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//===- llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h - Error Smart Pointer -----------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// Provides ErrorOr<T> smart pointer.
#include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
struct ErrorHolderBase {
error_code Error;
uint16_t RefCount;
bool HasUserData;
ErrorHolderBase() : RefCount(1) {}
void aquire() {
void release() {
if (--RefCount == 0)
delete this;
virtual ~ErrorHolderBase() {}
template<class T>
struct ErrorHolder : ErrorHolderBase {
ErrorHolder(T &&UD) : UserData(llvm_move(UD)) {}
ErrorHolder(T &UD) : UserData(UD) {}
T UserData;
template<class Tp> struct ErrorOrUserDataTraits : llvm::false_type {};
template<class T, class V>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible<T, V>::value
, typename std::remove_reference<V>::type>::type &&
moveIfMoveConstructible(V &Val) {
return std::move(Val);
template<class T, class V>
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_constructible<T, V>::value
, typename std::remove_reference<V>::type>::type &
moveIfMoveConstructible(V &Val) {
return Val;
template<class T, class V>
V &moveIfMoveConstructible(V &Val) {
return Val;
/// \brief Stores a reference that can be changed.
template <typename T>
class ReferenceStorage {
T *Storage;
ReferenceStorage(T &Ref) : Storage(&Ref) {}
operator T &() const { return *Storage; }
T &get() const { return *Storage; }
/// \brief Represents either an error or a value T.
/// ErrorOr<T> is a pointer-like class that represents the result of an
/// operation. The result is either an error, or a value of type T. This is
/// designed to emulate the usage of returning a pointer where nullptr indicates
/// failure. However instead of just knowing that the operation failed, we also
/// have an error_code and optional user data that describes why it failed.
/// It is used like the following.
/// \code
/// ErrorOr<Buffer> getBuffer();
/// void handleError(error_code ec);
/// auto buffer = getBuffer();
/// if (!buffer)
/// handleError(buffer);
/// buffer->write("adena");
/// \endcode
/// ErrorOr<T> also supports user defined data for specific error_codes. To use
/// this feature you must first add a template specialization of
/// ErrorOrUserDataTraits derived from std::true_type for your type in the lld
/// namespace. This specialization must have a static error_code error()
/// function that returns the error_code this data is used with.
/// getError<UserData>() may be called to get either the stored user data, or
/// a default constructed UserData if none was stored.
/// Example:
/// \code
/// struct InvalidArgError {
/// InvalidArgError() {}
/// InvalidArgError(std::string S) : ArgName(S) {}
/// std::string ArgName;
/// };
/// namespace llvm {
/// template<>
/// struct ErrorOrUserDataTraits<InvalidArgError> : std::true_type {
/// static error_code error() {
/// return make_error_code(errc::invalid_argument);
/// }
/// };
/// } // end namespace llvm
/// using namespace llvm;
/// ErrorOr<int> foo() {
/// return InvalidArgError("adena");
/// }
/// int main() {
/// auto a = foo();
/// if (!a && error_code(a) == errc::invalid_argument)
/// llvm::errs() << a.getError<InvalidArgError>().ArgName << "\n";
/// }
/// \endcode
/// An implicit conversion to bool provides a way to check if there was an
/// error. The unary * and -> operators provide pointer like access to the
/// value. Accessing the value when there is an error has undefined behavior.
/// When T is a reference type the behaivor is slightly different. The reference
/// is held in a std::reference_wrapper<std::remove_reference<T>::type>, and
/// there is special handling to make operator -> work as if T was not a
/// reference.
