2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; RUN: llc -mtriple=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda < %s | FileCheck %s
; CHECK: .target sm_{{[0-9]+}}//, debug
; CHECK: .extern .func (.param .b32 func_retval0) _ZN1A3fooEv
; CHECK: (
; CHECK: .param .b64 _ZN1A3fooEv_param_0
; CHECK: )
%struct.A = type { i32 ( . . . ) * * , i32 }
; CHECK: .visible .func (.param .b32 func_retval0) _Z3bari(
; CHECK: {
; CHECK: Lfunc_begin0:
; CHECK: .loc [[CU1:[0-9]+]] 1 0
; CHECK: //DEBUG_VALUE: bar:b <- {{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: //DEBUG_VALUE: bar:b <- {{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: .loc [[CU1]] 2 0
; CHECK: ret;
; CHECK: }
; Function Attrs: nounwind
define i32 @_Z3bari ( i32 %b ) #0 !dbg !4 {
%b.addr = alloca i32 , align 4
store i32 %b , i32 * %b.addr , align 4
call void @llvm.dbg.value ( metadata i32 0 , metadata !21 , metadata !DIExpression ( ) ) , !dbg !22
%0 = load i32 , i32 * %b.addr , align 4 , !dbg !23
call void @llvm.dbg.value ( metadata i32 1 , metadata !21 , metadata !DIExpression ( ) ) , !dbg !22
%add = add nsw i32 %0 , 4 , !dbg !23
ret i32 %add , !dbg !23
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare void @llvm.dbg.declare ( metadata , metadata , metadata ) #1
declare void @llvm.dbg.value ( metadata , metadata , metadata ) #1
; CHECK: .visible .func _Z3baz1A(
; CHECK: {
; CHECK: Lfunc_begin1:
; CHECK: .loc [[CU2:[0-9]+]] 6 0
; CHECK: //DEBUG_VALUE: baz:z <- {{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: //DEBUG_VALUE: baz:z <- {{[0-9]+}}
; CHECK: .loc [[CU2]] 10 0
; CHECK: ret;
; CHECK: }
define void @_Z3baz1A ( %struct.A * %a ) #2 !dbg !14 {
%z = alloca i32 , align 4
call void @llvm.dbg.declare ( metadata %struct.A * %a , metadata !24 , metadata !DIExpression ( D W _ O P _ d e r e f ) ) , !dbg !25
call void @llvm.dbg.declare ( metadata i32 * %z , metadata !26 , metadata !DIExpression ( ) ) , !dbg !27
store i32 2 , i32 * %z , align 4 , !dbg !27
%var = getelementptr inbounds %struct.A , %struct.A * %a , i32 0 , i32 1 , !dbg !28
%0 = load i32 , i32 * %var , align 4 , !dbg !28
%cmp = icmp sgt i32 %0 , 2 , !dbg !28
br i1 %cmp , label %if.then , label %if.end , !dbg !28
if.then: ; preds = %entry
%1 = load i32 , i32 * %z , align 4 , !dbg !30
%inc = add nsw i32 %1 , 1 , !dbg !30
store i32 %inc , i32 * %z , align 4 , !dbg !30
br label %if.end , !dbg !30
if.end: ; preds = %if.then, %entry
%call = call signext i8 @_ZN1A3fooEv ( %struct.A * %a ) , !dbg !31
%conv = sext i8 %call to i32 , !dbg !31
%cmp1 = icmp eq i32 %conv , 97 , !dbg !31
br i1 %cmp1 , label %if.then2 , label %if.end4 , !dbg !31
if.then2: ; preds = %if.end
%2 = load i32 , i32 * %z , align 4 , !dbg !33
%inc3 = add nsw i32 %2 , 1 , !dbg !33
store i32 %inc3 , i32 * %z , align 4 , !dbg !33
br label %if.end4 , !dbg !33
if.end4: ; preds = %if.then2, %if.end
ret void , !dbg !34
; CHECK-DAG: .file [[CU1]] "/llvm_cmake_gcc{{/|\\\\}}debug-loc-offset1.cc"
; CHECK-DAG: .file [[CU2]] "/llvm_cmake_gcc{{/|\\\\}}debug-loc-offset2.cc"
declare signext i8 @_ZN1A3fooEv ( %struct.A * ) #2
attributes #0 = { nounwind "less-precise-fpmad" = "false" "no-frame-pointer-elim" = "true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math" = "false" "no-nans-fp-math" = "false" "stack-protector-buffer-size" = "8" "unsafe-fp-math" = "false" "use-soft-float" = "false" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind readnone }
attributes #2 = { "less-precise-fpmad" = "false" "no-frame-pointer-elim" = "true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math" = "false" "no-nans-fp-math" = "false" "stack-protector-buffer-size" = "8" "unsafe-fp-math" = "false" "use-soft-float" = "false" }
!llvm.dbg.cu = ! { !0 , !9 }
!llvm.module.flags = ! { !18 , !19 }
!llvm.ident = ! { !20 , !20 }
2018-08-17 01:57:15 +02:00
!0 = distinct !DICompileUnit ( language: D W _ L A N G _ C _ p l u s _ p l u s , producer: "clang version 3.5.0 (210479)" , isOptimized: false , emissionKind: F u l l D e b u g , file: !1 , enums: !2 , retainedTypes: !2 , globals: !2 , imports: !2 , nameTableKind: N one )
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
