//===- unittest/Support/YAMLIOTest.cpp ------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h" #include "llvm/Support/Format.h" #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" using llvm::yaml::Hex16; using llvm::yaml::Hex32; using llvm::yaml::Hex64; using llvm::yaml::Hex8; using llvm::yaml::Input; using llvm::yaml::IO; using llvm::yaml::isNumeric; using llvm::yaml::MappingNormalization; using llvm::yaml::MappingTraits; using llvm::yaml::Output; using llvm::yaml::ScalarTraits; using ::testing::StartsWith; static void suppressErrorMessages(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &, void *) { } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test MappingTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct FooBar { int foo; int bar; }; typedef std::vector FooBarSequence; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(FooBar) struct FooBarContainer { FooBarSequence fbs; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FooBar& fb) { io.mapRequired("foo", fb.foo); io.mapRequired("bar", fb.bar); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FooBarContainer &fb) { io.mapRequired("fbs", fb.fbs); } }; } } // // Test the reading of a yaml mapping // TEST(YAMLIO, TestMapRead) { FooBar doc; { Input yin("---\nfoo: 3\nbar: 5\n...\n"); yin >> doc; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.foo, 3); EXPECT_EQ(doc.bar, 5); } { Input yin("{foo: 3, bar: 5}"); yin >> doc; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.foo, 3); EXPECT_EQ(doc.bar, 5); } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestMalformedMapRead) { FooBar doc; Input yin("{foo: 3; bar: 5}", nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> doc; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test the reading of a yaml sequence of mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestSequenceMapRead) { FooBarSequence seq; Input yin("---\n - foo: 3\n bar: 5\n - foo: 7\n bar: 9\n...\n"); yin >> seq; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq.size(), 2UL); FooBar& map1 = seq[0]; FooBar& map2 = seq[1]; EXPECT_EQ(map1.foo, 3); EXPECT_EQ(map1.bar, 5); EXPECT_EQ(map2.foo, 7); EXPECT_EQ(map2.bar, 9); } // // Test the reading of a map containing a yaml sequence of mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestContainerSequenceMapRead) { { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin2("---\nfbs:\n - foo: 3\n bar: 5\n - foo: 7\n bar: 9\n...\n"); yin2 >> cont; EXPECT_FALSE(yin2.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs[0].foo, 3); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs[0].bar, 5); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs[1].foo, 7); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs[1].bar, 9); } { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs:\n...\n"); yin >> cont; // Okay: Empty node represents an empty array. EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs: !!null null\n...\n"); yin >> cont; // Okay: null represents an empty array. EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs: ~\n...\n"); yin >> cont; // Okay: null represents an empty array. EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs: null\n...\n"); yin >> cont; // Okay: null represents an empty array. EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } } // // Test the reading of a map containing a malformed yaml sequence // TEST(YAMLIO, TestMalformedContainerSequenceMapRead) { { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs:\n foo: 3\n bar: 5\n...\n", nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> cont; // Error: fbs is not a sequence. EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } { FooBarContainer cont; Input yin("---\nfbs: 'scalar'\n...\n", nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> cont; // This should be an error. EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cont.fbs.size(), 0UL); } } // // Test writing then reading back a sequence of mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestSequenceMapWriteAndRead) { std::string intermediate; { FooBar entry1; entry1.foo = 10; entry1.bar = -3; FooBar entry2; entry2.foo = 257; entry2.bar = 0; FooBarSequence seq; seq.push_back(entry1); seq.push_back(entry2); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << seq; } { Input yin(intermediate); FooBarSequence seq2; yin >> seq2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq2.size(), 2UL); FooBar& map1 = seq2[0]; FooBar& map2 = seq2[1]; EXPECT_EQ(map1.foo, 10); EXPECT_EQ(map1.bar, -3); EXPECT_EQ(map2.foo, 257); EXPECT_EQ(map2.bar, 0); } } // // Test YAML filename handling. // static void testErrorFilename(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &Error, void *) { EXPECT_EQ(Error.getFilename(), "foo.yaml"); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestGivenFilename) { auto Buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("{ x: 42 }", "foo.yaml"); Input yin(*Buffer, nullptr, testErrorFilename); FooBar Value; yin >> Value; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } struct WithStringField { std::string str1; std::string str2; std::string str3; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, WithStringField &fb) { io.mapRequired("str1", fb.str1); io.mapRequired("str2", fb.str2); io.mapRequired("str3", fb.str3); } }; } // namespace yaml } // namespace llvm TEST(YAMLIO, MultilineStrings) { WithStringField Original; Original.str1 = "a multiline string\nfoobarbaz"; Original.str2 = "another one\rfoobarbaz"; Original.str3 = "a one-line string"; std::string Serialized; { llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Serialized); Output YOut(OS); YOut << Original; } auto Expected = "---\n" "str1: \"a multiline string\\nfoobarbaz\"\n" "str2: \"another one\\rfoobarbaz\"\n" "str3: a one-line string\n" "...\n"; ASSERT_EQ(Serialized, Expected); // Also check it parses back without the errors. WithStringField Deserialized; { Input YIn(Serialized); YIn >> Deserialized; ASSERT_FALSE(YIn.error()) << "Parsing error occurred during deserialization. Serialized string:\n" << Serialized; } EXPECT_EQ(Original.str1, Deserialized.str1); EXPECT_EQ(Original.str2, Deserialized.str2); EXPECT_EQ(Original.str3, Deserialized.str3); } TEST(YAMLIO, NoQuotesForTab) { WithStringField WithTab; WithTab.str1 = "aba\tcaba"; std::string Serialized; { llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Serialized); Output YOut(OS); YOut << WithTab; } auto ExpectedPrefix = "---\n" "str1: aba\tcaba\n"; EXPECT_THAT(Serialized, StartsWith(ExpectedPrefix)); } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test built-in types //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct BuiltInTypes { llvm::StringRef str; std::string stdstr; uint64_t u64; uint32_t u32; uint16_t u16; uint8_t u8; bool b; int64_t s64; int32_t s32; int16_t s16; int8_t s8; float f; double d; Hex8 h8; Hex16 h16; Hex32 h32; Hex64 h64; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, BuiltInTypes& bt) { io.mapRequired("str", bt.str); io.mapRequired("stdstr", bt.stdstr); io.mapRequired("u64", bt.u64); io.mapRequired("u32", bt.u32); io.mapRequired("u16", bt.u16); io.mapRequired("u8", bt.u8); io.mapRequired("b", bt.b); io.mapRequired("s64", bt.s64); io.mapRequired("s32", bt.s32); io.mapRequired("s16", bt.s16); io.mapRequired("s8", bt.s8); io.mapRequired("f", bt.f); io.mapRequired("d", bt.d); io.mapRequired("h8", bt.h8); io.mapRequired("h16", bt.h16); io.mapRequired("h32", bt.h32); io.mapRequired("h64", bt.h64); } }; } } // // Test the reading of all built-in scalar conversions // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypes) { BuiltInTypes map; Input yin("---\n" "str: hello there\n" "stdstr: hello where?\n" "u64: 5000000000\n" "u32: 4000000000\n" "u16: 65000\n" "u8: 255\n" "b: false\n" "s64: -5000000000\n" "s32: -2000000000\n" "s16: -32000\n" "s8: -127\n" "f: 137.125\n" "d: -2.8625\n" "h8: 0xFF\n" "h16: 0x8765\n" "h32: 0xFEDCBA98\n" "h64: 0xFEDCBA9876543210\n" "...