[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
//===- SampleContextTracker.cpp - Context-sensitive Profile Tracker -------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the SampleContextTracker used by CSSPGO.
#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/SampleContextTracker.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h"
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace sampleprof;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sample-context-tracker"
namespace llvm {
ContextTrieNode *ContextTrieNode::getChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite,
StringRef CalleeName) {
if (CalleeName.empty())
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
return getHottestChildContext(CallSite);
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
uint32_t Hash = nodeHash(CalleeName, CallSite);
auto It = AllChildContext.find(Hash);
if (It != AllChildContext.end())
return &It->second;
return nullptr;
ContextTrieNode *
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
ContextTrieNode::getHottestChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite) {
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
// CSFDO-TODO: This could be slow, change AllChildContext so we can
// do point look up for child node by call site alone.
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
// Retrieve the child node with max count for indirect call
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
ContextTrieNode *ChildNodeRet = nullptr;
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
uint64_t MaxCalleeSamples = 0;
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
for (auto &It : AllChildContext) {
ContextTrieNode &ChildNode = It.second;
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
if (ChildNode.CallSiteLoc != CallSite)
FunctionSamples *Samples = ChildNode.getFunctionSamples();
if (!Samples)
if (Samples->getTotalSamples() > MaxCalleeSamples) {
ChildNodeRet = &ChildNode;
MaxCalleeSamples = Samples->getTotalSamples();
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
return ChildNodeRet;
ContextTrieNode &ContextTrieNode::moveToChildContext(
const LineLocation &CallSite, ContextTrieNode &&NodeToMove,
StringRef ContextStrToRemove, bool DeleteNode) {
uint32_t Hash = nodeHash(NodeToMove.getFuncName(), CallSite);
assert(!AllChildContext.count(Hash) && "Node to remove must exist");
LineLocation OldCallSite = NodeToMove.CallSiteLoc;
ContextTrieNode &OldParentContext = *NodeToMove.getParentContext();
AllChildContext[Hash] = NodeToMove;
ContextTrieNode &NewNode = AllChildContext[Hash];
NewNode.CallSiteLoc = CallSite;
// Walk through nodes in the moved the subtree, and update
// FunctionSamples' context as for the context promotion.
// We also need to set new parant link for all children.
std::queue<ContextTrieNode *> NodeToUpdate;
while (!NodeToUpdate.empty()) {
ContextTrieNode *Node = NodeToUpdate.front();
FunctionSamples *FSamples = Node->getFunctionSamples();
if (FSamples) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Context promoted to: " << FSamples->getContext()
<< "\n");
for (auto &It : Node->getAllChildContext()) {
ContextTrieNode *ChildNode = &It.second;
// Original context no longer needed, destroy if requested.
if (DeleteNode)
OldParentContext.removeChildContext(OldCallSite, NewNode.getFuncName());
return NewNode;
void ContextTrieNode::removeChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite,
StringRef CalleeName) {
uint32_t Hash = nodeHash(CalleeName, CallSite);
// Note this essentially calls dtor and destroys that child context
std::map<uint32_t, ContextTrieNode> &ContextTrieNode::getAllChildContext() {
return AllChildContext;
2021-01-31 19:23:43 +01:00
StringRef ContextTrieNode::getFuncName() const { return FuncName; }
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
FunctionSamples *ContextTrieNode::getFunctionSamples() const {
return FuncSamples;
void ContextTrieNode::setFunctionSamples(FunctionSamples *FSamples) {
FuncSamples = FSamples;
LineLocation ContextTrieNode::getCallSiteLoc() const { return CallSiteLoc; }
ContextTrieNode *ContextTrieNode::getParentContext() const {
return ParentContext;
void ContextTrieNode::setParentContext(ContextTrieNode *Parent) {
ParentContext = Parent;
void ContextTrieNode::dump() {
dbgs() << "Node: " << FuncName << "\n"
<< " Callsite: " << CallSiteLoc << "\n"
<< " Children:\n";
for (auto &It : AllChildContext) {
dbgs() << " Node: " << It.second.getFuncName() << "\n";
uint32_t ContextTrieNode::nodeHash(StringRef ChildName,
const LineLocation &Callsite) {
// We still use child's name for child hash, this is
// because for children of root node, we don't have
// different line/discriminator, and we'll rely on name
// to differentiate children.
