mirror of https://github.com/RPCS3/llvm-mirror.git synced 2024-10-21 03:53:04 +02:00
Reid Spencer 3d7ba2fb96 Two changes:
1. Don't bother truncating reading of the file. It doesn't save that much
   time and we should support putting RUN lines anywhere in the file. For
   example, someone might want to put the grep match before each function
   in the test file which would sprinkle the RUN: lines throughout the file.
2. Fix a bug with llvmgcc version match .. global var wasn't declared as such

llvm-svn: 36085
2007-04-15 20:43:36 +00:00

190 lines
5.9 KiB

proc execOneLine { test PRS outcome lineno line } {
set status 0
set resultmsg ""
set retval [ catch { eval exec -keepnewline -- $line } errmsg ]
if { $retval != 0 } {
set code [lindex $::errorCode 0]
set lineno [expr $lineno + 1]
if { $PRS != ""} {
set PRS " for $PRS"
set errmsg " at line $lineno$PRS\nwhile running: $line\n$errmsg"
switch "$code" {
set status [lindex $::errorCode 2]
if { $status ne 0 } {
set resultmsg "$test: exit($status)$errmsg"
set signal [lindex $::errorCode 2]
set resultmsg "$test: signal($signal)$errmsg"
set signal [lindex $::errorCode 2]
set resultmsg "$test: suspend($signal)$errmsg"
set posixNum [lindex $::errorCode 1]
set posixMsg [lindex $::errorCode 2]
set resultmsg "$test: posix($posixNum,$posixMsg)$errmsg"
default {
return $resultmsg
proc substitute { line test tmpFile } {
global srcroot objroot srcdir objdir subdir target_triplet prcontext
global llvmgcc llvmgxx llvmgcc_version llvmgccmajvers
global gccpath gxxpath compile_c compile_cxx link shlibext llvmlibsdir
set path [file join $srcdir $subdir]
set tmp [file join Output $tmpFile]
# Substitute all Tcl variables.
set new_line [subst $line ]
#replace %prcontext with prcontext.tcl (Must replace before %p)
regsub -all {%prcontext} $new_line $prcontext new_line
#replace %llvmgcc with actual path to llvmgcc
regsub -all {%llvmgcc} $new_line "$llvmgcc -emit-llvm" new_line
#replace %llvmgxx with actual path to llvmg++
regsub -all {%llvmgxx} $new_line "$llvmgxx -emit-llvm" new_line
#replace %compile_c with C compilation command
regsub -all {%compile_c} $new_line "$compile_c" new_line
#replace %compile_cxx with C++ compilation command
regsub -all {%compile_cxx} $new_line "$compile_cxx" new_line
#replace %link with C++ link command
regsub -all {%link} $new_line "$link" new_line
#replace %shlibext with shared library extension
regsub -all {%shlibext} $new_line "$shlibext" new_line
#replace %llvmlibsdir with configure library directory
regsub -all {%llvmlibsdir} $new_line "$llvmlibsdir" new_line
#replace %p with path to source,
regsub -all {%p} $new_line [file join $srcdir $subdir] new_line
#replace %s with filename
regsub -all {%s} $new_line $test new_line
#replace %t with temp filenames
regsub -all {%t} $new_line [file join Output $tmpFile] new_line
#replace %% with %
regsub -all {%%} $new_line % new_line
return $new_line
proc RunLLVMTests { test_source_files } {
global srcroot objroot srcdir objdir subdir target_triplet llvmgcc_version
set timeout 60
set path [file join $objdir $subdir]
#Make Output Directory if it does not exist already
if { [file exists path] } {
cd $path
} else {
file mkdir $path
cd $path
file mkdir Output
foreach test $test_source_files {
#Should figure out best way to set the timeout
#set timeout 40
set filename [file tail $test]
set outcome PASS
set tmpFile "$filename.tmp"
#set hasRunline bool to check if testcase has a runline
set numLines 0
# Open the test file and start reading lines
set testFileId [ open $test r]
set runline ""
set PRNUMS ""
foreach line [split [read $testFileId] \n] {
# if its the END. line then stop parsing (optimization for big files)
if {[regexp {END.[ *]$} $line match endofscript]} {
# if the line is continued, concatente and continue the loop
} elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)(\\)$} $line match oneline suffix]} {
set runline "$runline$oneline "
# if its a terminating RUN: line then do substitution on the whole line
# and then save the line.
} elseif {[regexp {RUN: *([^&]+)(&&)?} $line match oneline suffix]} {
set runline "$runline$oneline"
set runline [ substitute $runline $test $tmpFile ]
set lines($numLines) $runline
set numLines [expr $numLines + 1]
set runline ""
# if its an PR line, save the problem report number
} elseif {[regexp {PR([0-9]+)} $line match prnum]} {
if {$PRNUMS == ""} {
set PRNUMS "PR$prnum"
} else {
set PRNUMS "$PRNUMS,$prnum"
# if its an XFAIL line, see if we should be XFAILing or not.
} elseif {[regexp {XFAIL:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} {
set targets
#split up target if more then 1 specified
foreach target [split $targets ,] {
if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } {
set outcome XFAIL
} elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } {
set outcome XFAIL
} elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2] } {
if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } {
set outcome XFAIL
# Done reading the script
close $testFileId
if { $numLines == 0 } {
fail "$test: \nDoes not have a RUN line\n"
} else {
set failed 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < $numLines } { set i [ expr $i + 1 ] } {
regsub ^.*RUN:(.*) $lines($i) \1 theLine
set resultmsg [execOneLine $test $PRNUMS $outcome $i $theLine ]
if { $resultmsg != "" } {
if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
xfail "$resultmsg"
} else {
fail "$resultmsg"
set failed 1
if { $failed } {
} else {
if { $PRNUMS != "" } {
set PRNUMS " for $PRNUMS"
if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
xpass "$test$PRNUMS"
} else {
pass "$test$PRNUMS"