\n"); yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str.equals("hello there")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr == "hello where?"); EXPECT_EQ(map.u64, 5000000000ULL); EXPECT_EQ(map.u32, 4000000000U); EXPECT_EQ(map.u16, 65000); EXPECT_EQ(map.u8, 255); EXPECT_EQ(map.b, false); EXPECT_EQ(map.s64, -5000000000LL); EXPECT_EQ(map.s32, -2000000000L); EXPECT_EQ(map.s16, -32000); EXPECT_EQ(map.s8, -127); EXPECT_EQ(map.f, 137.125); EXPECT_EQ(map.d, -2.8625); EXPECT_EQ(map.h8, Hex8(255)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h16, Hex16(0x8765)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h32, Hex32(0xFEDCBA98)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h64, Hex64(0xFEDCBA9876543210LL)); } // // Test writing then reading back all built-in scalar types // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteBuiltInTypes) { std::string intermediate; { BuiltInTypes map; map.str = "one two"; map.stdstr = "three four"; map.u64 = 6000000000ULL; map.u32 = 3000000000U; map.u16 = 50000; map.u8 = 254; map.b = true; map.s64 = -6000000000LL; map.s32 = -2000000000; map.s16 = -32000; map.s8 = -128; map.f = 3.25; map.d = -2.8625; map.h8 = 254; map.h16 = 50000; map.h32 = 3000000000U; map.h64 = 6000000000LL; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); BuiltInTypes map; yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str.equals("one two")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr == "three four"); EXPECT_EQ(map.u64, 6000000000ULL); EXPECT_EQ(map.u32, 3000000000U); EXPECT_EQ(map.u16, 50000); EXPECT_EQ(map.u8, 254); EXPECT_EQ(map.b, true); EXPECT_EQ(map.s64, -6000000000LL); EXPECT_EQ(map.s32, -2000000000L); EXPECT_EQ(map.s16, -32000); EXPECT_EQ(map.s8, -128); EXPECT_EQ(map.f, 3.25); EXPECT_EQ(map.d, -2.8625); EXPECT_EQ(map.h8, Hex8(254)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h16, Hex16(50000)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h32, Hex32(3000000000U)); EXPECT_EQ(map.h64, Hex64(6000000000LL)); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test endian-aware types //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct EndianTypes { typedef llvm::support::detail::packed_endian_specific_integral< float, llvm::support::little, llvm::support::unaligned> ulittle_float; typedef llvm::support::detail::packed_endian_specific_integral< double, llvm::support::little, llvm::support::unaligned> ulittle_double; llvm::support::ulittle64_t u64; llvm::support::ulittle32_t u32; llvm::support::ulittle16_t u16; llvm::support::little64_t s64; llvm::support::little32_t s32; llvm::support::little16_t s16; ulittle_float f; ulittle_double d; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, EndianTypes &et) { io.mapRequired("u64", et.u64); io.mapRequired("u32", et.u32); io.mapRequired("u16", et.u16); io.mapRequired("s64", et.s64); io.mapRequired("s32", et.s32); io.mapRequired("s16", et.s16); io.mapRequired("f", et.f); io.mapRequired("d", et.d); } }; } } // // Test the reading of all endian scalar conversions // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadEndianTypes) { EndianTypes map; Input yin("---\n" "u64: 5000000000\n" "u32: 4000000000\n" "u16: 65000\n" "s64: -5000000000\n" "s32: -2000000000\n" "s16: -32000\n" "f: 3.25\n" "d: -2.8625\n" "...\n"); yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(map.u64, 5000000000ULL); EXPECT_EQ(map.u32, 4000000000U); EXPECT_EQ(map.u16, 65000); EXPECT_EQ(map.s64, -5000000000LL); EXPECT_EQ(map.s32, -2000000000L); EXPECT_EQ(map.s16, -32000); EXPECT_EQ(map.f, 3.25f); EXPECT_EQ(map.d, -2.8625); } // // Test writing then reading back all endian-aware scalar types // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteEndianTypes) { std::string intermediate; { EndianTypes map; map.u64 = 6000000000ULL; map.u32 = 3000000000U; map.u16 = 50000; map.s64 = -6000000000LL; map.s32 = -2000000000; map.s16 = -32000; map.f = 3.25f; map.d = -2.8625; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); EndianTypes map; yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(map.u64, 6000000000ULL); EXPECT_EQ(map.u32, 3000000000U); EXPECT_EQ(map.u16, 50000); EXPECT_EQ(map.s64, -6000000000LL); EXPECT_EQ(map.s32, -2000000000L); EXPECT_EQ(map.s16, -32000); EXPECT_EQ(map.f, 3.25f); EXPECT_EQ(map.d, -2.8625); } } enum class Enum : uint16_t { One, Two }; enum class BitsetEnum : uint16_t { ZeroOne = 0x01, OneZero = 0x10, LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/*LargestValue*/ OneZero), }; LLVM_ENABLE_BITMASK_ENUMS_IN_NAMESPACE(); struct EndianEnums { llvm::support::little_t LittleEnum; llvm::support::big_t BigEnum; llvm::support::little_t LittleBitset; llvm::support::big_t BigBitset; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &io, Enum &E) { io.enumCase(E, "One", Enum::One); io.enumCase(E, "Two", Enum::Two); } }; template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits { static void bitset(IO &io, BitsetEnum &E) { io.bitSetCase(E, "ZeroOne", BitsetEnum::ZeroOne); io.bitSetCase(E, "OneZero", BitsetEnum::OneZero); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, EndianEnums &EE) { io.mapRequired("LittleEnum", EE.LittleEnum); io.mapRequired("BigEnum", EE.BigEnum); io.mapRequired("LittleBitset", EE.LittleBitset); io.mapRequired("BigBitset", EE.BigBitset); } }; } // namespace yaml } // namespace llvm TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadEndianEnums) { EndianEnums map; Input yin("---\n" "LittleEnum: One\n" "BigEnum: Two\n" "LittleBitset: [ ZeroOne ]\n" "BigBitset: [ ZeroOne, OneZero ]\n" "...\n"); yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(Enum::One, map.LittleEnum); EXPECT_EQ(Enum::Two, map.BigEnum); EXPECT_EQ(BitsetEnum::ZeroOne, map.LittleBitset); EXPECT_EQ(BitsetEnum::ZeroOne | BitsetEnum::OneZero, map.BigBitset); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteEndianEnums) { std::string intermediate; { EndianEnums map; map.LittleEnum = Enum::Two; map.BigEnum = Enum::One; map.LittleBitset = BitsetEnum::OneZero | BitsetEnum::ZeroOne; map.BigBitset = BitsetEnum::OneZero; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); EndianEnums map; yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(Enum::Two, map.LittleEnum); EXPECT_EQ(Enum::One, map.BigEnum); EXPECT_EQ(BitsetEnum::OneZero | BitsetEnum::ZeroOne, map.LittleBitset); EXPECT_EQ(BitsetEnum::OneZero, map.BigBitset); } } struct StringTypes { llvm::StringRef str1; llvm::StringRef str2; llvm::StringRef str3; llvm::StringRef str4; llvm::StringRef str5; llvm::StringRef str6; llvm::StringRef str7; llvm::StringRef str8; llvm::StringRef str9; llvm::StringRef str10; llvm::StringRef str11; std::string stdstr1; std::string stdstr2; std::string stdstr3; std::string stdstr4; std::string stdstr5; std::string stdstr6; std::string stdstr7; std::string stdstr8; std::string stdstr9; std::string stdstr10; std::string stdstr11; std::string stdstr12; std::string stdstr13; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, StringTypes& st) { io.mapRequired("str1", st.str1); io.mapRequired("str2", st.str2); io.mapRequired("str3", st.str3); io.mapRequired("str4", st.str4); io.mapRequired("str5", st.str5); io.mapRequired("str6", st.str6); io.mapRequired("str7", st.str7); io.mapRequired("str8", st.str8); io.mapRequired("str9", st.str9); io.mapRequired("str10", st.str10); io.mapRequired("str11", st.str11); io.mapRequired("stdstr1", st.stdstr1); io.mapRequired("stdstr2", st.stdstr2); io.mapRequired("stdstr3", st.stdstr3); io.mapRequired("stdstr4", st.stdstr4); io.mapRequired("stdstr5", st.stdstr5); io.mapRequired("stdstr6", st.stdstr6); io.mapRequired("stdstr7", st.stdstr7); io.mapRequired("stdstr8", st.stdstr8); io.mapRequired("stdstr9", st.stdstr9); io.mapRequired("stdstr10", st.stdstr10); io.mapRequired("stdstr11", st.stdstr11); io.mapRequired("stdstr12", st.stdstr12); io.mapRequired("stdstr13", st.stdstr13); } }; } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteStringTypes) { std::string intermediate; { StringTypes map; map.str1 = "'aaa"; map.str2 = "\"bbb"; map.str3 = "`ccc"; map.str4 = "@ddd"; map.str5 = ""; map.str6 = "0000000004000000"; map.str7 = "true"; map.str8 = "FALSE"; map.str9 = "~"; map.str10 = "0.2e20"; map.str11 = "0x30"; map.stdstr1 = "'eee"; map.stdstr2 = "\"fff"; map.stdstr3 = "`ggg"; map.stdstr4 = "@hhh"; map.stdstr5 = ""; map.stdstr6 = "0000000004000000"; map.stdstr7 = "true"; map.stdstr8 = "FALSE"; map.stdstr9 = "~"; map.stdstr10 = "0.2e20"; map.stdstr11 = "0x30"; map.stdstr12 = "- match"; map.stdstr13.assign("\0a\0b\0", 5); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } llvm::StringRef