uint32_t NameHash = std::hash<std::string>{}(ChildName.str());
uint32_t LocId = (Callsite.LineOffset << 16) | Callsite.Discriminator;
return NameHash + (LocId << 5) + LocId;
ContextTrieNode *ContextTrieNode::getOrCreateChildContext(
const LineLocation &CallSite, StringRef CalleeName, bool AllowCreate) {
uint32_t Hash = nodeHash(CalleeName, CallSite);
auto It = AllChildContext.find(Hash);
if (It != AllChildContext.end()) {
assert(It->second.getFuncName() == CalleeName &&
"Hash collision for child context node");
return &It->second;
if (!AllowCreate)
return nullptr;
AllChildContext[Hash] = ContextTrieNode(this, CalleeName, nullptr, CallSite);
return &AllChildContext[Hash];
// Profiler tracker than manages profiles and its associated context
StringMap<FunctionSamples> &Profiles) {
for (auto &FuncSample : Profiles) {
FunctionSamples *FSamples = &FuncSample.second;
SampleContext Context(FuncSample.first(), RawContext);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Tracking Context for function: " << Context << "\n");
if (!Context.isBaseContext())
2021-03-30 01:37:01 +02:00
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
ContextTrieNode *NewNode = getOrCreateContextPath(Context, true);
assert(!NewNode->getFunctionSamples() &&
"New node can't have sample profile");
FunctionSamples *
SampleContextTracker::getCalleeContextSamplesFor(const CallBase &Inst,
StringRef CalleeName) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Getting callee context for instr: " << Inst << "\n");
DILocation *DIL = Inst.getDebugLoc();
if (!DIL)
return nullptr;
2021-01-19 18:20:13 +01:00
CalleeName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(CalleeName);
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
// For indirect call, CalleeName will be empty, in which case the context
// profile for callee with largest total samples will be returned.
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
ContextTrieNode *CalleeContext = getCalleeContextFor(DIL, CalleeName);
if (CalleeContext) {
FunctionSamples *FSamples = CalleeContext->getFunctionSamples();
LLVM_DEBUG(if (FSamples) {
dbgs() << " Callee context found: " << FSamples->getContext() << "\n";
return FSamples;
return nullptr;
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
std::vector<const FunctionSamples *>
const DILocation *DIL) {
std::vector<const FunctionSamples *> R;
if (!DIL)
return R;
ContextTrieNode *CallerNode = getContextFor(DIL);
LineLocation CallSite = FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL);
for (auto &It : CallerNode->getAllChildContext()) {
ContextTrieNode &ChildNode = It.second;
if (ChildNode.getCallSiteLoc() != CallSite)
if (FunctionSamples *CalleeSamples = ChildNode.getFunctionSamples())
return R;
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
FunctionSamples *
SampleContextTracker::getContextSamplesFor(const DILocation *DIL) {
assert(DIL && "Expect non-null location");
ContextTrieNode *ContextNode = getContextFor(DIL);
if (!ContextNode)
return nullptr;
// We may have inlined callees during pre-LTO compilation, in which case
// we need to rely on the inline stack from !dbg to mark context profile
// as inlined, instead of `MarkContextSamplesInlined` during inlining.
// Sample profile loader walks through all instructions to get profile,
// which calls this function. So once that is done, all previously inlined
// context profile should be marked properly.
