mirror of https://github.com/RPCS3/llvm-mirror.git synced 2024-10-26 06:22:56 +02:00
Brian Gaeke 51af85964a Don't try to run qmtests if we fail to build the tree. The qmtests (at
least, on macosx) will spiral out of control instead of failing gracefully.

llvm-svn: 14396
2004-06-25 07:25:28 +00:00

802 lines
27 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Program: NightlyTest.pl
# Synopsis: Perform a series of tests which are designed to be run nightly.
# This is used to keep track of the status of the LLVM tree, tracking
# regressions and performance changes. This generates one web page a
# day which can be used to access this information.
# where
# OPTIONS may include one or more of the following:
# -nocheckout Do not create, checkout, update, or configure
# the source tree.
# -noremove Do not remove the BUILDDIR after it has been built.
# -nofeaturetests Do not run the feature tests.
# -noregressiontests Do not run the regression tests.
# -notest Do not even attempt to run the test programs. Implies
# -norunningtests.
# -norunningtests Do not run the Olden benchmark suite with
# -noexternals Do not run the external tests (for cases where povray
# or SPEC are not installed)
# -parallel Run two parallel jobs with GNU Make.
# -release Build an LLVM Release version
# -pedantic Enable additional GCC warnings to detect possible errors.
# -enable-linscan Enable linearscan tests
# -disable-codegen Disable LLC and JIT tests in the nightly tester.
# -verbose Turn on some debug output
# -debug Print information useful only to maintainers of this script.
# -nice Checkout/Configure/Build with "nice" to reduce impact
# on busy servers.
# -gnuplotscript Next argument specifies gnuplot script to use
# -templatefile Next argument specifies template file to use
# CVSROOT is the CVS repository from which the tree will be checked out,
# specified either in the full :method:user@host:/dir syntax, or
# just /dir if using a local repo.
# BUILDDIR is the directory where sources for this test run will be checked out
# AND objects for this test run will be built. This directory MUST NOT
# exist before the script is run; it will be created by the cvs checkout
# process and erased (unless -noremove is specified; see above.)
# WEBDIR is the directory into which the test results web page will be written,
# AND in which the "index.html" is assumed to be a symlink to the most recent
# copy of the results. This directory MUST exist before the script is run.
# LLVMGCCDIR is the directory in which the LLVM GCC Front End is installed
# to. This is the same as you would have for a normal LLVM build.
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'};
my $CVSRootDir = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
$CVSRootDir = "/home/vadve/shared/PublicCVS"
unless $CVSRootDir;
my $BuildDir = $ENV{'BUILDDIR'};
$BuildDir = "$HOME/buildtest"
unless $BuildDir;
my $WebDir = $ENV{'WEBDIR'};
$WebDir = "$HOME/cvs/testresults-X86"
unless $WebDir;
# Calculate the date prefix...
@TIME = localtime;
my $DATE = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d", $TIME[5]+1900, $TIME[4]+1, $TIME[3];
my $DateString = strftime "%B %d, %Y", localtime;
my $TestStartTime = gmtime;
# Command line argument settings...
my $NOREMOVE = 0;
my $NOTEST = 0;
my $MAKEOPTS = "";
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $CONFIGUREARGS = "--enable-jit";
my $NICE = "";
sub ReadFile {
if (open (FILE, $_[0])) {
undef $/;
my $Ret = <FILE>;
close FILE;
$/ = '\n';
return $Ret;
} else {
print "Could not open file '$_[0]' for reading!";
return "";
sub WriteFile { # (filename, contents)
open (FILE, ">$_[0]") or die "Could not open file '$_[0]' for writing!";
print FILE $_[1];
close FILE;
sub GetRegex { # (Regex with ()'s, value)
$_[1] =~ /$_[0]/m;
if (defined($1)) {
return $1;
return "0";
sub AddRecord {
my ($Val, $Filename) = @_;
my @Records;
if (open FILE, "$WebDir/$Filename") {
@Records = grep !/$DATE/, split "\n", <FILE>;
close FILE;
push @Records, "$DATE: $Val";
WriteFile "$WebDir/$Filename", (join "\n", @Records) . "\n";
return @Records;
sub AddPreTag { # Add pre tags around nonempty list, or convert to "none"
$_ = shift;
if (length) { return "<ul><pre>$_</pre></ul>"; } else { "<b>none</b><br>"; }
sub ChangeDir { # directory, logical name
my ($dir,$name) = @_;
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "Changing To: $name ($dir)\n"; }
chdir($dir) || die "Cannot change directory to: $name ($dir) ";
sub GetDir {
my $Suffix = shift;
opendir DH, $WebDir;
my @Result = reverse sort grep !/$DATE/, grep /[-0-9]+$Suffix/, readdir DH;
closedir DH;
return @Result;
# DiffFiles - Diff the current version of the file against the last version of
# the file, reporting things added and removed. This is used to report, for
# example, added and removed warnings. This returns a pair (added, removed)
sub DiffFiles {
my $Suffix = shift;
my @Others = GetDir $Suffix;
if (@Others == 0) { # No other files? We added all entries...
