def addrimm11 : ComplexPattern; def addrimm12 : ComplexPattern; def addrimm16 : ComplexPattern; def addrimm4lsl2 : ComplexPattern; def simm9_addiusp : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getSImm9AddiuspValue"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeSimm9SP"; } def uimm3_shift : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getUImm3Mod8Encoding"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodePOOL16BEncodedField"; } def simm3_lsa2 : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getSImm3Lsa2Value"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeAddiur2Simm7"; } def uimm4_andi : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getUImm4AndValue"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeANDI16Imm"; } def immSExtAddiur2 : ImmLeaf 0);}]>; def immSExtAddius5 : ImmLeaf= -8 && Imm <= 7;}]>; def immZExtAndi16 : ImmLeaf= 1 && Imm <= 4) || Imm == 7 || Imm == 8 || Imm == 15 || Imm == 16 || Imm == 31 || Imm == 32 || Imm == 63 || Imm == 64 || Imm == 255 || Imm == 32768 || Imm == 65535 );}]>; def immZExt2Shift : ImmLeaf= 1 && Imm <= 8;}]>; def immLi16 : ImmLeaf= -1 && Imm <= 126;}]>; def MicroMipsMemGPRMM16AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "MicroMipsMem"; let RenderMethod = "addMicroMipsMemOperands"; let ParserMethod = "parseMemOperand"; let PredicateMethod = "isMemWithGRPMM16Base"; } // Define the classes of pointers used by microMIPS. // The numbers must match those in MipsRegisterInfo::MipsPtrClass. def ptr_gpr16mm_rc : PointerLikeRegClass<1>; def ptr_sp_rc : PointerLikeRegClass<2>; def ptr_gp_rc : PointerLikeRegClass<3>; class mem_mm_4_generic : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_gpr16mm_rc, simm4); let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; let ParserMatchClass = MicroMipsMemGPRMM16AsmOperand; } def mem_mm_4 : mem_mm_4_generic { let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm4"; } def mem_mm_4_lsl1 : mem_mm_4_generic { let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm4Lsl1"; } def mem_mm_4_lsl2 : mem_mm_4_generic { let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm4Lsl2"; } def MicroMipsMemSPAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "MicroMipsMemSP"; let RenderMethod = "addMemOperands"; let ParserMethod = "parseMemOperand"; let PredicateMethod = "isMemWithUimmWordAlignedOffsetSP<7>"; } def MicroMipsMemGPAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "MicroMipsMemGP"; let RenderMethod = "addMemOperands"; let ParserMethod = "parseMemOperand"; let PredicateMethod = "isMemWithSimmWordAlignedOffsetGP<9>"; } def mem_mm_sp_imm5_lsl2 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_sp_rc:$base, simm5:$offset); let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; let ParserMatchClass = MicroMipsMemSPAsmOperand; let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMSPImm5Lsl2"; } def mem_mm_gp_simm7_lsl2 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_gp_rc:$base, simm7_lsl2:$offset); let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; let ParserMatchClass = MicroMipsMemGPAsmOperand; let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMGPImm7Lsl2"; } def mem_mm_9 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc, simm9); let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm9"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsMemSimm9AsmOperand; let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; } def mem_mm_11 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops GPR32, simm11); let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm11"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsMemSimm11AsmOperand; let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; } def mem_mm_12 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc, simm12); let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm12"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsMemAsmOperand; let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; } def mem_mm_16 : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc, simm16); let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm16"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsMemSimm16AsmOperand; let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; } def MipsMemUimm4AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "MemOffsetUimm4"; let SuperClasses = [MipsMemAsmOperand]; let RenderMethod = "addMemOperands"; let ParserMethod = "parseMemOperand"; let PredicateMethod = "isMemWithUimmOffsetSP<6>"; } def mem_mm_4sp : Operand { let PrintMethod = "printMemOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_sp_rc, uimm8); let EncoderMethod = "getMemEncodingMMImm4sp"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsMemUimm4AsmOperand; let OperandType = "OPERAND_MEMORY"; } def jmptarget_mm : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getJumpTargetOpValueMM"; } def calltarget_mm : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getJumpTargetOpValueMM"; } def brtarget7_mm : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getBranchTarget7OpValueMM"; let OperandType = "OPERAND_PCREL"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchTarget7MM"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsJumpTargetAsmOperand; } def brtarget10_mm : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getBranchTargetOpValueMMPC10"; let OperandType = "OPERAND_PCREL"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchTarget10MM"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsJumpTargetAsmOperand; } def brtarget_mm : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getBranchTargetOpValueMM"; let OperandType = "OPERAND_PCREL"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeBranchTargetMM"; let ParserMatchClass = MipsJumpTargetAsmOperand; } def simm23_lsl2 : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getSimm23Lsl2Encoding"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeSimm23Lsl2"; } class CompactBranchMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins RO:$rs, opnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs, $offset"), [], II_BCCZC, FrmI> { let isBranch = 1; let isTerminator = 1; let hasDelaySlot = 0; let Defs = [AT]; } let canFoldAsLoad = 1 in class LoadLeftRightMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$rt), (ins MemOpnd:$addr, RO:$src), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [(set RO:$rt, (OpNode addrimm12:$addr, RO:$src))], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; string Constraints = "$src = $rt"; } class StoreLeftRightMM: InstSE<(outs), (ins RO:$rt, MemOpnd:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [(OpNode RO:$rt, addrimm12:$addr)], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; } /// A register pair used by movep instruction. def MovePRegPairAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "MovePRegPair"; let ParserMethod = "parseMovePRegPair"; let PredicateMethod = "isMovePRegPair"; } def movep_regpair : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getMovePRegPairOpValue"; let ParserMatchClass = MovePRegPairAsmOperand; let PrintMethod = "printRegisterList"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMovePRegPair"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc, ptr_rc); } class MovePMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs movep_regpair:$dst_regs), (ins RO:$rs, RO:$rt), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$dst_regs, $rs, $rt"), [], NoItinerary, FrmR> { let isReMaterializable = 1; } /// A register pair used by load/store pair instructions. def RegPairAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "RegPair"; let ParserMethod = "parseRegisterPair"; let PredicateMethod = "isRegPair"; } def regpair : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getRegisterPairOpValue"; let ParserMatchClass = RegPairAsmOperand; let PrintMethod = "printRegisterPair"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeRegPairOperand"; let MIOperandInfo = (ops ptr_rc, ptr_rc); } class StorePairMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins regpair:$rt, mem_simm12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_SWP, FrmI, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayStore = 1; } class LoadPairMM : InstSE<(outs regpair:$rt), (ins mem_simm12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_LWP, FrmI, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayLoad = 1; } class LLBaseMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$rt), (ins mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_LL, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayLoad = 1; } class LLEBaseMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$rt), (ins mem_simm9:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_LLE, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm9"; string BaseOpcode = opstr; let mayLoad = 1; } class SCBaseMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$dst), (ins RO:$rt, mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_SC, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayStore = 1; let Constraints = "$rt = $dst"; } class SCEBaseMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$dst), (ins RO:$rt, mem_simm9:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], II_SCE, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm9"; string BaseOpcode = opstr; let mayStore = 1; let Constraints = "$rt = $dst"; } class LoadMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$rt), (ins MO:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [(set RO:$rt, (OpNode addrimm12:$addr))], Itin, FrmI, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let canFoldAsLoad = 1; let mayLoad = 1; } class ArithRMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rs, RO:$rt), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rs, $rt"), [(set RO:$rd, (OpNode RO:$rs, RO:$rt))], Itin, FrmR> { let isCommutable = isComm; } class AndImmMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rs, uimm4_andi:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rs, $imm"), [], Itin, FrmI>; class LogicRMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$dst), (ins RO:$rs, RO:$rt), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $rs"), [(set RO:$dst, (OpNode RO:$rs, RO:$rt))], Itin, FrmR> { let isCommutable = 1; let Constraints = "$rt = $dst"; } class NotMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rt), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $rs"), [(set RO:$rt, (not RO:$rs))], II_NOT, FrmR>; class ShiftIMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rt, ImmOpnd:$shamt), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rt, $shamt"), [], Itin, FrmR>; class LoadMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rt), (ins MemOpnd:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm4"; let canFoldAsLoad = 1; let mayLoad = 1; } class StoreMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RTOpnd:$rt, MemOpnd:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm4"; let mayStore = 1; } class LoadSPMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rt), (ins MemOpnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $offset"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMSPImm5Lsl2"; let canFoldAsLoad = 1; let mayLoad = 1; } class StoreSPMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rt, MemOpnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $offset"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMSPImm5Lsl2"; let mayStore = 1; } class LoadGPMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rt), (ins MemOpnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $offset"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMGPImm7Lsl2"; let canFoldAsLoad = 1; let mayLoad = 1; } class AddImmUR2 