FunctionSamples *Samples = ContextNode->getFunctionSamples();
if (Samples && ContextNode->getParentContext() != &RootContext)
return Samples;
FunctionSamples *
SampleContextTracker::getContextSamplesFor(const SampleContext &Context) {
ContextTrieNode *Node = getContextFor(Context);
if (!Node)
return nullptr;
return Node->getFunctionSamples();
2021-02-09 18:17:20 +01:00
SampleContextTracker::ContextSamplesTy &
SampleContextTracker::getAllContextSamplesFor(const Function &Func) {
StringRef CanonName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(Func);
2021-03-30 01:37:01 +02:00
return FuncToCtxtProfiles[CanonName];
2021-02-09 18:17:20 +01:00
SampleContextTracker::ContextSamplesTy &
SampleContextTracker::getAllContextSamplesFor(StringRef Name) {
2021-03-30 01:37:01 +02:00
return FuncToCtxtProfiles[Name];
2021-02-09 18:17:20 +01:00
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
FunctionSamples *SampleContextTracker::getBaseSamplesFor(const Function &Func,
bool MergeContext) {
StringRef CanonName = FunctionSamples::getCanonicalFnName(Func);
return getBaseSamplesFor(CanonName, MergeContext);
FunctionSamples *SampleContextTracker::getBaseSamplesFor(StringRef Name,
bool MergeContext) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Getting base profile for function: " << Name << "\n");
// Base profile is top-level node (child of root node), so try to retrieve
// existing top-level node for given function first. If it exists, it could be
// that we've merged base profile before, or there's actually context-less
// profile from the input (e.g. due to unreliable stack walking).
ContextTrieNode *Node = getTopLevelContextNode(Name);
if (MergeContext) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Merging context profile into base profile: " << Name
<< "\n");
// We have profile for function under different contexts,
// create synthetic base profile and merge context profiles
// into base profile.
2021-03-30 01:37:01 +02:00
for (auto *CSamples : FuncToCtxtProfiles[Name]) {
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
SampleContext &Context = CSamples->getContext();
ContextTrieNode *FromNode = getContextFor(Context);
if (FromNode == Node)
// Skip inlined context profile and also don't re-merge any context
if (Context.hasState(InlinedContext) || Context.hasState(MergedContext))
ContextTrieNode &ToNode = promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(*FromNode);
2020-12-07 19:10:24 +01:00
assert((!Node || Node == &ToNode) && "Expect only one base profile");
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
Node = &ToNode;
// Still no profile even after merge/promotion (if allowed)
if (!Node)
return nullptr;
return Node->getFunctionSamples();
void SampleContextTracker::markContextSamplesInlined(
const FunctionSamples *InlinedSamples) {
assert(InlinedSamples && "Expect non-null inlined samples");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Marking context profile as inlined: "
<< InlinedSamples->getContext() << "\n");
[CSSPGO][llvm-profgen] Context-sensitive global pre-inliner
This change sets up a framework in llvm-profgen to estimate inline decision and adjust context-sensitive profile based on that. We call it a global pre-inliner in llvm-profgen.
It will serve two purposes:
1) Since context profile for not inlined context will be merged into base profile, if we estimate a context will not be inlined, we can merge the context profile in the output to save profile size.
2) For thinLTO, when a context involving functions from different modules is not inined, we can't merge functions profiles across modules, leading to suboptimal post-inline count quality. By estimating some inline decisions, we would be able to adjust/merge context profiles beforehand as a mitigation.
Compiler inline heuristic uses inline cost which is not available in llvm-profgen. But since inline cost is closely related to size, we could get an estimate through function size from debug info. Because the size we have in llvm-profgen is the final size, it could also be more accurate than the inline cost estimation in the compiler.
This change only has the framework, with a few TODOs left for follow up patches for a complete implementation:
1) We need to retrieve size for funciton//inlinee from debug info for inlining estimation. Currently we use number of samples in a profile as place holder for size estimation.
2) Currently the thresholds are using the values used by sample loader inliner. But they need to be tuned since the size here is fully optimized machine code size, instead of inline cost based on not yet fully optimized IR.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D99146
2021-03-05 16:50:36 +01:00
ContextTrieNode &SampleContextTracker::getRootContext() { return RootContext; }
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
void SampleContextTracker::promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(
const Instruction &Inst, StringRef CalleeName) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Promoting and merging context tree for instr: \n"
<< Inst << "\n");
// Get the caller context for the call instruction, we don't use callee
// name from call because there can be context from indirect calls too.