return (`cat $WebDir/$DATE$Suffix`, "");
# Diff the files now...
my @Diffs = split "\n", `diff $WebDir/$DATE$Suffix $WebDir/$Others[0]`;
my $Added = join "\n", grep /^</, @Diffs;
my $Removed = join "\n", grep /^>/, @Diffs;
$Added =~ s/^< //gm;
$Removed =~ s/^> //gm;
return ($Added, $Removed);
# FormatTime - Convert a time from 1m23.45 into 83.45
sub FormatTime {
my $Time = shift;
if ($Time =~ m/([0-9]+)m([0-9.]+)/) {
$Time = sprintf("%7.4f", $1*60.0+$2);
return $Time;
sub GetRegexNum {
my ($Regex, $Num, $Regex2, $File) = @_;
my @Items = split "\n", `grep '$Regex' $File`;
return GetRegex $Regex2, $Items[$Num];
sub GetQMTestResults { # (filename)
my ($filename) = @_;
my @lines;
my $firstline;
$/ = "\n"; #Make sure we're going line at a time.
if (open SRCHFILE, $filename) {
# Skip stuff before ---TEST RESULTS
while ( <SRCHFILE> ) {
if ( m/^--- TEST RESULTS/ ) { last; }
# Process test results
push(@lines,"<h3>TEST RESULTS</h3><ol><li>\n");
my $first_list = 1;
my $should_break = 1;
my $nocopy = 0;
while ( <SRCHFILE> ) {
if ( length($_) > 1 ) {
if ( ! m/: PASS[ ]*$/ &&
! m/^ qmtest.target:/ &&
! m/^ local/ &&
! m/^gmake:/ ) {
if ( m/: XFAIL/ ) {
$nocopy = 1;
} elsif ( m/: XPASS/ || m/: FAIL/ ) {
$nocopy = 0;
if ( $first_list ) {
$first_list = 0;
$should_break = 1;
} else {
} elsif ( m/^--- STATISTICS/ ) {
if ( $first_list ) { push(@lines,"<b>PERFECT!</b>"); }
$should_break = 0;
$nocopy = 0;
} elsif ( m/^--- TESTS WITH/ ) {
$should_break = 1;
$first_list = 1;
$nocopy = 0;
push(@lines,"</pre><h3>TESTS WITH UNEXPECTED RESULTS</h3><ol><li>\n");
} elsif ( m/^real / ) {
} elsif (!$nocopy) {
if ( $should_break ) {
} else {
my $content = join("",@lines);
return "$content</li></ol>\n";
my $Template = "";
my $PlotScriptFilename = "";
# Parse arguments...
while (scalar(@ARGV) and ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^[-+]/)) {
