// To create the covmapping for this file, copy this file to /tmp/dots/, // cd into /tmp/dots, and pass "../dots/double_dots.c" to the compiler. Use // llvm-cov convert-for-testing to extract the covmapping. // RUN: llvm-profdata merge %S/Inputs/double_dots.proftext -o %t.profdata // RUN: llvm-cov show %S/Inputs/double_dots.covmapping -instr-profile=%t.profdata -o %t.dir // RUN: FileCheck -input-file=%t.dir/index.txt %s // RUN: llvm-cov show -format=html %S/Inputs/double_dots.covmapping -instr-profile=%t.profdata -o %t.dir // RUN: FileCheck -input-file=%t.dir/index.html %s // CHECK-NOT: coverage{{.*}}dots{{.*}}..{{.*}}dots int main() {} // Re-purpose this file to test that we use relative paths when creating // report indices: // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=REL-INDEX -input-file %t.dir/index.txt %s // REL-INDEX-NOT: %t.dir // Check that we get the right error when writing to an invalid path: // RUN: not llvm-cov show %S/Inputs/double_dots.covmapping -instr-profile=%t.profdata -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ERROR-MESSAGE // ERROR-MESSAGE: error: {{.*}}: Could not create index file!