!1 = !DIFile ( filename: "debug-loc-offset1.cc" , directory: "/llvm_cmake_gcc" )
!2 = ! { }
!4 = distinct !DISubprogram ( name: "bar" , linkageName: "_Z3bari" , line: 1 , isLocal: false , isDefinition: true , virtualIndex: 6 , flags: D I F l a g P r o t o t y p e d , isOptimized: false , unit: !0 , scopeLine: 1 , file: !1 , scope: !5 , type: !6 , retainedNodes: !2 )
!5 = !DIFile ( filename: "debug-loc-offset1.cc" , directory: "/llvm_cmake_gcc" )
!6 = !DISubroutineType ( types: !7 )
!7 = ! { !8 , !8 }
!8 = !DIBasicType ( tag: D W _ T A G _ b a s e _ type , name: "int" , size: 32 , align: 32 , encoding: D W _ A T E _ s i g n e d )
2018-08-17 01:57:15 +02:00
!9 = distinct !DICompileUnit ( language: D W _ L A N G _ C _ p l u s _ p l u s , producer: "clang version 3.5.0 (210479)" , isOptimized: false , emissionKind: F u l l D e b u g , file: !10 , enums: !2 , retainedTypes: !11 , globals: !2 , imports: !2 , nameTableKind: N one )
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
!10 = !DIFile ( filename: "debug-loc-offset2.cc" , directory: "/llvm_cmake_gcc" )
!11 = ! { !12 }
!12 = !DICompositeType ( tag: D W _ T A G _ s t r u c t u r e _ type , name: "A" , line: 1 , flags: D I F l a g F w d D e c l , file: !10 , identifier: "_ZTS1A" )
!14 = distinct !DISubprogram ( name: "baz" , linkageName: "_Z3baz1A" , line: 6 , isLocal: false , isDefinition: true , virtualIndex: 6 , flags: D I F l a g P r o t o t y p e d , isOptimized: false , unit: !9 , scopeLine: 6 , file: !10 , scope: !15 , type: !16 , retainedNodes: !2 )
!15 = !DIFile ( filename: "debug-loc-offset2.cc" , directory: "/llvm_cmake_gcc" )
!16 = !DISubroutineType ( types: !17 )
!17 = ! { null , !12 }
!18 = ! { i32 2 , !"Dwarf Version" , i32 4 }
!19 = ! { i32 2 , !"Debug Info Version" , i32 3 }
!20 = ! { !"clang version 3.5.0 (210479)" }
!21 = !DILocalVariable ( name: "b" , line: 1 , arg: 1 , scope: !4 , file: !5 , type: !8 )
!22 = !DILocation ( line: 1 , scope: !4 )
!23 = !DILocation ( line: 2 , scope: !4 )
!24 = !DILocalVariable ( name: "a" , line: 6 , arg: 1 , scope: !14 , file: !15 , type: !12 )
!25 = !DILocation ( line: 6 , scope: !14 )
!26 = !DILocalVariable ( name: "z" , line: 7 , scope: !14 , file: !15 , type: !8 )
!27 = !DILocation ( line: 7 , scope: !14 )
!28 = !DILocation ( line: 8 , scope: !29 )
!29 = distinct !DILexicalBlock ( line: 8 , column: 0 , file: !10 , scope: !14 )
!30 = !DILocation ( line: 9 , scope: !29 )
!31 = !DILocation ( line: 10 , scope: !32 )
!32 = distinct !DILexicalBlock ( line: 10 , column: 0 , file: !10 , scope: !14 )
!33 = !DILocation ( line: 11 , scope: !32 )
!34 = !DILocation ( line: 12 , scope: !14 )
; CHECK: // .section .debug_abbrev
; CHECK: // {
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 17 // DW_TAG_compile_unit
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_CHILDREN_yes
; CHECK: // .b8 37 // DW_AT_producer
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 19 // DW_AT_language
; CHECK: // .b8 5 // DW_FORM_data2
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 16 // DW_AT_stmt_list
; CHECK: // .b8 6 // DW_FORM_data4
; CHECK: // .b8 27 // DW_AT_comp_dir
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 17 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
; CHECK: // .b8 18 // DW_AT_high_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 19 // DW_TAG_structure_type
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // DW_CHILDREN_no
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 60 // DW_AT_declaration
; CHECK: // .b8 12 // DW_FORM_flag
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 46 // DW_TAG_subprogram
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_CHILDREN_yes
; CHECK: // .b8 17 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
; CHECK: // .b8 18 // DW_AT_high_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 64 // DW_AT_frame_base
; CHECK: // .b8 10 // DW_FORM_block1
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 135,64 // DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 58 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 59 // DW_AT_decl_line
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 63 // DW_AT_external
