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//===- FuzzerMerge.cpp - merging corpora ----------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Merging corpora.
#include "FuzzerInternal.h"
#include "FuzzerIO.h"
#include "FuzzerMerge.h"
#include "FuzzerTracePC.h"
#include "FuzzerUtil.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
namespace fuzzer {
bool Merger::Parse(const std::string &Str, bool ParseCoverage) {
std::istringstream SS(Str);
return Parse(SS, ParseCoverage);
void Merger::ParseOrExit(std::istream &IS, bool ParseCoverage) {
if (!Parse(IS, ParseCoverage)) {
Printf("MERGE: failed to parse the control file (unexpected error)\n");
// The control file example:
// 3 # The number of inputs
// 1 # The number of inputs in the first corpus, <= the previous number
// file0
// file1
// file2 # One file name per line.
// STARTED 0 123 # FileID, file size
// DONE 0 1 4 6 8 # FileID COV1 COV2 ...
// STARTED 1 456 # If DONE is missing, the input crashed while processing.
// STARTED 2 567
// DONE 2 8 9
bool Merger::Parse(std::istream &IS, bool ParseCoverage) {
std::string Line;
// Parse NumFiles.
if (!std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) return false;
std::istringstream L1(Line);
size_t NumFiles = 0;
L1 >> NumFiles;
if (NumFiles == 0 || NumFiles > 10000000) return false;
// Parse NumFilesInFirstCorpus.
if (!std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) return false;
std::istringstream L2(Line);
NumFilesInFirstCorpus = NumFiles + 1;
L2 >> NumFilesInFirstCorpus;
if (NumFilesInFirstCorpus > NumFiles) return false;
// Parse file names.
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFiles; i++)
if (!std::getline(IS, Files[i].Name, '\n'))
return false;
// Parse STARTED and DONE lines.
size_t ExpectedStartMarker = 0;
const size_t kInvalidStartMarker = -1;
size_t LastSeenStartMarker = kInvalidStartMarker;
std::vector<uint32_t> TmpFeatures;
while (std::getline(IS, Line, '\n')) {
std::istringstream ISS1(Line);
std::string Marker;
size_t N;
ISS1 >> Marker;
ISS1 >> N;
if (Marker == "STARTED") {
if (ExpectedStartMarker != N)
return false;
ISS1 >> Files[ExpectedStartMarker].Size;
LastSeenStartMarker = ExpectedStartMarker;
assert(ExpectedStartMarker < Files.size());
} else if (Marker == "DONE") {
size_t CurrentFileIdx = N;
if (CurrentFileIdx != LastSeenStartMarker)
return false;
LastSeenStartMarker = kInvalidStartMarker;
if (ParseCoverage) {
TmpFeatures.clear(); // use a vector from outer scope to avoid resizes.
while (ISS1 >> std::hex >> N)
std::sort(TmpFeatures.begin(), TmpFeatures.end());
Files[CurrentFileIdx].Features = TmpFeatures;
} else {
return false;
if (LastSeenStartMarker != kInvalidStartMarker)
LastFailure = Files[LastSeenStartMarker].Name;
FirstNotProcessedFile = ExpectedStartMarker;
return true;
size_t Merger::ApproximateMemoryConsumption() const {
size_t Res = 0;
for (const auto &F: Files)
Res += sizeof(F) + F.Features.size() * sizeof(F.Features[0]);
return Res;
// Decides which files need to be merged (add thost to NewFiles).
// Returns the number of new features added.
size_t Merger::Merge(std::vector<std::string> *NewFiles) {
assert(NumFilesInFirstCorpus <= Files.size());
std::set<uint32_t> AllFeatures;
// What features are in the initial corpus?
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
AllFeatures.insert(Cur.begin(), Cur.end());
size_t InitialNumFeatures = AllFeatures.size();
// Remove all features that we already know from all other inputs.
for (size_t i = NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i < Files.size(); i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
std::vector<uint32_t> Tmp;
std::set_difference(Cur.begin(), Cur.end(), AllFeatures.begin(),
AllFeatures.end(), std::inserter(Tmp, Tmp.begin()));
// Sort. Give preference to
// * smaller files
// * files with more features.
std::sort(Files.begin() + NumFilesInFirstCorpus, Files.end(),
[&](const MergeFileInfo &a, const MergeFileInfo &b) -> bool {
if (a.Size != b.Size)
return a.Size < b.Size;
return a.Features.size() > b.Features.size();
// One greedy pass: add the file's features to AllFeatures.