flowOut(intermediate); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'''aaa")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'\"bbb'")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'`ccc'")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'@ddd'")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("''\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'0000000004000000'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'true'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'FALSE'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'~'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'0.2e20'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'0x30'\n")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("'- match'\n")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("'''eee")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("'\"fff'")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("'`ggg'")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("'@hhh'")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("''\n")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("'0000000004000000'\n")); EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, flowOut.find("\"\\0a\\0b\\0\"")); { Input yin(intermediate); StringTypes map; yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str1.equals("'aaa")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str2.equals("\"bbb")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str3.equals("`ccc")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str4.equals("@ddd")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str5.equals("")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.str6.equals("0000000004000000")); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr1 == "'eee"); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr2 == "\"fff"); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr3 == "`ggg"); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr4 == "@hhh"); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr5 == ""); EXPECT_TRUE(map.stdstr6 == "0000000004000000"); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("\0a\0b\0", 5), map.stdstr13); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test ScalarEnumerationTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// enum Colors { cRed, cBlue, cGreen, cYellow }; struct ColorMap { Colors c1; Colors c2; Colors c3; Colors c4; Colors c5; Colors c6; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &io, Colors &value) { io.enumCase(value, "red", cRed); io.enumCase(value, "blue", cBlue); io.enumCase(value, "green", cGreen); io.enumCase(value, "yellow",cYellow); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, ColorMap& c) { io.mapRequired("c1", c.c1); io.mapRequired("c2", c.c2); io.mapRequired("c3", c.c3); io.mapOptional("c4", c.c4, cBlue); // supplies default io.mapOptional("c5", c.c5, cYellow); // supplies default io.mapOptional("c6", c.c6, cRed); // supplies default } }; } } // // Test reading enumerated scalars // TEST(YAMLIO, TestEnumRead) { ColorMap map; Input yin("---\n" "c1: blue\n" "c2: red\n" "c3: green\n" "c5: yellow\n" "...\n"); yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(cBlue, map.c1); EXPECT_EQ(cRed, map.c2); EXPECT_EQ(cGreen, map.c3); EXPECT_EQ(cBlue, map.c4); // tests default EXPECT_EQ(cYellow,map.c5); // tests overridden EXPECT_EQ(cRed, map.c6); // tests default } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test ScalarBitSetTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// enum MyFlags { flagNone = 0, flagBig = 1 << 0, flagFlat = 1 << 1, flagRound = 1 << 2, flagPointy = 1 << 3 }; inline MyFlags operator|(MyFlags a, MyFlags b) { return static_cast( static_cast(a) | static_cast(b)); } struct FlagsMap { MyFlags f1; MyFlags f2; MyFlags f3; MyFlags f4; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits { static void bitset(IO &io, MyFlags &value) { io.bitSetCase(value, "big", flagBig); io.bitSetCase(value, "flat", flagFlat); io.bitSetCase(value, "round", flagRound); io.bitSetCase(value, "pointy",flagPointy); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FlagsMap& c) { io.mapRequired("f1", c.f1); io.mapRequired("f2", c.f2); io.mapRequired("f3", c.f3); io.mapOptional("f4", c.f4, flagRound); } }; } } // // Test reading flow sequence representing bit-mask values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestFlagsRead) { FlagsMap map; Input yin("---\n" "f1: [ big ]\n" "f2: [ round, flat ]\n" "f3: []\n" "...\n"); yin >> map; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(flagBig, map.f1); EXPECT_EQ(flagRound|flagFlat, map.f2); EXPECT_EQ(flagNone, map.f3); // check empty set EXPECT_EQ(flagRound, map.f4); // check optional key } // // Test writing then reading back bit-mask values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteFlags) { std::string intermediate; { FlagsMap map; map.f1 = flagBig; map.f2 = flagRound | flagFlat; map.f3 = flagNone; map.f4 = flagNone; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); FlagsMap map2; yin >> map2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(flagBig, map2.f1); EXPECT_EQ(flagRound|flagFlat, map2.f2); EXPECT_EQ(flagNone, map2.f3); //EXPECT_EQ(flagRound, map2.f4); // check optional key } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test ScalarTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct MyCustomType { int length; int width; }; struct MyCustomTypeMap { MyCustomType f1; MyCustomType f2; int f3; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, MyCustomTypeMap& s) { io.mapRequired("f1", s.f1); io.mapRequired("f2", s.f2); io.mapRequired("f3", s.f3); } }; // MyCustomType is formatted as a yaml scalar. A value of // {length=3, width=4} would be represented in yaml as "3 by 4". template<> struct ScalarTraits { static void output(const MyCustomType &value, void* ctxt, llvm::raw_ostream &out) { out << llvm::format("%d by %d", value.length, value.width); } static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void* ctxt, MyCustomType &value) { size_t byStart = scalar.find("by"); if ( byStart != StringRef::npos ) { StringRef lenStr = scalar.slice(0, byStart); lenStr = lenStr.rtrim(); if ( lenStr.getAsInteger(0, value.length) ) { return "malformed length"; } StringRef widthStr = scalar.drop_front(byStart+2); widthStr = widthStr.ltrim(); if ( widthStr.getAsInteger(0, value.width) ) { return "malformed width"; } return StringRef(); } else { return "malformed by"; } } static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::Single; } }; } } // // Test writing then reading back custom values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMyCustomType) { std::string intermediate; { MyCustomTypeMap map; map.f1.length = 1; map.f1.width = 4; map.f2.length = 100; map.f2.width = 400; map.f3 = 10; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); MyCustomTypeMap map2; yin >> map2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(1, map2.f1.length); EXPECT_EQ(4, map2.f1.width); EXPECT_EQ(100, map2.f2.length); EXPECT_EQ(400, map2.f2.width); EXPECT_EQ(10, map2.f3); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test BlockScalarTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct MultilineStringType { std::string str; }; struct MultilineStringTypeMap { MultilineStringType name; MultilineStringType description; MultilineStringType ingredients; MultilineStringType recipes; MultilineStringType warningLabels; MultilineStringType documentation; int price; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, MultilineStringTypeMap& s) { io.mapRequired("name", s.name); io.mapRequired("description", s.description); io.mapRequired("ingredients", s.ingredients); io.mapRequired("recipes", s.recipes); io.mapRequired("warningLabels", s.warningLabels); io.mapRequired("documentation", s.documentation); io.mapRequired("price", s.price); } }; // MultilineStringType is formatted as a yaml block literal scalar. A value of // "Hello\nWorld" would be represented in yaml as // | // Hello // World template <> struct BlockScalarTraits { static void output(const MultilineStringType &value, void *ctxt, llvm::raw_ostream &out) { out << value.str; } static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void *ctxt, MultilineStringType &value) { value.str = scalar.str(); return StringRef(); } }; } } LLVM_YAML_IS_DOCUMENT_LIST_VECTOR(MultilineStringType) // // Test writing then reading back custom values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMultilineStringType) { std::string intermediate; { MultilineStringTypeMap map; map.name.str = "An Item"; map.description.str = "Hello\nWorld"; map.ingredients.str = "SubItem 1\nSub Item 2\n\nSub Item 3\n"; map.recipes.str = "\n\nTest 1\n\n\n"; map.warningLabels.str = ""; map.documentation.str = "\n\n"; map.price = 350; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; } { Input yin(intermediate); MultilineStringTypeMap map2; yin >> map2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(map2.name.str, "An Item\n"); EXPECT_EQ(map2.description.str, "Hello\nWorld\n"); EXPECT_EQ(map2.ingredients.str, "SubItem 1\nSub Item 2\n\nSub Item 3\n"); EXPECT_EQ(map2.recipes.str, "\n\nTest 1\n"); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.warningLabels.str.empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.documentation.str.