last if /^--$/; # Stop processing arguments on --
# List command line options here...
if (/^-nocheckout$/) { $NOCHECKOUT = 1; next; }
if (/^-noremove$/) { $NOREMOVE = 1; next; }
if (/^-nofeaturetests$/) { $NOFEATURES = 1; next; }
if (/^-noregressiontests$/){ $NOREGRESSIONS = 1; next; }
if (/^-notest$/) { $NOTEST = 1; $NORUNNINGTESTS = 1; next; }
if (/^-norunningtests$/) { $NORUNNINGTESTS = 1; next; }
if (/^-parallel$/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS -j2 -l3.0"; next; }
if (/^-release$/) { $MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1"; next; }
if (/^-pedantic$/) {
$MAKEOPTS = "$MAKEOPTS CompileOptimizeOpts='-O3 -DNDEBUG -finline-functions -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wno-deprecated -Wold-style-cast -Wabi -Woverloaded-virtual -ffor-scope'";
if (/^-enable-linscan$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " ENABLE_LINEARSCAN=1"; next; }
if (/^-disable-codegen$/){ $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_JIT=1 DISABLE_LLC=1";
$CONFIGUREARGS="--disable-jit --disable-llc_diffs";
next; }
if (/^-verbose$/) { $VERBOSE = 1; next; }
if (/^-debug$/) { $DEBUG = 1; next; }
if (/^-nice$/) { $NICE = "nice "; next; }
if (/^-gnuplotscript$/) { $PlotScriptFilename = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
if (/^-templatefile$/) { $Template = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; }
if (/^-noexternals$/) { $NOEXTERNALS = 1; next; }
print "Unknown option: $_ : ignoring!\n";
$CONFIGUREARGS .= " --with-llvmgccdir=" . $ENV{'LLVMGCCDIR'};
die "Must specify 0 or 3 options!" if (@ARGV != 0 and @ARGV != 3);
if (@ARGV == 3) {
$CVSRootDir = $ARGV[0];
$BuildDir = $ARGV[1];
$WebDir = $ARGV[2];
my $Prefix = "$WebDir/$DATE";
#define the file names we'll use
my $BuildLog = "$Prefix-Build-Log.txt";
my $CVSLog = "$Prefix-CVS-Log.txt";
my $FeatureTestsLog = "$Prefix-FeatureTests-Log.txt";
my $RegressionTestsLog = "$Prefix-RegressionTests-Log.txt";
my $OldenTestsLog = "$Prefix-Olden-tests.txt";
my $SingleSourceLog = "$Prefix-SingleSource-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
my $MultiSourceLog = "$Prefix-MultiSource-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
my $ExternalLog = "$Prefix-External-ProgramTest.txt.gz";
if ($VERBOSE) {
print "INITIALIZED\n";
print "CVS Root = $CVSRootDir\n";
print "BuildDir = $BuildDir\n";
print "WebDir = $WebDir\n";
print "Prefix = $Prefix\n";
print "CVSLog = $CVSLog\n";
print "BuildLog = $BuildLog\n";
# Create the CVS repository directory
if (-d $BuildDir) {
if (!$NOREMOVE) {
system "rm -rf $BuildDir";
} else {
die "CVS checkout directory $BuildDir already exists!";
mkdir $BuildDir or die "Could not create CVS checkout directory $BuildDir!";
ChangeDir( $BuildDir, "CVS checkout directory" );
# Check out the llvm tree, saving CVS messages to the cvs log...
$CVSOPT = "";
$CVSOPT = "-z3" if $CVSRootDir =~ /^:ext:/; # Use compression if going over ssh.
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "CHECKOUT STAGE\n"; }
system "(time -p $NICE cvs $CVSOPT -d $CVSRootDir co llvm) > $CVSLog 2>&1";
ChangeDir( "llvm" , "llvm source directory") ;
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "UPDATE STAGE\n"; }
system "$NICE cvs update -P -d >> $CVSLog 2>&1" ;
if ( $Template eq "" ) {
$Template = "$BuildDir/llvm/utils/NightlyTestTemplate.html";
die "Template file $Template is not readable" if ( ! -r "$Template" );
if ( $PlotScriptFilename eq "" ) {
$PlotScriptFilename = "$BuildDir/llvm/utils/NightlyTest.gnuplot";
die "GNUPlot Script $PlotScriptFilename is not readable" if ( ! -r "$PlotScriptFilename" );
# Read in the HTML template file...
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "READING TEMPLATE\n"; }
my $TemplateContents = ReadFile $Template;
# Get some static statistics about the current state of CVS
my $CVSCheckoutTime = GetRegex "([0-9.]+)", `grep '^real' $CVSLog`;
my $NumFilesInCVS = `egrep '^U' $CVSLog | wc -l` + 0;
my $NumDirsInCVS = `egrep '^cvs (checkout|server|update):' $CVSLog | wc -l` + 0;
$LOC = GetRegex "([0-9]+) +total", `wc -l \`utils/getsrcs.sh\` | grep total`;
# Build the entire tree, saving build messages to the build log
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "CONFIGURE STAGE\n"; }
system "(time -p $NICE ./configure $CONFIGUREARGS --enable-spec --with-objroot=.) > $BuildLog 2>&1";
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "BUILD STAGE\n"; }
# Build the entire tree, capturing the output into $BuildLog
system "(time -p $NICE gmake $MAKEOPTS) >> $BuildLog 2>&1";