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rs, simm3_lsa2:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rs, $imm"), [], II_ADDIU, FrmR> { let isCommutable = 1; } class AddImmUS5 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$dst), (ins RO:$rd, simm4:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $imm"), [], II_ADDIU, FrmR> { let Constraints = "$rd = $dst"; } class AddImmUR1SP : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins uimm6_lsl2:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $imm"), [], II_ADDIU, FrmR>; class AddImmUSP : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins simm9_addiusp:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$imm"), [], II_ADDIU, FrmI>; class MoveFromHILOMM : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd"), [], II_MFHI_MFLO, FrmR> { let Uses = [UseReg]; let hasSideEffects = 0; } class MoveMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rs"), [], II_MOVE, FrmR> { let isReMaterializable = 1; } class LoadImmMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs RO:$rd), (ins Od:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $imm"), [], II_LI, FrmI> { let isReMaterializable = 1; } // 16-bit Jump and Link (Call) class JumpLinkRegMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs"), [(MipsJmpLink RO:$rs)], II_JALR, FrmR>, PredicateControl { let isCall = 1; let hasDelaySlot = 1; let Defs = [RA]; } // 16-bit Jump Reg class JumpRegMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs"), [], II_JR, FrmR> { let hasDelaySlot = 1; let isBranch = 1; let isIndirectBranch = 1; } // Base class for JRADDIUSP instruction. class JumpRAddiuStackMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins uimm5_lsl2:$imm), "jraddiusp\t$imm", [], II_JRADDIUSP, FrmR> { let isTerminator = 1; let isBarrier = 1; let isBranch = 1; let isIndirectBranch = 1; } // 16-bit Jump and Link (Call) - Short Delay Slot class JumpLinkRegSMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs"), [], II_JALRS, FrmR> { let isCall = 1; let hasDelaySlot = 1; let Defs = [RA]; } // 16-bit Jump Register Compact - No delay slot class JumpRegCMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs"), [], II_JRC, FrmR> { let isTerminator = 1; let isBarrier = 1; let isBranch = 1; let isIndirectBranch = 1; } // Break16 and Sdbbp16 class BrkSdbbp16MM : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins uimm4:$code_), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$code_"), [], Itin, FrmOther>; class CBranchZeroMM : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins RO:$rs, opnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs, $offset"), [], II_BCCZ, FrmI> { let isBranch = 1; let isTerminator = 1; let hasDelaySlot = 1; let Defs = [AT]; } // MicroMIPS Jump and Link (Call) - Short Delay Slot let isCall = 1, hasDelaySlot = 1, Defs = [RA] in { class JumpLinkMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins opnd:$target), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$target"), [], II_JALS, FrmJ, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeJumpTargetMM"; } class JumpLinkRegMM: InstSE<(outs RO:$rd), (ins RO:$rs), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, $rs"), [], II_JALRS, FrmR>; class BranchCompareToZeroLinkMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins RO:$rs, opnd:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs, $offset"), [], II_BCCZALS, FrmI, opstr>; } class LoadWordIndexedScaledMM : InstSE<(outs RO:$rd), (ins PtrRC:$base, PtrRC:$index), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rd, ${index}(${base})"), [], II_LWXS, FrmFI>; class PrefetchIndexed : InstSE<(outs), (ins PtrRC:$base, PtrRC:$index, uimm5:$hint), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$hint, ${index}(${base})"), [], II_PREF, FrmOther>; class AddImmUPC : InstSE<(outs RO:$rs), (ins simm23_lsl2:$imm), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rs, $imm"), [], II_ADDIU, FrmR>; /// A list of registers used by load/store multiple instructions. def RegListAsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "RegList"; let ParserMethod = "parseRegisterList"; } def reglist : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getRegisterListOpValue"; let ParserMatchClass = RegListAsmOperand; let PrintMethod = "printRegisterList"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeRegListOperand"; } def RegList16AsmOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "RegList16"; let ParserMethod = "parseRegisterList"; let PredicateMethod = "isRegList16"; let RenderMethod = "addRegListOperands"; } def reglist16 : Operand { let EncoderMethod = "getRegisterListOpValue16"; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeRegListOperand16"; let PrintMethod = "printRegisterList"; let ParserMatchClass = RegList16AsmOperand; } class StoreMultMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins reglist:$rt, mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayStore = 1; } class LoadMultMM : InstSE<(outs reglist:$rt), (ins mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI, opstr> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm12"; let mayLoad = 1; } class StoreMultMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins reglist16:$rt, mem_mm_4sp:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMReglistImm4Lsl2"; let mayStore = 1; } class LoadMultMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs reglist16:$rt), (ins mem_mm_4sp:$addr), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$rt, $addr"), [], Itin, FrmI> { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMReglistImm4Lsl2"; let mayLoad = 1; } class UncondBranchMM16 : MicroMipsInst16<(outs), (ins brtarget10_mm:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$offset"), [], II_B, FrmI> { let isBranch = 1; let isTerminator = 1; let isBarrier = 1; let hasDelaySlot = 1; let Predicates = [RelocPIC, InMicroMips]; let Defs = [AT]; } def ADDU16_MM : ArithRMM16<"addu16", GPRMM16Opnd, 