- begin
- end
- true
- false
- declare
- define
- global
- constant
- gc
- module
- asm
- target
- datalayout
- null
- undef
- blockaddress
- sideeffect
- alignstack
- to
- unwind
- nuw
- nsw
- inbounds
- tail
- triple
- type
- align
- alias
- monotonic
- private
- internal
- available_externally
- linkonce
- weak
- common
- appending
- extern_weak
- linkonce_odr
- weak_odr
- dllimport
- dllexport
- ccc
- fastcc
- coldcc
- cc
- spir_kernel
- default
- hidden
- protected
- zeroext
- signext
- inreg
- byval
- sret
- noalias
- nocapture
- nest
- alignstack
- alwaysinline
- argmemonly
- convergent
- inlinehint
- naked
- nobuiltin
- noimplicitfloat
- noinline
- noredzone
- noreturn
- nounwind
- optnone
- optsize
- readnone
- readonly
- ssp
- sspreq
- sspstrong
- addrspace
- half
- float
- double
- fp128
- x86_fp80
- ppc_fp128
- x86mmx
- void
- label
- metadata
- opaque
- llvm.used
- llvm.compiler.used
- llvm.global_ctors
- llvm.global_dtors
- ret
- br
- switch
- indirectbr
- invoke
- unwind
- unreachable
- add
- fadd
- sub
- fsub
- fneg
- mul
- fmul
- udiv
- sdiv
- fdiv
- urem
- srem
- frem
- shl
- lshr
- ashr
- and
- nand
- or
- xor
- min
- umin
- max
- umax
- extractelement
- insertelement
- shufflevector
- extractvalue
- insertvalue
- alloca
- load
- store
- getelementptr
- trunc
- zext
- sext
- fptrunc
- fpext
- fptoui
- fptosi
- uitofp
- sitofp
- ptrtoint
- inttoptr
- bitcast
- addrspacecast
- icmp
- fcmp
- atomicrmw
- cmpxchg
- phi
- select
- call
- va_arg
- eq
- ne
- ugt
- uge
- ult
- ule
- sgt
- sge
- slt
- sle
- oeq
- ogt
- oge
- olt
- ole
- one
- ord
- ueq
- une
- uno