# Get some statistics about the build...
my @Linked = split '\n', `grep Linking $BuildLog`;
my $NumExecutables = scalar(grep(/executable/, @Linked));
my $NumLibraries = scalar(grep(!/executable/, @Linked));
my $NumObjects = `grep '^Compiling' $BuildLog | wc -l` + 0;
my $ConfigTimeU = GetRegexNum "^user", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$BuildLog";
my $ConfigTimeS = GetRegexNum "^sys", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$BuildLog";
my $ConfigTime = $ConfigTimeU+$ConfigTimeS; # ConfigTime = User+System
my $ConfigWallTime = GetRegexNum "^real", 0,"([0-9.]+)","$BuildLog";
my $BuildTimeU = GetRegexNum "^user", 1, "([0-9.]+)", "$BuildLog";
my $BuildTimeS = GetRegexNum "^sys", 1, "([0-9.]+)", "$BuildLog";
my $BuildTime = $BuildTimeU+$BuildTimeS; # BuildTime = User+System
my $BuildWallTime = GetRegexNum "^real", 1, "([0-9.]+)","$BuildLog";
my $BuildError = "";
if (`grep '^gmake[^:]*: .*Error' $BuildLog | wc -l` + 0 ||
`grep '^gmake: \*\*\*.*Stop.' $BuildLog | wc -l`+0) {
$BuildError = "<h3><font color='red'>Build error: compilation " .
"<a href=\"$DATE-Build-Log.txt\">aborted</a></font></h3>";
if ($VERBOSE) { print "BUILD ERROR\n"; }
if ($BuildError) { $NOFEATURES = 1; $NOREGRESSIONS = 1; }
# Get results of feature tests.
my $FeatureTestResults; # String containing the results of the feature tests
my $FeatureTime; # System+CPU Time for feature tests
my $FeatureWallTime; # Wall Clock Time for feature tests
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "FEATURE TEST STAGE\n"; }
my $feature_output = "$FeatureTestsLog";
# Run the feature tests so we can summarize the results
system "(time -p gmake $MAKEOPTS -C test Feature.t) > $feature_output 2>&1";
# Extract test results
$FeatureTestResults = GetQMTestResults("$feature_output");
# Extract time of feature tests
my $FeatureTimeU = GetRegexNum "^user", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$feature_output";
my $FeatureTimeS = GetRegexNum "^sys", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$feature_output";
$FeatureTime = $FeatureTimeU+$FeatureTimeS; # FeatureTime = User+System
$FeatureWallTime = GetRegexNum "^real", 0,"([0-9.]+)","$feature_output";
# Run the regression tests so we can summarize the results
} else {
$FeatureTestResults = "Skipped by user choice.";
$FeatureTime = "0.0";
$FeatureWallTime = "0.0";
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "REGRESSION TEST STAGE\n"; }
my $regression_output = "$RegressionTestsLog";
# Run the regression tests so we can summarize the results
system "(time -p gmake $MAKEOPTS -C test Regression.t) > $regression_output 2>&1";
# Extract test results
$RegressionTestResults = GetQMTestResults("$regression_output");
# Extract time of regressions tests
my $RegressionTimeU = GetRegexNum "^user", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$regression_output";
my $RegressionTimeS = GetRegexNum "^sys", 0, "([0-9.]+)", "$regression_output";
$RegressionTime = $RegressionTimeU+$RegressionTimeS; # RegressionTime = User+System
$RegressionWallTime = GetRegexNum "^real", 0,"([0-9.]+)","$regression_output";
} else {
$RegressionTestResults = "Skipped by user choice.";
$RegressionTime = "0.0";
$RegressionWallTime = "0.0";
if ($DEBUG) {
print $FeatureTestResults;
print $RegressionTestResults;
# Get warnings from the build
my @Warn = split "\n", `egrep 'warning:|Entering dir' $BuildLog`;
my @Warnings;
my $CurDir = "";
foreach $Warning (@Warn) {
if ($Warning =~ m/Entering directory \`([^\`]+)\'/) {
$CurDir = $1; # Keep track of directory warning is in...