// If new features were added, add this file to NewFiles.
for (size_t i = NumFilesInFirstCorpus; i < Files.size(); i++) {
auto &Cur = Files[i].Features;
// Printf("%s -> sz %zd ft %zd\n", Files[i].Name.c_str(),
// Files[i].Size, Cur.size());
size_t OldSize = AllFeatures.size();
AllFeatures.insert(Cur.begin(), Cur.end());
if (AllFeatures.size() > OldSize)
return AllFeatures.size() - InitialNumFeatures;
// Inner process. May crash if the target crashes.
void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMergeInternalStep(const std::string &CFPath) {
Printf("MERGE-INNER: using the control file '%s'\n", CFPath.c_str());
Merger M;
std::ifstream IF(CFPath);
M.ParseOrExit(IF, false);
if (!M.LastFailure.empty())
Printf("MERGE-INNER: '%s' caused a failure at the previous merge step\n",
Printf("MERGE-INNER: %zd total files;"
" %zd processed earlier; will process %zd files now\n",
M.Files.size(), M.FirstNotProcessedFile,
M.Files.size() - M.FirstNotProcessedFile);
std::ofstream OF(CFPath, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
for (size_t i = M.FirstNotProcessedFile; i < M.Files.size(); i++) {
auto U = FileToVector(M.Files[i].Name);
if (U.size() > MaxInputLen) {
std::ostringstream StartedLine;
// Write the pre-run marker.
OF << "STARTED " << std::dec << i << " " << U.size() << "\n";
OF.flush(); // Flush is important since ExecuteCommand may crash.
// Run.
ExecuteCallback(U.data(), U.size());
// Collect coverage.
std::set<size_t> Features;
TPC.CollectFeatures([&](size_t Feature) -> bool {
return true;
// Show stats.
if (!(TotalNumberOfRuns & (TotalNumberOfRuns - 1)))
PrintStats("pulse ");
// Write the post-run marker and the coverage.
OF << "DONE " << i;
for (size_t F : Features)
OF << " " << std::hex << F;
OF << "\n";
// Outer process. Does not call the target code and thus sohuld not fail.
void Fuzzer::CrashResistantMerge(const std::vector<std::string> &Args,
const std::vector<std::string> &Corpora) {
if (Corpora.size() <= 1) {
Printf("Merge requires two or more corpus dirs\n");
std::vector<std::string> AllFiles;
ListFilesInDirRecursive(Corpora[0], nullptr, &AllFiles, /*TopDir*/true);
size_t NumFilesInFirstCorpus = AllFiles.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < Corpora.size(); i++)
ListFilesInDirRecursive(Corpora[i], nullptr, &AllFiles, /*TopDir*/true);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: %zd files, %zd in the initial corpus\n",
AllFiles.size(), NumFilesInFirstCorpus);
auto CFPath = DirPlusFile(TmpDir(),
"libFuzzerTemp." + std::to_string(GetPid()) + ".txt");
// Write the control file.
std::ofstream ControlFile(CFPath);
ControlFile << AllFiles.size() << "\n";
ControlFile << NumFilesInFirstCorpus << "\n";
for (auto &Path: AllFiles)
ControlFile << Path << "\n";
if (!ControlFile) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: failed to write to the control file: %s\n",
// Execute the inner process untill it passes.
// Every inner process should execute at least one input.
std::string BaseCmd = CloneArgsWithoutX(Args, "keep-all-flags");
bool Success = false;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= AllFiles.size(); i++) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: attempt %zd\n", i);
auto ExitCode =
ExecuteCommand(BaseCmd + " -merge_control_file=" + CFPath);
if (!ExitCode) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: succesfull in %zd attempt(s)\n", i);
Success = true;
if (!Success) {
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: zero succesfull attempts, exiting\n");
// Read the control file and do the merge.
Merger M;
std::ifstream IF(CFPath);
IF.seekg(0, IF.end);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: the control file has %zd bytes\n", (size_t)IF.tellg());
IF.seekg(0, IF.beg);
M.ParseOrExit(IF, true);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: consumed %zdMb (%zdMb rss) to parse the control file\n",
M.ApproximateMemoryConsumption() >> 20, GetPeakRSSMb());
std::vector<std::string> NewFiles;
size_t NumNewFeatures = M.Merge(&NewFiles);
Printf("MERGE-OUTER: %zd new files with %zd new features added\n",
NewFiles.size(), NumNewFeatures);
for (auto &F: NewFiles)
// We are done, delete the control file.
} // namespace fuzzer