//===- unittest/Support/YAMLParserTest ------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace llvm { static void SuppressDiagnosticsOutput(const SMDiagnostic &, void *) { // Prevent SourceMgr from writing errors to stderr // to reduce noise in unit test runs. } // Assumes Ctx is an SMDiagnostic where Diag can be stored. static void CollectDiagnosticsOutput(const SMDiagnostic &Diag, void *Ctx) { SMDiagnostic* DiagOut = static_cast(Ctx); *DiagOut = Diag; } // Checks that the given input gives a parse error. Makes sure that an error // text is available and the parse fails. static void ExpectParseError(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream(Input, SM); SM.setDiagHandler(SuppressDiagnosticsOutput); EXPECT_FALSE(Stream.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input; EXPECT_TRUE(Stream.failed()) << Message << ": " << Input; } // Checks that the given input can be parsed without error. static void ExpectParseSuccess(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream(Input, SM); EXPECT_TRUE(Stream.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input; } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArray) { ExpectParseSuccess("Empty array", "[]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingArray) { ExpectParseError("Not closing array", "["); ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [ "); ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [x"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArrayWithWhitespace) { ExpectParseSuccess("Array with spaces", " [ ] "); ExpectParseSuccess("All whitespaces", "\t\r\n[\t\n \t\r ]\t\r \n\n"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyObject) { ExpectParseSuccess("Empty object", "[{}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesObject) { ExpectParseSuccess("Object with an entry", "[{\"a\":\"/b\"}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleKeyValuePairsInObject) { ExpectParseSuccess("Multiple key, value pairs", "[{\"a\":\"/b\",\"c\":\"d\",\"e\":\"f\"}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingObject) { ExpectParseError("Missing close on empty", "[{]"); ExpectParseError("Missing close after pair", "[{\"a\":\"b\"]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfMissingColon) { ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\"\"/b\"}]"); ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\" \"b\"}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingQuote) { ExpectParseError("Missing open quote", "[{a\":\"b\"}]"); ExpectParseError("Missing closing quote", "[{\"a\":\"b}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEscapedQuotes) { ExpectParseSuccess("Parses escaped string in key and value", "[{\"a\":\"\\\"b\\\" \\\" \\\"\"}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyString) { ExpectParseSuccess("Parses empty string in value", "[{\"a\":\"\"}]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleObjects) { ExpectParseSuccess( "Multiple objects in array", "[" " { \"a\" : \"b\" }," " { \"a\" : \"b\" }," " { \"a\" : \"b\" }" "]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingComma) { ExpectParseError( "Missing comma", "[" " { \"a\" : \"b\" }" " { \"a\" : \"b\" }" "]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesSpacesInBetweenTokens) { ExpectParseSuccess( "Various whitespace between tokens", " \t \n\n \r [ \t \n\n \r" " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :" " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r,\t \n\n \r" " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :" " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r]\t \n\n \r"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesArrayOfArrays) { ExpectParseSuccess("Array of arrays", "[[]]"); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesBlockLiteralScalars) { ExpectParseSuccess("Block literal scalar", "test: |\n Hello\n World\n"); ExpectParseSuccess("Block literal scalar EOF", "test: |\n Hello\n World"); ExpectParseSuccess("Empty block literal scalar header EOF", "test: | "); ExpectParseSuccess("Empty block literal scalar", "test: |\ntest2: 20"); ExpectParseSuccess("Empty block literal scalar 2", "- | \n \n\n \n- 42"); ExpectParseSuccess("Block literal scalar in sequence", "- |\n Testing\n Out\n\n- 22"); ExpectParseSuccess("Block literal scalar in document", "--- |\n Document\n..."); ExpectParseSuccess("Empty non indented lines still count", "- |\n First line\n \n\n Another line\n\n- 2"); ExpectParseSuccess("Comment in block literal scalar header", "test: | # Comment \n No Comment\ntest 2: | # Void"); ExpectParseSuccess("Chomping indicators in block literal scalar header", "test: |- \n Hello\n\ntest 2: |+ \n\n World\n\n\n"); ExpectParseSuccess("Indent indicators in block literal scalar header", "test: |1 \n \n Hello \n World\n"); ExpectParseSuccess("Chomping and indent indicators in block literals", "test: |-1\n Hello\ntest 2: |9+\n World"); ExpectParseSuccess("Trailing comments in block literals", "test: |\n Content\n # Trailing\n #Comment\ntest 2: 3"); ExpectParseError("Invalid block scalar header", "test: | failure"); ExpectParseError("Invalid line indentation", "test: |\n First line\n Error"); ExpectParseError("Long leading space line", "test: |\n \n Test\n"); } TEST(YAMLParser, NullTerminatedBlockScalars) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("test: |\n Hello\n World\n", SM); yaml::Document &Doc = *Stream.begin(); yaml::MappingNode *Map = cast(Doc.getRoot()); StringRef Value = cast(Map->begin()->getValue())->getValue(); EXPECT_EQ(Value, "Hello\nWorld\n"); EXPECT_EQ(Value.data()[Value.size()], '\0'); } TEST(YAMLParser, HandlesEndOfFileGracefully) { ExpectParseError("In string starting with EOF", "[\""); ExpectParseError("In string hitting EOF", "[\" "); ExpectParseError("In string escaping EOF", "[\" \\"); ExpectParseError("In array starting with EOF", "["); ExpectParseError("In array element starting with EOF", "[[], "); ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[] "); ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[]"); ExpectParseError("In object hitting EOF", "{\"\""); } TEST(YAMLParser, HandlesNullValuesInKeyValueNodesGracefully) { ExpectParseError("KeyValueNode with null key", "? \"\n:"); ExpectParseError("KeyValueNode with null value", "test: '"); } // Checks that the given string can be parsed into an identical string inside // of an array. static void ExpectCanParseString(StringRef String) { std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str(); SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream(StringInArray, SM); yaml::SequenceNode *ParsedSequence = dyn_cast(Stream.begin()->getRoot()); StringRef ParsedString = dyn_cast( static_cast(ParsedSequence->begin()))->getRawValue(); ParsedString = ParsedString.substr(1, ParsedString.size() - 2); EXPECT_EQ(String, ParsedString.str()); } // Checks that parsing the given string inside an array fails. static void ExpectCannotParseString(StringRef String) { std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str(); ExpectParseError((Twine("When parsing string \"") + String + "\"").str(), StringInArray); } TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesStrings) { ExpectCanParseString(""); ExpectCannotParseString("\\"); ExpectCannotParseString("\""); ExpectCanParseString(" "); ExpectCanParseString("\\ "); ExpectCanParseString("\\\""); ExpectCannotParseString("\"\\"); ExpectCannotParseString(" \\"); ExpectCanParseString("\\\\"); ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\\"); ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\\"); ExpectCanParseString("\\\" "); ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\" "); ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\" "); ExpectCanParseString(" \\\\ \\\" \\\\\\\" "); } TEST(YAMLParser, WorksWithIteratorAlgorithms) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\"]", SM); yaml::SequenceNode *Array = dyn_cast(Stream.begin()->getRoot()); EXPECT_EQ(6, std::distance(Array->begin(), Array->end())); } TEST(YAMLParser, DefaultDiagnosticFilename) { SourceMgr SM; SMDiagnostic GeneratedDiag; SM.setDiagHandler(CollectDiagnosticsOutput, &GeneratedDiag); // When we construct a YAML stream over an unnamed string, // the filename is hard-coded as "YAML". yaml::Stream UnnamedStream("[]", SM); UnnamedStream.printError(UnnamedStream.begin()->getRoot(), "Hello, World!"); EXPECT_EQ("YAML", GeneratedDiag.getFilename()); } TEST(YAMLParser, DiagnosticFilenameFromBufferID) { SourceMgr SM; SMDiagnostic GeneratedDiag; SM.setDiagHandler(CollectDiagnosticsOutput, &GeneratedDiag); // When we construct a YAML stream over a named buffer, // we get its ID as filename in diagnostics. std::unique_ptr Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("[]", "buffername.yaml"); yaml::Stream Stream(Buffer->getMemBufferRef(), SM); Stream.printError(Stream.begin()->getRoot(), "Hello, World!"); EXPECT_EQ("buffername.yaml", GeneratedDiag.getFilename()); } TEST(YAMLParser, SameNodeIteratorOperatorNotEquals) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::SequenceNode *Node = dyn_cast( Stream.begin()->getRoot()); auto Begin = Node->begin(); auto End = Node->end(); EXPECT_TRUE(Begin != End); EXPECT_FALSE(Begin != Begin); EXPECT_FALSE(End != End); } TEST(YAMLParser, SameNodeIteratorOperatorEquals) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::SequenceNode *Node = dyn_cast( Stream.begin()->getRoot()); auto Begin = Node->begin(); auto End = Node->end(); EXPECT_FALSE(Begin == End); EXPECT_TRUE(Begin == Begin); EXPECT_TRUE(End == End); } TEST(YAMLParser, DifferentNodesIteratorOperatorNotEquals) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::Stream AnotherStream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::SequenceNode *Node = dyn_cast( Stream.begin()->getRoot()); yaml::SequenceNode *AnotherNode = dyn_cast( AnotherStream.begin()->getRoot()); auto Begin = Node->begin(); auto End = Node->end(); auto AnotherBegin = AnotherNode->begin(); auto AnotherEnd = AnotherNode->end(); EXPECT_TRUE(Begin != AnotherBegin); EXPECT_TRUE(Begin != AnotherEnd); EXPECT_FALSE(End != AnotherEnd); } TEST(YAMLParser, DifferentNodesIteratorOperatorEquals) { SourceMgr SM; yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::Stream AnotherStream("[\"1\", \"2\"]", SM); yaml::SequenceNode *Node = dyn_cast( Stream.begin()->getRoot()); yaml::SequenceNode *AnotherNode = dyn_cast( AnotherStream.begin()->getRoot()); auto Begin = Node->begin(); auto End = Node->end(); auto AnotherBegin = AnotherNode->begin(); auto AnotherEnd = AnotherNode->end(); EXPECT_FALSE(Begin == AnotherBegin); EXPECT_FALSE(Begin == AnotherEnd); EXPECT_TRUE(End == AnotherEnd); } } // end namespace llvm