if ($CurDir =~ m#$BuildDir/llvm/(.*)#) { # Remove buildir prefix if included
$CurDir = $1;
} else {
push @Warnings, "$CurDir/$Warning"; # Add directory to warning...
my $WarningsFile = join "\n", @Warnings;
my $WarningsList = AddPreTag $WarningsFile;
$WarningsFile =~ s/:[0-9]+:/::/g;
# Emit the warnings file, so we can diff...
WriteFile "$WebDir/$DATE-Warnings.txt", $WarningsFile . "\n";
my ($WarningsAdded, $WarningsRemoved) = DiffFiles "-Warnings.txt";
# Output something to stdout if something has changed
print "ADDED WARNINGS:\n$WarningsAdded\n\n" if (length $WarningsAdded);
print "REMOVED WARNINGS:\n$WarningsRemoved\n\n" if (length $WarningsRemoved);
$WarningsAdded = AddPreTag $WarningsAdded;
$WarningsRemoved = AddPreTag $WarningsRemoved;
# Get some statistics about CVS commits over the current day...
@CVSHistory = split "\n", `cvs history -D '1 day ago' -a -xAMROCGUW`;
#print join "\n", @CVSHistory; print "\n";
# Extract some information from the CVS history... use a hash so no duplicate
# stuff is stored.
my (%AddedFiles, %ModifiedFiles, %RemovedFiles, %UsersCommitted, %UsersUpdated);
my $DateRE = '[-/:0-9 ]+\+[0-9]+';
# Loop over every record from the CVS history, filling in the hashes.
foreach $File (@CVSHistory) {
my ($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename);
if ($File =~ /([AMRUGC]) ($DateRE) ([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/) {
($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, "$6/$5");
} elsif ($File =~ /([W]) ($DateRE) ([^ ]+)/) {
($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename) = ($1, $2, $3, "", "");
} elsif ($File =~ /([O]) ($DateRE) ([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/) {
($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename) = ($1, $2, $3, "", "$4/");
} else {
print "UNMATCHABLE: $File\n";
# print "$File\nTy = $Type Date = '$Date' UID=$UID Rev=$Rev File = '$Filename'\n";
if ($Filename =~ /^llvm/) {
if ($Type eq 'M') { # Modified
$ModifiedFiles{$Filename} = 1;
$UsersCommitted{$UID} = 1;
} elsif ($Type eq 'A') { # Added
$AddedFiles{$Filename} = 1;
$UsersCommitted{$UID} = 1;
} elsif ($Type eq 'R') { # Removed
$RemovedFiles{$Filename} = 1;
$UsersCommitted{$UID} = 1;
} else {
$UsersUpdated{$UID} = 1;
my $UserCommitList = join "\n", keys %UsersCommitted;
my $UserUpdateList = join "\n", keys %UsersUpdated;
my $AddedFilesList = AddPreTag join "\n", sort keys %AddedFiles;
my $ModifiedFilesList = AddPreTag join "\n", sort keys %ModifiedFiles;
my $RemovedFilesList = AddPreTag join "\n", sort keys %RemovedFiles;
my $TestError = 1;
my $SingleSourceProgramsTable = "!";
my $MultiSourceProgramsTable = "!";
my $ExternalProgramsTable = "!";
sub TestDirectory {
my $SubDir = shift;
ChangeDir( "test/Programs/$SubDir", "Programs Test Subdirectory" );
my $ProgramTestLog = "$Prefix-$SubDir-ProgramTest.txt";
# Run the programs tests... creating a report.nightly.html file
if (!$NOTEST) {
system "gmake -k $MAKEOPTS $PROGTESTOPTS report.nightly.html "
. "TEST=nightly > $ProgramTestLog 2>&1";
} else {
system "gunzip ${ProgramTestLog}.gz";
my $ProgramsTable;
if (`grep '^gmake[^:]: .*Error' $ProgramTestLog | wc -l` + 0){
$TestError = 1;
$ProgramsTable = "<font color=white><h2>Error running tests!</h2></font>";
print "ERROR TESTING\n";
} elsif (`grep '^gmake[^:]: .*No rule to make target' $ProgramTestLog | wc -l` + 0) {
$TestError = 1;
$ProgramsTable =
"<font color=white><h2>Makefile error running tests!</h2></font>";
print "ERROR TESTING\n";
} else {
$TestError = 0;
$ProgramsTable = ReadFile "report.nightly.html";