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(map2.price, 350); } } // // Test writing then reading back custom values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteBlockScalarDocuments) { std::string intermediate; { std::vector documents; MultilineStringType doc; doc.str = "Hello\nWorld"; documents.push_back(doc); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << documents; // Verify that the block scalar header was written out on the same line // as the document marker. EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, llvm::StringRef(ostr.str()).find("--- |")); } { Input yin(intermediate); std::vector documents2; yin >> documents2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(documents2.size(), size_t(1)); EXPECT_EQ(documents2[0].str, "Hello\nWorld\n"); } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteBlockScalarValue) { std::string intermediate; { MultilineStringType doc; doc.str = "Just a block\nscalar doc"; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << doc; } { Input yin(intermediate); MultilineStringType doc; yin >> doc; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.str, "Just a block\nscalar doc\n"); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test flow sequences //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(int, MyNumber) LLVM_YAML_IS_FLOW_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(MyNumber) LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(llvm::StringRef, MyString) LLVM_YAML_IS_FLOW_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(MyString) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template<> struct ScalarTraits { static void output(const MyNumber &value, void *, llvm::raw_ostream &out) { out << value; } static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void *, MyNumber &value) { long long n; if ( getAsSignedInteger(scalar, 0, n) ) return "invalid number"; value = n; return StringRef(); } static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; } }; template <> struct ScalarTraits { using Impl = ScalarTraits; static void output(const MyString &V, void *Ctx, raw_ostream &OS) { Impl::output(V, Ctx, OS); } static StringRef input(StringRef S, void *Ctx, MyString &V) { return Impl::input(S, Ctx, V.value); } static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef S) { return Impl::mustQuote(S); } }; } } struct NameAndNumbers { llvm::StringRef name; std::vector strings; std::vector single; std::vector numbers; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, NameAndNumbers& nn) { io.mapRequired("name", nn.name); io.mapRequired("strings", nn.strings); io.mapRequired("single", nn.single); io.mapRequired("numbers", nn.numbers); } }; } } typedef std::vector MyNumberFlowSequence; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(MyNumberFlowSequence) struct NameAndNumbersFlow { llvm::StringRef name; std::vector sequenceOfNumbers; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, NameAndNumbersFlow& nn) { io.mapRequired("name", nn.name); io.mapRequired("sequenceOfNumbers", nn.sequenceOfNumbers); } }; } } // // Test writing then reading back custom values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMyFlowSequence) { std::string intermediate; { NameAndNumbers map; map.name = "hello"; map.strings.push_back(llvm::StringRef("one")); map.strings.push_back(llvm::StringRef("two")); map.single.push_back(1); map.numbers.push_back(10); map.numbers.push_back(-30); map.numbers.push_back(1024); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; // Verify sequences were written in flow style ostr.flush(); llvm::StringRef flowOut(intermediate); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("one, two")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("10, -30, 1024")); } { Input yin(intermediate); NameAndNumbers map2; yin >> map2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.name.equals("hello")); EXPECT_EQ(map2.strings.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.strings[0].value.equals("one")); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.strings[1].value.equals("two")); EXPECT_EQ(map2.single.size(), 1UL); EXPECT_EQ(1, map2.single[0]); EXPECT_EQ(map2.numbers.size(), 3UL); EXPECT_EQ(10, map2.numbers[0]); EXPECT_EQ(-30, map2.numbers[1]); EXPECT_EQ(1024, map2.numbers[2]); } } // // Test writing then reading back a sequence of flow sequences. // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteSequenceOfMyFlowSequence) { std::string intermediate; { NameAndNumbersFlow map; map.name = "hello"; MyNumberFlowSequence single = { 0 }; MyNumberFlowSequence numbers = { 12, 1, -512 }; map.sequenceOfNumbers.push_back(single); map.sequenceOfNumbers.push_back(numbers); map.sequenceOfNumbers.push_back(MyNumberFlowSequence()); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << map; // Verify sequences were written in flow style // and that the parent sequence used '-'. ostr.flush(); llvm::StringRef flowOut(intermediate); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- [ 0 ]")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- [ 12, 1, -512 ]")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- [ ]")); } { Input yin(intermediate); NameAndNumbersFlow map2; yin >> map2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.name.equals("hello")); EXPECT_EQ(map2.sequenceOfNumbers.size(), 3UL); EXPECT_EQ(map2.sequenceOfNumbers[0].size(), 1UL); EXPECT_EQ(0, map2.sequenceOfNumbers[0][0]); EXPECT_EQ(map2.sequenceOfNumbers[1].size(), 3UL); EXPECT_EQ(12, map2.sequenceOfNumbers[1][0]); EXPECT_EQ(1, map2.sequenceOfNumbers[1][1]); EXPECT_EQ(-512, map2.sequenceOfNumbers[1][2]); EXPECT_TRUE(map2.sequenceOfNumbers[2].empty()); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test normalizing/denormalizing //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, TotalSeconds) typedef std::vector SecondsSequence; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(TotalSeconds) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { class NormalizedSeconds { public: NormalizedSeconds(IO &io) : hours(0), minutes(0), seconds(0) { } NormalizedSeconds(IO &, TotalSeconds &secs) : hours(secs/3600), minutes((secs - (hours*3600))/60), seconds(secs % 60) { } TotalSeconds denormalize(IO &) { return TotalSeconds(hours*3600 + minutes*60 + seconds); } uint32_t hours; uint8_t minutes; uint8_t seconds; }; static void mapping(IO &io, TotalSeconds &secs) { MappingNormalization keys(io, secs); io.mapOptional("hours", keys->hours, 0); io.mapOptional("minutes", keys->minutes, 0); io.mapRequired("seconds", keys->seconds); } }; } } // // Test the reading of a yaml sequence of mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadMySecondsSequence) { SecondsSequence seq; Input yin("---\n - hours: 1\n seconds: 5\n - seconds: 59\n...\n"); yin >> seq; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_EQ(seq[0], 3605U); EXPECT_EQ(seq[1], 59U); } // // Test writing then reading back custom values // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMySecondsSequence) { std::string intermediate; { SecondsSequence seq; seq.push_back(4000); seq.push_back(500); seq.push_back(59); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << seq; } { Input yin(intermediate); SecondsSequence seq2; yin >> seq2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq2.size(), 3UL); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[0], 4000U); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[1], 500U); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[2], 59U); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test dynamic typing //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// enum AFlags { a1, a2, a3 }; enum BFlags { b1, b2, b3 }; enum Kind { kindA, kindB }; struct KindAndFlags { KindAndFlags() : kind(kindA), flags(0) { } KindAndFlags(Kind k, uint32_t f) : kind(k), flags(f) { } Kind kind; uint32_t flags; }; typedef std::vector KindAndFlagsSequence; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(KindAndFlags) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &io, AFlags &value) { io.enumCase(value, "a1", a1); io.enumCase(value, "a2", a2); io.enumCase(value, "a3", a3); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &io, BFlags &value) { io.enumCase(value, "b1", b1); io.enumCase(value, "b2", b2); io.enumCase(value, "b3", b3); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &io, Kind &value) { io.enumCase(value, "A", kindA); io.enumCase(value, "B", kindB); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, KindAndFlags& kf) { io.mapRequired("kind", kf.kind); // Type of "flags" field varies depending on "kind" field. // Use memcpy here to avoid breaking strict aliasing rules. if (kf.kind == kindA) { AFlags aflags = static_cast(kf.flags); io.mapRequired("flags", aflags); kf.flags = aflags; } else { BFlags bflags = static_cast(kf.flags); io.mapRequired("flags", bflags); kf.flags = bflags; } } }; } } // // Test the reading of a yaml sequence dynamic types // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadKindAndFlagsSequence) { KindAndFlagsSequence seq; Input yin("---\n - kind: A\n flags: a2\n - kind: B\n flags: b1\n...