/// T cannot be a rvalue reference.
template<class T>
class ErrorOr {
static const bool isRef = is_reference<T>::value;
typedef ReferenceStorage<typename remove_reference<T>::type> wrap;
typedef typename
conditional< isRef
, wrap
, T
>::type storage_type;
typedef T &reference;
typedef typename remove_reference<T>::type *pointer;
ErrorOr() : IsValid(false) {}
ErrorOr(llvm::error_code EC) : HasError(true), IsValid(true) {
Error = new ErrorHolderBase;
Error->Error = EC;
Error->HasUserData = false;
template<class UserDataT>
ErrorOr(UserDataT UD, typename
enable_if_c<ErrorOrUserDataTraits<UserDataT>::value>::type* = 0)
: HasError(true), IsValid(true) {
Error = new ErrorHolder<UserDataT>(llvm_move(UD));
Error->Error = ErrorOrUserDataTraits<UserDataT>::error();
Error->HasUserData = true;
ErrorOr(T Val) : HasError(false), IsValid(true) {
new (get()) storage_type(moveIfMoveConstructible<storage_type>(Val));
ErrorOr(const ErrorOr &Other) : IsValid(false) {
// Construct an invalid ErrorOr if other is invalid.
if (!Other.IsValid)
if (!Other.HasError) {
// Get the other value.
new (get()) storage_type(*Other.get());
HasError = false;
} else {
// Get other's error.
Error = Other.Error;
HasError = true;
IsValid = true;
ErrorOr &operator =(const ErrorOr &Other) {
if (this == &Other)
return *this;
new (this) ErrorOr(Other);
return *this;
ErrorOr(ErrorOr &&Other) : IsValid(false) {
// Construct an invalid ErrorOr if other is invalid.
if (!Other.IsValid)
if (!Other.HasError) {
// Get the other value.
IsValid = true;
new (get()) storage_type(std::move(*Other.get()));
HasError = false;
// Tell other not to do any destruction.
Other.IsValid = false;
} else {
// Get other's error.
Error = Other.Error;
HasError = true;
// Tell other not to do any destruction.
Other.IsValid = false;
IsValid = true;
ErrorOr &operator =(ErrorOr &&Other) {
if (this == &Other)
return *this;
new (this) ErrorOr(std::move(Other));
return *this;
~ErrorOr() {
if (!IsValid)
if (HasError)
template<class ET>
ET getError() const {
assert(IsValid && "Cannot get the error of a default constructed ErrorOr!");
assert(HasError && "Cannot get an error if none exists!");
assert(ErrorOrUserDataTraits<ET>::error() == Error->Error &&
"Incorrect user error data type for error!");
if (!Error->HasUserData)
return ET();
return reinterpret_cast<const ErrorHolder<ET>*>(Error)->UserData;
typedef void (*unspecified_bool_type)();
static void unspecified_bool_true() {}
/// \brief Return false if there is an error.
operator unspecified_bool_type() const {
assert(IsValid && "Can't do anything on a default constructed ErrorOr!");
return HasError ? 0 : unspecified_bool_true;
operator llvm::error_code() const {
assert(IsValid && "Can't do anything on a default constructed ErrorOr!");
return HasError ? Error->Error : llvm::error_code::success();
pointer operator ->() {
return toPointer(get());
reference operator *() {
return *get();
pointer toPointer(pointer Val) {
return Val;
pointer toPointer(wrap *Val) {
return &Val->get();
storage_type *get() {
assert(IsValid && "Can't do anything on a default constructed ErrorOr!");
assert(!HasError && "Cannot get value when an error exists!");
return reinterpret_cast<storage_type*>(TStorage.buffer);
const storage_type *get() const {
assert(IsValid && "Can't do anything on a default constructed ErrorOr!");
assert(!HasError && "Cannot get value when an error exists!");
return reinterpret_cast<const storage_type*>(TStorage.buffer);
union {
AlignedCharArrayUnion<storage_type> TStorage;
ErrorHolderBase *Error;
bool HasError : 1;
bool IsValid : 1;
template<class T, class E>
typename enable_if_c<is_error_code_enum<E>::value ||
is_error_condition_enum<E>::value, bool>::type
operator ==(ErrorOr<T> &Err, E Code) {
return error_code(Err) == Code;
} // end namespace llvm