; CHECK: // .b8 12 // DW_FORM_flag
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 4 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 52 // DW_TAG_variable
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // DW_CHILDREN_no
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 58 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 59 // DW_AT_decl_line
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 73 // DW_AT_type
; CHECK: // .b8 16 // DW_FORM_ref_addr
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 5 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 46 // DW_TAG_subprogram
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_CHILDREN_yes
; CHECK: // .b8 17 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
; CHECK: // .b8 18 // DW_AT_high_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_FORM_addr
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 64 // DW_AT_frame_base
; CHECK: // .b8 10 // DW_FORM_block1
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 135,64 // DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 58 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 59 // DW_AT_decl_line
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 73 // DW_AT_type
; CHECK: // .b8 19 // DW_FORM_ref4
; CHECK: // .b8 63 // DW_AT_external
; CHECK: // .b8 12 // DW_FORM_flag
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 6 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 5 // DW_TAG_formal_parameter
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // DW_CHILDREN_no
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 58 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 59 // DW_AT_decl_line
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 73 // DW_AT_type
; CHECK: // .b8 19 // DW_FORM_ref4
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 7 // Abbreviation Code
; CHECK: // .b8 36 // DW_TAG_base_type
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // DW_CHILDREN_no
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // DW_FORM_string
; CHECK: // .b8 62 // DW_AT_encoding
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_AT_byte_size
; CHECK: // .b8 11 // DW_FORM_data1
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(1)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(2)
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // EOM(3)
; CHECK: // }
; CHECK: // .section .debug_info
; CHECK: // {
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b32 150 // Length of Unit
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // DWARF version number
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b32 .debug_abbrev // Offset Into Abbrev. Section
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // Address Size (in bytes)
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x8f DW_TAG_compile_unit
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 99,108,97,110,103,32,118,101,114,115,105,111,110,32,51,46,53,46,48,32,40,50,49,48,52,55,57,41 // DW_AT_producer
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 4 // DW_AT_language
; CHECK: // .b8 0
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 100,101,98,117,103,45,108,111,99,45,111,102,102,115,101,116,50,46,99,99 // DW_AT_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b32 .debug_line // DW_AT_stmt_list
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 47,108,108,118,109,95,99,109,97,107,101,95,103,99,99 // DW_AT_comp_dir
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_begin1 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_end1 // DW_AT_high_pc
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // Abbrev [2] 0x64:0x4 DW_TAG_structure_type
; CHECK: // .b8 65 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_declaration
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 3 // Abbrev [3] 0x68:0x31 DW_TAG_subprogram
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_begin1 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_end1 // DW_AT_high_pc
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_frame_base
; CHECK: // .b8 156
