#include "llvm/CodeGen/RegClass.h" RegClass::RegClass(const Method *const M, const MachineRegClassInfo *const Mrc, const ReservedColorListType *const RCL) : Meth(M), MRC(Mrc), RegClassID( Mrc->getRegClassID() ), IG(this), IGNodeStack(), ReservedColorList(RCL) { if( DEBUG_RA) cout << "Created Reg Class: " << RegClassID << endl; // This constructor inits IG. The actual matrix is created by a call to // createInterferenceGraph() above. IsColorUsedArr = new bool[ Mrc->getNumOfAllRegs() ]; } void RegClass::colorAllRegs() { if(DEBUG_RA) cout << "Coloring IGs ..." << endl; //preColorIGNodes(); // pre-color IGNodes pushAllIGNodes(); // push all IG Nodes unsigned int StackSize = IGNodeStack.size(); IGNode *CurIGNode; // for all LRs on stack for( unsigned int IGN=0; IGN < StackSize; IGN++) { CurIGNode = IGNodeStack.top(); // pop the IGNode on top of stack IGNodeStack.pop(); colorIGNode (CurIGNode); // color it } // InsertSpillCode; ********* TODO ******** } void RegClass::pushAllIGNodes() { bool NeedMoreSpills; IGNode *IGNodeSpill, *IGNode; IG.setCurDegreeOfIGNodes(); // calculate degree of IGNodes // push non-constrained IGNodes bool PushedAll = pushUnconstrainedIGNodes(); if( DEBUG_RA) { cout << " Puhsed all-unconstrained IGNodes. "; if( PushedAll ) cout << " No constrained nodes left."; cout << endl; } if( PushedAll ) // if NO constrained nodes left return; // now, we have constrained nodes. So, push one of them (the one with min // spill cost) and try to push the others as unConstrained nodes. // Repeat this. do{ //get IGNode with min spill cost IGNodeSpill = getIGNodeWithMinSpillCost(); // push IGNode on to stack IGNodeStack.push( IGNodeSpill ); // set OnStack flag and decrement degree of neighs IGNode->pushOnStack(); // now push NON-constrined ones, if any NeedMoreSpills = ! pushUnconstrainedIGNodes(); } while( NeedMoreSpills ); // repeat until we have pushed all } bool RegClass::pushUnconstrainedIGNodes() { // # of LRs for this reg class unsigned int IGNodeListSize = IG.getIGNodeList().size(); bool pushedall = true; // a pass over IGNodeList for( unsigned i =0; i < IGNodeListSize; i++) { // get IGNode i from IGNodeList IGNode *IGNode = IG.getIGNodeList()[i]; if( ! IGNode ) // can be null due to merging continue; // if the degree of IGNode is lower if( (unsigned) IGNode->getCurDegree() < MRC->getNumOfAvailRegs() ) { IGNodeStack.push( IGNode ); // push IGNode on to the stack IGNode->pushOnStack(); // set OnStack and dec deg of neighs if (DEBUG_RA > 1) { cout << " pushed un-constrained IGNode " << IGNode->getIndex() ; cout << " on to stack" << endl; } } else pushedall = false; // we didn't push all live ranges } // for // returns true if we pushed all live ranges - else false return pushedall; } IGNode * RegClass::getIGNodeWithMinSpillCost() { IGNode *IGNode=NULL; unsigned int IGNodeListSize = IG.getIGNodeList().size(); // pass over IGNodeList for( unsigned int i =0; i < IGNodeListSize; i++) { IGNode = IG.getIGNodeList()[i]; if( ! IGNode ) // can be null due to merging continue; // return the first IGNode ########## Change this ####### if( ! IGNode->isOnStack() ) return IGNode; } assert(0); return NULL; } void RegClass::colorIGNode(IGNode *const Node) { if( ! Node->hasColor() ) { // not colored as an arg etc. // init all elements to false; for( unsigned i=0; i < MRC->getNumOfAllRegs(); i++) { IsColorUsedArr[ i ] = false; } // init all reserved_regs to true - we can't use them for( unsigned i=0; i < ReservedColorList->size() ; i++) { IsColorUsedArr[ (*ReservedColorList)[i] ] = true; } MRC->colorIGNode(Node, IsColorUsedArr); } else { if( DEBUG_RA ) { cout << " Node " << Node->getIndex(); cout << " already colored with color " << Node->getColor() << endl; } } if( !Node->hasColor() ) { if( DEBUG_RA ) { cout << " Node " << Node->getIndex(); cout << " - could not find a color (needs spilling)" << endl; } } }