1, II_ADDU, add>, ARITH_FM_MM16<0>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def AND16_MM : LogicRMM16<"and16", GPRMM16Opnd, II_AND, and>, LOGIC_FM_MM16<0x2>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def ANDI16_MM : AndImmMM16<"andi16", GPRMM16Opnd, II_AND>, ANDI_FM_MM16<0x0b>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def NOT16_MM : NotMM16<"not16", GPRMM16Opnd>, LOGIC_FM_MM16<0x0>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def OR16_MM : LogicRMM16<"or16", GPRMM16Opnd, II_OR, or>, LOGIC_FM_MM16<0x3>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def SLL16_MM : ShiftIMM16<"sll16", uimm3_shift, GPRMM16Opnd, II_SLL>, SHIFT_FM_MM16<0>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def SRL16_MM : ShiftIMM16<"srl16", uimm3_shift, GPRMM16Opnd, II_SRL>, SHIFT_FM_MM16<1>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def SUBU16_MM : ArithRMM16<"subu16", GPRMM16Opnd, 0, II_SUBU, sub>, ARITH_FM_MM16<1>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def XOR16_MM : LogicRMM16<"xor16", GPRMM16Opnd, II_XOR, xor>, LOGIC_FM_MM16<0x1>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def LBU16_MM : LoadMM16<"lbu16", GPRMM16Opnd, zextloadi8, II_LBU, mem_mm_4>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x02>; def LHU16_MM : LoadMM16<"lhu16", GPRMM16Opnd, zextloadi16, II_LHU, mem_mm_4_lsl1>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x0a>; def LW16_MM : LoadMM16<"lw16", GPRMM16Opnd, load, II_LW, mem_mm_4_lsl2>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x1a>; def SB16_MM : StoreMM16<"sb16", GPRMM16OpndZero, GPRMM16Opnd, truncstorei8, II_SB, mem_mm_4>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x22>; def SH16_MM : StoreMM16<"sh16", GPRMM16OpndZero, GPRMM16Opnd, truncstorei16, II_SH, mem_mm_4_lsl1>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x2a>; def SW16_MM : StoreMM16<"sw16", GPRMM16OpndZero, GPRMM16Opnd, store, II_SW, mem_mm_4_lsl2>, LOAD_STORE_FM_MM16<0x3a>; def LWGP_MM : LoadGPMM16<"lw", GPRMM16Opnd, II_LW, mem_mm_gp_simm7_lsl2>, LOAD_GP_FM_MM16<0x19>; def LWSP_MM : LoadSPMM16<"lw", GPR32Opnd, II_LW, mem_mm_sp_imm5_lsl2>, LOAD_STORE_SP_FM_MM16<0x12>; def SWSP_MM : StoreSPMM16<"sw", GPR32Opnd, II_SW, mem_mm_sp_imm5_lsl2>, LOAD_STORE_SP_FM_MM16<0x32>; def ADDIUR1SP_MM : AddImmUR1SP<"addiur1sp", GPRMM16Opnd>, ADDIUR1SP_FM_MM16; def ADDIUR2_MM : AddImmUR2<"addiur2", GPRMM16Opnd>, ADDIUR2_FM_MM16; def ADDIUS5_MM : AddImmUS5<"addius5", GPR32Opnd>, ADDIUS5_FM_MM16; def ADDIUSP_MM : AddImmUSP<"addiusp">, ADDIUSP_FM_MM16; def MFHI16_MM : MoveFromHILOMM<"mfhi", GPR32Opnd, AC0>, MFHILO_FM_MM16<0x10>; def MFLO16_MM : MoveFromHILOMM<"mflo", GPR32Opnd, AC0>, MFHILO_FM_MM16<0x12>; def MOVE16_MM : MoveMM16<"move", GPR32Opnd>, MOVE_FM_MM16<0x03>; def MOVEP_MM : MovePMM16<"movep", GPRMM16OpndMoveP>, MOVEP_FM_MM16, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def LI16_MM : LoadImmMM16<"li16", li16_imm, GPRMM16Opnd>, LI_FM_MM16, IsAsCheapAsAMove; def JALR16_MM : JumpLinkRegMM16<"jalr", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM16<0x0e>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; def JALRS16_MM : JumpLinkRegSMM16<"jalrs16", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM16<0x0f>; def JRC16_MM : JumpRegCMM16<"jrc", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM16<0x0d>; def JRADDIUSP : JumpRAddiuStackMM16, JRADDIUSP_FM_MM16<0x18>; def JR16_MM : JumpRegMM16<"jr16", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM16<0x0c>; def BEQZ16_MM : CBranchZeroMM<"beqz16", brtarget7_mm, GPRMM16Opnd>, BEQNEZ_FM_MM16<0x23>; def BNEZ16_MM : CBranchZeroMM<"bnez16", brtarget7_mm, GPRMM16Opnd>, BEQNEZ_FM_MM16<0x2b>; def B16_MM : UncondBranchMM16<"b16">, B16_FM; def BREAK16_MM : BrkSdbbp16MM<"break16", II_BREAK>, BRKSDBBP16_FM_MM<0x28>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; def SDBBP16_MM : BrkSdbbp16MM<"sdbbp16", II_SDBBP>, BRKSDBBP16_FM_MM<0x2C>, ISA_MICROMIPS_NOT_32R6; let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips" in { /// Load and Store Instructions - multiple def SWM16_MM : StoreMultMM16<"swm16", II_SWM>, LWM_FM_MM16<0x5>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; def LWM16_MM : LoadMultMM16<"lwm16", II_LWM>, LWM_FM_MM16<0x4>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; let AdditionalPredicates = [InMicroMips] in { def CFC2_MM : InstSE<(outs GPR32Opnd:$rt), (ins COP2Opnd:$impl), "cfc2\t$rt, $impl", [], II_CFC2, FrmFR, "cfc2">, POOL32A_CFTC2_FM_MM<0b1100110100>; def CTC2_MM : InstSE<(outs COP2Opnd:$impl), (ins GPR32Opnd:$rt), "ctc2\t$rt, $impl", [], II_CTC2, FrmFR, "ctc2">, POOL32A_CFTC2_FM_MM<0b1101110100>; } } class WaitMM : InstSE<(outs), (ins uimm10:$code_), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$code_"), [], II_WAIT, FrmOther, opstr>; let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips", Predicates = [InMicroMips, NotMips32r6, NotMips64r6] in { /// Compact Branch Instructions def BEQZC_MM : CompactBranchMM<"beqzc", brtarget_mm, seteq, GPR32Opnd>, COMPACT_BRANCH_FM_MM<0x7>; def BNEZC_MM : CompactBranchMM<"bnezc", brtarget_mm, setne, GPR32Opnd>, COMPACT_BRANCH_FM_MM<0x5>; } let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips", Predicates = [InMicroMips] in { /// Arithmetic Instructions (ALU Immediate) def ADDiu_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicI<"addiu", simm16, GPR32Opnd, II_ADDIU>, ADDI_FM_MM<0xc>; def ADDi_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicI<"addi", simm16, GPR32Opnd, II_ADDI>, ADDI_FM_MM<0x4>; def SLTi_MM : MMRel, SetCC_I<"slti", setlt, simm16, immSExt16, GPR32Opnd>, SLTI_FM_MM<0x24>; def SLTiu_MM : MMRel, SetCC_I<"sltiu", setult, simm16, immSExt16, GPR32Opnd>, SLTI_FM_MM<0x2c>; def ANDi_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicI<"andi", uimm16, GPR32Opnd, II_ANDI>, ADDI_FM_MM<0x34>; def ORi_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicI<"ori", uimm16, GPR32Opnd, II_ORI, immZExt16, or>, ADDI_FM_MM<0x14>; def