; RUN: llc -O0 --frame-pointer=none -mtriple=powerpc-- -o - %S/../Inputs/stack-guard-reassign.ll | FileCheck %s ; Verify that the offset assigned to the stack protector is at the top of the ; frame, covering the locals. ; CHECK-LABEL: fn: ; CHECK: mflr 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: stw 0, 4(1) ; CHECK-NEXT: lis 0, -2 ; CHECK-NEXT: ori 0, 0, 65488 ; CHECK-NEXT: stwux 1, 1, 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: sub 0, 1, 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: lis 4, __stack_chk_guard@ha ; CHECK-NEXT: lwz 5, __stack_chk_guard@l(4) ; CHECK-NEXT: lis 6, 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ori 6, 6, 44 ; CHECK-NEXT: stwx 5, 1, 6