn['nextContinuationData']['continuation'] for rcn in meta_comment['commentThreadRenderer']['replies']['commentRepliesRenderer']['continuations']]
while reply_continuations:
continuation = reply_continuations.pop()
replies_data = get_continuation(continuation, comment_xsrf, True)
if not replies_data or 'continuationContents' not in replies_data[1]['response']:
if self._downloader.params.get('verbose', False):
chain_msg = ' (chain %s)' % comment['commentId']
self.to_screen('Comments downloaded: %d of ~%d%s' % (len(video_comments), expected_video_comment_count, chain_msg))
reply_comment_meta = replies_data[1]['response']['continuationContents']['commentRepliesContinuation']
for reply_meta in reply_comment_meta.get('contents', {}):
reply_comment = reply_meta['commentRenderer']
'id': reply_comment['commentId'],
'text': ''.join([c['text'] for c in reply_comment['contentText']['runs']]),
'time_text': ''.join([c['text'] for c in reply_comment['publishedTimeText']['runs']]),
'author': reply_comment.get('authorText', {}).get('simpleText', ''),
'votes': reply_comment.get('voteCount', {}).get('simpleText', '0'),
'author_thumbnail': reply_comment['authorThumbnail']['thumbnails'][-1]['url'],
'parent': comment['commentId']
if 'continuations' not in reply_comment_meta or len(reply_comment_meta['continuations']) == 0:
reply_continuations += [rcn['nextContinuationData']['continuation'] for rcn in reply_comment_meta['continuations']]
self.to_screen('Comments downloaded: %d of ~%d' % (len(video_comments), expected_video_comment_count))
if 'continuations' in item_section:
continuations += [ncd['nextContinuationData']['continuation'] for ncd in item_section['continuations']]
self.to_screen('Total comments downloaded: %d of ~%d' % (len(video_comments), expected_video_comment_count))
return {
'comments': video_comments,
'comment_count': expected_video_comment_count
if get_comments:
info['__post_extractor'] = extract_comments
info['__post_extractor'] = lambda: self._extract_comments(ytcfg, video_id, contents, webpage, xsrf_token)
self.mark_watched(video_id, player_response)
@ -3031,27 +3174,6 @@ def _real_extract_alerts():
if err_msg:
raise ExtractorError('YouTube said: %s' % err_msg, expected=expected)
def _extract_identity_token(self, webpage, item_id):
ytcfg = self._extract_ytcfg(item_id, webpage)
if ytcfg:
token = try_get(ytcfg, lambda x: x['ID_TOKEN'], compat_str)
if token:
return token
return self._search_regex(
r'\bID_TOKEN["\']\s*:\s*["\'](.+?)["\']', webpage,
'identity token', default=None)
def _extract_account_syncid(data):
"""Extract syncId required to download private playlists of secondary channels"""
sync_ids = (
try_get(data, lambda x: x['responseContext']['mainAppWebResponseContext']['datasyncId'], compat_str)
or '').split("||")
if len(sync_ids) >= 2 and sync_ids[1]:
# datasyncid is of the form "channel_syncid||user_syncid" for secondary channel
# and just "user_syncid||" for primary channel. We only want the channel_syncid
return sync_ids[0]
def _extract_webpage(self, url, item_id):
retries = self._downloader.params.get('extractor_retries', 3)
count = -1