XORi_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicI<"xori", uimm16, GPR32Opnd, II_XORI, immZExt16, xor>, ADDI_FM_MM<0x1c>; def LUi_MM : MMRel, LoadUpper<"lui", GPR32Opnd, uimm16_relaxed>, LUI_FM_MM; def LEA_ADDiu_MM : MMRel, EffectiveAddress<"addiu", GPR32Opnd>, LW_FM_MM<0xc>; /// Arithmetic Instructions (3-Operand, R-Type) def ADDu_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"addu", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_ADDU, add>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x150>; def SUBu_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"subu", GPR32Opnd, 0, II_SUBU, sub>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x1d0>; def MUL_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"mul", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_MUL>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x210>; def ADD_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"add", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_ADD>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x110>; def SUB_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"sub", GPR32Opnd, 0, II_SUB>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x190>; def SLT_MM : MMRel, SetCC_R<"slt", setlt, GPR32Opnd>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x350>; def SLTu_MM : MMRel, SetCC_R<"sltu", setult, GPR32Opnd>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x390>; def AND_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"and", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_AND, and>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x250>; def OR_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"or", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_OR, or>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x290>; def XOR_MM : MMRel, ArithLogicR<"xor", GPR32Opnd, 1, II_XOR, xor>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x310>; def NOR_MM : MMRel, LogicNOR<"nor", GPR32Opnd>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x2d0>; def MULT_MM : MMRel, Mult<"mult", II_MULT, GPR32Opnd, [HI0, LO0]>, MULT_FM_MM<0x22c>; def MULTu_MM : MMRel, Mult<"multu", II_MULTU, GPR32Opnd, [HI0, LO0]>, MULT_FM_MM<0x26c>; def SDIV_MM : MMRel, Div<"div", II_DIV, GPR32Opnd, [HI0, LO0]>, MULT_FM_MM<0x2ac>, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; def UDIV_MM : MMRel, Div<"divu", II_DIVU, GPR32Opnd, [HI0, LO0]>, MULT_FM_MM<0x2ec>, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; /// Arithmetic Instructions with PC and Immediate def ADDIUPC_MM : AddImmUPC<"addiupc", GPRMM16Opnd>, ADDIUPC_FM_MM; /// Shift Instructions def SLL_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_imm<"sll", uimm5, GPR32Opnd, II_SLL>, SRA_FM_MM<0, 0>; def SRL_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_imm<"srl", uimm5, GPR32Opnd, II_SRL>, SRA_FM_MM<0x40, 0>; def SRA_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_imm<"sra", uimm5, GPR32Opnd, II_SRA>, SRA_FM_MM<0x80, 0>; def SLLV_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_reg<"sllv", GPR32Opnd, II_SLLV>, SRLV_FM_MM<0x10, 0>; def SRLV_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_reg<"srlv", GPR32Opnd, II_SRLV>, SRLV_FM_MM<0x50, 0>; def SRAV_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_reg<"srav", GPR32Opnd, II_SRAV>, SRLV_FM_MM<0x90, 0>; def ROTR_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_imm<"rotr", uimm5, GPR32Opnd, II_ROTR>, SRA_FM_MM<0xc0, 0> { list Pattern = [(set GPR32Opnd:$rd, (rotr GPR32Opnd:$rt, immZExt5:$shamt))]; } def ROTRV_MM : MMRel, shift_rotate_reg<"rotrv", GPR32Opnd, II_ROTRV>, SRLV_FM_MM<0xd0, 0> { list Pattern = [(set GPR32Opnd:$rd, (rotr GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs))]; } /// Load and Store Instructions - aligned let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm16" in { def LB_MM : LoadMemory<"lb", GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_16, null_frag, II_LB>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0x7>; def LBu_MM : LoadMemory<"lbu", GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_16, null_frag, II_LBU>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0x5>; def LH_MM : LoadMemory<"lh", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm16, sextloadi16, II_LH, addrDefault>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0xf>; def LHu_MM : LoadMemory<"lhu", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm16, zextloadi16, II_LHU>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0xd>; def LW_MM : Load<"lw", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_LW>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0x3f>; def SB_MM : Store<"sb", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_SB>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0x6>; def SH_MM : Store<"sh", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_SH>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0xe>; def SW_MM : Store<"sw", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_SW>, MMRel, LW_FM_MM<0x3e>; } let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm9" in { def LBE_MM : MMRel, Load<"lbe", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_LBE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x6, 0x4>; def LBuE_MM : MMRel, Load<"lbue", GPR32Opnd, null_frag, II_LBUE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x6, 0x0>; def LHE_MM : MMRel, LoadMemory<"lhe", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_LHE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x6, 0x5>; def LHuE_MM : MMRel, LoadMemory<"lhue", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_LHUE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x6, 0x1>; def LWE_MM : MMRel, LoadMemory<"lwe", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_LWE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x6, 0x7>; def SBE_MM : MMRel, StoreMemory<"sbe", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_SBE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0xa, 