DILocation *DIL = Inst.getDebugLoc();
ContextTrieNode *CallerNode = getContextFor(DIL);
if (!CallerNode)
// Get the context that needs to be promoted
2021-02-01 07:31:51 +01:00
LineLocation CallSite = FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL);
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
// For indirect call, CalleeName will be empty, in which case we need to
// promote all non-inlined child context profiles.
if (CalleeName.empty()) {
for (auto &It : CallerNode->getAllChildContext()) {
ContextTrieNode *NodeToPromo = &It.second;
if (CallSite != NodeToPromo->getCallSiteLoc())
FunctionSamples *FromSamples = NodeToPromo->getFunctionSamples();
if (FromSamples && FromSamples->getContext().hasState(InlinedContext))
// Get the context for the given callee that needs to be promoted
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
ContextTrieNode *NodeToPromo =
CallerNode->getChildContext(CallSite, CalleeName);
if (!NodeToPromo)
ContextTrieNode &SampleContextTracker::promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(
ContextTrieNode &NodeToPromo) {
// Promote the input node to be directly under root. This can happen
// when we decided to not inline a function under context represented
// by the input node. The promote and merge is then needed to reflect
// the context profile in the base (context-less) profile.
FunctionSamples *FromSamples = NodeToPromo.getFunctionSamples();
assert(FromSamples && "Shouldn't promote a context without profile");
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Found context tree root to promote: "
<< FromSamples->getContext() << "\n");
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
assert(!FromSamples->getContext().hasState(InlinedContext) &&
"Shouldn't promote inlined context profile");
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
StringRef ContextStrToRemove = FromSamples->getContext().getCallingContext();
return promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(NodeToPromo, RootContext,
void SampleContextTracker::dump() {
dbgs() << "Context Profile Tree:\n";
std::queue<ContextTrieNode *> NodeQueue;
while (!NodeQueue.empty()) {
ContextTrieNode *Node = NodeQueue.front();
for (auto &It : Node->getAllChildContext()) {
ContextTrieNode *ChildNode = &It.second;
ContextTrieNode *
SampleContextTracker::getContextFor(const SampleContext &Context) {
return getOrCreateContextPath(Context, false);
ContextTrieNode *
SampleContextTracker::getCalleeContextFor(const DILocation *DIL,
StringRef CalleeName) {
assert(DIL && "Expect non-null location");
ContextTrieNode *CallContext = getContextFor(DIL);
if (!CallContext)
return nullptr;
[CSSPGO] Call site prioritized inlining for sample PGO
This change implemented call site prioritized BFS profile guided inlining for sample profile loader. The new inlining strategy maximize the benefit of context-sensitive profile as mentioned in the follow up discussion of CSSPGO RFC. The change will not affect today's AutoFDO as it's opt-in. CSSPGO now defaults to the new FDO inliner, but can fall back to today's replay inliner using a switch (`-sample-profile-prioritized-inline=0`).
With baseline AutoFDO, the inliner in sample profile loader only replays previous inlining, and the use of profile is only for pruning previous inlining that turned out to be cold. Due to the nature of replay, the FDO inliner is simple with hotness being the only decision factor. It has the following limitations that we're improving now for CSSPGO.
- It doesn't take inline candidate size into account. Since it's doing replay, the size growth is bounded by previous CGSCC inlining. With context-sensitive profile, FDO inliner is no longer limited by previous inlining, so we need to take size into account to avoid significant size bloat.
- The way it looks at hotness is not accurate. It uses total samples in an inlinee as proxy for hotness, while what really matters for an inline decision is the call site count. This is an unfortunate fall back because call site count and callee entry count are not reliable due to dwarf based correlation, especially for inlinees. Now paired with pseudo-probe, we have accurate call site count and callee's entry count, so we can use that to gauge hotness more accurately.
- It treats all call sites from a block as hot as long as there's one call site considered hot. This is normally true, but since total samples is used as hotness proxy, this transitiveness within block magnifies the inacurate hotness heuristic. With pseduo-probe and the change above, this is no longer an issue for CSSPGO.
New FDO Inliner
Putting all the requirement for CSSPGO together, we need a top-down call site prioritized BFS inliner. Here're reasons why each component is needed.