\n"); yin >> seq; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_EQ(seq[0].kind, kindA); EXPECT_EQ(seq[0].flags, (uint32_t)a2); EXPECT_EQ(seq[1].kind, kindB); EXPECT_EQ(seq[1].flags, (uint32_t)b1); } // // Test writing then reading back dynamic types // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteKindAndFlagsSequence) { std::string intermediate; { KindAndFlagsSequence seq; seq.push_back(KindAndFlags(kindA,a1)); seq.push_back(KindAndFlags(kindB,b1)); seq.push_back(KindAndFlags(kindA,a2)); seq.push_back(KindAndFlags(kindB,b2)); seq.push_back(KindAndFlags(kindA,a3)); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << seq; } { Input yin(intermediate); KindAndFlagsSequence seq2; yin >> seq2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(seq2.size(), 5UL); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[0].kind, kindA); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[0].flags, (uint32_t)a1); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[1].kind, kindB); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[1].flags, (uint32_t)b1); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[2].kind, kindA); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[2].flags, (uint32_t)a2); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[3].kind, kindB); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[3].flags, (uint32_t)b2); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[4].kind, kindA); EXPECT_EQ(seq2[4].flags, (uint32_t)a3); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test document list //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct FooBarMap { int foo; int bar; }; typedef std::vector FooBarMapDocumentList; LLVM_YAML_IS_DOCUMENT_LIST_VECTOR(FooBarMap) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FooBarMap& fb) { io.mapRequired("foo", fb.foo); io.mapRequired("bar", fb.bar); } }; } } // // Test the reading of a yaml mapping // TEST(YAMLIO, TestDocRead) { FooBarMap doc; Input yin("---\nfoo: 3\nbar: 5\n...\n"); yin >> doc; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(doc.foo, 3); EXPECT_EQ(doc.bar,5); } // // Test writing then reading back a sequence of mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestSequenceDocListWriteAndRead) { std::string intermediate; { FooBarMap doc1; doc1.foo = 10; doc1.bar = -3; FooBarMap doc2; doc2.foo = 257; doc2.bar = 0; std::vector docList; docList.push_back(doc1); docList.push_back(doc2); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << docList; } { Input yin(intermediate); std::vector docList2; yin >> docList2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(docList2.size(), 2UL); FooBarMap& map1 = docList2[0]; FooBarMap& map2 = docList2[1]; EXPECT_EQ(map1.foo, 10); EXPECT_EQ(map1.bar, -3); EXPECT_EQ(map2.foo, 257); EXPECT_EQ(map2.bar, 0); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test document tags //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct MyDouble { MyDouble() : value(0.0) { } MyDouble(double x) : value(x) { } double value; }; LLVM_YAML_IS_DOCUMENT_LIST_VECTOR(MyDouble) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, MyDouble &d) { if (io.mapTag("!decimal", true)) { mappingDecimal(io, d); } else if (io.mapTag("!fraction")) { mappingFraction(io, d); } } static void mappingDecimal(IO &io, MyDouble &d) { io.mapRequired("value", d.value); } static void mappingFraction(IO &io, MyDouble &d) { double num, denom; io.mapRequired("numerator", num); io.mapRequired("denominator", denom); // convert fraction to double d.value = num/denom; } }; } } // // Test the reading of two different tagged yaml documents. // TEST(YAMLIO, TestTaggedDocuments) { std::vector docList; Input yin("--- !decimal\nvalue: 3.0\n" "--- !fraction\nnumerator: 9.0\ndenominator: 2\n...\n"); yin >> docList; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(docList.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_EQ(docList[0].value, 3.0); EXPECT_EQ(docList[1].value, 4.5); } // // Test writing then reading back tagged documents // TEST(YAMLIO, TestTaggedDocumentsWriteAndRead) { std::string intermediate; { MyDouble a(10.25); MyDouble b(-3.75); std::vector docList; docList.push_back(a); docList.push_back(b); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << docList; } { Input yin(intermediate); std::vector docList2; yin >> docList2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(docList2.size(), 2UL); EXPECT_EQ(docList2[0].value, 10.25); EXPECT_EQ(docList2[1].value, -3.75); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test mapping validation //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct MyValidation { double value; }; LLVM_YAML_IS_DOCUMENT_LIST_VECTOR(MyValidation) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, MyValidation &d) { io.mapRequired("value", d.value); } static StringRef validate(IO &io, MyValidation &d) { if (d.value < 0) return "negative value"; return StringRef(); } }; } } // // Test that validate() is called and complains about the negative value. // TEST(YAMLIO, TestValidatingInput) { std::vector docList; Input yin("--- \nvalue: 3.0\n" "--- \nvalue: -1.0\n...\n", nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> docList; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test flow mapping //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct FlowFooBar { int foo; int bar; FlowFooBar() : foo(0), bar(0) {} FlowFooBar(int foo, int bar) : foo(foo), bar(bar) {} }; typedef std::vector FlowFooBarSequence; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(FlowFooBar) struct FlowFooBarDoc { FlowFooBar attribute; FlowFooBarSequence seq; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FlowFooBar &fb) { io.mapRequired("foo", fb.foo); io.mapRequired("bar", fb.bar); } static const bool flow = true; }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FlowFooBarDoc &fb) { io.mapRequired("attribute", fb.attribute); io.mapRequired("seq", fb.seq); } }; } } // // Test writing then reading back custom mappings // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMyFlowMapping) { std::string intermediate; { FlowFooBarDoc doc; doc.attribute = FlowFooBar(42, 907); doc.seq.push_back(FlowFooBar(1, 2)); doc.seq.push_back(FlowFooBar(0, 0)); doc.seq.push_back(FlowFooBar(-1, 1024)); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << doc; // Verify that mappings were written in flow style ostr.flush(); llvm::StringRef flowOut(intermediate); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("{ foo: 42, bar: 907 }")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- { foo: 1, bar: 2 }")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- { foo: 0, bar: 0 }")); EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, flowOut.find("- { foo: -1, bar: 1024 }")); } { Input yin(intermediate); FlowFooBarDoc doc2; yin >> doc2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.attribute.foo, 42); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.attribute.bar, 907); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq.size(), 3UL); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[0].foo, 1); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[0].bar, 2); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[1].foo, 0); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[1].bar, 0); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[2].foo, -1); EXPECT_EQ(doc2.seq[2].bar, 1024); } } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test error handling //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Test error handling of unknown enumerated scalar // TEST(YAMLIO, TestColorsReadError) { ColorMap map; Input yin("---\n" "c1: blue\n" "c2: purple\n" "c3: green\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> map; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling of flow sequence with unknown value // TEST(YAMLIO, TestFlagsReadError) { FlagsMap map; Input yin("---\n" "f1: [ big ]\n" "f2: [ round, hollow ]\n" "f3: []\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> map; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in uint8_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesUint8Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 255\n" "- 0\n" "- 257\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in uint16_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesUint16Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 65535\n" "- 0\n" "- 66000\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in uint32_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesUint32Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 4000000000\n" "- 0\n" "- 5000000000\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in uint64_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesUint64Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 18446744073709551615\n" "- 0\n" "- 19446744073709551615\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int8_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint8OverError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- -128\n" "- 0\n" "- 127\n" "- 128\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int8_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint8UnderError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- -128\n" "- 0\n" "- 127\n" "- -129\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int16_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint16UnderError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 32767\n" "- 0\n" "- -32768\n" "- -32769\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int16_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint16OverError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 32767\n" "- 0\n" "- -32768\n" "- 32768\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int32_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint32UnderError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 2147483647\n" "- 0\n" "- -2147483648\n" "- -2147483649\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int32_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint32OverError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 2147483647\n" "- 0\n" "- -2147483648\n" "- 2147483649\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int64_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint64UnderError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- -9223372036854775808\n" "- 0\n" "- 9223372036854775807\n" "- -9223372036854775809\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in int64_t type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesint64OverError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- -9223372036854775808\n" "- 0\n" "- 9223372036854775807\n" "- 9223372036854775809\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in float type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesFloatError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0.0\n" "- 1000.1\n" "- -123.456\n" "- 1.2.3\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in float type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesDoubleError) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0.0\n" "- 1000.1\n" "- -123.456\n" "- 1.2.3\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } // // Test error handling reading built-in Hex8 type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesHex8Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0x12\n" "- 0xFE\n" "- 0x123\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); std::vector seq2; Input yin2("---\n" "[ 0x12, 0xFE, 0x123 ]\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin2 >> seq2; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin2.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == 3); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == seq2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(seq[i] == seq2[i]); } // // Test error handling reading built-in Hex16 type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesHex16Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0x0012\n" "- 0xFEFF\n" "- 0x12345\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); std::vector seq2; Input yin2("---\n" "[ 0x0012, 0xFEFF, 0x12345 ]\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin2 >> seq2; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin2.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == 3); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == seq2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(seq[i] == seq2[i]); } // // Test error handling reading built-in Hex32 type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesHex32Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0x0012\n" "- 0xFEFF0000\n" "- 0x1234556789\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); std::vector seq2; Input yin2("---\n" "[ 0x0012, 0xFEFF0000, 0x1234556789 ]\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin2 >> seq2; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin2.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == 3); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == seq2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(seq[i] == seq2[i]); } // // Test error handling reading built-in Hex64 type // TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadBuiltInTypesHex64Error) { std::vector seq; Input yin("---\n" "- 0x0012\n" "- 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988\n" "- 0x12345567890ABCDEF0\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); std::vector seq2; Input yin2("---\n" "[ 0x0012, 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988, 0x12345567890ABCDEF0 ]\n" "...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin2 >> seq2; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin2.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == 3); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.size() == seq2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(seq[i] == seq2[i]); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestMalformedMapFailsGracefully) { FooBar doc; { // We pass the suppressErrorMessages handler to handle the error // message generated in the constructor of Input. Input yin("{foo:3, bar: 5}", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> doc; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } { Input yin("---\nfoo:3\nbar: 5\n...\n", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> doc; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } } struct OptionalTest { std::vector Numbers; }; struct OptionalTestSeq { std::vector Tests; }; LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(OptionalTest) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO& IO, OptionalTest &OT) { IO.mapOptional("Numbers", OT.Numbers); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &IO, OptionalTestSeq &OTS) { IO.mapOptional("Tests", OTS.Tests); } }; } } TEST(YAMLIO, SequenceElideTest) { // Test that writing out a purely optional structure with its fields set to // default followed by other data is properly read back in. OptionalTestSeq Seq; OptionalTest One, Two, Three, Four; int N[] = {1, 2, 3}; Three.Numbers.assign(N, N + 3); Seq.Tests.push_back(One); Seq.Tests.push_back(Two); Seq.Tests.push_back(Three); Seq.Tests.push_back(Four); std::string intermediate; { llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << Seq; } Input yin(intermediate); OptionalTestSeq Seq2; yin >> Seq2; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_EQ(4UL, Seq2.Tests.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(Seq2.Tests[0].Numbers.empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(Seq2.Tests[1].Numbers.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1, Seq2.Tests[2].Numbers[0]); EXPECT_EQ(2, Seq2.Tests[2].Numbers[1]); EXPECT_EQ(3, Seq2.Tests[2].Numbers[2]); EXPECT_TRUE(Seq2.Tests[3].Numbers.empty()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEmptyStringFailsForMapWithRequiredFields) { FooBar doc; Input yin(""); yin >> doc; EXPECT_TRUE(!!yin.