0x4>; def SHE_MM : MMRel, StoreMemory<"she", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_SHE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0xa, 0x5>; def SWE_MM : MMRel, StoreMemory<"swe", GPR32Opnd, mem_simm9, null_frag, II_SWE>, POOL32C_LHUE_FM_MM<0x18, 0xa, 0x7>; } def LWXS_MM : LoadWordIndexedScaledMM<"lwxs", GPR32Opnd>, LWXS_FM_MM<0x118>; /// Load and Store Instructions - unaligned def LWL_MM : LoadLeftRightMM<"lwl", MipsLWL, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_12, II_LWL>, LWL_FM_MM<0x0>; def LWR_MM : LoadLeftRightMM<"lwr", MipsLWR, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_12, II_LWR>, LWL_FM_MM<0x1>; def SWL_MM : StoreLeftRightMM<"swl", MipsSWL, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_12, II_SWL>, LWL_FM_MM<0x8>; def SWR_MM : StoreLeftRightMM<"swr", MipsSWR, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_12, II_SWR>, LWL_FM_MM<0x9>; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeMemMMImm9" in { def LWLE_MM : LoadLeftRightMM<"lwle", MipsLWL, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_9, II_LWLE>, POOL32C_STEVA_LDEVA_FM_MM<0x6, 0x2>; def LWRE_MM : LoadLeftRightMM<"lwre", MipsLWR, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_9, II_LWRE>, POOL32C_STEVA_LDEVA_FM_MM<0x6, 0x3>; def SWLE_MM : StoreLeftRightMM<"swle", MipsSWL, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_9, II_SWLE>, POOL32C_STEVA_LDEVA_FM_MM<0xa, 0x0>; def SWRE_MM : StoreLeftRightMM<"swre", MipsSWR, GPR32Opnd, mem_mm_9, II_SWRE>, POOL32C_STEVA_LDEVA_FM_MM<0xa, 0x1>, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; } /// Load and Store Instructions - multiple def SWM32_MM : StoreMultMM<"swm32", II_SWM>, LWM_FM_MM<0xd>; def LWM32_MM : LoadMultMM<"lwm32", II_LWM>, LWM_FM_MM<0x5>; /// Load and Store Pair Instructions def SWP_MM : StorePairMM<"swp">, LWM_FM_MM<0x9>; def LWP_MM : LoadPairMM<"lwp">, LWM_FM_MM<0x1>; /// Load and Store multiple pseudo Instructions class LoadWordMultMM : MipsAsmPseudoInst<(outs reglist:$rt), (ins mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$rt, $addr")> ; class StoreWordMultMM : MipsAsmPseudoInst<(outs), (ins reglist:$rt, mem_mm_12:$addr), !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$rt, $addr")> ; def SWM_MM : StoreWordMultMM<"swm">; def LWM_MM : LoadWordMultMM<"lwm">; /// Move Conditional def MOVZ_I_MM : MMRel, CMov_I_I_FT<"movz", GPR32Opnd, GPR32Opnd, NoItinerary>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x58>; def MOVN_I_MM : MMRel, CMov_I_I_FT<"movn", GPR32Opnd, GPR32Opnd, NoItinerary>, ADD_FM_MM<0, 0x18>; def MOVT_I_MM : MMRel, CMov_F_I_FT<"movt", GPR32Opnd, II_MOVT>, CMov_F_I_FM_MM<0x25>; def MOVF_I_MM : MMRel, CMov_F_I_FT<"movf", GPR32Opnd, II_MOVF>, CMov_F_I_FM_MM<0x5>; /// Move to/from HI/LO def MTHI_MM : MMRel, MoveToLOHI<"mthi", GPR32Opnd, [HI0]>, MTLO_FM_MM<0x0b5>; def MTLO_MM : MMRel, MoveToLOHI<"mtlo", GPR32Opnd, [LO0]>, MTLO_FM_MM<0x0f5>; def MFHI_MM : MMRel, MoveFromLOHI<"mfhi", GPR32Opnd, AC0>, MFLO_FM_MM<0x035>; def MFLO_MM : MMRel, MoveFromLOHI<"mflo", GPR32Opnd, AC0>, MFLO_FM_MM<0x075>; /// Multiply Add/Sub Instructions def MADD_MM : MMRel, MArithR<"madd", II_MADD, 1>, MULT_FM_MM<0x32c>; def MADDU_MM : MMRel, MArithR<"maddu", II_MADDU, 1>, MULT_FM_MM<0x36c>; def MSUB_MM : MMRel, MArithR<"msub", II_MSUB>, MULT_FM_MM<0x3ac>; def MSUBU_MM : MMRel, MArithR<"msubu", II_MSUBU>, MULT_FM_MM<0x3ec>; /// Count Leading def CLZ_MM : MMRel, CountLeading0<"clz", GPR32Opnd, II_CLZ>, CLO_FM_MM<0x16c>, ISA_MIPS32; def CLO_MM : MMRel, CountLeading1<"clo", GPR32Opnd, II_CLO>, CLO_FM_MM<0x12c>, ISA_MIPS32; /// Sign Ext In Register Instructions. def SEB_MM : MMRel, SignExtInReg<"seb", i8, GPR32Opnd, II_SEB>, SEB_FM_MM<0x0ac>, ISA_MIPS32R2; def SEH_MM : MMRel, SignExtInReg<"seh", i16, GPR32Opnd, II_SEH>, SEB_FM_MM<0x0ec>, ISA_MIPS32R2; /// Word Swap Bytes Within Halfwords def WSBH_MM : MMRel, SubwordSwap<"wsbh", GPR32Opnd, II_WSBH>, SEB_FM_MM<0x1ec>, ISA_MIPS32R2; // TODO: Add '0 < pos+size <= 32' constraint check to ext instruction def EXT_MM : MMRel, ExtBase<"ext", GPR32Opnd, uimm5, uimm5_plus1, immZExt5, immZExt5Plus1, MipsExt>, EXT_FM_MM<0x2c>; def INS_MM : MMRel, InsBase<"ins", GPR32Opnd, uimm5, uimm5_inssize_plus1, immZExt5, immZExt5Plus1>, EXT_FM_MM<0x0c>; /// Jump Instructions } let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips", DecoderMethod = "DecodeJumpTargetMM" in def J_MM : MMRel, JumpFJ, J_FM_MM<0x35>, AdditionalRequires<[RelocNotPIC]>, IsBranch, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips", Predicates = [InMicroMips] in { let DecoderMethod = "DecodeJumpTargetMM" in { def JAL_MM : MMRel, JumpLink<"jal", calltarget_mm>, J_FM_MM<0x3d>; def JALX_MM : MMRel, JumpLink<"jalx", calltarget>, J_FM_MM<0x3c>; } def JR_MM : MMRel, IndirectBranch<"jr", GPR32Opnd>, JR_FM_MM<0x3c>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; def JALR_MM : JumpLinkReg<"jalr", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM<0x03c>; /// Jump Instructions - Short Delay Slot def JALS_MM : JumpLinkMM<"jals", calltarget_mm>, J_FM_MM<0x1d>; def JALRS_MM : JumpLinkRegMM<"jalrs", GPR32Opnd>, JALR_FM_MM<0x13c>; /// Branch Instructions def BEQ_MM : MMRel, CBranch<"beq", brtarget_mm, seteq, GPR32Opnd>, BEQ_FM_MM<0x25>; def BNE_MM : MMRel, CBranch<"bne", brtarget_mm, setne, GPR32Opnd>, BEQ_FM_MM<0x2d>; def BGEZ_MM : MMRel, CBranchZero<"bgez", brtarget_mm, setge, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZ_FM_MM<0x2>; def BGTZ_MM : MMRel, CBranchZero<"bgtz", brtarget_mm, setgt, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZ_FM_MM<0x6>; def BLEZ_MM : MMRel, CBranchZero<"blez", brtarget_mm, setle, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZ_FM_MM<0x4>; def BLTZ_MM : MMRel, CBranchZero<"bltz", brtarget_mm, setlt, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZ_FM_MM<0x0>; def BGEZAL_MM : MMRel, BGEZAL_FT<"bgezal", brtarget_mm, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZAL_FM_MM<0x03>; def BLTZAL_MM : MMRel, BGEZAL_FT<"bltzal", brtarget_mm, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZAL_FM_MM<0x01>; /// Branch Instructions - Short Delay Slot def BGEZALS_MM : BranchCompareToZeroLinkMM<"bgezals", brtarget_mm, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZAL_FM_MM<0x13>; def BLTZALS_MM : BranchCompareToZeroLinkMM<"bltzals", brtarget_mm, GPR32Opnd>, BGEZAL_FM_MM<0x11>; } def B_MM : UncondBranch, IsBranch, ISA_MICROMIPS; let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips", Predicates = [InMicroMips] in { /// Control Instructions def SYNC_MM : MMRel, SYNC_FT<"sync">, SYNC_FM_MM; def SYNCI_MM : MMRel, SYNCI_FT<"synci">, SYNCI_FM_MM; def BREAK_MM : MMRel, BRK_FT<"break">, BRK_FM_MM; def SYSCALL_MM : MMRel, SYS_FT<"syscall", uimm10, II_SYSCALL>, SYS_FM_MM; def WAIT_MM : WaitMM<"wait">, WAIT_FM_MM; def ERET_MM : MMRel, ER_FT<"eret", II_ERET>, ER_FM_MM<0x3cd>; def DERET_MM : MMRel, ER_FT<"deret", II_DERET>, ER_FM_MM<0x38d>; def EI_MM : MMRel, DEI_FT<"ei", GPR32Opnd, II_EI>, EI_FM_MM<0x15d>, ISA_MIPS32R2; def DI_MM : MMRel, DEI_FT<"di", GPR32Opnd, II_DI>, EI_FM_MM<0x11d>, ISA_MIPS32R2; /// Trap Instructions def TEQ_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"teq", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TEQ>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x0>; def TGE_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"tge", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TGE>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x08>; def TGEU_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"tgeu", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TGEU>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x10>; def TLT_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"tlt", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TLT>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x20>; def TLTU_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"tltu", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TLTU>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x28>; def TNE_MM : MMRel, TEQ_FT<"tne", GPR32Opnd, uimm4, II_TNE>, TEQ_FM_MM<0x30>; def TEQI_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"teqi", GPR32Opnd, II_TEQI>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x0e>; def TGEI_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"tgei", GPR32Opnd, II_TGEI>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x09>; def TGEIU_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"tgeiu", GPR32Opnd, II_TGEIU>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x0b>; def TLTI_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"tlti", GPR32Opnd, II_TLTI>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x08>; def TLTIU_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"tltiu", GPR32Opnd, II_TTLTIU>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x0a>; def TNEI_MM : MMRel, TEQI_FT<"tnei", GPR32Opnd, II_TNEI>, TEQI_FM_MM<0x0c>; /// Load-linked, Store-conditional def LL_MM : LLBaseMM<"ll", GPR32Opnd>, LL_FM_MM<0x3>; def SC_MM : SCBaseMM<"sc", GPR32Opnd>, LL_FM_MM<0xb>; def LLE_MM : MMRel, LLEBaseMM<"lle", GPR32Opnd>, LLE_FM_MM<0x6>; def SCE_MM : MMRel, SCEBaseMM<"sce", GPR32Opnd>, LLE_FM_MM<0xA>; let DecoderMethod = "DecodeCacheOpMM" in { def CACHE_MM : MMRel, CacheOp<"cache", mem_mm_12, II_CACHE>, CACHE_PREF_FM_MM<0x08, 0x6>; def PREF_MM : MMRel, CacheOp<"pref", mem_mm_12, II_PREF>, CACHE_PREF_FM_MM<0x18, 0x2>; } let DecoderMethod = "DecodePrefeOpMM" in { def PREFE_MM : MMRel, CacheOp<"prefe", mem_mm_9, II_PREFE>, CACHE_PREFE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x2>; def CACHEE_MM : MMRel, CacheOp<"cachee", mem_mm_9, II_CACHEE>, CACHE_PREFE_FM_MM<0x18, 0x3>; } def SSNOP_MM : MMRel, Barrier<"ssnop", II_SSNOP>, BARRIER_FM_MM<0x1>; def EHB_MM : MMRel, Barrier<"ehb", II_EHB>, BARRIER_FM_MM<0x3>; def PAUSE_MM : MMRel, Barrier<"pause", II_PAUSE>, BARRIER_FM_MM<0x5>; def TLBP_MM : MMRel, TLB<"tlbp", II_TLBP>, COP0_TLB_FM_MM<0x0d>; def TLBR_MM : MMRel, TLB<"tlbr", II_TLBR>, COP0_TLB_FM_MM<0x4d>; def TLBWI_MM : MMRel, TLB<"tlbwi", II_TLBWI>, COP0_TLB_FM_MM<0x8d>; def TLBWR_MM : MMRel, TLB<"tlbwr", II_TLBWR>, COP0_TLB_FM_MM<0xcd>; def SDBBP_MM : MMRel, SYS_FT<"sdbbp", uimm10, II_SDBBP>, SDBBP_FM_MM; def PREFX_MM : PrefetchIndexed<"prefx">, POOL32F_PREFX_FM_MM<0x15, 0x1A0>; } def TAILCALL_MM : TailCall, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; let DecoderNamespace = "MicroMips" in { def RDHWR_MM : MMRel, R6MMR6Rel, ReadHardware, RDHWR_FM_MM, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; def LWU_MM : MMRel, LoadMM<"lwu", GPR32Opnd, zextloadi32, II_LWU, mem_simm12>, LL_FM_MM<0xe>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // MicroMips arbitrary patterns that map to one or more instructions //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// let AdditionalPredicates = [InMicroMips] in { def : MipsPat<(i32 immLi16:$imm), (LI16_MM immLi16:$imm)>; defm : MaterializeImms; } let Predicates = [InMicroMips] in { def : MipsPat<(not GPRMM16:$in), (NOT16_MM GPRMM16:$in)>; def : MipsPat<(not GPR32:$in), (NOR_MM GPR32Opnd:$in, ZERO)>; def : MipsPat<(add GPRMM16:$src, immSExtAddiur2:$imm), (ADDIUR2_MM GPRMM16:$src, immSExtAddiur2:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(add GPR32:$src, immSExtAddius5:$imm), (ADDIUS5_MM GPR32:$src, immSExtAddius5:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(add GPR32:$src, immSExt16:$imm), (ADDiu_MM GPR32:$src, immSExt16:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(and GPRMM16:$src, immZExtAndi16:$imm), (ANDI16_MM GPRMM16:$src, immZExtAndi16:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(and GPR32:$src, immZExt16:$imm), (ANDi_MM GPR32:$src, immZExt16:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(shl GPRMM16:$src, immZExt2Shift:$imm), (SLL16_MM