# Create a list of the tests which were run...
system "egrep 'TEST-(PASS|FAIL)' < $ProgramTestLog "
. "| sort > $Prefix-$SubDir-Tests.txt";
# Compress the test output
system "gzip -f $ProgramTestLog";
ChangeDir( "../../..", "Programs Test Parent Directory" );
return $ProgramsTable;
# If we built the tree successfully, run the nightly programs tests...
if ($BuildError eq "") {
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
print "SingleSource TEST STAGE\n";
$SingleSourceProgramsTable = TestDirectory("SingleSource");
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
print "MultiSource TEST STAGE\n";
$MultiSourceProgramsTable = TestDirectory("MultiSource");
if ( ! $NOEXTERNALS ) {
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
print "External TEST STAGE\n";
$ExternalProgramsTable = TestDirectory("External");
system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Tests.txt $Prefix-MultiSource-Tests.txt ".
" $Prefix-External-Tests.txt | sort > $Prefix-Tests.txt";
} else {
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
print "External TEST STAGE SKIPPED\n";
system "cat $Prefix-SingleSource-Tests.txt $Prefix-MultiSource-Tests.txt ".
" | sort > $Prefix-Tests.txt";
my ($TestsAdded, $TestsRemoved, $TestsFixed, $TestsBroken) = ("","","","");
if ($TestError) {
$TestsAdded = "<b>error testing</b><br>";
$TestsRemoved = "<b>error testing</b><br>";
$TestsFixed = "<b>error testing</b><br>";
$TestsBroken = "<b>error testing</b><br>";
} else {
my ($RTestsAdded, $RTestsRemoved) = DiffFiles "-Tests.txt";
my @RawTestsAddedArray = split '\n', $RTestsAdded;
my @RawTestsRemovedArray = split '\n', $RTestsRemoved;
my %OldTests = map {GetRegex('TEST-....: (.+)', $_)=>$_}
my %NewTests = map {GetRegex('TEST-....: (.+)', $_)=>$_}
foreach $Test (keys %NewTests) {
if (!exists $OldTests{$Test}) { # TestAdded if in New but not old
$TestsAdded = "$TestsAdded$Test\n";
} else {
if ($OldTests{$Test} =~ /TEST-PASS/) { # Was the old one a pass?
$TestsBroken = "$TestsBroken$Test\n"; # New one must be a failure
} else {
$TestsFixed = "$TestsFixed$Test\n"; # No, new one is a pass.
foreach $Test (keys %OldTests) { # TestRemoved if in Old but not New
$TestsRemoved = "$TestsRemoved$Test\n" if (!exists $NewTests{$Test});
print "\nTESTS ADDED: \n\n$TestsAdded\n\n" if (length $TestsAdded);
print "\nTESTS REMOVED:\n\n$TestsRemoved\n\n" if (length $TestsRemoved);
print "\nTESTS FIXED: \n\n$TestsFixed\n\n" if (length $TestsFixed);
print "\nTESTS BROKEN: \n\n$TestsBroken\n\n" if (length $TestsBroken);
$TestsAdded = AddPreTag $TestsAdded;
$TestsRemoved = AddPreTag $TestsRemoved;
$TestsFixed = AddPreTag $TestsFixed;
$TestsBroken = AddPreTag $TestsBroken;
# If we built the tree successfully, runs of the Olden suite with
# LARGE_PROBLEM_SIZE on so that we can get some "running" statistics.
if ($BuildError eq "") {
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "OLDEN TEST SUITE STAGE\n"; }
my ($NATTime, $CBETime, $LLCTime, $JITTime, $OptTime, $BytecodeSize,
$MachCodeSize) = ("","","","","","","");
ChangeDir( "$BuildDir/llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Olden",
"Olden Test Directory");
# Clean out previous results...
system "$NICE gmake $MAKEOPTS clean > /dev/null 2>&1";
# Run the nightly test in this directory, with LARGE_PROBLEM_SIZE enabled!
system "gmake -k $MAKEOPTS $PROGTESTOPTS report.nightly.raw.out TEST=nightly " .