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEmptyStringSucceedsForMapWithOptionalFields) { OptionalTest doc; Input yin(""); yin >> doc; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEmptyStringSucceedsForSequence) { std::vector seq; Input yin("", /*Ctxt=*/nullptr, suppressErrorMessages); yin >> seq; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); EXPECT_TRUE(seq.empty()); } struct FlowMap { llvm::StringRef str1, str2, str3; FlowMap(llvm::StringRef str1, llvm::StringRef str2, llvm::StringRef str3) : str1(str1), str2(str2), str3(str3) {} }; struct FlowSeq { llvm::StringRef str; FlowSeq(llvm::StringRef S) : str(S) {} FlowSeq() = default; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FlowMap &fm) { io.mapRequired("str1", fm.str1); io.mapRequired("str2", fm.str2); io.mapRequired("str3", fm.str3); } static const bool flow = true; }; template <> struct ScalarTraits { static void output(const FlowSeq &value, void*, llvm::raw_ostream &out) { out << value.str; } static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void*, FlowSeq &value) { value.str = scalar; return ""; } static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef S) { return QuotingType::None; } }; } } LLVM_YAML_IS_FLOW_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(FlowSeq) TEST(YAMLIO, TestWrapFlow) { std::string out; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(out); FlowMap Map("This is str1", "This is str2", "This is str3"); std::vector Seq; Seq.emplace_back("This is str1"); Seq.emplace_back("This is str2"); Seq.emplace_back("This is str3"); { // 20 is just bellow the total length of the first mapping field. // We should wreap at every element. Output yout(ostr, nullptr, 15); yout << Map; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "{ str1: This is str1, \n" " str2: This is str2, \n" " str3: This is str3 }\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); yout << Seq; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "[ This is str1, \n" " This is str2, \n" " This is str3 ]\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); } { // 25 will allow the second field to be output on the first line. Output yout(ostr, nullptr, 25); yout << Map; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "{ str1: This is str1, str2: This is str2, \n" " str3: This is str3 }\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); yout << Seq; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "[ This is str1, This is str2, \n" " This is str3 ]\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); } { // 0 means no wrapping. Output yout(ostr, nullptr, 0); yout << Map; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "{ str1: This is str1, str2: This is str2, str3: This is str3 }\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); yout << Seq; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(out, "---\n" "[ This is str1, This is str2, This is str3 ]\n" "...\n"); out.clear(); } } struct MappingContext { int A = 0; }; struct SimpleMap { int B = 0; int C = 0; }; struct NestedMap { NestedMap(MappingContext &Context) : Context(Context) {} SimpleMap Simple; MappingContext &Context; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingContextTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, SimpleMap &sm, MappingContext &Context) { io.mapRequired("B", sm.B); io.mapRequired("C", sm.C); ++Context.A; io.mapRequired("Context", Context.A); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, NestedMap &nm) { io.mapRequired("Simple", nm.Simple, nm.Context); } }; } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestMapWithContext) { MappingContext Context; NestedMap Nested(Context); std::string out; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(out); Output yout(ostr, nullptr, 15); yout << Nested; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(1, Context.A); EXPECT_EQ("---\n" "Simple:\n" " B: 0\n" " C: 0\n" " Context: 1\n" "...\n", out); out.clear(); Nested.Simple.B = 2; Nested.Simple.C = 3; yout << Nested; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ(2, Context.A); EXPECT_EQ("---\n" "Simple:\n" " B: 2\n" " C: 3\n" " Context: 2\n" "...\n", out); out.clear(); } LLVM_YAML_IS_STRING_MAP(int) TEST(YAMLIO, TestCustomMapping) { std::map x; std::string out; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(out); Output xout(ostr, nullptr, 0); xout << x; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ("---\n" "{}\n" "...\n", out); x["foo"] = 1; x["bar"] = 2; out.clear(); xout << x; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ("---\n" "bar: 2\n" "foo: 1\n" "...\n", out); Input yin(out); std::map y; yin >> y; EXPECT_EQ(2ul, y.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, y["foo"]); EXPECT_EQ(2, y["bar"]); } LLVM_YAML_IS_STRING_MAP(FooBar) TEST(YAMLIO, TestCustomMappingStruct) { std::map x; x["foo"].foo = 1; x["foo"].bar = 2; x["bar"].foo = 3; x["bar"].bar = 4; std::string out; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(out); Output xout(ostr, nullptr, 0); xout << x; ostr.flush(); EXPECT_EQ("---\n" "bar:\n" " foo: 3\n" " bar: 4\n" "foo:\n" " foo: 1\n" " bar: 2\n" "...\n", out); Input yin(out); std::map y; yin >> y; EXPECT_EQ(2ul, y.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, y["foo"].foo); EXPECT_EQ(2, y["foo"].bar); EXPECT_EQ(3, y["bar"].foo); EXPECT_EQ(4, y["bar"].bar); } struct FooBarMapMap { std::map fbm; }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &io, FooBarMapMap &x) { io.mapRequired("fbm", x.fbm); } }; } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEmptyMapWrite) { FooBarMapMap cont; std::string str; llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(str); Output yout(OS); yout << cont; EXPECT_EQ(OS.str(), "---\nfbm: {}\n...\n"); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEmptySequenceWrite) { FooBarContainer cont; std::string str; llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(str); Output yout(OS); yout << cont; EXPECT_EQ(OS.str(), "---\nfbs: []\n...\n"); } static void TestEscaped(llvm::StringRef Input, llvm::StringRef Expected) { std::string out; llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(out); Output xout(ostr, nullptr, 0); llvm::yaml::EmptyContext Ctx; yamlize(xout, Input, true, Ctx); ostr.flush(); // Make a separate StringRef so we get nice byte-by-byte output. llvm::StringRef Got(out); EXPECT_EQ(Expected, Got); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestEscaped) { // Single quote TestEscaped("@abc@", "'@abc@'"); // No quote TestEscaped("abc", "abc"); // Forward slash quoted TestEscaped("abc/", "'abc/'"); // Double quote non-printable TestEscaped("\01@abc@", "\"\\x01@abc@\""); // Double quote inside single quote TestEscaped("abc\"fdf", "'abc\"fdf'"); // Double quote inside double quote TestEscaped("\01bc\"fdf", "\"\\x01bc\\\"fdf\""); // Single quote inside single quote TestEscaped("abc'fdf", "'abc''fdf'"); // UTF8 TestEscaped("/*параметр*/", "\"/*параметр*/\""); // UTF8 with single quote inside double quote TestEscaped("parameter 'параметр' is unused", "\"parameter 'параметр' is unused\""); // String with embedded non-printable multibyte UTF-8 sequence (U+200B // zero-width space). The thing to test here is that we emit a // unicode-scalar level escape like \uNNNN (at the YAML level), and don't // just pass the UTF-8 byte sequence through as with quoted printables. { const unsigned char foobar[10] = {'f', 'o', 'o', 0xE2, 0x80, 0x8B, // UTF-8 of U+200B 'b', 'a', 'r', 0x0}; TestEscaped((char const *)foobar, "\"foo\\u200Bbar\""); } } TEST(YAMLIO, Numeric) { EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".inf")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".INF")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".Inf")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("-.inf")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("+.inf")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".nan")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".NaN")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".NAN")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("0.")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("0.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("-0.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("+0.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("12345")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("012345")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("+12.