; The %A getelementptr instruction should be eliminated here ; RUN: if as < %s | opt -instcombine -die | dis | grep getelementptr | grep '%A' ; RUN: then exit 1 ; RUN: else exit 0 ; RUN: fi %Global = constant [10 x sbyte] c"helloworld" implementation int *"foo1"(int * %I) { ; Test noop elimination %A = getelementptr int* %I, long 0 ret int * %A } int* %foo2(int* %I) { ; Test noop elimination %A = getelementptr int* %I ret int* %A } int* %foo3(int * %I) { ; Test that two array indexing geps fold %A = getelementptr int* %I, long 17 %B = getelementptr int* %A, long 4 ret int* %B } int* %foo4({int} *%I) { ; Test that two getelementptr insts fold %A = getelementptr {int}* %I, long 1 %B = getelementptr {int}* %A, long 0, ubyte 0 ret int* %B } sbyte * %foo5() { ; This should be turned into a constexpr instead of being an instruction %A = getelementptr [10 x sbyte]* %Global, long 0, long 4 ret sbyte* %A }