# Test that windows path seperators are handled correctly. REQUIRES: system-windows # Note: many of these tests depend on relative paths, so we have to cd to a # test directory first. RUN: mkdir -p %t && cd %t RUN: rm -rf a b && mkdir a b RUN: echo hello-a > a/foo.txt RUN: echo hello-b > b/foo.txt RUN: echo hello-parent > foo.txt # P is implied when using thin archives. # Create an archive. RUN: rm -f archive.a RUN: llvm-ar rcST archive.a a\..\a\foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar rcST archive.a foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar rcST archive.a b\foo.txt b/foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar dT archive.a foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar t archive.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ARCHIVE --implicit-check-not {{.}} ARCHIVE: a/foo.txt ARCHIVE-NEXT: b/foo.txt ARCHIVE-NEXT: b/foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar t archive.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LIST-BOTH --implicit-check-not {{.}} RUN: llvm-ar t archive.a a\foo.txt | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LIST-A --implicit-check-not {{.}} RUN: llvm-ar t archive.a b\foo.txt | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LIST-B --implicit-check-not {{.}} LIST-BOTH: a/foo.txt LIST-BOTH-NEXT: b/foo.txt LIST-BOTH-NEXT: b/foo.txt LIST-A: a/foo.txt LIST-B: b/foo.txt # Nesting a thin archive with a name conflict. RUN: rm -f a\nested.a b\nested.a nested.a RUN: llvm-ar rcST a\nested.a a\foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar rcST b\nested.a b\foo.txt RUN: llvm-ar rcST nested.a a\nested.a foo.txt b\nested.a RUN: llvm-ar t nested.a | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NESTED --implicit-check-not {{.}} NESTED: a/foo.txt NESTED-NEXT: foo.txt NESTED-NEXT: b/foo.txt