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".5")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("+.5")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("-1.0")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("2.3e4")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("-2E+05")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("+12e03")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("6.8523015e+5")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("1.e+1")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric(".0e+1")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("0x2aF3")); EXPECT_TRUE(isNumeric("0o01234567")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("not a number")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".e+1")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".1e")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".1e+")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".1e++1")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("ABCD")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("+0x2AF3")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("-0x2AF3")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("0x2AF3Z")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("0o012345678")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("0xZ")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("-0o012345678")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("000003A8229434B839616A25C16B0291F77A438B")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".e+1")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".e+")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric(".e")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("e1")); // Deprecated formats: as for YAML 1.2 specification, the following are not // valid numbers anymore: // // * Sexagecimal numbers // * Decimal numbers with comma s the delimiter // * "inf", "nan" without '.' prefix EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("3:25:45")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("+12,345")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("-inf")); EXPECT_FALSE(isNumeric("1,230.15")); } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Test PolymorphicTraits and TaggedScalarTraits //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// struct Poly { enum NodeKind { NK_Scalar, NK_Seq, NK_Map, } Kind; Poly(NodeKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {} virtual ~Poly() = default; NodeKind getKind() const { return Kind; } }; struct Scalar : Poly { enum ScalarKind { SK_Unknown, SK_Double, SK_Bool, } SKind; union { double DoubleValue; bool BoolValue; }; Scalar() : Poly(NK_Scalar), SKind(SK_Unknown) {} Scalar(double DoubleValue) : Poly(NK_Scalar), SKind(SK_Double), DoubleValue(DoubleValue) {} Scalar(bool BoolValue) : Poly(NK_Scalar), SKind(SK_Bool), BoolValue(BoolValue) {} static bool classof(const Poly *N) { return N->getKind() == NK_Scalar; } }; struct Seq : Poly, std::vector> { Seq() : Poly(NK_Seq) {} static bool classof(const Poly *N) { return N->getKind() == NK_Seq; } }; struct Map : Poly, llvm::StringMap> { Map() : Poly(NK_Map) {} static bool classof(const Poly *N) { return N->getKind() == NK_Map; } }; namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct PolymorphicTraits> { static NodeKind getKind(const std::unique_ptr &N) { if (isa(*N)) return NodeKind::Scalar; if (isa(*N)) return NodeKind::Sequence; if (isa(*N)) return NodeKind::Map; llvm_unreachable("unsupported node type"); } static Scalar &getAsScalar(std::unique_ptr &N) { if (!N || !isa(*N)) N = std::make_unique(); return *cast(N.get()); } static Seq &getAsSequence(std::unique_ptr &N) { if (!N || !isa(*N)) N = std::make_unique(); return *cast(N.get()); } static Map &getAsMap(std::unique_ptr &N) { if (!N || !isa(*N)) N = std::make_unique(); return *cast(N.get()); } }; template <> struct TaggedScalarTraits { static void output(const Scalar &S, void *Ctxt, raw_ostream &ScalarOS, raw_ostream &TagOS) { switch (S.SKind) { case Scalar::SK_Unknown: report_fatal_error("output unknown scalar"); break; case Scalar::SK_Double: TagOS << "!double"; ScalarTraits::output(S.DoubleValue, Ctxt, ScalarOS); break; case Scalar::SK_Bool: TagOS << "!bool"; ScalarTraits::output(S.BoolValue, Ctxt, ScalarOS); break; } } static StringRef input(StringRef ScalarStr, StringRef Tag, void *Ctxt, Scalar &S) { S.SKind = StringSwitch(Tag) .Case("!double", Scalar::SK_Double) .Case("!bool", Scalar::SK_Bool) .Default(Scalar::SK_Unknown); switch (S.SKind) { case Scalar::SK_Unknown: return StringRef("unknown scalar tag"); case Scalar::SK_Double: return ScalarTraits::input(ScalarStr, Ctxt, S.DoubleValue); case Scalar::SK_Bool: return ScalarTraits::input(ScalarStr, Ctxt, S.BoolValue); } llvm_unreachable("unknown scalar kind"); } static QuotingType mustQuote(const Scalar &S, StringRef Str) { switch (S.SKind) { case Scalar::SK_Unknown: report_fatal_error("quote unknown scalar"); case Scalar::SK_Double: return ScalarTraits::mustQuote(Str); case Scalar::SK_Bool: return ScalarTraits::mustQuote(Str); } llvm_unreachable("unknown scalar kind"); } }; template <> struct CustomMappingTraits { static void inputOne(IO &IO, StringRef Key, Map &M) { IO.mapRequired(Key.str().c_str(), M[Key]); } static void output(IO &IO, Map &M) { for (auto &N : M) IO.mapRequired(N.getKey().str().c_str(), N.getValue()); } }; template <> struct SequenceTraits { static size_t size(IO &IO, Seq &A) { return A.size(); } static std::unique_ptr &element(IO &IO, Seq &A, size_t Index) { if (Index >= A.size()) A.resize(Index + 1); return A[Index]; } }; } // namespace yaml } // namespace llvm TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWritePolymorphicScalar) { std::string intermediate; std::unique_ptr node = std::make_unique(true); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); #ifdef GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST #ifndef NDEBUG EXPECT_DEATH(yout << node, "plain scalar documents are not supported"); #endif #endif } TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWritePolymorphicSeq) { std::string intermediate; { auto seq = std::make_unique(); seq->push_back(std::make_unique(true)); seq->push_back(std::make_unique(1.0)); auto node = llvm::unique_dyn_cast(seq); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << node; } { Input yin(intermediate); std::unique_ptr node; yin >> node; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); auto seq = llvm::dyn_cast(node.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(seq); ASSERT_EQ(seq->size(), 2u); auto first = llvm::dyn_cast((*seq)[0].get()); ASSERT_TRUE(first); EXPECT_EQ(first->SKind, Scalar::SK_Bool); EXPECT_TRUE(first->BoolValue); auto second = llvm::dyn_cast((*seq)[1].get()); ASSERT_TRUE(second); EXPECT_EQ(second->SKind, Scalar::SK_Double); EXPECT_EQ(second->DoubleValue, 1.0); } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWritePolymorphicMap) { std::string intermediate; { auto map = std::make_unique(); (*map)["foo"] = std::make_unique(false); (*map)["bar"] = std::make_unique(2.0); std::unique_ptr node = llvm::unique_dyn_cast(map); llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate); Output yout(ostr); yout << node; } { Input yin(intermediate); std::unique_ptr node; yin >> node; EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error()); auto map = llvm::dyn_cast(node.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(map); auto foo = llvm::dyn_cast((*map)["foo"].get()); ASSERT_TRUE(foo); EXPECT_EQ(foo->SKind, Scalar::SK_Bool); EXPECT_FALSE(foo->BoolValue); auto bar = llvm::dyn_cast((*map)["bar"].get()); ASSERT_TRUE(bar); EXPECT_EQ(bar->SKind, Scalar::SK_Double); EXPECT_EQ(bar->DoubleValue, 2.0); } } TEST(YAMLIO, TestAnchorMapError) { Input yin("& & &: "); yin.setCurrentDocument(); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestFlowSequenceTokenErrors) { Input yin(","); EXPECT_FALSE(yin.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); Input yin2("]"); EXPECT_FALSE(yin2.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin2.error()); Input yin3("}"); EXPECT_FALSE(yin3.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin3.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestDirectiveMappingNoValue) { Input yin("%YAML\n{5:"); EXPECT_FALSE(yin.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); Input yin2("%TAG\n'\x98!< :\n"); yin2.setCurrentDocument(); EXPECT_TRUE(yin2.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestUnescapeInfiniteLoop) { Input yin("\"\\u\\^#\\\\\""); yin.setCurrentDocument(); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestScannerUnexpectedCharacter) { Input yin("!<$\x9F."); EXPECT_FALSE(yin.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); } TEST(YAMLIO, TestUnknownDirective) { Input yin("%"); EXPECT_FALSE(yin.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin.error()); Input yin2("%)"); EXPECT_FALSE(yin2.setCurrentDocument()); EXPECT_TRUE(yin2.error()); }