GPRMM16:$src, immZExt2Shift:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(shl GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm), (SLL_MM GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(shl GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs), (SLLV_MM GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs)>; def : MipsPat<(srl GPRMM16:$src, immZExt2Shift:$imm), (SRL16_MM GPRMM16:$src, immZExt2Shift:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(srl GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm), (SRL_MM GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(srl GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs), (SRLV_MM GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs)>; def : MipsPat<(sra GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm), (SRA_MM GPR32:$src, immZExt5:$imm)>; def : MipsPat<(sra GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs), (SRAV_MM GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs)>; def : MipsPat<(store GPRMM16:$src, addrimm4lsl2:$addr), (SW16_MM GPRMM16:$src, addrimm4lsl2:$addr)>; def : MipsPat<(store GPR32:$src, addr:$addr), (SW_MM GPR32:$src, addr:$addr)>; def : MipsPat<(load addrimm4lsl2:$addr), (LW16_MM addrimm4lsl2:$addr)>; def : MipsPat<(load addr:$addr), (LW_MM addr:$addr)>; def : MipsPat<(subc GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs), (SUBu_MM GPR32:$lhs, GPR32:$rhs)>; } def : MipsPat<(MipsTailCall (iPTR tglobaladdr:$dst)), (TAILCALL_MM tglobaladdr:$dst)>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; def : MipsPat<(MipsTailCall (iPTR texternalsym:$dst)), (TAILCALL_MM texternalsym:$dst)>, ISA_MICROMIPS32_NOT_MIPS32R6; let AddedComplexity = 40 in { def : MipsPat<(i32 (sextloadi16 addrRegImm:$a)), (LH_MM addrRegImm:$a)>; } def : MipsPat<(atomic_load_16 addr:$a), (LH_MM addr:$a)>; def : MipsPat<(i32 (extloadi16 addr:$src)), (LHu_MM addr:$src)>; defm : BrcondPats; defm : SeteqPats; defm : SetlePats; defm : SetgtPats; defm : SetgePats; defm : SetgeImmPats; //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // MicroMips instruction aliases //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// class UncondBranchMMPseudo : MipsAsmPseudoInst<(outs), (ins brtarget_mm:$offset), !strconcat(opstr, "\t$offset")>; def B_MM_Pseudo : UncondBranchMMPseudo<"b">, ISA_MICROMIPS; let Predicates = [InMicroMips] in { def SDIV_MM_Pseudo : MultDivPseudo, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; def UDIV_MM_Pseudo : MultDivPseudo, ISA_MIPS1_NOT_32R6_64R6; def : MipsInstAlias<"wait", (WAIT_MM 0x0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"nop", (SLL_MM ZERO, ZERO, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"nop", (MOVE16_MM ZERO, ZERO), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"ei", (EI_MM ZERO), 1>, ISA_MIPS32R2; def : MipsInstAlias<"di", (DI_MM ZERO), 1>, ISA_MIPS32R2; def : MipsInstAlias<"teq $rs, $rt", (TEQ_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"tge $rs, $rt", (TGE_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"tgeu $rs, $rt", (TGEU_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"tlt $rs, $rt", (TLT_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"tltu $rs, $rt", (TLTU_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias<"tne $rs, $rt", (TNE_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, 0), 1>; def : MipsInstAlias< "sgt $rd, $rs, $rt", (SLT_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias< "sgt $rs, $rt", (SLT_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias< "sgtu $rd, $rs, $rt", (SLTu_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias< "sgtu $rs, $rt", (SLTu_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sll $rd, $rt, $rs", (SLLV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sra $rd, $rt, $rs", (SRAV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"srl $rd, $rt, $rs", (SRLV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sll $rd, $rt", (SLLV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sra $rd, $rt", (SRAV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"srl $rd, $rt", (SRLV_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sll $rd, $shamt", (SLL_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, uimm5:$shamt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"sra $rd, $shamt", (SRA_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, uimm5:$shamt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"srl $rd, $shamt", (SRL_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd, uimm5:$shamt), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"rotr $rt, $imm", (ROTR_MM GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rt, uimm5:$imm), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"syscall", (SYSCALL_MM 0), 1>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"add", ADDi_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"addu", ADDiu_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"and", ANDi_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"or", ORi_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"xor", XORi_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"slt", SLTi_MM>; defm : OneOrTwoOperandMacroImmediateAlias<"sltu", SLTiu_MM>; def : MipsInstAlias<"not $rt, $rs", (NOR_MM GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rs, ZERO), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"not $rt", (NOR_MM GPR32Opnd:$rt, GPR32Opnd:$rt, ZERO), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"bnez $rs,$offset", (BNE_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, ZERO, brtarget:$offset), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"beqz $rs,$offset", (BEQ_MM GPR32Opnd:$rs, ZERO, brtarget:$offset), 0>; def : MipsInstAlias<"seh $rd", (SEH_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd), 0>, ISA_MIPS32R2_NOT_32R6_64R6; def : MipsInstAlias<"seb $rd", (SEB_MM GPR32Opnd:$rd, GPR32Opnd:$rd), 0>, ISA_MIPS32R2_NOT_32R6_64R6; }