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Thomas Lively 81bb5f99ad [WebAssembly] Remove datalayout strings from llc tests
The data layout strings do not have any effect on llc tests and will become
misleadingly out of date as we continue to update the canonical data layout, so
remove them from the tests.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D105842
2021-07-14 11:17:08 -07:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -verify-machineinstrs -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -wasm-keep-registers | FileCheck %s
target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
@args = hidden local_unnamed_addr global [32 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16
; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind
define hidden i32 @main() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
; If LSR stops selecting a negative base reg value, then this test will no
; longer be useful as written.
; CHECK: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -128
; CHECK-NEXT: local.set 0, $pop[[L0]]
br label %for.body
for.body: ; preds = %for.body, %entry
%i.04 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %inc, %for.body ]
; The offset should not be folded into the store.
; CHECK: i32.const $push{{[0-9]+}}=, args+128
; CHECK: i32.add $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=,
; CHECK: i32.store 0($pop[[L1]])
%arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds [32 x i32], [32 x i32]* @args, i32 0, i32 %i.04
store i32 1, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !1
%inc = add nuw nsw i32 %i.04, 1
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %inc, 32
br i1 %exitcond, label %for.end, label %for.body, !llvm.loop !5
for.end: ; preds = %for.body
ret i32 0
attributes #0 = { norecurse nounwind "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "frame-pointer"="none" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="generic" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
!0 = !{!"clang version 4.0.0 (trunk 279056) (llvm/trunk 279074)"}
!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
!2 = !{!"int", !3, i64 0}
!3 = !{!"omnipotent char", !4, i64 0}
!4 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
!5 = distinct !{!5, !6}
!6 = !{!"llvm.loop.unroll.disable"}