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 95,90,51,98,97,122,49,65 // DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 98,97,122 // DW_AT_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 6 // DW_AT_decl_line
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_external
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 4 // Abbrev [4] 0x8b:0xd DW_TAG_variable
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 122 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 7 // DW_AT_decl_line
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b64 .debug_info+302 // DW_AT_type
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // End Of Children Mark
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // End Of Children Mark
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b32 152 // Length of Unit
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 2 // DWARF version number
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b32 .debug_abbrev // Offset Into Abbrev. Section
; CHECK: // .b8 8 // Address Size (in bytes)
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x91 DW_TAG_compile_unit
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 99,108,97,110,103,32,118,101,114,115,105,111,110,32,51,46,53,46,48,32,40,50,49,48,52,55,57,41 // DW_AT_producer
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 4 // DW_AT_language
; CHECK: // .b8 0
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 100,101,98,117,103,45,108,111,99,45,111,102,102,115,101,116,49,46,99,99 // DW_AT_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b32 .debug_line // DW_AT_stmt_list
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 47,108,108,118,109,95,99,109,97,107,101,95,103,99,99 // DW_AT_comp_dir
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_begin0 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_end0 // DW_AT_high_pc
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 5 // Abbrev [5] 0x64:0x30 DW_TAG_subprogram
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_begin0 // DW_AT_low_pc
; CHECK: // .b64 Lfunc_end0 // DW_AT_high_pc
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_frame_base
; CHECK: // .b8 156
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 95,90,51,98,97,114,105 // DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 98,97,114 // DW_AT_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_decl_line
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b32 148 // DW_AT_type
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_external
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 6 // Abbrev [6] 0x8a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 98 // DW_AT_name
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_decl_file
; CHECK: // .b8 1 // DW_AT_decl_line
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b32 148 // DW_AT_type
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // End Of Children Mark
2018-07-26 18:10:05 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 7 // Abbrev [7] 0x94:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type
[DEBUGINFO, NVPTX] Try to pack bytes data into a single string.
If the target does not support `.asciz` and `.ascii` directives, the
strings are represented as bytes and each byte is placed on the new line
as a separate byte directive `.b8 <data>`. NVPTX target allows to
represent the vector of the data of the same type as a vector, where
values are separated using `,` symbol: `.b8 <data1>,<data2>,...`. This
allows to reduce the size of the final PTX file. Ptxas tool includes ptx
files into the resulting binary object, so reducing the size of the PTX
file is important.
Reviewers: tra, jlebar, echristo
Subscribers: jholewinski, llvm-commits
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D45822
llvm-svn: 345142
2018-10-24 16:04:00 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 105,110,116 // DW_AT_name
2018-06-28 17:14:58 +02:00
; CHECK: // .b8 0
; CHECK: // .b8 5 // DW_AT_encoding
; CHECK: // .b8 4 // DW_AT_byte_size
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // End Of Children Mark
; CHECK: // }
; CHECK: // .section .debug_macinfo
; CHECK: // {
; CHECK: // .b8 0 // End Of Macro List Mark
; CHECK: // }