- Top-down: We need a top-down inliner to better leverage context-sensitive profile, so inlining is driven by accurate context profile, and post-inline is also accurate. This is already implemented in https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655.
- Size Cap: For top-down inliner, taking function size into account for inline decision alone isn't sufficient to control size growth. We also need to explicitly cap size growth because with top-down inlining, we can grow inliner size significantly with large number of smaller inlinees even if each individually passes the cost/size check.
- Prioritize call sites: With size cap, inlining order also becomes important, because if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we'd want to use budget towards the most beneficial call sites.
- BFS inline: Same as call site prioritization, if we stop inlining due to size budget limit, we want a balanced inline tree, rather than going deep on one call path.
Note that the new inliner avoids repeatedly evaluating same set of call site, so it should help with compile time too. For this reason, we could transition today's FDO inliner to use a queue with equal priority to avoid wasted reevaluation of same call site (TODO).
Speculative indirect call promotion and inlining is also supported now with CSSPGO just like baseline AutoFDO.
Tunings and knobs
I created tuning knobs for size growth/cap control, and for hot threshold separate from CGSCC inliner. The default values are selected based on initial tuning with CSSPGO.
Evaluated with an internal LLVM fork couple months ago, plus another change to adjust hot-threshold cutoff for context profile (will send up after this one), the new inliner show ~1% geomean perf win on spec2006 with CSSPGO, while reducing code size too. The measurement was done using train-train setup, MonoLTO w/ new pass manager and pseudo-probe. Note that this is just a starting point - we hope that the new inliner will open up more opportunity with CSSPGO, but it will certainly take more time and effort to make it fully calibrated and ready for bigger workloads (we're working on it).
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94001
2021-01-04 01:43:06 +01:00
// When CalleeName is empty, the child context profile with max
// total samples will be returned.
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
return CallContext->getChildContext(
2021-02-01 07:31:51 +01:00
FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL), CalleeName);
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
ContextTrieNode *SampleContextTracker::getContextFor(const DILocation *DIL) {
assert(DIL && "Expect non-null location");
SmallVector<std::pair<LineLocation, StringRef>, 10> S;
// Use C++ linkage name if possible.
const DILocation *PrevDIL = DIL;
for (DIL = DIL->getInlinedAt(); DIL; DIL = DIL->getInlinedAt()) {
StringRef Name = PrevDIL->getScope()->getSubprogram()->getLinkageName();
if (Name.empty())
Name = PrevDIL->getScope()->getSubprogram()->getName();
2021-07-22 23:41:55 +02:00
std::make_pair(FunctionSamples::getCallSiteIdentifier(DIL), Name));
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
PrevDIL = DIL;
// Push root node, note that root node like main may only
// a name, but not linkage name.
StringRef RootName = PrevDIL->getScope()->getSubprogram()->getLinkageName();
if (RootName.empty())
RootName = PrevDIL->getScope()->getSubprogram()->getName();
S.push_back(std::make_pair(LineLocation(0, 0), RootName));
ContextTrieNode *ContextNode = &RootContext;
int I = S.size();
while (--I >= 0 && ContextNode) {
LineLocation &CallSite = S[I].first;
StringRef &CalleeName = S[I].second;
ContextNode = ContextNode->getChildContext(CallSite, CalleeName);
if (I < 0)
return ContextNode;
return nullptr;
ContextTrieNode *
SampleContextTracker::getOrCreateContextPath(const SampleContext &Context,
bool AllowCreate) {
ContextTrieNode *ContextNode = &RootContext;
StringRef ContextRemain = Context;
StringRef ChildContext;
StringRef CalleeName;
LineLocation CallSiteLoc(0, 0);
while (ContextNode && !ContextRemain.empty()) {
auto ContextSplit = SampleContext::splitContextString(ContextRemain);
ChildContext = ContextSplit.first;
ContextRemain = ContextSplit.second;
LineLocation NextCallSiteLoc(0, 0);
SampleContext::decodeContextString(ChildContext, CalleeName,
// Create child node at parent line/disc location
if (AllowCreate) {
ContextNode =
ContextNode->getOrCreateChildContext(CallSiteLoc, CalleeName);
} else {
ContextNode = ContextNode->getChildContext(CallSiteLoc, CalleeName);
CallSiteLoc = NextCallSiteLoc;
assert((!AllowCreate || ContextNode) &&
"Node must exist if creation is allowed");
return ContextNode;
ContextTrieNode *SampleContextTracker::getTopLevelContextNode(StringRef FName) {
[CSSPGO][llvm-profgen] Context-sensitive global pre-inliner
This change sets up a framework in llvm-profgen to estimate inline decision and adjust context-sensitive profile based on that. We call it a global pre-inliner in llvm-profgen.