" LARGE_PROBLEM_SIZE=1 > /dev/null 2>&1";
system "cp report.nightly.raw.out $OldenTestsLog";
} else {
system "gunzip ${OldenTestsLog}.gz";
# Now we know we have $OldenTestsLog as the raw output file. Split
# it up into records and read the useful information.
my @Records = split />>> ========= /, ReadFile "$OldenTestsLog";
shift @Records; # Delete the first (garbage) record
# Loop over all of the records, summarizing them into rows for the running
# totals file.
my $WallTimeRE = "[A-Za-z0-9.: ]+\\(([0-9.]+) wall clock";
foreach $Rec (@Records) {
my $rNATTime = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-nat-time: real\s*([.0-9m]+)', $Rec;
my $rCBETime = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-cbe-time: real\s*([.0-9m]+)', $Rec;
my $rLLCTime = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-llc-time: real\s*([.0-9m]+)', $Rec;
my $rJITTime = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-jit-time: real\s*([.0-9m]+)', $Rec;
my $rOptTime = GetRegex "TEST-RESULT-compile: $WallTimeRE", $Rec;
my $rBytecodeSize = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-compile: *([0-9]+)', $Rec;
my $rMachCodeSize = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-jit-machcode: *([0-9]+).*bytes of machine code', $Rec;
$NATTime .= " " . FormatTime($rNATTime);
$CBETime .= " " . FormatTime($rCBETime);
$LLCTime .= " " . FormatTime($rLLCTime);
$JITTime .= " " . FormatTime($rJITTime);
$OptTime .= " $rOptTime";
$BytecodeSize .= " $rBytecodeSize";
$MachCodeSize .= " $rMachCodeSize";
# Now that we have all of the numbers we want, add them to the running totals
# files.
AddRecord($NATTime, "running_Olden_nat_time.txt");
AddRecord($CBETime, "running_Olden_cbe_time.txt");
AddRecord($LLCTime, "running_Olden_llc_time.txt");
AddRecord($JITTime, "running_Olden_jit_time.txt");
AddRecord($OptTime, "running_Olden_opt_time.txt");
AddRecord($BytecodeSize, "running_Olden_bytecode.txt");
AddRecord($MachCodeSize, "running_Olden_machcode.txt");
system "gzip -f $OldenTestsLog";
# Get a list of the previous days that we can link to...
my @PrevDays = map {s/.html//; $_} GetDir ".html";
if ((scalar @PrevDays) > 20) {
splice @PrevDays, 20; # Trim down list to something reasonable...
# Format list for sidebar
my $PrevDaysList = join "\n ", map { "<a href=\"$_.html\">$_</a><br>" } @PrevDays;
# Start outputing files into the web directory
ChangeDir( $WebDir, "Web Directory" );
# Add information to the files which accumulate information for graphs...
AddRecord($LOC, "running_loc.txt");
AddRecord($BuildTime, "running_build_time.txt");
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
# Rebuild the graphs now...
$GNUPLOT = "/usr/dcs/software/supported/bin/gnuplot";
$GNUPLOT = "gnuplot" if ! -x $GNUPLOT;
system ("$GNUPLOT", $PlotScriptFilename);
# Remove the cvs tree...
system ( "$NICE rm -rf $BuildDir") if (!$NOCHECKOUT and !$NOREMOVE);
# Print out information...
if ($VERBOSE) {
print "DateString: $DateString\n";
print "CVS Checkout: $CVSCheckoutTime seconds\n";
print "Files/Dirs/LOC in CVS: $NumFilesInCVS/$NumDirsInCVS/$LOC\n";
print "Build Time: $BuildTime seconds\n";
print "Feature Test Time: $FeatureTime seconds\n";
print "Regression Test Time: $RegressionTime seconds\n";
print "Libraries/Executables/Objects built: $NumLibraries/$NumExecutables/$NumObjects\n";
print "WARNINGS:\n $WarningsList\n";
print "Users committed: $UserCommitList\n";
print "Added Files: \n $AddedFilesList\n";
print "Modified Files: \n $ModifiedFilesList\n";
print "Removed Files: \n $RemovedFilesList\n";
print "Previous Days =\n $PrevDaysList\n";
# Output the files...
if ( $VERBOSE ) {
print "OUTPUT STAGE\n";
# Main HTML file...
my $Output;
my $TestFinishTime = gmtime;
my $TestPlatform = `uname -a`;
eval "\$Output = <<ENDOFFILE;$TemplateContents\nENDOFFILE\n";
WriteFile "$DATE.html", $Output;
system ( "ln -sf $DATE.html index.html" );
# Change the index.html symlink...
# vim: sw=2 ai