It will serve two purposes:
1) Since context profile for not inlined context will be merged into base profile, if we estimate a context will not be inlined, we can merge the context profile in the output to save profile size.
2) For thinLTO, when a context involving functions from different modules is not inined, we can't merge functions profiles across modules, leading to suboptimal post-inline count quality. By estimating some inline decisions, we would be able to adjust/merge context profiles beforehand as a mitigation.
Compiler inline heuristic uses inline cost which is not available in llvm-profgen. But since inline cost is closely related to size, we could get an estimate through function size from debug info. Because the size we have in llvm-profgen is the final size, it could also be more accurate than the inline cost estimation in the compiler.
This change only has the framework, with a few TODOs left for follow up patches for a complete implementation:
1) We need to retrieve size for funciton//inlinee from debug info for inlining estimation. Currently we use number of samples in a profile as place holder for size estimation.
2) Currently the thresholds are using the values used by sample loader inliner. But they need to be tuned since the size here is fully optimized machine code size, instead of inline cost based on not yet fully optimized IR.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D99146
2021-03-05 16:50:36 +01:00
assert(!FName.empty() && "Top level node query must provide valid name");
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
return RootContext.getChildContext(LineLocation(0, 0), FName);
ContextTrieNode &SampleContextTracker::addTopLevelContextNode(StringRef FName) {
assert(!getTopLevelContextNode(FName) && "Node to add must not exist");
return *RootContext.getOrCreateChildContext(LineLocation(0, 0), FName);
void SampleContextTracker::mergeContextNode(ContextTrieNode &FromNode,
ContextTrieNode &ToNode,
StringRef ContextStrToRemove) {
FunctionSamples *FromSamples = FromNode.getFunctionSamples();
FunctionSamples *ToSamples = ToNode.getFunctionSamples();
if (FromSamples && ToSamples) {
// Merge/duplicate FromSamples into ToSamples
} else if (FromSamples) {
// Transfer FromSamples from FromNode to ToNode
ContextTrieNode &SampleContextTracker::promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(
ContextTrieNode &FromNode, ContextTrieNode &ToNodeParent,
StringRef ContextStrToRemove) {
assert(!ContextStrToRemove.empty() && "Context to remove can't be empty");
// Ignore call site location if destination is top level under root
LineLocation NewCallSiteLoc = LineLocation(0, 0);
LineLocation OldCallSiteLoc = FromNode.getCallSiteLoc();
ContextTrieNode &FromNodeParent = *FromNode.getParentContext();
ContextTrieNode *ToNode = nullptr;
bool MoveToRoot = (&ToNodeParent == &RootContext);
if (!MoveToRoot) {
NewCallSiteLoc = OldCallSiteLoc;
// Locate destination node, create/move if not existing
ToNode = ToNodeParent.getChildContext(NewCallSiteLoc, FromNode.getFuncName());
if (!ToNode) {
// Do not delete node to move from its parent here because
// caller is iterating over children of that parent node.
ToNode = &ToNodeParent.moveToChildContext(
NewCallSiteLoc, std::move(FromNode), ContextStrToRemove, false);
} else {
// Destination node exists, merge samples for the context tree
mergeContextNode(FromNode, *ToNode, ContextStrToRemove);
2021-03-26 21:18:26 +01:00
if (ToNode->getFunctionSamples())
dbgs() << " Context promoted and merged to: "
<< ToNode->getFunctionSamples()->getContext() << "\n";
[CSSPGO] Infrastructure for context-sensitive Sample PGO and Inlining
This change adds the context-senstive sample PGO infracture described in CSSPGO RFC (https://groups.google.com/g/llvm-dev/c/1p1rdYbL93s). It introduced an abstraction between input profile and profile loader that queries input profile for functions. Specifically, there's now the notion of base profile and context profile, and they are managed by the new SampleContextTracker for adjusting and merging profiles based on inline decisions. It works with top-down profiled guided inliner in profile loader (https://reviews.llvm.org/D70655) for better inlining with specialization and better post-inline profile fidelity. In the future, we can also expose this infrastructure to CGSCC inliner in order for it to take advantage of context-sensitive profile. This change is the consumption part of context-sensitive profile (The generation part is in this stack: https://reviews.llvm.org/D89707). We've seen good results internally in conjunction with Pseudo-probe (https://reviews.llvm.org/D86193). Pacthes for integration with Pseudo-probe coming up soon.
Currently the new infrastructure kick in when input profile contains the new context-sensitive profile; otherwise it's no-op and does not affect existing AutoFDO.
There're two sets of interfaces for query and tracking respectively exposed from SampleContextTracker. For query, now instead of simply getting a profile from input for a function, we can explicitly query base profile or context profile for given call path of a function. For tracking, there're separate APIs for marking context profile as inlined, or promoting and merging not inlined context profile.
- Query base profile (`getBaseSamplesFor`)
Base profile is the merged synthetic profile for function's CFG profile from any outstanding (not inlined) context. We can query base profile by function.
- Query context profile (`getContextSamplesFor`)
Context profile is a function's CFG profile for a given calling context. We can query context profile by context string.
- Track inlined context profile (`markContextSamplesInlined`)
When a function is inlined for given calling context, we need to mark the context profile for that context as inlined. This is to make sure we don't include inlined context profile when synthesizing base profile for that inlined function.
- Track not-inlined context profile (`promoteMergeContextSamplesTree`)
When a function is not inlined for given calling context, we need to promote the context profile tree so the not inlined context becomes top-level context. This preserve the sub-context under that function so later inline decision for that not inlined function will still have context profile for its call tree. Note that profile will be merged if needed when promoting a context profile tree if any of the node already exists at its promoted destination.
Implementation-wise, `SampleContext` is created as abstraction for context. Currently it's a string for call path, and we can later optimize it to something more efficient, e.g. context id. Each `SampleContext` also has a `ContextState` indicating whether it's raw context profile from input, whether it's inlined or merged, whether it's synthetic profile created by compiler. Each `FunctionSamples` now has a `SampleContext` that tells whether it's base profile or context profile, and for context profile what is the context and state.
On top of the above context representation, a custom trie tree is implemented to track and manager context profiles. Specifically, `SampleContextTracker` is implemented that encapsulates a trie tree with `ContextTireNode` as node. Each node of the trie tree represents a frame in calling context, thus the path from root to a node represents a valid calling context. We also track `FunctionSamples` for each node, so this trie tree can serve efficient query for context profile. Accordingly, context profile tree promotion now becomes moving a subtree to be under the root of entire tree, and merge nodes for subtree if this move encounters existing nodes.
`SampleContextTracker` is now also integrated with AutoFDO, `SampleProfileReader` and `SampleProfileLoader`. When we detected input profile contains context-sensitive profile, `SampleContextTracker` will be used to track profiles, and all profile query will go to `SampleContextTracker` instead of `SampleProfileReader` automatically. Tracking APIs are called automatically for each inline decision from `SampleProfileLoader`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90125
2020-03-24 07:50:41 +01:00
// Recursively promote and merge children
for (auto &It : FromNode.getAllChildContext()) {
ContextTrieNode &FromChildNode = It.second;
promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(FromChildNode, *ToNode,
// Remove children once they're all merged
// For root of subtree, remove itself from old parent too
if (MoveToRoot)
FromNodeParent.removeChildContext(OldCallSiteLoc, ToNode->getFuncName());
return *ToNode;
} // namespace llvm